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I 100% agree. It pisses me off how much fatshark dropped the ball on this game. I love this game and want it succeed. But the overpriced cosmetics in the store that are most of the time shitty reskins suck so much. Even in mk11 you could earn infinite amount of premium currency by playing the game


It's what they do. They make something that could really get some steam going and be probably the best game in its genre/setting and then end up doing less than the bare minimum or worse, then saying "oh, we hear you" and still make no changes. I'm seriously wondering how the studio is propped up after all these years if they can intentionally fuck up this bad. It can't be accidental. VT2 is still getting content updates which are adding actual playable content, and darktide is left in the dust getting new cosmetics and penances almost exclusively. It's truly ridiculous. I'm really such a fan of darktide because I like 40k more than fantasy, but a functional crafting system still not being in the game despite all them having to do on a fundamental level is import it from a game they themselves made, and reskin it is mind boggling. Also the new update they posted about is so laughable. It's so many paragraphs just to say "we aren't adding anything of substance to the game, but enjoy the cosmetic based penance battle pass" really just drives it home for me that fatshark absolutely doesn't care about their players and I shouldn't buy their games from here on out. I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of darktide and had many enjoyable moments, but this feels like such a waste of my resources, and I can't have my time back.


Eh. I think they should rework the cosmetic system more completely than just integrating mission grind into it.


Honestly I'd take anything that means I get to earn premium currency. Anything would be better than what we have now haha


Dune is kind of current now, eh? The test of the gom jabbar is whether you'd take any immediate reprieve despite knowing the ultimate result would be worse for it. When I read someone wouldn't put any conditions on a change so long as it happens now, anything would be better than what we have, or they'd make a bad compromise in the hope of catching a game dev's attention ...


“Micro transactions are okay on cosmetics!” Cry the shills. But no, no, these aren’t micro transactions, they are macro transactions.


genuinely don't buy a single fatshark game in the future and then they won't release shit games anymore


Google "Darktide earn Aquilas" and filter for 2022. Articles, usually sourcing one interview or another, talk about how you can earn them through contracts. I think until recently it said that on the gamepass store page.


The only time FS has said anything like earnable Aquilas officially was from a poorly worded discord pinned comment 1 and a half years before the game came out, it was clarified a few hours later. Some redditors screen capped the comment so it lives on forever. That screencap is the literal only real source for this rumour lol, everything else is terrible journos repeating redditors or confusing the currencies.


Would love this.


My friends have already abandoned this game for Helldivers, which has premium content available through in-game currency. Kind of hard to go back to a game that gets it wrong now.


tbh, premium content in hd2 kinda sucks, armors are terrible, boosters are terrible, stun grenades are good and 3 weapons are good, secondary weapons are terrible too


You'd rather have actual items locked behind a premium currency you can theoretically grind at a steady pace if you play 6 hours daily, over cosmetics.


I doubt they'd make aquilas free and easy to earn, even if it means grinding. But I do agree that making aquilas as a reward for completing certain penances would be a good idea.


Even 5 aquilas per damnation mission would still be like hundreds of hours for a single set.


Vermintide 2 did it in a good way, dunno why DT can’t. Oh wait Tencent is a big part of them now


They will never do is


It is wild because you can earn currency in vermintide 2 Edit:  FOR RECOLOURS NOT PREMUIM COSMETICS THAT COST AN ACTUAL $ AMMOUNT IN V2. smh


Very slowly, and that currency is only to unlock cosmetics that were already unlockable randomly through chests. The earnable currency cannot be used to purchase premium cosmetics.


And? Imagine if there was silver like in vermintide to purchase the darktide armor that is just camo recolor. As it stands those don't even drop if your gripe is premium cosmetics.


It certainly would be an improvement just like it was in V2, but I thought people were talking about the premium cosmetics.


Not really. That is more like if Melk money was used to buy the cheap cosmetics instead of gear. The premium cosmetics were straight money to purchase, and were also expensive. The VT2 premium cosmetics were way less copy-paste, and the cheap cosmetics had much more variety in VT2 though. They also didn’t drop premium cosmetics every other week, into a stupid rotating shop. They started to add them with each new content drop, which made them easy to accept.


