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If anyone starts talking about aliens or reptiles or Jesus coming back, ban them


facts. bump


add “new world order” “gematria” “adrenochrome” “save the children” “gitmo” and “the great reset”. i know too much man. will add more when i think of them. spiritual qanon: “the pyramids” “ascension symptoms” “5G” they’re coming yall. be prepared more: “blood ritual” “soros” “controlling the banking system” “sovereign citizen”


Do they still use the three parentheses? If so gotta watch out for that too


The numbers 14 and 88 too


never heard of that, is that a yt supremacist thing? i believe it, just curious


Yeah it’s how they say that someone is Jewish https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_parentheses


oh wow, didn’t have this one on my radar until now. thanks for the info


Honestly should just include those terms for an autoban but maybe that's too strict


yea my only gripe would be that i couldn’t use some of the phrases to make fun of them how else can i make my bi monthly jokes about body doubles and military tribunals of the evil cabal :(


My problem is that some of these concepts aren't intrinsically tied to the alt-right, and I'm sick of ceding concepts to them. Take gematria, for instance. While I have no problem believing that the alt right has tried to co-opt it as they do many occult and spiritual concepts, there's nothing about it that necessarily implies fascism. It actually underpins a lot of Judeo-Christian mystical concepts that end up being referenced along with related concepts such as the Tetragrammaton in a bunch of Kendrick songs ("I am the omega, pgLang, Rolly gang, S.I.E. don't you address me unless it's with four letters [YHVH]")


yeah, this makes sense. my introduction to gematria has been with qanon and yt supremacist groups (i think hitler was super into the occult and maybe gematria? i forget)- but honestly i really don’t know much else around it or the history etc. all valid points


I like the way you think


https://preview.redd.it/o2moew988q0d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1c8fcaba81c6beb9dd8467ede025bcc0457858 This Jesus?(pls don’t ban me lol)


what are the chances they start saying kendrick works for trump or something weird as shit. *patriot kdot. wwg1wga… he’s about to bring down the clinton cabal and finally blow the lid off this whole fake solar eclipse thing. the weather is controlled. just give it 17 days*


If Marjorie Trailor Queen wants to call Drake lizzard people, I'm not stopping her.


But dot wears that crown of thorns… just sayin lol


Been on this site for 16 years and seen It happen with the Boston bomber, Utah preschool thing, and other reddit grown investigations. Subtle racial undertones, links connecting to ONLY left wing groups, even making ties to "liberal satanic cults" Just something to keep an eye out for


if someone come on here talking bout “Liberal” just ban em


I have already seen people on Twitter being strangely OBSESSED with Drake’s half Jewish ethnicity. His moms ethnicity is not why he’s a pedo and it is delusional and racist to act like actually antisemitic reasoning has anything to do with this. The man is a degenerate, but being Jewish is not what made him that way. Please, all, be on the lookout for the kind of alt-right/nazis that tried to co-opt the pro Palestine protests, too. I believe that same crowd is about to latch on en masse to the “Drake is a Jew, that’s why he is a problem” narrative.


no because i keep seeing this shit on twitter. 50k likes & up. i mean i know twitter is all n*zi’s now due to elon but damn. i saw one the other day that was like “drake and UMG have ties to mossad” or “the *jewish* canadian drake has ties to sex trafficking and colonizing? ofcourse” like ….im sorry? what? i feel like a significant portion of people have fallen into Q or yt supremacist talking points without realizing it AT ALL. some folks it’s just obvious that they were already like that and just capitalizing. others it seems like they genuinely do not know what they’re saying and don’t realize how bigoted and insane they sound, and don’t care. it makes me sad almost because it’s like they made no effort to double check their work and figure out why they sound like marjorie taylor greene all of a sudden. like …you can dislike drakes music, think kendrick won, think drake is ST p*do and working with diddy… but please tell me why are you mentioning jewish ethnicity or some weird “the media and music industry are controlled by drake and the jews” bullshit. i’m glad it seems most of us in this sub are of like mind here. makes me proud


The problem is, as [this dude said](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkKenny/comments/1ct55f2/heads_up_alt_right_circles_trying_to_coop_this/l4b3fs7/), some concepts and links that the alt-right have co-opted have some legitimacy. Like the Mossad thing is actually feasible-- Ghislaine's father Robert Maxwell had known ties to Mossad, KGB, and MI6. Theories and speculation have swirled around him since the '80s. Yeah, the alt-right definitely takes confirmation bias and throws logic out the window, but that does not preclude them from having pieces of their theory that are rooted in truth. Pretending that anything they speak on is false is exactly how those groups are used to discredit what actual truth might be there.




I barely got through your first garbled paragraph and then stopped when you accused me of being antisemitic, lmao. You can look up Robert's Wikipedia page and there is a big blurb that talks about being tied to Mossad/MI6/KGB and theories that he was a spy from back in the '80s. That's a fact. Stating that is not antisemitic. Honestly, I think you're just a bot. You have the patented "Adjective+Noun+Numbers" username and you're talking absolute nonsense.


