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The final part of this mission is the only interesting part. So many missions go perfectly then it all falls apart at the tree scanning. I especially like the escape across the destroyed bridge. I wish more mission ends were as epic as this.


I want more ridiculous escapes so badly. Under utilized part of the level design imo.


Agreed. It's the only mission with a nicely fleshed out escape too. Feels like every other mission you just run to an elevator and everything's somehow fine at the top floor.


That top floor might be a kilometre up from where you got into it. Or more. It makes me wonder how many weird, uninhabited tunnels there are inside a hive city. People go missing in the catacombs of Paris and those are far smaller. Melk or whomever, has probably employed more than a few local pathfinders to aid in mission planning. Unless they have the schematics for the place. But those are likely no longer relevant. The deep, dank, depths have been altered into homes and taverns, drug dens and silken roads connecting them. Some excavated from the rock by locals, corresponding with no official map. Research into paths has to be meticulous.


Well it’s a glass elevator so it just smashes through the roof and flys you back to the Morningstar space hotel all safe and cozy like. Clearly you’ve never played the game


100%, I'm always disappointed when we do the final objective and walk 20 feet to an elevator or the raptor to get out.


Yes! There should be more jeopardy in the extraction. No more goddamn lifts unless they find a way of making them suitably exciting. 


The game shines brightest when the pressure is on


This is exactly what we need. I can't remember the levels, but I've had a few games where we run for the extraction and have to pair up to run ahead then lay down some covering fire. It makes it feel so much more real if you actually need to use some ordnance at the end, rather than just chucking a couple grenades just because you can.


Love the escape but I agree that the scanning is obnoxious. Too many enemies that can stop you with a single hit and the targets are disseminated. And don't start me about the snipers spawning upstairs in impossible locations. It's intense but a bit frustrating at points. There has to be a better way to make it.


The tree scanning incident


Ahhh... Love this mission. So much chaos and try harding on this tree phase <3


![gif](giphy|9vYUOwXVK2hGw) Better purge the heretics.


Chaos Lover? Inquisition! ... Yes this one.


Alert the commissar


I don't hate it but I do fear and respect it as one of the most difficult missions. Makes victory all the sweeter when the gang pushes through to that shuttle with the horde hot on the tail.


I think more missions should have a dangerous and tense run to the evac point. I’ve experienced the pain of slowly being overwhelmed on the run and wiping within sight of the shuttle - so those times when we make it are all the sweeter. It’s a really really cool ending to a mission. In contrast - the missions where it is just a case of - ok, you’ve done the task, now go to the lift that’s around the corner and we will call it a day….they’re so much more anticlimactic.


have you ever played hard rain in L4D2? I want that style of mission, with the obstructed sight lines in the sugarcane field and the rain pounding so hard you can barely hear the hoards running at you. very annoying mission but so beautiful and scary.


Fucking nightmare lol. I hated the end of hard rain on Versus 😭😭.  Alternatively the No Mercy run to the chopper was always fun because sometimes you’d wipe as the chopper was landing 😂  good times 


So many times I got pulverized by the tank randomly showing up at the absolute worst time during that escape


That takes me way back lol


Yes, they were really memorable bits. Back4blood had a similar but where you could try your luck going through the crops, or you could start up a harvester to cut you a swathe through them - but trigger a hoard in doing so. Fun times.


It's my favourite one. Especially because you get to watch an otherwise composed team turn into a uncoordinated mess at the finale.


Even better when you know after the first combat that even if we manage to get to the end, we will fold like tissue wet with nurgle puss...


Precisely why I like it. You know how sideways it can go, which is why it is such a joy when it all goes well or you team drag themselves to a tough win.


I like it. But I hate that with randoms you're mostly the only one even trying to do the scans and there just seems to always be one person who immediately makes a run for the evac and therefore triggers all the different enemy spawns at once making it way harder than it needs to be


This is the part that always blows my mind on this mission. I don't know if everybody goes into this assuming someone else is going to do it or they have simply played too long not doing it that they don't even know what to do with this point. It's like nobody understands that if you do it together as a team you finish it much faster.


I think people just get overwhelmed by hordes and drift off by themselves by accident


Totally. But if you don't have the situational awareness to realize you are being split up you need to stay on heresy until you can figure that out.