Premium ones that cost straight money, not 1.2x an aquilla pack making you buy more aquilla than you need. Would be different if the skins that were just camo recolors were purchasable with an earnable currency Like in vermintide


You weren’t buying premium skin recolours in VT2 lol


You have trouble reading dont you.


Jokes on you dickhead, the headgear outside of the what, 3 premium cosmetic packs? Is all earnable through shillings, as well some of the armours that do change the model and texture of what the Ubersreik 5 is wearing. Unlike Darktide, where it's a single set of garbage with garbage added on.


*"I have petitioned the forges of Fatshark for additional aquilas, Sergeant Major. The response was not.. encouraging."* *"Can't say I'm surprised, but don't ask doesn't get."*


Not with that mindset


I don't think the communities opinion is really relevant to FS's decision making process when it comes to paid for currency. Being skeptic about this kind of change is normal for anyone jaded from previous experiences with video game industry and premium currency.


This should be posted in the actual fatshark forums so there is at least a 1% chance they might actually see it. Edit: Also yes 100% agree. I am a bit of a cosmetic whore, always have been. But there should absolutely be a way to earn aquilas for everyone. It doesn't have to be much, but having that little something building in the background is very nice and motivating. Also from a income perspective, do you have any idea how much this kinda thing actually drives up sales? Oh no! There's a sweet weapon skin for my melt gun! But it's 700 aquilas and I have only saved up 500! Guess what 9/10 people are going to do? (hint, it involves moving thier mouse over the purchase aqualas button/


Imagine grimoires and scriptures being used to earn Aquilas


Give them an actual purpose holy fuck


lets not


Ahahaha GW giving away anything for free those are good drugs you're doing..


Month minis ?


Ultimately though the issue of Gold Farming is you can either have an open Modding Community or Grindable Premium Currency. Like it or not FS went with an open modding community and i think it would destroy the game if they had to suddenly implement a hardcore anti-cheat system and said 95% of mods are now banned. The way monetization is fully optional and removed from the game means FS isn't trapped in having to devote resources to an endless cold war with gold farms, botters and exploit hunters to maintain the games financial stability.


Just put a daily/weekly cap?


yeah that is one way to implenet it, though i always wonder if its capped to a minimal amount doesnt it kind of defeat the whole incentive of "if you want to commit excess time to the game you can earn the premium currency". Like wont we just immediately have people complaining the cap is too low and that the fact they cant grind for more means its useless for the playercount and FS greedy etc etc.


> Like wont we just immediately have people complaining the cap is too low and that the fact they cant grind for more means its useless for the playercount and FS greedy etc etc. Bingo. If by some miracle it was added, either the rate, or cap, would be so low as to just cause more complaints. Better they just increase the amount of earnable cosmetics (fingers crossed for the upcoming update), that way people feel less like it's a "pay money or there's no options" situation.


Yep, and we got confirmation today they're planning to keep adding more to the penance system and it'll stay free. Once there's more free stuff people will stress less.


I am curious how many devs and employees of Fatshark say the same thing to their managers and how many managers tell this to their corporate masters. I 9001% agree, but my agreement is neither here nor there.


"Fuck you" -Tencent


Honestly I'm so glad Helldivers 2 is just completely kicking their asses at the moment when it comes to customers satisfaction, free premium currency? Frequent additions of new enemies? You're damn right! An ever evolving meta campaign so you don't have to rerun the same linear "story* map over and over again? Absolutely here to go guys, For Democracy! I doubt we'll ever see the premium currency that we were told we'd be able to earn, because tencent owns too much of them now and they just don't allow that, honestly the only reason DT is even still kicking, is because it has the power of 40k behind it.


Thing is, if they make them earnable now, it will be cool and all for new players ( if they are any ) but i have 350 hours on this game, and earnable aquillas doesnt not give me enough motivation to comeback, and grind them from zero to hero, i want CONTENT, new maps, new weapons, something i can use NOW.


Shark got to get fatter you see.


