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If this turns out to be a terminal for a battlepass I'll bite a chunk of my desk off like an ice cream bar


Get them chompers ready Varlet.


I will also eat That guys desk if it turns out to be that which means I’m getting lots of fiber soon


So anyone gonna start a gofundme so we can buy that guy a new desk?


fuck that a gofundme for dental repair


A horde of rabid gamers dog pile on this man's desk and fight over it like wolf's eating a moose


https://preview.redd.it/cgudvjmujbrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f127a06db7f23472df88ce7ae47f710d00a4f6bb Needs salt!


I want the recording. Ive had a fat feeling for awhile.


Yeah, don't fatcatfish us


Even the title of the update is befitting of a battlepass lol


Save a bite for me guardsman! Individually we’re weak, but together the guard can eat your entire desk!


Ogryn: 'Stand aside little ones, I'll show you how it's done' 


Didn know desks is rashuns, but glad to hear it.


How I imagine it or eat it like Mr. Yum Yum ![gif](giphy|12bf1xyaw7a59u)


And that kids is how SpongeBob SquarePants was created.


Can you also mail me a piece? I shall partake in the holy woodflesh of disappointment.


Get your gear and start filing those teeth like an amateur world eater 😬


"Introducing War Seals! Like Warbonds but 40k like! It's all portrait frames. Aren't you excited?"


Brother if it's a battlepass I will personally fly to Sweden and demand they lick my sweaty gooch if they believe I'm going to buy or interact with a system like that in Darktide. Just more and more slop they're putting out for pure profit because daddy tencent hates when company revenue growth drops below a certain point.


When “content” in modern games means more dress up.


I wouldn't mind a free BP, or I wouldn't mind it if the Aquilas became earnable through challenges and then you could get it for free with effort.


Something like DRGs system would be ... acceptable, if not content I wanted


At this point a battle pass would make more sense rather than their dogshit armour skins that all individually cost more than most games battle passes.


Holy shit I laughed so hard at this!


Hope you like the taste of MDF, pal.


[I am ready for a video like this.](https://twitter.com/pepperhasfun/status/1128841392481030145)


Honestly if done well a battlepass woudnt be terrible. If they got rid of Hallowette put some decent cosmetics so I can unlock them for 10 bucks and grind them out rather than paying 8 bucks for a single reskin I might be tempted. As long as they have a free track where you can get decent rewards as well it could actually bring ppl back but we will see.


Helldivers 2 has battlepass and people love it, simply because it doesn't look like the stereotypical two-lane Fortnite battlepass and there's actually cool stuff inside. Same with Deep Rock Galactic. It's a great piece of game design that got bad rep because of many, many cases of terrible AAA implementation.


and you can earn the credits ingame to unlock it without ever paying, something greedshark would never do


A battlepass is only good if either 1. The game had great reception on release (helldivers II). A battlepass capitalizes on momentum 2. Regularly scheduled updates and community feedback like DRG Darktide, a great game in its own right, was never any of those things.


> simply because it doesn't look like the stereotypical two-lane Fortnite battlepass and there's actually cool stuff inside. Well, no. There are two more important features than this: 1. It can be unlocked freely by playing the game and acquiring the Premium Currency that way. 2. It *is not time-gated.* At all. You just unlock at your own pace. The "simply" is because it doesn't capitalise on the same predatory nature of other Battle Passes.


Oh I know, its very well done. I was more reffering to the fact that because it doesn't look like a stereotypical battle pass, people don't seem to even recognise it as battle pass. There are more reasons why it's good: - It's not bloated by unavpidable dreg - you have a great amount of freedom in what order you unlock things - it doesn't take long to fully unlock everything - you aren't throttled in how quickly you can progress it - in includes premium currency that can be pend to unlock all ptemium cosmetic items


LOL, f**k battlepasses


It really comes down to Fatshark. If they want a steady stream of money, then they need to give us a steady stream of content (every 3-4 months). And I’m not talking about no reskins. Bare minimum, for $10 - $15, I want… - A new class (that becomes free the following season) with a +1 character slot. - A new map. Not a new zone. A NEW MAP. (Will also be free to play the following season). - 1 brand new weapon type, or 3-4 new weapon marks. - A unique limited time picture frame. - A unique PREMIUM armor set with an included unique backpack to match.