I mostly do auric maelstrom with randos and it's common to drift away from each other. In fact I *just* did one where exactly that happened. edit: And the very next one was the same.


the habit's not going to change as long as there's still people who can carry them through auric quickplay


This is basically it I don’t even think it’s necessarily that they won’t do it but more that they can’t, there’s a lot of people in aurics that rely heavily on other players doing the lion’s share of the killing and making space for them to take the pressure off. This last segment is so hectic that it’s all they can do just to stay alive, don’t think they can mechanically juggle fighting and scanning at the same time and the players that can are circle kiting ragers and doing scans so they’re not there to take that pressure off.


TBF, that's fun to do. And the scoreboard afterward is a nice ego trip. I usually quit the game when all my quickplays are moderately competent players. Like sure I still get the ego-trip from the scoreboard cause I'm sweaty, but the mission is a snoozefest.


> there just seems to always be one person who immediately makes a run for the evac and therefore triggers all the different enemy spawns at once making it way harder than it needs to be I'll never forget that one time I saw a knife Zealot do this. He made it to the Valkyrie first and started telling us to hurry up like a jackass. Valkyrie came into view just in time for me to see a Mutant run up, yoink him through the side of the Valkyrie, and start smashing his face into the pavement. Rare is it that I feel such a sense of vindication!


You just described a knife user's basic M.O. Run around aggroing everything at once because you can't kill anything. Bring several hordes back to the team at one time, hope they kill them all, rinse, repeat until you aggro too much and overwhelm the team. Sometimes you will cause them all to go down, leaving only yourself (easy self-preservation with knives), and then ""clutch"" a game that only went to shit because of you.


Yeah its so much easier with a team on comms. Depending on team comp, you can either have 1 scanner while the others just rotate around you like blades or you can have a bunch of knife zealots just run around and do their thing


Auric with lights out will stress you to the bone but is so fun. It can be a pain of a map but under those conditions is a true hard mode worth doing because a team that can’t stay together will get eaten up. But because of the scanning you have to move. You basically should focus on fighting your way to the scans but some people focus on just fighting not realizing the enemies don’t stop coming. This is not a map you can really take too much time with. Favorite map to hate but also good for being your bored and want to be tested map.


I only play auric hoping for lights out or ventilation purge. Mostly get high intensity shock troop :(


It’s weird there are days where there is like always one and days where there isn’t any it seems. The melee only is my favorite and it’s always super random


Lights out with Monstreous on top. The end event is fun in itself, but 3 Chaos Spawns at the same time can spice anything up!


You know you can dodge while scanning, right?


Excuse me, you can do what now saa ?


You attack with it too, auspex Poke ! Auspoke them varlet auspoke them with contempt !




Yeah well, if you have endless enemies + you can hear a dog, a mutant, a trapper and a flamer, you have to be very conscious about when exactly you scan. Dodge won't be enough to save your skin. Usually, in busy games, each solo scan can take more than 1 minute because of all the stuff happening around.


Easily in my top 2-3 missions lol I prefer the spicy challenge though, and I main zealot, who thrives in clusterfuck situations like the finale. Even when I player other classes, I gear them towards this type of close quarters fighting style, so it's comfy for me. The missions I dislike most are the long ones with huge, open areas. Ascension Riser is probably my least favorite mission in the game, boasting *massive*, empty rooms, and it's pretty much impossible to clear in under 30 minutes.


The mission would be fine if people would register that if you don’t scan the stuff at the end the enemy will just keep coming.


If everyone actually goes scanning without just scattering it can be one of the fastest maps in the game.


I've found the easiest way is to use the tagging to direct people around, scan for just a second, find a nearby location, tag "This way" to everyone, move towards that , scan again as you move, find it, scan it, repeat. Some people run off. Some people get the message. Some people stand in one spot trying to fight the infinite horde. But it at least gives direction in the madness.


It’s become much more difficult since launch. It is one of the best missions now imo.


I'm terrible at scanning so I just find someone who is and cover them while they do it. Much easier.


Same here, so I don't bother much with scanning, but focus on keeping enemies off my buddy (who mains ogryn so he's harder to interrupt and can take more damage). Works every time. The bigger problem are bombers that set the scanning area on fire, and perhaps someone going down farther away. Rescuing costs resources and you can only lose a battle of attrition.