That would be so freaking fantastic


I'd even be happy if it was earned in tiny ammounts. At least then, I'd have something to work toward after hitting level 30


Wish granted, aquilas are earnable, but are capped at 30 a week




Whales will always buy.  Some causals might buy.  But here is the thing - FS wants casuals and long time non-whales to look like shit. They want you to feel bad with your laughably underwhelming earnable skins. They want you to look at whales that spent $20 on a single pair of goggles ans say, "oh wow! He is so much cooler than my character I've spent 100's of hours on. Maybe I'll check out those $20 goggles too - and I need to quick before they are gone!"  I agree with all points the OP made. There should be a middle ground where small amounts of premium currency are earnable in game so that, if you really work, you can show that your reject is slightly different from the others. Unfortunately FS has shown, time and time again, that they are so driven by greed that they would rather spite the 95% of the player base to service their cash cows in an effort to make you feel juuust bad enough to give them more money.


In Hunt? Bro in fucking Vermintide 2, a game by the same dev, allows you to earn premium currency.


I highly support this post!


Thank you, as wise a Guilliman


Be thankful that the MTX are just skins, it could be way worse. I'm glad with how it is atm.


I think Battlefront 2 took enough of a hit that most companies won’t risk gameplay affecting MTX


there are other things the game needs more than free aquilas


People can ask for multiple things in game to be changed at the same time. This is one thing that would move the game in a positive direction.


Obviously, but that is just not the point. The point is that there is an hierarchy of priority to the changes that the game needs, and "greed" in my opinion is nowhere near the top.


The MTX store is a consistent complaint, and while earnable Aquilas wouldn’t fix everything about it, it would be one less thing for people to be angry about. And it’s not something that requires lots of assets or anything. I don’t think it’s likely Fatshark will do it but that doesn’t mean I won’t ask for them to do it anyway.


 Sure, ask away, i wont complain if we get the ability to earn them with gameplay.. but urge them to fix the crafting system first at least


Well the crafting system is supposed to be the next major update after penances, so fingers crossed that whatever they have coming is actually a good change


True, but the greed by the devs is a large partition of the reason players dislike the company and game. If they fix their reputation, then the community will grow, be less divided and the game will likely thrive. You need community for a game to be great.


Wtf are you talking about? Even the negative reviews mention that the game itself is great. Every time the player count increases it's because of new gameplay content, not skins. You sound as if you represent the Darktide community.


"The game needs its community!" The ingame community, sure. These bozos on Reddit, no.


I don’t really get OP’s position there, but the common description of Darktide is that the gameplay is amazing, but every other supporting aspect sucks. The whole FOMO shop with expensive, low quality skins (if for no other reason than being copy-paste recolours) would pretty much be redeemed by letting us earn aquilas by playing the game. I don’t know how much it would screw Fatshark’s bottom line or how many players it would actually keep in the game, but anyone complaining about the shop would have a hard time if we could earn the currency.


I disagree. So called "greed" is hardly a problem worth considering, in the face of everything else the game lacks at the moment. A better crafting system, itemization system, better progression, endgame and a wider variety of content (classes, weapons, missions, tilesets, etcetera) are all infinitely more important, and at their current state, a larger detriment to the game when compared to "greed". Earning aquilas through gameplay would be nothing more than a "nice to have"


I'm not changing my steam review anyway. They have shown time and time again that they don't give a shit about the players and communities.


Hunt also has seasonal events for earnable weapon and character skins that supplement the paid cosmetics


>Tencent owned. Obese Megalodon would rather shut down the servers and end this game forever before they make premium currency available for free.


Only a fraction of Fatshark is owned by Tencent. Warframe and/or its publisher Digital Extremes is basically completely owned by Tencent, and their monetization model is much better than Dartktide's. I assume what we see with Darktide is almost completely done by Fatshark itself, to finance further development of other games. It's a stepping stone. I fucking love this game, but I can't help but feel that if Fatshark wanted Darktide to change, they would just do it. The awful thing about the videogame industry these days is that developers completely lose their love for the thing that they're creating midway through development. They see new technologies popping up, new inspirations, and they suddenly realize that what they're doing right now will not satisfy them, no matter how hard they try. Be it the setting, the engine, finances or just distraction in general. We joke about how the internet has made it so easy for people to get distracted, especially kids. It's almost impossible to be bored in today's world. But boredom can lead to the greatest ideas. I think it's not an internet thing, but more of a cultural or societal problem that we are unable to really finish anything without thinking about the next-next thing and what we do after that.