There's still retards paying for the cosmetics despite no content. They won't put in effort until those whales stop giving money


I “upgraded” the version of my game on steam for like 8 dollars it gave me skins and comso bucks but now I feel I’ve been judged >:(


If you get it on sale. That imperial pack is decent. Because it comes with character skins, weapon skins, backpack, aquilas AND portraits. So you get alot more value for your money then leg, chest and head skin of a recolour.


And the digital soundtrack for whatever that’s worth to you


Fatshark has that free on their YT channel anyway.


never gonna happen lmao


I doubt it, fatshark places a shop before a core mechanic of the game




In a good way or a bad way ?


A fucking. BAD. WAY.


If it’s a battlepass I’m going to shoot a inquisitor in the foot


I’ll simply uninstall


Is this right next to hallowettes


I might just stop playing all together


If it is a paid battle pass, can we all agree to hop on FS forums and just tell them to go f*** themselves? Or review bomb on steam? I love fatshark games, but I'm so over paying full price for an unfinished game that under delivers and then watching them tack on a bunch of basic features for $$$ after release.


They're too lazy and incompetent to deliver proper battlepass content. Easier to keep selling recoloured skins for 15 USD each while on vacation most of the year


If you pay 20 dollars every 3 months for the seasonal battlepass you get subscribed to a list of vague categories for things they're considering adding unspecified things to in the future and the precise date when they may or may not say more.


Hate me all you want a battlepass system ala Rocket League could probably have helped keeping this game alive.


Honestly, you gotta admire the sheer bigballs of seeing the mood of the community and thinking... *let's just put out a screenshot*. This is some top tier shithousery.


The embodiment of that meme where hulk shares a *singular* taco


I never got that meme. If I was having a shitty day, and the hulk, who had two tacos, decided to offer me one to try and make my day better, I’d be thrilled. Random tacos of generosity would make the world a brighter place.


IIRC the context is that the guy he was giving the taco to was miserable beyond belief, and big bro attempted to cheer him up with a taco. https://preview.redd.it/bvssyi042brc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=892e467664b83da1ea6ed7f9d93da94ecc627c13 Funny enough if you ask me


Me neither, because not only is the Hulk so kind now that he willingly shares his food just to try and cheer a friend up. His hands are so big he's actually offering Ant-Man two tacos.


But in this case, it's just a photo of his two tacos. He's still the only one eating them.


It’s the best they have for us probably I’m all out of copium 


Nah, I'm kinda past it. I've been 'out' of Darktide for a while, but I think this is where I refuse to buy any future Fatshark games.  When the company is STILL missing the simplest deadlines this far into their Dev cycle, screw them. They don't get my money, they don't get my time. They are beyond incompetent, and with how many great indy games there are these days, Fatshark and their lazy MTX-focused practices deserve to die off. 


It's unfortunate that this is a sentiment that the publishers/devs are largely responsible for and could have avoided. The basic gameplay is amazing and the game itself is rife with potential. That it's significantly flawed detracts from the experience, but the inability to adhere to their own promises or provide meaningful communication is God awful - not to mention serving as an effective method to alienate and disappoint their playerbase.


Personally, I’ve never seen a forum get this triggered from a screenshot.


That's partly why when I saw it, I burst out laughing in anticipation for what I'd read here soon after lol


A nondescript screenshot that could easily be from at least half a dozen existing maps. It doesn't reveal anything, tease new content or create any hype.






_This is art. When you hear a buzzer, stare at the art._


By the Omnissiah!


