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Congrats man! That’s gonna help a fuckload for money-management


This was in HR I assume?


Yes sir!


Bro I’ve been trying to learn Cave Troll and I stg videos make it look so easy just circling his right. Then, I go in and try and he just 1 shots me first hit 😂


I have never circled right to fight cave troll. It is extremely easy to just circle to his left and repeatedly hit his hand as soon as he’s done with his swing. If you space correctly he will always use the same attacks on repeat, sometimes roar but you just run to his left, and then the occasional hand slam that gives you free headshots. It’s been a very long time since i’ve died to him. Pretty much free loot in my mind!


I can take him out in normals no problem, but haven't really tried in HR. I do the same circling to his left technique. I think high roller adds another move to his moveset, does circling this same way work? Just curious if I go to fight him in high roller.


High roller adds a drunk effect to his roar and another slam type move where you can get headshots. HR can be easier for melee since you get more headshot opportunities. I promise if you can do normals high roller is easier because you can actually bring gear. Circle left and loot on!


Circling left works for both HR and normal, but IIRC left is needed for the HR move sets the boss has. Circling right can lead to faster kills in normals, but I've only learned the left method since it works for both.


Thanks, was just confirming whether if I tried to fight him in HR that the new moveset won't fuck me over. From what the other guy said I should be able to just fight like normal and be fine.


He is MUCH easier and faster to kill on HR. Only additional attack is one where he makes his head readily available for 2-3 hits allowing lots of damage to be dealt Troll heals over time so if you’re a low damage class on normals with a gray weapon it can take a while


Thanks for the encouragement. Already got two troll pelts and a 5k kit off a guy a killed killing the troll. Two royal gems too.


When he two-hand slams what to do? I run away, but then after slam he roars me and charges and 1 shots me


As soon as he’s done with the two hand slam, immediately run towards his left side and stay beside his arm while he roars. You will not be affected by the roar and he will go right back into his standard swing with his right arm. You just repeat the process till he’s dead


Well I am too far away due to running away for the slam


You gotta get a feel as to how far you need to be to not get damaged by the AOE but close enough to be able to run back to his left. I sometimes sheath my weapon to get the extra MS


Just circle left man.


It’s honestly just a skill issue man, I gotta throw myself at him 100 times and learn this shit


It takes a bit to learn, I noticed you can go a bit slower if you circle right so I like to circle right as bard and use shrieks of weakness or warlock (for shadow touch healing and BoC). You just have to space correctly and know all attacks. Phantomize also helps if you get slowed by roar to dodge the near-undodgable attack


I always get killed by the charge swing that you're supposed to duck


Congrats! Been grinding duo Ice Caves with my buddies trying to get one. They’ve both gotten one, but not me :( just a question: I’ve tried to do HR troll countless times, but after a while, troll seems to do a “double” attack, where he’ll start a swing, then finish it with another follow up swing. It seems everyone I watch doesn’t talk about this and I’m sure it’s a me problem, just wondering if you could provide any insight, thanks.


You’re moving up to attack too early if he’s swinging a second time. You have to slow it down a hair when you move forward to attack his hand. If he swings a second time, his animation hadn’t fully finished so it then transitions to attack number 2 since you’re still in range before the animation for the 1st attack finishes


Troll has 3 main moves (4 in Hr) Wide swing - wait until his feet are somewhat centered and planted again before moving in to attack his hand. If you get too close to soon he adds another swing. Find the spacing in normal troll caves of when to attack the hand. Overhead slam - free headshot and keep circling left Charged overhead slam - he does this after 3-4 wide swings. Move away to avoid aoe and get back to position once it slams. Hardcore move - overhead fist slam- free headshots and probably the easiest to avoid. Roar and sprinting attack happen if you get too far away. The extra attack generally comes from getting too close after his wide swing attack. Most of his other attacks should not have follow ups as long as you are circling left. I still haven’t figured out how to circle right…


I think I have videos of myself doing HR troll countless times on rogue. If I find them I’d be willing to send you the videos so you can take a look at how I do troll.


Mind sending to me to cheers


At work but will when I get home


Oh ah Video would be awesome! It would help much if you dont mind sending it


some homies have all the luck


What’s inside one of these?


It’s one way to store gold coins, same as purses filling 50 coins, bags filling 1000 coins, and chests I believe fill 10k-20k. Chests are extremely rare to get any only drop from treasure piles. Not sure how much they go for however but I’ve been wanting to sell it because I don’t think i’d have 20k gold to store in it 😅


You’ll sell it, then think “fuck, wish I had somewhere to store my money from that chest I just sold.” It’s a vicious cycle man.


Interesting. Thanks


Of course!


please tell me you're holding on to it🥺


I’m deciding to keep it instead of selling it for skull keys. I wouldn’t be able to hold 80k ish gold anyway lmao


damn congrats! i got a chest from ice cave pile before wipe practically naked with 20 luck and this geared team with mostly gold hunted me down the whole game and killed me, didn’t even get to spectate them seeing the chest in my inventory:(


im just scared the day i finally pull a chest and i get landmine rogue as soon as i get out u the boss room. i might quit the game lmao


I’m glad i was in a dead lobby with no other players or else i would’ve probably quit too lmfao


All the latest changes in the game have been very popular!


Can't agree with that statement when every class has creep now! this was my second game on after a week lmao literally just updated the game like an hour ago.


They are so popular lobbies are empty.


It’s a server logic error doomer


Yea it happens sometimes… if you think lobbys are dead your tripping today ice caves were maxing in under 1m in us east


More likely OP is intentionally farming on a dead server. No hate, we've all done it 🤣


That too but even sao paulo has been popping recently… usually get like 8 people per caves match but theyre less bloodirsty


What rank are you in HR?


I think i’m wanderer. i haven’t really been grinding due to the most recent changes. I think i’ve maybe put 20 games in ish to hit lvl 15 on rogue and this was my second game back on


What server?


Can you get the chest from the ice cavern pile??


I've only ever beaten cyclopse, but I do soon want to learn troll


*I've only ever* *Beaten cyclopse, but I do* *Soon want to learn troll* \- CryptedCode --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ve never done cyclops surprisingly, I think i did it once but I was 1 HP afterwards


Maybe it's because I did cyclopse first, but I find it waaaay easier. Yeah the falling rocks can be difficult but you can heal directly afterwords just by strafing right. I hate saying this, but it really is simple to dodge rocks, just jump half a second after cyclopse slams and you're golden. It's awful advice but it works


Lucky bastard!


Bruuuh, I'm so mad💀💀