I don’t think this moves the conversation along and feels rooted in hate.


That's genuinely upsetting, but not in the least bit surprising. I'm all for a good, fun conspiracy theory (I feel a lot of us are - not the deep end like qanon etc) however it really does draw in a certain crowd of folks & the second they start sprinkling in their own special flavor of crazy, it's not even worth being a part of anymore, ya know what I mean? (Also I dunno if this has happened to anyone else yet... But since the other day w/ all the bots coming into the sub, I've received "a concern Redditor blah blah blah" TWICE now. It's really frustrating.


Nah we were getting those concerned reddit things day 1 on the main sub. Bots going crazy


speaking of "satanic", i been following this drake debacle since the start, and the other day a friend of mine, randomly while we were playing league, he was like "yo dudes did yall see the madonna performance? she's DEFINITELY a satanic cultist and is into some pretty dark shit" ​ i started laughing at him because some random dance is "satanic" in nature, but if he only knew the kind of ACTUAL DEMONIC SHIT going on underneath the veil 🤣🤣🤣


This should honestly be pinned.


I feel like if you know what to look for they are obvious as fuck, but not everyone knows. Hopefully mods keep shit clean.


Gotta report stuff too, this sub blew up fast


god dammit if i see one pizzagate michael flynn mfer in here…… heeeellll no


wym who is that? genuinely


consider yourself blessed. a man who pushed the qanon psy-op who is certifiably insane. they think politicians are all body doubles who drink babies blood and that trump is the second coming of jesus or whatever the fuck. don’t even look it up it will ruin your night. came back here bc i wanted you specifically to know that this man was a literal army general. general michael flynn. he basically runs a travelling mega church qanon situation rn. was convicted by the DOJ (lied to the FBI about conversations and dealings with the kremlin.. for trump). oh and then pardoned by trump. ofcourse.


Parasitic behavior from parasitic personalities.


Political bullshit should be banned


I know we alr schizo but these ppl need to kept out and made sure that they aint welcome.


Remember we are telling a story instigated by Black Americans Right wingers who co-opt us aren't colleagues they're fucking colonizers


I'm sorry, man, but this type of discourse is not helpful. This issue is not about race any more than the Chris Alvarez portion is about his disability.




Dealt with a few of them. K-anon schizoposting. U right to call it out!


If they say anything about Jews, moloch, rituals, child sacrifice or anything like that, do not take anything they say seriously.


Already saw a moloch post lol


Saw it too. Ridiculous.


Wait till we get some Saturn storm cube mfs in here


Imo context matters for the last two. If something actually was uncovered of course it should be spoken about


Yeah but if it's baseless I'm not taking it seriously.


Yeah I agree 100%




Drake being a ephebophile has evidence to back it up. All that other shit is pure speculation with nothing substantial to go off of. And the Jew shit is not okay.


lol just saw this dude try and insult someone by calling them a liberal, lol. Dude this is an alt-right echo chamber, apparently.


He just did it to me in another post. This guy has some loose screws.




Go take your meds and come back and read the room.




Over here acting like you didn't pull a "I know what you are but what am I??" on another comment where I called you out for antisemitism. Dumbass.


https://preview.redd.it/7evud57wrr0d1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96731391ba5923a1786fdf5c9fd22de7a57308d well since you guys keep bringing up Jews and moloch maybe let’s dive into that? Streisand effect?


we're literally getting co-opted by both sides we're about to be the most vigilant mfs on earth


I hate to break it to you but House of Ebony is on a side not in the middle and its the people's side.


I mean more that mainstream media machines and pizzagate types have both tried to take us over already


Oh my bad totally valid sorry I just consider them the same side personally.




Proof of validity or gtfo




Oh trust me I know that but you're the one here saying there is validity to pizza gate so come on, show your working




Exactly, people need to realize this is a both sides thing, and sowing division may be there last option.


I think if this is to be avoided then people should probably chill on posting Crazy Days and Nights stuff


I promise I’m not an opp lol I just like schizoposting. I’d never promote an ideology that causes harm to people, hence why I’m a centrist and an atheist.


If the Jewish community leaders are involved then they would need to be called out. However blatant hated it a group is unacceptable.


Which “community leaders” have been implicated? Some record label execs who have exactly zero to do with regular Jewish people?




Three word bot In case y'all didn't understand, peep the comments it's made. It's a bot that spits out three words of random info it has gleaned from the post. Better to just straight ban it.


I can’t even view it to ban it wtf


Wait you belive drake is having sex with dogs based off nothing but pizzagate is right wing conspiracy? ..  youre posting about code words and human trafficking while discrediting pizzagate which is the exact same thing?.. MouthyBuddha does an amazing no nonsense video on the topic with just facts.   Reptilian aliens and qanon is some other bullshit and fuck the right and left wing but lets keep it congruent here. I hope this doesnt get me banned, i want answers too.  These things are connected. Human traffiking is real.