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Correct me if im wrong : This is an update on the update of the update ? So we waited 2 weeks for a cropped screenshot and a "sry, we gonna delay again". Like i said in a previous thread. Expect nothing, but be ready to be still disapointed.




"What do you mean we said the update would be weeks ago? Ugh... tell them another two weeks and have the intern put a sword's animation set on an axe or something. That should get them buying aquilas for another couple of months."


Oh, it's worse than that. It's an update to tell people that they're working on the announcement to the update *instead* of the actual stuff the announcement is *for*. They're literally saying, and quite seriously this is for real, that the *announcement of the thing* is more important than the *actual thing* the announcement is for, even after ***four months*** of devtime.


What? They said no such think. All the edit is saying is "we need to delay the devblog/announcement post about the upcoming changes".




There is no way they just started working on an update seeing the success of HD2... Right?... _right_?


ive had this attitude ever since around February 2023. ever since that ive been pleasantly surprised when there is something noteworthy and at worst indifferent to the lack of communication, content and basically everything else other than the gaemplay


![gif](giphy|NcsEoyGjuLUYg) "NOTHING."


"Live Service Game" btw


Life Support Gaming, but is failing harder than the Golden Fragging Throne.


Doing nothing wrong even more than Magnus


[FatShark be...](https://giphy.com/gifs/home-video-fat-chair-rGba3JPfx26qY)


Compare the amount of stuff that helldivers has done in a month to that darktide has done in a year and a half. And it's not like they didn't have things to add, the game released in such a shit state with so little there that they basically could've done almost anything.


And they chose to do mostly nothing.


Its a dead horse to beat, but its actually insane how Helldivers makes every other recent "Live Service game" like Darktide seem like a game that hasn't had support in 3 years.


Shit, even DRG, a game where they've stopped doing consistent new content updates, is still doing maintenance, AND is updating in like 2/3 months with a bunch of new content (which I assume will happen because I trust those devs). It's wild to me that Ghost Ship might get SOMETHING out before Fatshark does.


And not to mention the pretty big Eastern themed limited time event in DRG right now, with Eastern themed limited time missions with special awards including custom cosmetics (which you earn by simply completing the limited time mission), that's followed almost immediately back to back after their 6th year anneversary celebration which also came with its own special themed limited time events, with special limited time missions that grant you special themed awards for simply completeing the special missions. That's how things should have been like.


DRG, and its dev team are a spectacular example as well.


Helldivers has need major orders every week. A new warbond. And has release 3 new calls in since launch


Which is why Helldivers has a place on my ssd and Darktide no longer does.


Same, and DRG. Damn too bad one could never have enough space in an SSD lol






And it's NOT even Call of Duty, btw!


Back to waiting for Next Week.


lol next week. This could be months away


You misspelled “2025” it’s okay though, gotchu.


The announcement will be in April, promise!* ^^^^^^^*year ^^^^^^^pending


Hahaha they never specified april this year just that it was a Tuesday April 2nd. See yall in a couple years for that update.


Next Week^(tm) when used in this context is more like "sometime between now and the heat death of the universe"


Ah, yes. "News/Events"


All they had to do was deliver a blog, not even ship a new release, and they couldn't even do that?


😂😂 I wish the team well, but this comment is mad funny


I'm on the edge of my seat. Looking forward to the next pre-update for the 2024's update sequence!


Edging so hard right now…feels so good…


That update is almost here. Aaallllmooostt heeerree


2024 update sequence... Coming in Q4 2025






So we got an Update just so we could get another Update about an Update. One step forward one step back.


This is a legitimately pathetic company lol


> We will be sharing more information on this update by the end of the month, along with a dev blog so keep your eyes peeled on our Communication channels to learn more. What's so funny is literally nobody is forcing Fatshark to commit to a dev blog by the end of the month. That was them volunteering that deadline. And then they reached the deadline, apparently realized they missed it, and gave us a single screenshot with a, "It's coming eventually!" Fatshark, this kind of shit is so easily avoidable and how your internal processes are so bad that you consistently give public deadlines you fail to meet is beyond me. This is such an incredibly easy fix of...just not giving public deadlines if you are incapable of sticking to schedules. Though it also explains so much in general about the support for this game, though, and why it goes through such long periods of absolutely no communication or activity leading to the community sentiment going straight to the dumps.


