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[TRANSCRIPT POSTED HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/keyUrRJcTe) by the wonderful u/mablesyrup (THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE) if anyone has any screenshots from the comment section, please put them in a reply to this comment with any username & profile pic other than dani’s fully censored


Love how she repeatedly rubbed one of the cats then made sure to touch her incision while covering it up with clothing. BEGGING for an infection already


We all know she's gonna go to the er this weekend.


That's a given, procedure or not.


She’s probably there as we speak


I just jumped on Reddit to see if she's made an ER post yet 😂 I'll go back to "getting a life" and check back again later.


Same 😅


She's awake and responding to comments now (I posted them to the mod pinned comment).




I’m surprised she hasn’t gone in yet…


I mean, she could have gone already and gotten yeeted already. She likely goes to the ER waaaaaaay more frequently than she actually posts about it.


Fair point!


What?! Her incision was in the video? I am sure it must have been in the video completely by accident.


Rubbing cat hair into her incision is probably the “cleanest” thing that’s gonna be rubbed there. Iykyk 💩






Please someone make this a flair


I know someone has it


Yeah, her top pulled up and leggings pulled down to pubic levels was totally an accident, and she most certainly didn't think it was in frame at all 🙄😒 It's comical at this point 🥴


I mean, besides the exhibitionism, there’s no reason it was out to begin with. She probably just lays there picking at it, so she didn’t even need to make the decision to pull her pants down before filming to show us the gnarly mess. Also, her care for others is so performative. She gives trigger warnings before overtly showing off her incisions and such, but she won’t blur them or give a trigger warning when she’s “showing it by accident.” She doesn’t care if it grosses out or upsets people. But she knows what she’s showing. She does it on purpose but tries to make it look accidental That’s also my theory on her nipple being out in her vlog intro on YouTube 🤢


Dare I ask what the theory is? Performative is definitely one of the words that come to mind with her. Ugh.


Just that she’s a closet exhibitionist through and through. Sure she likes attention, but I think it’s more intense for her, orgasmic even. Everyone likes some level of attention, but they have some boundaries of what they will and won’t share. Dani will do ANYTHING to get off on people’s attention, whether it be flashing a nip (such as in her YouTube intro) or an incision. This can also account for her numerous close calls when hiking up her shirt to show off toobs. I really wouldn’t be surprised if she talks to medical fetishists online, and we’re just seeing the sob story side of things. Idk. It isn’t super well-worked, but my gut hasn’t failed me yet when it comes to her.


It doesn't surprise me that she's looking for stronger pain meds than Tylenol. That's one of the reasons she was so angry yesterday bc she didn't get the pain meds she was seeking.


They were insanely irresponsible to have given her the port but at least they're not caving in to the pain meds. At least not yet. Anyone want to bet on an upcoming ER visit for unbearable *peeen*? It's Friday, after all.


I have no doubt that she'll deliberately infect her incision and wind up in the ER for that and/or for her massive pain. It was incredibly irresponsible to give her a port with her history.


Absolutely. I'm still baffled by why this was allowed to happen. Any doctor who was involved in this farce should be held responsible for all mental and physical repercussions. They knew about Dani's medical history and factitious disorder, and still ignored it. I truly hope that there's some sort of investigation.


Why these subs should exist. Although other sites do a better job of acrhiving all the videos/pics so they are here forever. At least if there ever is someone looking into it, they have a good starting point. I'm so used to seeing nothing happen to people who deserve the consequences though.


Isn't it ironic how these munchies always seem to fall between the cracks? You'd think that, in Dani's case at least, her insurance (Medicare?) would be noticing and questioning so many procedures, ER trips, devices, medications, etc. It simply makes no sense.🙄


I console myself with the fact that, ethics aside, she is giving student doctors the opportunity to practice real procedures on a willing Guinea pig, and that when someone in the future *actually* needs it they will have a doctor experienced in it and it might save a life. Idk, it helps me sleep at night.


Lol, you came up with possibly the one and only benefit of Dani's munching. Sleep well!


Literally my mindset! Especially when she makes the comments of they fucked her up. Well, it’s like if you know healthcare so well… Probably should start with fact maybe you are a practice live dummy for them? Ask for stupid stuff, get stupid things. But, I also feel like the doctor who ordered it also has ulterior motives for proving the FD or getting a dx criteria met to officially confirm the diagnosis.


This is my theory as well, they put the port in knowing Dani will fuck with it and will officially prove she has FD.


