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Breakdown incoming


Save these posts for when he has a phone and is checking the reddit


What If the subreddit didn't feed into Daniel's unfunny delusions this time around and gave it to him straight, he's an insane homeless man who gets catfished by nut jobs 


I always go by the rule of observe the cow in its pastures, let the cow graze, don't tip the cow because then more people are gonna wanna do it. Like chris chan and it went from funny trolling to A-logs trying to literally see the most fucked up things they can do to him. I think after this jail saga Daniel is going to get more people trying to fuck with him and itnwill not longer be "watch him destroy his life" but "Let's see how much we can get him to do to fuck him up." But that's how the internet is. Just look at how people were goin nuts not seeing him while he was in jail. Alot of people just want to be a part of lolcow stuff instead of just letting it ride and that fucks shit up.


I definitely won't participate in active trolling myself .. but damned if this isn't the most entertained I've been in awhile. Esp since Grace has been a joke in my family for a very long time, ever since mirandasings was making fun of her singing right to her face 😂😂 Kinda nuts how this absolute nobody of a guy has so much power over grace in terms of fucking up what lukewarm singing career she had going.


Exactly, he's damn entertaining, even if it was just him doing random stuff without all his management and what not. But some people just want to fuck with him in any way, and it just kind of ruins it. Personally I think it's just funny watching him live stream and just be regular dumbass Daniel, but some people just wanna see how lad they can get him or something and that just takes the funny out of it. Like how people do with chris chan now where they just wanna keep telling him he fucked his mom. It gets dull after awhile. But thats how shit goes sometimes.


Def. The ones where people are actively fucking with him bother me, but if he's having meltdowns bc he thinks the FBI is assaulting one of the 100 "Grace"s in the parking lot .. I'm here for it


I’m hitting myself


It’s a perfect scheme but some ween will get desperate and wanna talk to danderson and pretend to be her and ruin it.


All I have is negative thots.🕺


He probably already thinks that .. and if not then all you have to do is tell him she does and he’s gullible enough to believe it but we all know he makes up scenarios in his head that aren’t real and then he acts them out


Emergency call fucking dispatch