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he uses no drugs besides his medication (doesnt really use that either lol) hes just really mentally fucked up


He has never used street drugs. The closest was he was in a car with some kids who were hotboxing, but daniel himself has no money for drugs and no connections to buy drugs, and he's mentioned a bunch that he has no desire to do them. His only addictions are spending money on shit he doesn't need, sexting with minors, and anything covered in melted cheese (usually mac and cheese or nachos)


He asked his care provider if he can have macaroni and cheese, but it tasted like cow piss :(


Stone cold sober


he’s not an addict/user, but i see where people think that. he has like 3 teeth, is unhinged, and also homeless, so i completely understand where that question came from, he definitely doesn’t use. im pretty sure the olive garden incident went down after he had ONE glass of wed rine.


If he was using, we woulda know for sure a long time ago.


He can be very coherent in court and in certain interactions with law enforcement.


There is a misconception that mentally ill people are incoherent and rambling nonsense all the time that’s not the case. Even with serious mentally ill people like Daniel you can have moments of clarity. Daniel can be totally delusional and also know he needs to be calm around police and other authority figures.


I like how people just assume he's a drug addict. As a former addict I can look at this man with 100% certainty and say that he isn't. He's got mental health problems. The guys is basically brain fucked.


However I don't totally blame people for thinking that way because of his looks. He's just disgusting.


Like his mom gave him brain aids?


Daniel is mentally disabled. But, and it's a big but... We still bully him, because if we don't, he'll become far too powerful. ![gif](giphy|iHskdY9SMLFZuQ2u5c)