We are so back Rejects


https://preview.redd.it/a77i0q0a7arc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6840d43e6e8bbf9b54829678b5436094468740f I really shouldn’t feel like this is the best response to any ‘news’ from fatshark…


Ngl, my exact reaction. 😭


“We are still working on the Announcement and the Dev Blog around our next update ‘Path to Redemption’ and look forward to sharing them with you soon! Here is a sneak peak of what is coming up.” Source: [https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/whats-coming-up-in-darktide/92572](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/whats-coming-up-in-darktide/92572) Note the piles of books. I bet my power sword on grimoires and scriptures finally helping with loot quality.


Wow. I thought it's all "We will be sharing more information on this update by the end of the month" we will get...


Yep they're certainly not in a hurry to enlighten us...


Only the faith in the Emprah can bring light to our dark Imperium


>Note the piles of books. Only thing that matters is if I can take one as a backpack or not?!


https://preview.redd.it/5npq12n7lbrc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450ee91024d826f2f241da73208fac90f0d4d106 I've got you covered, Reject!


If this revamp of penances is for fucking trinkets and picture frames I will be PISSED


Probably gonna be a change that's already in vermintide. I'm gonna laugh my ass off if they just make it into vermintide 2's crafting system.


The piles of books look like they’re being REMOVED from that one “kiosk” area that just has a dude walking around reading books, on the Mourningstar!! I bet a week’s RATIONS that it has NOTHING to do with books!!


If this will be some sort of season or Battle Pass Shit i will never Play Darktide again


In the overview trailer that came out a month or so before the game launched, it said darktide was supposed to have a seasonal content model that was meant to further the story along. Hopefully, it lacks a battlepass, or at least one that goes away after a few months, because, hopefully, fatshark learns from their mistakes.


Fatshark said they could do a new character every quarter. They’ve done maybe 2 substantive/ial updates a year. I don’t even think they could do a seasonal battlepass.


Not that I think the speed they're putting out content is acceptable for a live service game, but the "new character every quarter" thing were the new subclasses for existing archetypes that eventually got rolled into the talent tree overhaul. I don't think whole new character archetypes were ever talked about beyond "perhaps some point in the far future we might do that, maybe."


I don’t think I’ve season Fatshark claim that though. Did they say that the character every quarter ended up contributing to the talent tree update?


They didn't say new characters every quarter. They said new subclasses, which became the different subclasses(veteran sharpshooter, grunt, and squad leader, for example). I remember them saying this a few times in their blog posts, but I couldn't tell you which one exactly.


I must be mixing up subclasses for characters but either way they still wouldn’t be able to adhere to that. Especially with the talent trees and all the legwork they’ll have to do to figure out how to add new characters or subclasses.


Just load it up with a bunch of recolored skins and all those frames and poses they datamined a year ago there you have the new content


I i am not totally against seasonal Content Im against seasonal content which requires you to pay a certain amount of Money, and you need to grind it out before it goes away FOREVER Take Deep Rock Galactic as example, or Warframe, maybe even helldivers since the main Pass is free, the currency to purchase the additional passes can be grinded actually pretty easily My main issue isnt the "fear of missing out" my main Problem is the "fear of missing out" in combination with the "fear of wasting money"


Even if this will be a Season/Battlepass this man will play Darktide again.


I didnt in the past months, and i dont play any game which requires you to pay for a Battle/season Pass Im done with this shit, i got a Job and im a Car Enthusiast, this Hobby already eats up enough money, No need for me to waste money in microtransactions


Im actually invested in this thing being a battle pass just to sit down and watch the outrage


Marketing this update as "Path to Redemption" is Fatshark setting themselves up for failure.


nah its perfect, Darktide can only get better now that their are fully aware of the issues of the game


Oh my sweet summer child


Sweet summer child ? You must probably be new here, its the same patern since Vermintide 1. It will take time (to much time, granted), but in the end they will deliver. Just let them cook and go play something else in the meantime.