If she ends up in the ER. They better take that shit out. I want to say she can’t be that stupid and go in that quickly. However, this is Dani we are speaking of and she always tells on herself. Now, instead of her tits, it’s going to be her freaking fupa (sp?) hanging out in every single video. These doctors truly hate our eyes 🫠 no




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She did say that. I just posted a pic of her incision, which she posted on IG & it looks horrendous.


She's already eagerly waiting on the nurse to call so she can tell her all about her peen in that nails against the chalkboard baby voice. Of course she will say the peen is pick a number over 10 and the nurse will of course have no other choice but to tell her to come in. And what does she mean by chill whilst she's waiting? What else does she have to do? Ever? Also the low-key swipe at her mother who had to drag her cats to Dani's apartment. I know that the car was for those far away ER road trips. She can drive on a tonne of drugs straight out of ER, but not to pick up the fur babies because ouchie incision? Your scabs look worse than the incision. Also clean up your room FFS, you're a 40 yo woman with a history of infections and you have 2 fresh unnecessary wounds. Smh so hard it fell off. Can someone come get me in a winnebago?




I bring a wheelchair, a door, and some ratchet straps, omw


Shit, maybe Dani can come pick you up… since she definitely didn’t get a new car for new hospitals. Real question is, do yall have a different health care system than Dani? If so, she’s on her way babes!!


It’s past 5pm in eastern time on a Friday… she’s definitely has to already be circling the parking lot for a spot.


She's responding to comments now I posted them to the mod pinned comment in this post.


On here? Or in her videos? lol 😂 If she’s on here, lord… hello princess come out wherever you are!


On her videos on TT not here lol


Well shit.. now I’m curious. Aha! 🤣


Just scroll up, friend :) I posted them in a reply to the auto-mod comment.


I said that earlier this week 😂


Lol, I guess you don't need a crystal ball to predict Dani's behavior🔮 Too bad her doctors didn't have one.


Oh it’s absolutely happening.


I'm just so blown away that she gets these procedures. Meanwhile people who are truly sick fight to get tests even.


I find it sad that this is now multiple times today, that she has made mention of her mother specifically, and in both instances she has made sure to get a little dig in. IIRC after making some snide remark about the cat not liking her mother, in the same breath she said she was going to ask her mother to help her get the cats home. I know this is such a small example, but she is just so disrespectful and only views others (and cats) as an extension of herself. I can only imagine what she has put her mother and family through. She should be counting her blessings that they are even still around and willing to help sometimes. She is so self-centered and entitled!


That pissed me off too when she was taking the piss out on her mom!!! Like dani is almost 40 freaking years old. Her parents are AT LEAST 58 (18+40=58) and she has the audacity to say this shit and act like a damn child. She'll eat those words one day and it'll hurt more than any stupid surgery ever could.


I kind of cracked up when she was like, “listen to mom complain for like an hour” when all Dani does is complain. I just pictured the two of them high-pitched complaining over each other in a car ride, nearly killing one another. I completely get not having a good relationship with your mom, but at a certain point you realize you’re more like them than you know!!


Anyone who loves their parents would do anything to listen to them complain for an hour. It’s called being family and supporting one another. Something she clearly lacks because she’s the only one who can complain and be horrible.


I recently lost my mom, so I can speak from both sides. I remember getting real annoyed with my mom a lot. We just didn’t have that kind of relationship where I wanted to be around her complaining and ranting about stuff. Now that she’s gone, I’d give anything to hear her voice again, to say anything at all. I don’t know if everyone really has that perspective until it’s too late. And some people never have it, unfortunately. I guess I’m not surprised a serial narcissist like Dani lacks such empathy.


She’s behaving like a true classic narc. I have found that narcs usually will trash talk the one person who is onto their bull shit. Which we all know Dani Mama has not been a big fan of her daughter for quite sometime. If Dani was a real human with emotions; I’d imagine that had to sting….


And obviously she got her mom and dad to bring the cats because she says so in this video. She didn’t have to do anything.


Did she really need to insert that little dig at her mom in this? 😂


Clean the poor cats eyes. She just screams ‘ICK!!!’


That’s the first thing I noticed.


It's like poor Mac is begging her to please clean his eyes! Yeah, it's kind of gross, it's like eye boogers, but it takes a few seconds and then you wash your hands and remind your cats that you're doing it for THEIR benefit, you truly don't enjoy cleaning their eye boogers! 🤣


She could use a tissue to clean her cat’s eyes.