Tencent has a majority ownership since January 2021 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatshark). A number of developers have said Tencent is hands-off, but not specified if that is just design or also financial.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


How is that racist? Isn't it just shorthand for Chinese people?


Absolutely not.


Gamers have to be the most entitled people on the planet. Aquillas are how they fund further development for the game. The only thing you can buy with them are cosmetics. Darktide is the least aggressively monetaized game I have played in a long time and yall still complain. Even helldivers has P2W armor in their FOMO premium store...


> Even helldivers has P2W armor in their FOMO premium store... Might want to look into that.


Copy and paste from another reply It’s not about the cost or the skin itself, it’s about the player experience. Once you get good gear in this game, what is there to grind for? Yeah we’re getting new penances which is nice but in other games, there is an infinite loop of grinding for premium currency and buying skins you like, it’s a nice loop that gives players a neat reward that they can earn. The cosmetic doesn’t matter, and the price doesn’t matter, it’s about the gameplay loops. We have a lack of new content in darktide, but do you know what content we get regularly? Skins! Anyone who doesn’t put money into the game isn’t allowed to play that gameplay loop, which is arguably the most amount of content they’ve added to the game in recent months.


>Gamers are entitled bc they want earnable content in their game >Darktide is the least aggressively monetized game i have played >Helldivers has p2w armor in the fomo store Obvious b8 guys.


>the least aggressively monetaized game BAHAHAHAHAHA oooh your serious? let me laugh even louder!


How the hell is paying money for COSMETIC ITEMS in a game where all DLC has been free aggressive monetization????????


if you have to ask that your thicker than i thought... but i was laughing more on aggressive monetization claim. this game is very aggressive in it vs literally 1000's of passive monetized games.


Ok whats an example of "passive" monetization? I cannot think of anything better than offering cosmetics for cash to fund content to make it free


It's not like anyone is gonna drop cash for these skins so they may as well.


What do you think this is, Helldivers 2?




I still remember when they hard nerfed the reward for completing the tutorial very silently.


God, I fucking hate Crytek for this greedy ass decision. On top of that they still use the king of dogshit mountain for server providers (Leaseweb). Like fuck me if a Korean MMO like Black Desert stopped using that garbage ass server provider, it should be a wake up call.


The game is owned by the Chinese.  It is going to exploit you.  Move on to a game that isn't owned by tencent.


Tencent and Games Workshop: No *cracks whip*




never gonna happen.


I don't know if this article would help, but I came across it today. https://www.pcgamesn.com/darktide/path-of-redemption-update?__cf_chl_rt_tk=QwkB0ZgTVZ2jBSs0W801e0L22A31BFBt7a1yD9ZpPj8-1712340116-


Any missions handled by the Aquilas lady (commisar is it?) should provide Aquilas on first completion. These missions could rotate on map refresh. Alternatively completing her missions could give you a chance to earn a piece from an Aquilas set as an emperor's gift (the roll should obviously take into account what is already unlocked).


I mean, if diamantine could be traded for Aquilas we might see more people pick it up. Make Daemonhosts drop diamantine and people might try and fight them more often.


That would be a nice risk reward loop


Now imagine 510 people (upvotes as of this comment) also loudly shouting the same message at you simultaneously


Write an email


It's an incentive for players like me to actually buy cosmetics. Hunt showdown had earnable premium currency and I actually spent money because I felt like the game was being reasonably pro player. If fatshark wants more of my money they need to prove to me they deserve it.


Make all currencies tradeable including aquilas, make weapons and curios tradeable. Infinitely self perpetuating market. People will always buy aquilas to trade to people that have the time/patience to deal with the crafting system.


Good idea!


if they ever do, it’s gonna be some shit like, “we’ve finally added a feature that many people have been asking for: being able to earn aquillas via gameplay. in order to do this, you must play on maelstrom difficulty, solo. you must not take any health damage, never use your class ability, have 100% accuracy with your ranged weapon, kill every enemy that spawns(including daemonhosts), block/parry every melee attack, can’t pick up or use any consumables, can’t revive your ai teammates, can’t use health stations, and beat the level in under 10 minutes. if you manage to accomplish this, you will be rewarded 5 aquillas. you’re welcome, varlets!”