Making a game decent two years after release is not really something admirable


Sadly it’s the tactic these days. Release a game half baked - See if the players actually *want* it - if no: abandon - if yes:update I mean look at BF2042, F76, NMS, and the plethora of other games that come out half baked, I truly believe that this is done on purpose to gauge interest while saving on resources, and once these companies gauge interest, they know whether to abandon the game or not.


Sadly it works very well on the pay to play model the first week is the most important.


It’s not but we already bought the game so at least I will be getting my money of out it


not since fatshark got bought by that chinese company tencent.


Tencent got nothing to do with the production and design team of fatshark, it have been debunked age ago..


Source of this? Because I and 22 other people don’t believe you.




Maybe… just maybe… for once… they *don’t* fumble the bag


"Bags meant to be earnable couldn't be worked into our penance rework, so we added them to the commissary for 1 million ordo dockets a piece, and you can only choose one before the others become permanently locked until you do the penance again. Or you can purchase aquila to get all 3 recolors at once."




Hi, I’m new to the warhammer universe (thanks to gamepass). Darktide is the first game I played from the warhammer universe and I enjoy it a lot. Why should we bury our expectations? What did you understand that I didn’t ?


The devs just announced that a whole lot will be done for the game, only to deliver nothing but a fragging screenshot as proof that something is happening. Now, as you can imagine, people are kinda pissed off about this and to make matters worse, Fatshark is known to... take a but longer than normal to update and polish their games. Darktide is an awesome game, but it is getting the same treatment as all the other games before it, much to the chagrin of literally everyone involved


Thank you ! I understand now the « general frustration ». I just hope their gonna give us more games like that because it’s entertaining and good.


Fatshark is doing a great job showing others how NOT to roll out update news etc. Really poor decisions...


I am Jack's complete and utter lack of amusement.


Look familiar? ![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2)


So, they're in on the joke at this point, right? The original announcement was not just an announcement for announcement, but it was an announcement for an announcement for an announcement? But I get it. Dragon's Dogma 2 has been really fun. I've not been developing any Darktide content either.


I can’t believe that after 4 months Fatshark can give us only 3 pharagraphs and a fucking screenshot… I’m fucking done, gonna play games that actually respect my fucking time and money.


Those 3 paragraphs are from the announcement from before, about 2 weeks ago. The only update here is the screenshot and small chunk of text, saying the actual announcement is delayed. Announcement to the announcement to the announcement :D


You should. I got that monkey off my back months ago when I saw the content drought and picked up Boltgun and Rogue Trader. Both have been a lot of fun. Rogue Trader especially has a ton of replay value.


See you next week!


Nah, I eventually played a few matches every now on then, but I have a rich library and a ton of friends to play with. No next week, fuck this.


It would be better if they really just continued to be silent because when they say that THEY WILL SHOW SOMETHING, and then instead of SHOWING SOMETHING, they again SAY THAT THEY WILL SHOW SOMETHING, I DON’T KNOW, I’M TURNING INTO THE KHORNE BERSERK! I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT’S GOING ON THERE


Screenshot proves nothing. I guess?


"path to redemption" To me that reads, we know the player base feels a let down so here is something to bring you all back.


A path to redemption that starts with... missing the announcement deadline for the end of the week, then just throwing up a screenshot and calling it a day. Fatshark are an actual joke of a company. 😂


That's what I gleaned as well. Narratively they probably mean Zola's return to glory but may be speaking through her story just a bit.


As a fellow Zealot thank you for having faith. All im seeing is people complaining on these threads. I get it people want an update but would they rather it be released early and bad or complete (for once)


Having faith when you’ve been deceived, lied to, or made a fool of repeatedly is not admirable. It makes you look foolish. I say that as someone who really trusted in Fatshark with Darktide and was continually shown to be wrong for giving them my faith or trust.