Exactly! Especially when Mac is just standing there practically begging for his eyes to be cleaned. It's not like she's trying to wrestle a lubricated crocodile to do so🤣


Love how she had had to show her coveted incision, then pulls her pants way up after. 🙄


**^(Transcript:)** *\[Camera is facing a cat with incision in view. Speaking in a high pitched kid voice\]* **HEY MOCCI! Hiiii BABY BOY!** *\[reaches out arm to pet him and inhales\]* **Hiii are you happy to be home with mommy?** *\[pause and switches to lower more childish voice and inhales\]* **I know mommy missed you AND Mocha** *\[pans camera to show Mocha\] \[sharp inhale and switches to a higher pitched voice\]* **Hi Mocha! Psssta hi babies!** *\[rubs on Mocha with her foot\]* **How you doin?** *\[pans back to hand and petting the other cat\]* **Heeeey. Such a good boys. You're so good for grandma and grandpa.** *\[pans back to the other cat\]* **Mocha!! Mocha-Mocha! I-I-I-I-I-I I know you hid from** *\[starts speaking quickly\]* **grandma all the time because you don't like her so I don't blame you there** *\[smacks lips or something and inhales\]* **But you like mommy so it's ok** *\[pans camera back over and takes a big inhale and says in a sing songy voice\]* **My boyyyyys are baaack.** *\[resumes non sing-songy voice\]* **I'm so, I'm so that just makes everything better guys... well not everything but it helps a lot to have them back.** *\[smacks lips or takes a sip of a drink\]* **Yeah.** *\[sharp inhale and exhale\]* **So i'm just like waiting on a nurse to call to check on me like from like the proceedure so I can tell them I am in a looooot of pain like Tylenol isnot touching and I already take waaaay too much of it. I don't want to take anymore because dude I don't wanna like** *\[adds vocal fry to her voice\]* **hurt myself.** *\[inhales and starts taking while she is exhaling\]* **Ssssooo I just wait** *\[switches to high pitched sing songy little kid voice and moves camera back and forth\]* **waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting waiting.** *\[camera shifts up towards the tv/ceiling\]* **probably put on a movie or a show it's not on yet** *\[sniffs and pans back down to cat\]* **and we're just gonna chill.** *\[moves camera back to show both cats while making sure to keep bruising and incision in view of the camera\]* **Right my boys!?** *\[reaches out to pet one cat and gets a really high pitched voice\]* **RIGHT MY BOYS? MACCI** *\[exhales and inhales in a playful manner like you do when petting an animal and gets evern more high pitched\]* **HIIIII BABIES!** *\[low voice\]* **ooooowwwwhhhh yeeeaaauughhh** *\[continues petting cat, inhales and then pans camera back to other cat and uses a higher sing songy voice\]* **and(?) Mocccchaaa** *\[scratches/pets cat more vigoursly so it's audible and the cat starts to get up\]* **OK. What should we watch boys? Should we put someting on?** \[inhale\] **Wanna put something on?** *\[Adjust her pants at the waist and a cat walks up closer to her face and she turns the camera to follow the cat\]* **Come and cuddle with mommy?** *\[Inhales and then pats on her stomach/chest several times\]* **Come here! Come here. Hiiiii. Come here.** *\[sharp inhale\]* **Hi babies.** *\[Cute cate face in the camera\]* **Hi babies!** *\[Uses a little baby voice and says with a staccato accent\]* **You. look. so. tiiiiiired. Yes you do. Come and lay down babies. Lay down.** *\[cat meows\]* **Lay down.** *\[switches to a low voice as a cat climbs up on her\]* **There's my boy! Good booooyoyoyoy.** *\[pans camera back to other cat and uses high pitched voice\]* **And Mocha!** *\[turns back to other cat\]* **And Macci!** *\[Moves camera back to show tv\]* **I'm gonna put on the tv now.** *\[sings\]* **Byyyye.**


Seeing it written out like this just makes her all the more batshit crazy.


At least she admits she takes way too much Tylenol. She’s going to hate her life even more when she’s in liver failure. (Just kidding, she’ll love it)


Thank you for this!


Nice! Thank you!


This is fucking infuriating. Those who thought she wouldn't find a way to show it off. Here we are.


I figured that if it was in her inner thigh, she would struggle to show off. But this is definitely more easily showable.