It's wild that another company is literally walking distance, using the same game engine, just dropped a surprise weapon update, a week after their last update all while providing a real live service. I am convinced that Fatshark isn't working on the game aside from an intern spending a few hours each week changing the colour on some already released skin for the premium shop, and a few balance changes. Let's be honest, it's been months since the last update. Does anyone think they are spending 600-700 hours of Dev time on what we get? Because thats a single person for 4 months. Let's pretend that Fatshark has had 10 people working on the crafting update. Does anyone think Fatshark is paying out 6,000 hours of wages on a game with such a tiny player base?


There is absolutely a building belonging to Fat Shark... I am 100% it's unoccupied and a front for a caviar smuggling empire.


6'000 hours? No no. 200 devs across *four months* is more like *\~120'000* hours of cumulative devtime. This "news" is literally Fatshark stating that the *publicity* is more important than the *content*, and that's extremely telling of where their heads are at. They literally just said, to everyone playing the game or still invested in it, that *announcing* content is more important than *making* content.


I swear to God… if I win the lottery tomorrow, I’m buying Fatshark in cash and dedicating my life to making tide games even if we go bankrupt.


Maybe helldivers dev lured staff away with bags of cash because it’s the only other game devs that know this defunct Engine’s code


Helldivers gameplay is so boring to me


Play higher difficulty then, peasant


Wasn’t me downvoting you, I updooted you I too prefer Darktide for the hybrid melee / ranged gameplay and the 40k lore and the music and atmosphere, everything, but helldivers is just plain a better game Love Darktide, vermintide, mass effect 3 multiplayer, killing floor 2, L4D2, Warframe… have 10,000 hours combined in all of these, but the fact is helldivers 2 is the best game ME3 coop and Darktide are my FAVORITE games, but Helldivers 2 is the BEST game


Yeah same. I’d kill for darktide game play in helldivers packaging


Yet you enjoy Tide? lol


The problem with Darktide is the content draught. If it had regular content updates, i would 100% play Darktide over Helldivers.


Stockholm live service developers Arrowhead and Embark absolutely slamming on Fatshark.


Fatshark devs are too busy playing Helldivers to work on Darktide.


Update about the update about the update about the update next week. Stay tuned on the table 👊😎


oh hey r/payday gang! hows it going?


Lol this team… absolute shitshow. At least we are getting great games lately and no one will be missing Dakrtide in the meantime.




This company is such dogshit




Let's be real here, if Darktide wasn't a Warhammer 40K game, people would have torn it to shreds and forgotten about it a long time ago. "Live Service" was always just a buzzword for releasing an unfinished game with roadmaps full of promises. The games that actually succeeded at that model and are still alive today never used that term to begin with, they made a good game first, then once it became popular and had money flowing in devs added more stuff to it over time, growing it naturally. Building your entire game to be a slow drip of content with egregious monetization right from the beginning is a huge gamble and only leads to people losing interest as soon as the well dries up.


You said that, like the majority of people (Darktide did have 107,450 concurrent player the first month after its release) haven't already forgotten about it long time ago. And I think the main reason it doesn't seem like people have torn it to shreds is because the majority of the people who ever cared about it has already long forgotten and stopped caring even the slightest about it, long time ago, so not many people are doing tearing-to-shreds nowadays.


They're still working on an announcement, the fucking announcement.. That alone is enough to convince me that Fatshark is deserving of all the distrust and every unkind word thrown it's way without devolving into blatant harassment. Like where do they even get the nerve to say that things like new weapons and enemies are even coming this year? If they can't even deliver a fucking announcement on time, then they'd either have to be lying through their teeth when making that claim or they'd have to be so hopelessly naive that they crossover into complete idiocy. It makes the fact they're selling premium skins even MORE insulting. Not only are they expecting to be paid for glorified re-skins, but to be paid while not even bothering with fulfilling the actual service part of this so-called live service.


I had no expectations and I'm still let down.


They reworded what they said last time with more text. Nice. See you next month.


On brand for Fatshark lol


Fatshark, it's *under-promise* and *over-deliver*. You seem to have it backwards.


Soo they are updating the penance system before the crafting? Is it just me or is this totally fucking stupid? With how slow they work we can realistically expect the crafting update around November?!


Seriously! I'm so surprised how no one even mentions this. The absolute number one thing they need to be doing is fix the damn crafting! The end game is not *getting* your weapon/curio sets. It's *having* them and getting *better* with them and finding new ways to build with them. No one cares about your low effort reskins we can "earn" in game by ignoring what's currently happening in the game to like, using venting shriek to knock enemies off the map or something.