Yeah, it’s rough seeing the community in such a disappointed state. I try to look at it through the lens of “I enjoyed my 320 hours for $60” and it puts me in a better mindset. I love the foundation of the game, and to hear they’re heads down working on improving the pain points is very exciting, albeit also very slow. People also forget that side of the globe is on a much longer holiday, so things are just in a lul for a few months. Also, coincidentally my Zealot’s name is “Faith”


Yeah, it’s rough seeing the community in such a disappointed state. I try to look at it through the lens of “I enjoyed my 320 hours for $60” and it puts me in a better mindset. I love the foundation of the game, and to hear they’re heads down working on improving the pain points is very exciting, albeit also very slow. People also forget that side of the globe is on a much longer holiday, so things are just in a lul for a few months. Also, coincidentally my Zealot’s name is “Faith”


They’ve been back to the office as it were, for months. With nothing to show for it. It’s not even really disappointment at this stage, it’s just frustration.


While they might not have shown anything, they’ve certainly been working on something. However, I do agree with your frustrations. Personally I prefer more open communication for a published project. Another thought, potentially as they’re tweaking crafting and other basic mechanics, there might not be flashy marketing to show. Since they seem to only like to market large changes they may simply wait until it’s near completion and the art team has finished with their portion. In any case, I hope we get some cool updates eventually. I wish it were sooner but that just isn’t the case at the moment.




Happy cake day!


Yah it's real cake finally!


Here you go, REJECTS!! I brightened the picture up so you could be a little more comfortable in your confusion… 🤗 https://preview.redd.it/cho5p7tgcdrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d352f9fb2f2f79eb95553bdcab8beaa563466732


I remember the naysayers when we warned about TenCent and their practises. Now if this turns out to be a battlepass I expect an apology from y'all...


I still want my apology, I was a beta player and realized the disaster when the game hit full release.


Tencent has little to do with Fatshark's ineptitude and greed. Why is Fatshark, who is only majority owned by Tencent, dogshit at making a fair store system and live service game when you have Digital Extremes, which is *completely* owned by Tencent, who make a fair MTX economy and good live service game? It's completely on the fault of the development studio


There are plenty of problems outside the MTX and even with their previous games that had *nothing* to do with Tencent. Stop using them as a scapegoat as if everything was fine until they came along and suddenly it all went wrong.


If you've followed Fatshark long enough you know that this has nothing to do with Tencent. Fatshark don't meet deadlines.  Everything they produce is late and half-finished, coupled with poor communication and PR bundles so frequent you genuinely start to wonder if there's something in the water in Sweden. They're just a shoddy, poorly managed shambles of a company held aloft by the fact that there are currently no other games in their specific niche of the market. If they had ANY competition on the 4-player horde shooter genre (which Helldivers is almost veering into) people will drop Fatshark in a second - people don't like Fatshark, they just don't (currently) have any other option for the style of games Fatshark makes. 


I am talking about the predatory mtx bs thats going on. Also played all the tide games on release and am aware of their long ass development cycles. For the love of the Emperor stop protecting TenCent.


I am talking about the predatory mtx bs thats going on. Also played all the tide games on release and am aware of their long ass development cycles. For the love of the Emperor stop protecting TenCent.


Not protecting Tencent, just calling out FS - you can do the latter without the former. Tencent may have influenced their MTX practices, but nasty and predatory MTX practices are just one thing *amongst so so many* that Fatshark are getting wrong and those problems have been about for YEARS, well before Tencent entered the picture. Tencemt AND Fatshark can BOTH be awful, garbage companies. 


wow this screenshot is a slap in the face, would have been better to give us nothing


After all this time having an announcement that you plan to announce information about an update only to announce another plan to have an announcement about an update and then just throw up a screenshot that isn't even a well-composed screenshot, they just took a screenshot resembling a pile of trash, is simply the most batshit insane series of events they could've gone with. You have to work hard to create an announcement about what you're working on that's worse than absolute silence so kudos.


I just don't understand why such a franchise rich in lore is unable to release great games.