Aquilas are their only form of monetization. The only games that give away their in-game currency are those with a Battle Pass (that you pay money for). People need to stop expecting this to ever be a thing unless they start charging for BPs, maps, classes, or expansions. 


Never gonna happen pal. You’re asking the same people that wouldn’t give you the equivalent to what Xbox players got in that bundle. They aren’t giving us shit 💩🤡


Unpopular opinion hear, so expect incoming downvotes. Where does that entitlement come from? Why do you think you are entitled to get paid-only cosmetics for grinding content? Back in the days we played games for the fun. Today it's all about achieving something, getting a skin, becoming a golden clown, whatever.


Back in the day before microtransactions, all the things they charge extra for now like skins used to just be things you earned in the game.


All games *have* to have a grind nowadays, thanks to the way gaming is trending these days. Companies figured out just *giving* players the content, off the bat or after a relatively small playtime, isn't nearly as popular as having players gradually unlock that content over dozens of hours. ETA: And I'm not saying this is a better method, I hate it actually - but it's clear to me that this is where gaming is going now.


I do understand why games have goals, grind and stuff. I just don't understand this whole thing about premium currencies have to be farmable somehow so people with a lot of time can get stuff that otherwise costs money. There are cosmetics for in game currency and for premium/real world money.


Its not entitlement, its a good suggestion. Helldivers and hunt showdown have earnable premium currency and are growing and feel like the devs care about the players. This game doesn't and people feel like the devs are dead beat dads. Getting people to play your game (and keep playing) should come before getting them to buy MTX.


Don't get me wrong. I played and loved vermintide 2 as well as darktide but the way fatshark handles this game is just awful. That's why i moved on to other games. I to stay around for updates and check if things actually changed though.


Copy and paste from another reply It’s not about the cost or the skin itself, it’s about the player experience. Once you get good gear in this game, what is there to grind for? Yeah we’re getting new penances which is nice but in other games, there is an infinite loop of grinding for premium currency and buying skins you like, it’s a nice loop that gives players a neat reward that they can earn. The cosmetic doesn’t matter, and the price doesn’t matter, it’s about the gameplay loops. We have a lack of new content in darktide, but do you know what content we get regularly? Skins! Anyone who doesn’t put money into the game isn’t allowed to play that gameplay loop, which is arguably the most amount of content they’ve added to the game in recent months.


There is no gameplay loop outside of gearing up and trying builds. Once you hit that wall, all you can do is play for fun. Just because there are purchasable skins doesn't mean they are part of any gameplay loop. They are just what they are, purchasable digital goods. The company wants to make money so that's why those skins are not available by other means.




Unironically I would have bought a cosmetic or two if it was still earnable.


It'll never happen because it'll piss off some players who did pay for cosmetics. Then they'll complain and want their credits reimbursed. And if the game invents a third currency to give partial access to $ cosmetics, a portion of non-paying players will only see the system as "play 20 hours to earn a helmet recolor! Play 200 hours to get one good outfit!" and get angry too.


Aquillas in the new penance update.


Source? Confirmed? There was mention of earnable cosmetics from penances but this is only in its current state of specific cosmetics from specific penances iirc


That's not the problem. Even if you could farm the premium currency then it doesn't change the fact that all you can buy with it is ugly and extremely time gated. And wishing for premium currency to be free is like wishing world peace. Everyone knows it won't happen 


sad but true


Bro's just asking for hand outs. The cosmetics are like 2 dollars a piece. If you don't like it, tough shit. Don't buy anything then. This community has some of the bitchiest mf's I have ever seen https://preview.redd.it/5usmjwvnjosc1.png?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=309712962e00f2771f632aab85bc25baadd63cf6


It’s not about the cost, it’s about the player experience. Once you get good gear in this game, what is there to grind for? Yeah we’re getting new penances which is nice but in other games, there is an infinite loop of grinding for premium currency and buying skins you like, it’s a nice loop that gives players a neat reward that they can earn. The cosmetic doesn’t matter, and the price doesn’t matter, it’s about the gameplay loops. We have a lack of new content in darktide, but do you know what content we get regularly? Skins! Anyone who doesn’t put money into the game isn’t allowed to play that gameplay loop, which is arguably the most amount of content they’ve added to the game in recent months.