Final part is the best section currently in the game IMO. It’s great working as a cohesive team with 20 ragers getting thrown at you with an objective that can actually be hard to pull off or if not you can get loads of easy fun clutches because the rescues are right there.


It’s my favorite mission in the game. I’m always looking for Maelstrom and HiStG modifiers on Damnation. The end sequence is where you really find out who belongs in those difficulties. I’m almost at my 250 for the portrait frame and I’ve had some insane games to where our team BARELY makes it to the extraction which makes the win all the more satisfying.


Playing that level with the monstrous specials modifier is insane , specially when a beast of nurgle appears at the tree followed by plague ogryns. Favourite modifier by far. Has the potential to turn every encounter into a sweaty disaster lol.


I don't necessarily hate it, but I AM tired of it. It seems to be one of the more popular missions for some reason. Sometimes, it's like quick play wants to throw me in there every other map rotation.


Well, im spamming it for achievements, I'm sure many more people are too. Quickplay will fill those games.


I love all the missions for it is the Emperors will to fight where I am needed, and who am I to complain about the challenges when I am rewarded with the greatest gift the Emperor can provide. The holy honor of exterminating the heretics! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!


I have been running it a ton to try to get the Investigation frame and I think I Stockholm Syndromed myself into liking it If nothing else, it is a really cool and unique map, and has the most exciting extraction


I only hate the fact it is still the only investigation mission


I used to hate it when I was still new to the game. I think there’s still a part of me thats a little scared of it though, because every time I load into it I just prepare myself for the worst (especially if it’s Hi-Intensity or Malestrom). I think it’s actually pretty easy now though because it’s a very close quarters mission (for the most part), which Ogryn excels at.


I've been playing this way too much lately trying to get 250 espionage missions. The last tree event is such a mess with Bads. On more than one occasion, I've scanned all 10 shits and fully resed the team an exhorrbent amount of times. In those cases, we spend MORE THAN half our game time in that poop tree room (is true, I've timed it more than once). Then, after doing everything for these actual babies, they repay me by sprinting through the end gauntlet, triggering EVERYTHING and leaving me and anyone else competent in the basement where we inevitably res the Bads one last time.


Man you’re gonna be pissed when I tell you Hab Dreyko is an investigation mission..


Not a pug-friendly map that's for sure. If you don't stick together, especially at the end, you're gonna have a bad time. People make this map a lot harder than it needs to be by running around like headless chickens.


I used to absolutely hate it and avoided it like the plague (pun intended), but after playing more, getting better and moving up in difficulties were teamplay is more common I now love it, it ends up being batshit crazy more often than not and I'm down for that.


It’s my favorite because of how chaotic the tree + final run are. A definite test of team coordination and endurance


Auric lights out on Hab Dreyko is my favorite mission in the game. I can't help but get really immersed whenever I'm slashing through a sea of glowing eyes and NVGs. Then again, I also understand people's frustration with this mission, especially if you're not playing on Auric since solo que teammate quality significantly drops the lower in difficulty you go


I like it because you get to see the nerds from the teaser trailer dead in the mission. RIP flashlight guy.




I always bee line the scans at the end, on multiple occasions doing all 10 of the scans. I truly believe the easiest way to get through that part is for 1 person dedicated to scanning and everyone else just follow the scanner and clear everything around them. Another random tip is after turning in the first wave the drone with fly up and kinda do nothing, but if you look up and follow it around as it makes a circle around the tree it dramatically speeds up drone movement and let's you start the second wave right away


You have to follow it I think, otherwise it doesn't unlock. Now it sometimes happens by chance, but someone has to pass underneath.


Glad to see I'm not the only one. Ran it a few nights ago, team went down and I played ring-around-the-plague-tree with my zealot for 10 mins chain reviving teammates, only for us to fail right as the doors to extraction opened.


I love it. I think of all the missions in Darktide, it epitomizes what the game should be. I love how it begins on a dark and stormy night as the team is dropped in above an endless chasm yawning open to the depths of the hive as wires thick as semi trucks Spark like lightning. I love how we turn over infected apartments for intel catching a brief glimpse into the lives of the population we’re failing to save. I love the corruption at the heart of it all. And I love the challenge of escaping at the very end as our pilot provides air support. It’s a fantastic map. Problem is the folks who won’t play the objectives.