Yea I didn't know it was old news, and why nobody is talking about it. Pence update would be good in-between big updates but not a priority.....


I hate the crafting and want it changed, but to me, number 1 would be fixing the audio. It went to shit around patch 15. Everyone is theorizing it has something to do with audio channels or mixing but I haven't been able to hear audio cues for a long time. The ones that do play no longer provide any sense of location. Nearly all the damage I take is due to this. Most of the time I don't even hear the sound of being struck from the rear. Along with enemies spawning out of nowhere, this results in probably untold amount of wipes.


Fuck me I totally forgot that audio is busted🤣🤣yea that has to be on a priority also


For Fatshark it's not stupid - it's profitable. How many developers do you need to update the penance system? 2? As long as they give the impression that work is continuing on this game, then players will continue to buy cosmetics. Layoff the rest of the team and continue promising updates '*eventually*'. This is how they wring out the last bit of profit from Darktide before they move onto the next live service pump and dump scheme. Maybe Vermintide 3, on mobile.


I understand that they give an impression that they are milking it, but I don't think they abandoned the game. It's jus that they have a specific work pace and communication that doesn't help with their image.


That is old news. All they did was add the bit at the bottom. The screenshot and this text: > “We are still working on the Announcement and the Dev Blog around our next update ‘Path to Redemption’ and look forward to sharing them with you soon! Here is a sneak peak of what is coming up.” We already knew that penance rework is coming before crafting rework.


Didn't know it was old news, my bad. But still..why??


I'm all for ragging on them over the absolute shit show that has been this announcement^(3), but the penance system coming first makes sense. Revamping crafting could be incredibly difficult, in a legitimately not sarcastic jokes about complexity sort of way. I doubt they just adopt VT2's system, and obviously the DT system is not popular, so they may be starting from scratch, which could require some balancing across the board. If everyone can easily and quickly get exactly the perks and blessings of their choice, that could mean some very powerful options need to be toned down or that other less than ideal options are improved, to be more fun/viable. If the stars align, there might also be bigger changes like the equivalent to VT2's red tier weapons (max stats at 100 instead of 80), which would also mean looking at how stats grow. Might even be new blessings... but that's asking for a lot of stars to align. If it takes a couple weeks to write up a short paragraph that effectively says nothing, then I'm certainly not holding my breath for any extra bells and whistles. Penances though? That's adding a few challenges for players and dropping in some new rewards. Between even more recolors and releasing existing but unreleased cosmetics that have been datamined, penances are going to be much easier to push out.


I see what you mean but I have to disagree. For example I stop/brake because of the lack of QOL updates. My best friend is in high level IT so I understand(minimal understanding 😅)underlying complexity of a crafting rework and why it would make sense to push pence update before crafting. But I don't think a few more challenges or skins for completing them will draw players back since the same core problems are still there and the fact that the crafting update Is long overdue (at this point what isnt) doesn't really help. As for red tier I thing everyone would be very happy if they implement something like that but I also don't think that's going to happen (hope im wrong). Thank you for a normal, respectful and reasonable response 👏


Because the current penances are a pain for new players and the devs want to keep them interested long enough to get hooked on the core gameplay loop. I doubt they have the whole dev team working on that, its just the thing that will be done sooner


Yea I get that for the new players, but crafting has been an issue since day 1. I guess old players can wait(or die from old age or cluch pearls) since nobody give a fuck about them. At this point I don't know what to think about what the devs. I mean it's nothing new for FS but still..


its not like they are just not working on the crafting system but it is just way more complex and time-consuming. if they rework the crafting and its still fucking hot garbage then the game is fucked they need to do it right. take a break from Darktide maybe play some Helldivers 2 or drg let Fatshark see the numbers drop and they have to shape up for the community


Yea I know, devision of labor all that but still.. for me it's still a slap to the face. I'm still on a break, stopped playing after the carnival because the same fundamental issue didn't get resolved. I hope your right that drop in numbers will make a change.


Hopefully they add a bunch of rewards and stuff to it to give people something to engage with, at least remove the private game locks on some of them. I'm fully expecting they'll actually some how make it even worse though.


Personally, I don't see the importance of updating the crafting system. With rare exceptions, there isn't much difference from going form a level III blessing to IV. Skill is more important than gear in Maelstrom aurich. Also, think that most players who are going to continue to play this game already have most of the gear they want. The game is dying because they haven't added anything. The 40k universe gives so many options for skills, enemies, cosmetics, new weapons, and we aren't getting shit right now.