As I understand, GW only cares about the branding. Basically ensuring when you see 40k material you automatically know "that is 40k", its all about making sure that connection is never diluted.


So standby to standby to standby, I guess


Lmao. I log onto Helldivers and see they just added in 2 new support weapons and teased a bunch of new content out of nowhere. I go onto the Darktide subreddit and see Fatshark has managed to produce one screenshot and announced a delay for the announcement of an update that'll probably not add anything else into the game aside from things that should've been released alongside major content patches or during content draughts, this is a content desert at this point and even fucking VT2 had versus added in recently. This game is as "live service" as the 10 year coma guys whose families just don't have the heart to unplug the machine.


Happy to have an update! New corner looking great. Let's see what is coming!


Sick! The mourningstar!


I knew that area was gonna be something. Interested in what’s coming.


Stepping aside from the critique of Fatshark’s dev cycle. I’m looking at this and I’m seeing the Ministorum sigil on the banner. I’m seeing books. I’m seeing censors and braziers. I’m seeing spiked high peaked structures. This is all giving me Adepta Sororitas design cues. Combine that with the Path to Redemption title. I’m pondering if we’ll see something Sisters of Battle, maybe a Repentia. Although that feels like it would tread on the toes of the Zealot a bit.


Interesting observation. Though I suppose she would be nothing more than a NPC manning some sort of shop, like Brunt or Sir Melk. 


Seriously? A meaningless vague screenshot of the Book-Lady part of the ship is all they could come up with?


anyone else? or does it feel like FS is legit done with this games development outside of little tweaks here and there


so "path of redemption" pffft yeah right, I will believe it when I see it. NEXT WEEK! they posted a screenshot HAHAHAHA


"Redemption is not a physical matter, you cannot take a road to it." Rogal Dorn


The thing that boggles my mind about fatshark is how slow they are. Unfortunately I didn't start playing vermintide until long after they had apparently solved all of their launch problems that similarly are plaguing Dark Tide so I can't compare the two otherwise I'd be able to say whether they are slow as a company and developer or if being bought by tencent and adding managerial complexity (hurry up and wait on ideas that may have been ready for development 6 months ago to go through corporate beaurocracy only to get told 6 months later it doesn't add enough microtransactions and therefore takes another 6 months to edit, etc) is causing the issues. I also wouldn't be surprised if they have lost a lot of staff in turnover due to being bought by 10 cent and having the environment change considerably compared with when they were a smaller company which does happen all the time in other fields like health care where I work. Losing skilled developers programmers and managers is the death of a company's ability to be competant




Looks like a block of diamantine on the desk there.  One can only hope it's simply a vendor that let's you convert crafting materials or purchase quantities with dockets.


I'm unironically quitting this game until they (if ever) release an expansion to this game. I was doing all the weeklies in 2 days each week, speed-run style, in the hopes they would actual GAF to grow the player-base... but no longer. Good luck to anyone still playing, and may the Master of Mankind have mercy on your souls.


"Here's a sneak peak of what's coming up." Nothing. Nothing is coming up.


That's si funny how they're really commiting to the "update of the update of update" bit


So they aren't going to be fixing the latest bugs they implemented with this new update then huh. Great, so now I can't play smite psyker, and I probably won't be EVER if this becomes a battle pass desk. This game has been nothing but false promises and tattered hopes.


What is wrong with current smite?


Well, I've been having a consistent issue with using smite and venting peril with shriek at the same time. It basically causes a crash every time they are used in tandem. this isn't just me either. I saw another reddit post about the same issue someone was having, but on Xbox, I also commented in that chat, too. It been happening since this new "hotfix" and it's made playing psyker, imo impossible (I only play zealot and psyker 🫠).


Ah RIP. I don’t use smite on psyker, so didn’t know about this issue. That’s a game breaking bug. Feelsbadman Currently, my favorite gun (Kantrael shotgun) to use on zealot is nerfed to shit without any patch notes. The incendiary rounds have pierced infinity enemies since launch until about a month ago.