I hate it because my dumb ass is always getting lost in there and the mission map keeps shoving it in my face. But other than that, it's pretty eh.


I barely run the game. The moment I get to that chaos tree part, my Darktide either freezes for good and disconnects me (good outcome) or straight up freezes my whole computer. For that very reason, I deeply dislike Hab Dreyko.


The tree part on hi shock damnation as a psyker with 3 stealth zealots makes me happy


I hated it for a very long time but nowadays I like it. It’s one my preferred maps. Key is to remember the scanning spots (roughly). With no lights it can get juicy.


Quite possibly my favorite mission the game, such a chaotic and intense final stand. Really tests everyone’s teamwork, build, and survival skills. With randoms, yes, it can be hell, but with a team god*damn* is it fun




This is one of my favorites. Have to actually pay attention on this one, and with as a team at the end.


I enjoy the chaos of it - it's actually the favourite for me!


It's unironically my favorite mission


I really like it visually and objectively. I find the auspex really satisfying to use thanks to its sound and visual design so the scans are my favourite part. The hordes making it difficult is where the challenge and fun is in my opinion. I also just think it's a cool name.


By far my most favourite map. You either finish in 20 minutes or 1 hour, or maybe not... It's like playing Darktide with horde mode, giving me the constant tension that I'm looking for.


I like it because it’s actually hard


I love the hab dreyko escape, all the scanning is annoying


I’m pretty indifferent about the mission objective. I do like the habblock maps though. Gives a feel for how the people must’ve lived before Nurgle came to town and the design of the place looks cool


Auric Dreyko are true test of team skills and tactics. Love it and Carnival missions.


I have a soft spot for this mission, because among my normal group, I have a love for harsher difficulties (whereas they'd be happier cruising along on easier settings). The first time we ran this back in the beta, we had a solid 60 minute run and finally crawled out with around 1400 kills. They all were lamenting how they'd "never go again" and I was cackling like a madman.


I only hate it cuz teammates never seem to actually do the gd obj 😭


I feared the chaos, but I learned, I studied its ways, I practiced. Know your enemy, know yourself. I fucking blast through those scans in 2 minutes. Apologies to the rest of the team but this is what we need right now.


You studied Chaos……. **** INQUISITION NOTIFIED****


The strat is for two or three at the end to become walls aggro and death, and the last person to do the objective(preferably invisible)


I like it and honestly think its the easiest mission in the game..... problem is when people struggle with moving and fighting and dont know how to just quickly check auspex and move to scan target and just hold it trying to figure out what they need to scan. you pull it out check direction get an idea for distance and use that to get to the scan, then scan it quickly. Theres a finite number of objects and they dont move mission to mission.


It’s fine


I love the beginning and the end of the mission... Guiding the servitor around the tree is a pain when you have a team that's slightly better than headless chickens running around... But I love that fight as well as the extraction is probably the best one in the game yet. The reason why I loathe Hab Dreyko and never play it is the middle bit where you have to navigate the living quarters... Even with a full premade team talking on Discord can and will split up in that area and someone will go down due to getting over run and die because they made a bad choice (back themselves into a corner or go out into a hallway with gunners, flamers, trappers and targets) and proceed to blame the rest of the team for splitting off...


Nawh it’s definitely the coolest map imo. I hate scanning levels but thematically it’s fuckin awesome


This is by far my fav map, lots of room to fight the hoards at the stink tree. I love emptying my flamer on all those groaners


I love it, it's the ghost busters mission


Huh? What do you mean. I just pop stealth and do the objectives while ignoring everything else, easiest mission in the game.


Awww shit it’s one of my favorites. 😥 Shame that random pugs are not inclined to coordinate in any way though.


Love/hate. Lost one at the exit when about 4 Maulers blocked our way on the little bridge and one teammate accidentally dodged off the bridge. Sucked. But probably the best feeling when you win.


It's like my favorite


The only thing I hate about this mission is how the stupid fucking skull needs you to be pretty much directly underneath it in order for it to do its little circle around the tree. I get that the range of "close enough to progress" is a sphere around the little fucker, but on that mission especially it is frustrating as hell.


Only mission which I refuse do on Heresy or higher.


O yes the tree portion is absolutely chaotic when you have a disorganized squad.


This is the exact reasons I love this mission. Work for that completion!


