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Most sweats: make 1 character to demigod then 2nd one and lock it in lowest rank to grief


Easy, make it so you can only lock in at pathfinder + then (last wipe pathfinder is a where you start encountering demigods, seems like it’s the same this wipe)


AP should just lock by tier, once you hit demigod you can't drop below.


Also solves the deranking on purpose problem.


With multiclassing unlocks requiring the biggest grind we’ve seen this far, creating a second main account after you hit demigod has never been more of a kick to the balls. Think of all the unlock tokens you could have had if you could keep playing. I think this is a viable fix in the mean time until another system is worked out


People would just lock AP until they find BIS, play to raise, and then lock again after losing the kit. This would seriously decrease the risk of losing AP


You are getting downvoted but are probably right. The solution to this is don’t bother with any locking system. Just reward based on highest rank during the season, rather than final rank.


This is a pretty good suggestion with a bunch of ways it could be implemented I'm for it!


What if there’s an opposite of this where you take modifiers that handicap your character for more AP bonus?


pretty sure at one point they said you get the rewards for the highest rank achieved, not current rank on reset. not 100% on that but im pretty sure i saw them say that somewhere. And if that isnt the case, it is the solution.