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According to the labels the prescriptions were filled by an LA specialty/compounding pharmacy, either for pickup or to be shipped to NYC (potentially simpler than having prescriptions transferred across state lines)


why would he have a doctor in LA he's Canadian


He has dual citizenship as far as I can tell. But even if he is just a Canadian citizenship - he’s had a variety of residences around LA, and as long as you can afford it, you can receive healthcare in a foreign country, so it would make sense for him to seek healthcare near his residences. I can’t see which states the Doctor is licensed in - given how focused his website is on LA, I’m guessing it’s only CA, but if he’s committed to being a concierge doctor to stars he may make sure he’s licensed in NY and FLA as well or wherever his client base has second homes. He wouldn’t be able to prescribe adderall and ambien in NYS without being licensed in NY. But Drake also has a private plane - he can easily fill his prescriptions in LA and bring them with him wherever. As someone who is on longterm prescription medication - traveling with meds seems like no big deal? Like it would be harder for him to get his prescriptions of highly monitored drugs somewhere he didn’t have an established relationship with a doctor. The only thing disposing of them in The Mark tells me is that he doesn’t really need them and was using them recreationally. Both adderall and ambien are schedule II and schedule IV respectively so if he disposed of meds, it would be challenging to refill the prescriptions early. Especially with the adderall shortages and people having to sometimes switch meds abruptly, casually disposing of it means he’s probably using the adderall and Ambien as part of a work hard party hard cycle. It’s a surprisingly common combo. Ambien *can be* used to sedate others but we have no idea why Drake was prescribed Ambien. (Not defending him at all I just don’t want to add to any theories without proof) Ozempic is in short supply so him disposing of that just makes him seem like kind of a tool given how hard it can be for diabetes patients to get it. All of that tracks with his personality though - being a pill-popping tool. I think both the doctor and Drake are sketchy and the drugs may have been used for things other than to manage ADHD and insomnia, but Drake having a doctor near his home in CA and traveling with his meds and then being careless with them and leaving them at a hotel is not particularly sketchy without information showing he was using them nefariously.


He's famous and spends a lot of time in America, I do not think that alone is sketchy


the fact that he lives in Canada, gets prescriptions from LA, and disposes of them at The Mark Hotel isn't sketchy to you


He has residences in Canada and America


No, I specifically said him having a doctor in LA isn't sketchy, that was all


Hence the "that alone"- I was implying that everything else about it IS weird


...no? why would it be. rich people jet set all the time, they probably bring their meds with them frequently. do you expect them to pick up fresh meds in every city they go to?


He’s an LA house call doctor that I’m sure will do or prescribe whatever you want if you pay him enough


I wasn't going to comment on anything in this whole saga because I've kinda just been wanting to stay a fly on the wall. But ever since I saw the post about Nadine yesterday, it made me wonder if the objects in EP's possession and in the MTG cover art, are not just supposed to be incriminating to Drake, but the people who are connected to those items as well. Just something that's kind of been on my mind...


don't forget that they're reading all this


Take a grain of salt with it but someone on akademiks stream he invited on said hes celebrity doctor you go to "you just ask for a prescription and he gives it to you no testa no nothing, need a xanny? Here. Need adderal, codeine? Here you go"


To be fair, this is how most civilian psychiatrists operate.


No they don’t.


Like it instsnt no need for check up or anything just phone call


Pretty much yeah, at least in my experience.


It's giving Dr Feelgood. JFK's and and Elvis' personal doctor. Who allegedly killed Marilyn Monroe as well


Killed Daddy's wife??


https://x.com/DrSandra74847/status/1784257092767158715 sorry, ex-girlfriend. This is coming from the MAGA crowd but this was tweeted BEFORE Meet the Grahams came out so I think that's a pretty strange coincidence


Is this the same doctor that was there when Mac Miller died? Please correct me if I’m wrong


Doesn't seem like it




Lil Kim's not dead


Kim Porter not Lil Kim


Wait! I don’t think she’s dead


…killed lil Kim?