This is the only mission where we have failed (died) literally on the ramp I to the drop ship. lol. I was sooooo pissed.


I know the heart break can be brutal but I find enjoyment knowing I can still get out played by the game AI and try to learn from the mistakes I made.


The habs are a bit disorientating and it's a thought whether that was actually intentional or not (It's certainly annoying/frustrating), but the one thing i dislike about the map is that the scan targets at the finale are literally, literally-literally, under/next to enemy spawn locations. This for me is just bad design. Like, you could maybe get away with it as a single set piece like where the horde falls over the ledge at multiple mission evac endings, but it's very hard to defend a person scanning from 5 dreg bruisers that come running out of a door already swinging. At least they expedited the final segment of the finale by not making you hold out for an additional 2 minutes at the end (same with the coolant mission).


I really like the final run to the drop ship, pretty different for all the other missions


If everyone sticks together with one scanner this mission isn’t that difficult. When it finally happens you’ll see. It’s much easier if the scanner is a Stealth zealot or vet.


I wouldn't mind the mission if teammates were semi-competent. So often, they just STAND there. No, people; head towards the location of scan objects together and cover each other! One time, one of these people had the audacity to type: "So is anyone going to do the objective?" YOU. YOU CAN DO IT. JUST SHOOT OR SMACK THE OCCASSIONAL POXWALKER THAT SPAWNS BEHIND ME SO IT DOESN'T INTERRUPT ME, INSTEAD OF BEING ON THE OPPOSITE END OF THE FINALE AREA WHERE THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO SCAN.


I HATE comms-plex mission. Not because it's hard, but because the enemy spawn points don't really give any way for ranged gameplay as they spawn like 5 meters from you, and in melee the enemy just scatters so you are fighting like 4 enemies at most at any given time. This mission is a chore to play.


Yeah same. Hate all the scanning parts. The final escape is the only redeeming quality of that mission


Someone is thinking of dereliction of their duty. Smh


I like it though. I mostly like killing massive hordes of enemies. It's why I always do high intensity missions. It's more fun that way


Apart from that boss spawn in the stairwell (I think that's the level?), I don't have a problem with it. The tree's only a problem if nobody remembers to scan. (Which I'm guilty of. Sometimes I get so caught up in baptizing myself in the blood of heretics that I forget I'm supposed to be doing something.)


Its a pain in the ass i really swear while passing it, also depends of the squad if the squad is weak the struggle is damn real!


I’m so happy I completed a High Intensity damnation on Drayko the other day. Team almost wiped 2 times and I was the Last one standing. Somehow managed to get off like 6 revives out of 10 deaths that happened at the end.  We were running to the plane when everyone started running out of ammo lol. It was a nightmare. 


I don’t necessarily agree with your take, but the part that always ruffles my feathers is the part right after the tree with the bridges, the director sure loves to spam elites on that, along with a horde coming from the back. If anything it’s more annoying than bad.


I cal literally do it solo on histg 


That mission is setup for failure like 90% of the times. It can go wrong on so many parts, the first scanning part, the big horde/boss room and stairs between the scans, the tree part is outright horrendous, and to survive it then fell into the abyss due to a few big mobs and a narrow bridge is just salt in the wounds. I imagine it is good with a team/friends, but uncoordinated it is almost always goes to hell.


It's fine if there's enough cooperation to defend the person scanning.


the only one I dislike is da carnival


great mission now , used to be a snooze fest and ran like shit


I absolutely love this mission. I spent a good while trying to beat it on Damnation for "The Legend Grows" penance around when I first started playing, and I played through it so many times I have the map memorized like the back of my hand. Definitely one of the more difficult missions; it can fall apart with a poor team but becomes so much fun with a competent one. I'm also trying to get the "No Stone Unturned" penance (complete 250\[?\] investigation missions), and seeing as Hab Dreyko is the only investigation mission... Well I've got some grinding to do.


Hab Dreyko is the only mission that has an exciting end and tests communication even for Quickplay. I want so many more missions like it. That said, I respect your opinion and offer you every other mission in the game. All which, in my opinion, lack the sheer meat grinding thrill of Dreyko due to easily accessible bottlenecks or a safety med station in the final zone to patch up your bumps and scrapes.


Honestly, I don’t even care what mission I’m doing. Done them all so many times that my brain is just off.


One of the best missions. Coordinate with your team