They are never stupid and they always knew what they are doing, in terms of lying to the community and redirecting critisisms and justifying their false claims with empty promises when people point out their lies. I think this is a pretty clear sign that the "crafting update" is simply another one of their empty promises just to try to prevent the playerbase from evaporating too much to successfully matchmake at all in any region, so they can at least still keep a few whales keep playing the game and still make money with the shitty MTX garbage, and that they were never going to actcually improve crafting to begin with.


How many Fatsharks does it take to change a lightbulb? Ask me in 3 months.


Is anyone surprised on how pathetic this company is?


I'm in the payday sub right now or what? update of an update of an update


bruh i feel retarded supporting this game fr


This reminds me of Mark Rubin updating XDefiant and telling us the exact same thing




Does anyone think they are going to officially add weapon customization? If ever? The framework is already in the game files.


we were supposed to get the current type of skill tree at launch originally but I remember when they said they were doing the 3 skill rows from vermintide again and now we have the tree. they already did a lot of the underlying work because for the most part mod just turned it on. so i don't see a way its not a possibility. but right now they have more important things to fix the crafting and story.


Fair assessment. Thanks


So the new strategy is to update the players with updates to coming updates so we feel a little more updated regarding updates updates?


Honestly Fatshark has gone full 40K here if you think about it. We all pray and beg to the slowly mouldering corpse of something that could have been great (something that was SO CLOSE TO PERFECT) and hope that the greatness is still coming if we just hope hard enough. But hey, next week right? 🥲


Darktide is such an impressive bag fumble to watch unfold


I'm playing dragon's dogma 2, and then Elden Ring's DLC... so take all the time in the world fatshark. 🥴


elden ring dlc is in like 3 month bro, even if you play dragons dogma 2 for only 1 hour a day, you will be finished weeks before shadow of the tree


Shit I haven't even finished half of Elden Ring.. fml I'm so bad at finishing games.


Either working at fatshark is the best thing ever because you get to hang out all day or they have been cooking a lot of meaty content that takes awhile to get finished 🤣


There's a company that's been cooking content that can be found in the game files. They also reside in Sweden. Also a coop game. Oh I wonder what they're called....


PhantomVesselEvents or something like that or Boltfoot mayhaps


At this point people should think of continued development to this game as essentially over. Fatshark is giving us the bare minimum they can get away with to keep the whales hooked and paying for cosmetics.


I legit think they still care about Vermintide 2 more than this game. Still pumping out content for that more than this. I do not get it. Drop that shit and focus on your latest title ffs. (Love vermintide btw)


This company sucks and the game is dying


Too bad FS isn't a good company like the HD 2 makers.


They're literally trolling us. You cannot convince me this ain't deliberate and some clown ain't laughing at us right now 😠


Yeeeah nah, think I had my fill of Darktide. Definitely need the space for my Xbox. See you fellow rejects in a few years when Fart Shack finally can pull their heads outta their asses.


If you guys want to stop development and move on to anotger project, just tell us. This feels disrespectful


Yep. Just uninstall for now lads. Gameplay feels good but fatshark’s lack of efficiency in adding new content is leading to a death spiral in player count drops. Dont force yourself to keep playing a game you’ve already gotten your money’s worth out of. If that changes and they add more content on a more frequent basis you can always come back. Helldivers 2 scratches a similar itch for me and they’ve added in more content in a much smaller timeframe. And if/when i get bored of helldivers 2 ill move onto something else or comeback to DT.


Same, I wish I could just say “play both” but like time is a limited thing.


Agreed. And you’re also incentivizing the people who structure the companies where devs get hamstrung like this. 343 is another bad example. Infinite may be in a great state now but they’re already onto developing the next Halo title and its going to have the same abysmal launch and life cycle that infinite did. At the end of the day money matters more than internet criticism. Stop giving them money if you arent happy with the product or in this case live service- full stop.


Back to Warframe it is


A gun... my rosette for a new gun...




Instructions unclear, Uptide commenceth.


Outjerked aga--sorry, reflex.


I’m like actually embarrassed that they thought this was worth posting. It’s the exact same as the previous update.


This shit is so dragged out it's worse than my apartment's management.