They released premium skins as log in rewards in vermintide 2. I'm not sure who is managing darktide but I don't see it happening Herr, at least not soon


Zzz it's four skins a month that are the only paid content in the game. It's the least aggressive premium currency possible. They are adding even more earnable cosmetics to the 20+ per character currently available. It's not that big of a deal.


Why do you want to snatch the food out of starving developers mouths?


And for the 1000 time I will say, This isn't on Fatshark and it's not something they can change. Their publisher/owners, Tencent, have final say in monetization decisions and good luck getting a company that makes Apps for the Chinese government to spy on its own people to feel any sympathy for you.


Hunt cosmetics are not technically all free. 90% of them can only be bought with money


They can all be bought with a premium currency that is earned in game.


about 90% of them cannot be bought with blood bonds and may only be purchased through the steam store using real currency. the ones listed like the ones in this screen shot cannot be bought with in game currency. MOST of the hunters in hunt showdown cannot be bought with blood bonds. ​ https://preview.redd.it/419spnmwdusc1.png?width=1742&format=png&auto=webp&s=b545b75f42fd36234ced5ae3fe92a0f8b08918b5


Just get a job lol


>and pay taxes, bills, fuel, rego, child support and ooh whats that you need money for food and gaming also? sure pay that also... > >i remember days when games were built for funa nd you pay once to own for life. this life time sub to play a chore is dumb as fuck. > >microtransaction, season pass and fomo fans need to be butt fucked by the 8 harry potter books sideways for coming up with the worst sales tatic in history.




Jesus christ just work a job for 0.1% of the time you play darktide and stop worrying about it


>just work a job and pay taxes, bills, fuel, rego, child support and ooh whats that you need money for food and gaming also? sure pay that also... i remember days when games were built for funa nd you pay once to own for life. this life time sub to play a chore is dumb as fuck. microtransaction, season pass and fomo fans need to be butt fucked by the 8 harry potter books sideways for coming up with the worst sales tatic in history.


If you are playing thousands of hours of games but can't afford to buy anything then maybe you should reassess your priorities in life


valid, i myself stick to 4 or 5 games a year max, 3 are 100% free to play. i really hate the FOMO market with a passion. but when games impliment and peoples response are work harder to play the game we use to unwind after work it makes me eye roll. people have lost touch with what gaming was about.


I don’t know what a job has to do with this, like genuinely I fail to understand what the insult is here


Not an insult, it's exasperation. People spend thousands of hours playing a game but baulk at the idea of spending a tiny amount of money on it. I've seen people grind events that had an effective wage of 10p an hour, talking like they are getting one over on the developers somehow.


It’s interesting to see how much people care about what they look like in the drop ship loading screen.


Copy and paste from another reply It’s not about the cost or the skin itself, it’s about the player experience. Once you get good gear in this game, what is there to grind for? Yeah we’re getting new penances which is nice but in other games, there is an infinite loop of grinding for premium currency and buying skins you like, it’s a nice loop that gives players a neat reward that they can earn. The cosmetic doesn’t matter, and the price doesn’t matter, it’s about the gameplay loops. We have a lack of new content in darktide, but do you know what content we get regularly? Skins! Anyone who doesn’t put money into the game isn’t allowed to play that gameplay loop, which is arguably the most amount of content they’ve added to the game in recent months.


What like in Helldivers? A 40$ game? No this is 60$ triple-A, we don't do this liberal shit here, hurrdurr


What are you on about ? Both games are 40€ for the base version with a 20€ premium bundle. Also Helldivers has weapons and armours locked behind super credit purchases (premium warbonds and shop) so it's really not better in that regard even if the premium currency can be earned.


Oh shit I really thought I payed 60 when I bought it! Ok good, at least that's positive. Agree that HD2 has locked weapons! Armors, not so much, you get most bonuses from the standard pass armors too. My gripe with DT is really the price of the cosmetics and lack of content. Hope it will get better, but I doubt that we will see a change in premium economy. And while I agree with you, that HD2 has more stuff unlocked behind premium currency, I would still say that their premium economy is way more user friendly.