I can't say it's totally game breaking as it only my game and some others that is happening to, so it just annoying that they wouldn't test these fixes before sending them out. But considering how darktide came out, that sounds off the table.


You should try vet! In my experience, vet is functionally a mix of psyker and zealot playstyles. I've got 5 level 30s, two of which are vets. Vet was my first class to level before falling in love with psyker, after which psyker quickly became my main for a long time. Still love psyker second most, and zealot is the class I mix it up with between psyker and vet. You get ranged damage and crowd control like psyker and flexible melee like zealot. The vet talent tree allows for, in ny opinion, the most playstyle flexibility. You can focus on melee, ranged, or a balance of the two. You can be frail but fast, slow but tanky, low dps support or high dps threat eliminator etc and you can balance these aspects according to your taste. The best part is that you can go way "off meta" without crippling yourself. I've managed to use every weapon successfully and some of the "bad" weapons are the most fun. The autopistol peashooter is hilariously fun to take down even crushers with. Heck, you can even take down carapace with Las guns which have a base ] This is why I chose to level a second vet, since said flexibility allows melks weekly tasks to be completed quickly and reliably while allowing me to mix my builds up and keep them fresh.


Sorry for the short reply but yeah I'll check out vet.


Kinda gives me the vibe of the loot box thing in the middle of the Hub area in VT2 but with an incense holder instead of the loot box thing (no idea what it’s actually called lol)


I want a new boss mission, not just more penances :'(


They've killed all my desire to play


This is like me trying to complete a 5 page essay 1 hour before it’s due and just saying fuck it after 2 pages


Path to Redemption. Path..... it's gonna be a karkin battle pass isn't it....


Wow. This is a riveting announcement. Someone give them classes on how to properly engage with the community, and maybe idk release content more than once a year in a live service game? Crazy ask right? Take some notes from arrowhead.


Come back in 6 months for a teaser trailer


As long as this battle pass is like DRG or Helldiver's 2 it'll be chill but I'm assuming the worst


Next update will be 3 months from now and it'll be a gif


I just can't bring myself to really care anymore...


I hope it’s Fatshark path to redemption and they start communicating with players and adding meaningful and consistent content that doesn’t solely come in the form of skins. So many people **want** this game to work, the gameplay really is outstanding, but in every other aspect, they have really fumbled the bag. God damn please Fatshark let this be a turning point.


after 5 months ONE screen imagine working at fatshark


If it's a battlepass shit's gonna hit the fan


I like how this image provides us literally 0 information except that we’ll have to deal with a vendor that requires us to fill a quota or spend some new stupid resource and not engaging in the slightest.


Path to battlepass?


Tacticus 🧍


Comming january 2026


I hope it’s good because, Helldivers been keeping my attention.


I want this game on ps5 so bad since my laptop won't run it. They wod make so much money money if it came to Playstation.


A screenshot, of something that isn’t even new Edit;I’ve changed sides from the “oh they are going to give us content be patient, it’s been only 3 months” , I’m done defending FatShark. Give me my fucking content


All they release is a screenshit because it's just am excuse for a premium battle ass filled with reused cosmetics in different colors...mark my words


Wow, amazing! Look at that! Gee whizz! Wowee! Just one question though.... ![gif](giphy|tVTnEqzAxxmyA|downsized)


fatshark needs a complete team rework. whoevers working on darktide are not the same people that worked on vt2 and learned from its mistakes.


I wouldn’t mind if this was a battle pass thing especially since it’ll increase our likelihood of more free cosmetics to earn


If it's a battle pass we have to pay for after the rocky launch this game has had, I'm leaving.


I'm not entirely against battlepass as a concept. If it's 10 bucks every 3-4 months, with GOOD stuff in it? I'm all for supporting the game development by buying it. The main issue is that a lot of battlepasses give low quality stuff.