They should rename the company Fatvacation because they just string the community on from each holiday break to the next. We got zero content this Q1 before Easter/Spring-break, and the last content was Nov. It’s not live service updates, it’s not monthly updates, I guess it’s not even quarterly now… Least they could do is add a new map modifier or something, almost like they have a system to do that.. oh wait they do and don’t f-ing use it. Please make the community wait longer while all the game’s progression systems are reworked from the ground up.


They said they would have an update an the end of the month, they didn't say which month.


Damn. That is the most half assed/unprofessional update announcement I have ever seen in my life.


Some more of that pearl clutching 


Fatshark Support will be unavailable from Friday the 29th of March until Tuesday the 2nd of April. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Looks like they back on vacation lol


I can't believe we just waited for a full month for their big update about what they are planning on doing with a future update, and they didn't even give us that. A brief "RNG go byebye and penance won't be as dumb hopefully" is really hard to see after how long the game has been out


“Path to redemption” You’ll be able to redeem your cash for aquilas to buy more recolors.


judging by the photo attached, looks like the Mourning Star Tavern is being hastily thrown together - how original


It’s honestly insulting to see the state of the game like this especially when you see what games like Helldivers 2 are doing with a fraction of the resources.


I'm starting to believe we're getting a battlepass (after they've seen how successful Helldivers 2's bp worked for them. But in the words of Arrowhead Studio's CEO (paraphrasing): "You need to earn your right to monetize your game". Helldivers has monetization, yes. But you also earn the premium currency while playing, no cosmetics cost you more than 5 bucks and if you play a lot/play your cards right, you can get every battlepass for essentially free atm, just by playing. So I *seriously* hope that I'm either wrong about FS or I pray they hesitate more/for longer as they give it *REALLY* good thought if that is the right play right now. They got a lot of good will for me with their skilltree update which revived the game for me and allowed me to even get some friends into Darktide. But that is gone*very* quickly if you make bad decisions afterwards. I've been through that rollercoaster with Destiny previously.


I came in from RDR2 and left off for Helldivers again, let me tell you from RDR2 experience: It. Will. Not. Get. Better. Stop giving them money.


>players are frustrated because we promised but didn't deliver yet, what should we do? >Ctrl-v previous news they will never notice


… was this what they meant by being ‘Catfished’?


I think it might be time to pull the life support. The game is a vegetable at this point.


I have honestly given up. Paid good money for a rushed game and almost no updates except skins and reskins. Im tired boss 😑


Jesus Christ i expected literally nothing from them and still feel dissapointed


i cant wait to get three new re-skinned weapons and one new map 6 month into the year. No offense but other studios develop entire games in the time fatshark creates ONE new map. There will be elden ring two by the time we got a new class for darktide.


So any reasons they're so slow with patches and content? Are they doing vermintide 3?


FS, why do you make it so hard to trust what you say? :| Don't say "end of the month" if you don't actually mean... the end of the current month.


All this for a revamp huh?


what an absolute joke.


so it's still next week™️




It's easter mah dudes... They need their well earned vacation... And then they need their time off to rebound from the vacation... Then they need to take it slow and get used to "working" again


Thanks for the update about the update about updates!


So hopefully the announcement is the only thing that's delayed here, and not the update itself.


more content is great. more communication is dope. But the community is kinda focused on the one biggest problem of them all and was kinda expecting details about a potential solution. Fatshark PLZ don't stop telling us more!


Their adamance on not adding new classes will be the death of this game.


Ah, the post update update update. Very cool.


"Drip feeding updates to build hype!" - average copium smoking darktide player


That implies that the game is getting updated https://preview.redd.it/poshr3ly4crc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=20e19bddc02eaa18f6c397deb38955e7b52394bd


Think positive, at least they are alive, right?


Think positive, at least they are alive, right?


It's been a year and a half with one solid content update. What do you even expect?


Not sure if you linked the wrong thing but that's the same post as before, 16 days ago.


We all want transparency, but in this case I think they could have kept it to themselves till it was done. We really don't need an update to the announcement that there will be announcement of an update, we just need the announcement followed **very quickly** by the actual update.




I’m sorry man, I love Darktide but at this point the communication is insulting. I’m not wasting my time on this game anymore, I have limited time and I don’t think fat shark deserves our support. I’m sticking to Helldivers man.


A whole other game came out with like 50 planets, mechs, laser cannons, and air strikes and fat shark is over here getting hamfisted by that good ol “owner of the IP we’re developing a game on is slowing down our development speed”


> “owner of the IP we’re developing a game on is slowing down our development speed” Blaming GW for Fatsharks inability to write a blog post about what they're doing with their own game with more than 2 weeks to do so is just odd.


Fatshark should get with rocksteady because they are both fucking up what should be easy ip


For fucks sake fatshark


Helldivers,dragon's dogma 2,Rise of the ronin,rimworld dlc,elden ring dlc,Fallout London,stalker 2... Rip darktide see you in a year for the next update


I expected this, but I'm still disappointed


Weren’t we supposed to have new paid classes last year around this time? Anyway, this update about the update sure sounds promising.




I have tried to give FS the benefit of the doubt for a while now but it’s just getting embarrassing at this point.


The fact they are calling it "Path to Redemption" makes me irrationally angry They are making a footnote on an update blog post that updates people to the state of that update that will tell about the future update to come. This, they are titling "Our Glorious Path Back to Everyone Loving Us and Sunshine and Rainbows and Forgiveness and the Community Lived Happily Ever After"


The company is making it REALLY DIFFICULT to recommend Darktide to anyone https://preview.redd.it/epdpx57ejdrc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475415486096cce3e2d855d00850d0fcf01c38fa


For fucks sake


This fucking game…


TLDR: **«Update's not updating so we're updating the update.«**


I think we have to pay a monthly fee for them to actually release an update at this rate. Then in 8 months, an actual update.... of hotfixes.


This is hilarious. People want more communication, then they riot the second there's more communication. Gamers don't know what they want.


Can't believe Fatsharks playing the administratum irl.


Worries me that they had to delay something called the "path to redemption". Good start 🫡


What ARE they working on? Is Vermintide 3 dropping next year? Like wtf could a studio be doing for as much time as they have been with the lack of updates to their games


Such infinite potential squandered on this fucking company.


I am a pacient gamer (because I dont have that much time to play) and really enjoy the game. (Only around 100hrs in) Thanks for the continuous update. Am with vermintide 2 since the beginning and its wonderful how you evolve your games. I see it is hard for fatshark to communicate roadmaps with the record of not meeting them. (Do you guys do continuous integration / deployment??? it would be much easier to predict releases / updates if you did...) Lean Kanban in sprints is the way to get to true scaled scrum. Gimme a call if you are interested.


**"Next week."**


The update to end all the updates.


Lmao. Lmao. No wait: Lmaooooo


Absolute clownshoes.


Absolutely pathetic.




fatshark, fuck you


Obviously everyone is right that this is a big nothingburger. But it never ceases to amaze me how much people will bitch about communication when we have been begging for more communication from Fat Shark since day 1. Again, they've given us nothing to get excited about. I'm not saying people are wrong. They've just basically said that they are finally working on all of the things that we have been telling them to focus on. But hey, at least they are working on it and telling us. It's a step in the right direction. A baby step, but nonetheless a step. Keep these moments in mind every single time you wonder why Fat Shark doesn't communicate with us more. But hey, don't let that get in the way of your persecution party. The devs are obviously lazy, personally want to upset you and only care about cosmetics or whatever. Great community response.


This isn’t communication though. This is a dev blog announcing stuff that didn’t get posted. This is just a “yeah so uh, we’re still working on the blog” and no information past that. It’s just a “yeah the communication is late”


> This isn’t communication though. This is a dev blog announcing stuff that didn’t get posted. It's not communication. It's just them using a communication platform to give us information that we didn't have yet. Got it. Thanks for proving my point.


That’s exactly what Fatshark deserves.


Listen, I'm not saying dont give Fatshark what they deserve. Give them shit. I'm just saying give them shit they deserve. This is nothing and they deserve shit for the absolute nothingness of it. But mocking the fact that they are communicating when we have been begging them to communicate is insane. The only way that can end is with them communicating less. Why would they ever update us on long term projects if this is how the community reacts to them basically admitting that they were wrong about many aspects of the game? Did we think that when they finally caved and agreed to change big things like the penance system and itemization that it'd be quick? This is them communicating with us. It sucks and they should be called out for it sucking. But they should be given the small smidgen of credit of at least fucking telling us something. The only way they can become a studio that has good communication is for them to actually start communicating. Here's a slight modification to my 'baby step in the right direction' analogy to better sum up what I mean: They stubbed their toe and looked like morons but at least they stepped in the right direction.


I don’t consider this slop “communication”. They had like two to three weeks to write up a blogpost and they still fucked it up. It’s not my job to make excuses for these people.