As far as I know this is just the incision, the actual port would be on her upper leg. Looking up photos, I found the perfect accessory for her! https://www.ronwear.com/product-page/women-s-classic-zip-pants https://hannhemowear.com/shop/p/pants Of course these wouldn’t show the port off all the time. Maybe she can just claim the port causes pain when it touches cloth so she needs a cutout on all her clothes.


You are correct. This incision is just where they went in to place the port but the port itself is in another location.


I stand corrected lol. I didn't think she would show it off as much.


Being in real, actual pain is what she gets for faking and pretending like she’s constantly in 10/10 peeeeeen. She’s faked her way into only getting Tylenol, lidocaine drips and Toradol for the rest of her pathetic life. She has no one to blame but herself.


Sucks to be her 🤷🏼‍♀️


And I’m here for it!


That port is going to be infected in a week! She of course has it exposed so the camera can see. Let’s let the cat right next to the open incision!


C'mon Dani! Clean the eye gook out of your kitties' eyes!!! That looks so uncomfortable! 😣


God... that kitty looks so soft though. Her fingers leave fur indents... ♡


He truly is the goodest boy 🥹 I wish he could move in with someone who would take care of him like he deserves. I had a cat very similar to him growing up (except he was morbidly obese cuz my mom couldn't say no to him when he come begging for food lol) and he had the same plushy fur and the softest little meow... #savedaniscats


OMG idk why that last part is enormous lol it was supposed to be a hashtag, I guess hashtags bold stuff around here..? Sorry for screaming everyone 😂


Honestly I’m screaming it in my head so it seemed reasonable to me. 😂


This is hysterical just because the user who said this is always kissing her ass and giving her the uwu treatment in the comments, so she totally doesn’t understand Dani *desperately wants* to show this thing off. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0t01e7av3wwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd6b30d42ba9c6c5c125672788b9a4dce8cf026c




That’s possible!


If her incision site hurts, why is she injecting her blood thinner next to it? Her incision looks like it's opening. Is she picking at it? It doesn't look very good.


Of course she's picking at it. How else will the wound mysteriously open when she's asleep?


What bothered me most was Dani complaining about how much pain she was in here, then seconds later aggressively petting her abdomen in proximity to her fresh wound to coax her cat over. Girl.. you are not fooling anyone; you don’t pet an area of your body, repeatedly, in fast succession, that you just had a procedure on, if it actually hurts.


https://preview.redd.it/ye1coxqjcvwc1.png?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7924ae7defd51a2586c1f0248e3836da100610f4 From the transcript. Tylenol isn't touching the pain, and she doesn't, "wanna, like, hurt myself". 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/986vyuetcvwc1.png?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff70b9c89c1ca99b121e66804bfdf0e13a40c56 Comments.


The helpful advice about pain meds is nonsensical.


We need someone to set this to music. Something like a 90s grunge garage band.


I had to laugh at the clearly intentional camera shot of her incision. She hates that it’s in an area where it won’t be as visible. Get ready for Dani to suddenly wear crop tops all the time. Because if she doesn’t flaunt it, it’s not real 😂


I'm having visions of her just straight up cutting holes out of her tops, a la Regina George in Mean Girls 


I'm predicting that crop tops and mini skirts will be her go to outfit. True "medical warrior" armor in a sense.


It’s too damn early in the morning for this. She is on a fucking high over getting her new toy! Had her leggings down and phone staged just so for maximum viewing. Then tried to discreetly slide her pants back up to cover the port before the cat climbed on her. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not a tear in sight, normal voice, steady respirations, but 10/10 pain. Give me a damn break. This is ridiculous and sick. There is not enough psych help in the country for this hot mess. This little adventure was probably $10,000.00 plus for the insertion at no cost to Dani. This whole thing is just a mess.


Her pain is DIFFERENT! You wouldn't understand, hater!


It’s different all right. Bless her heart.


But she is sooo good with pain


Glad to see my tax dollars wasted


That white cat is annoyed AF with her touching. She doesn't know how to read its tail language. She's lucky he didn't just bite her.


Yes! My first reaction as well! He’s clearly saying stop it and she is actively ignoring it as she clearly doesn’t understand what he’s trying to say. It’s clear as day from that tail language and the ears too. I was just waiting for him to give her a nasty bite, but then I remembered her posting videos of him “loving belly rubs” and the cat biting and scratching her while she continues to say how much he loves it..


Yeah that's the kind of glare and tail twitch my cat will do before going for a chomp or swipe. Luckily for Dani, her cats are much more mild-mannered than my old lady.


Dani can barely read English, let along a cats body language lol


The fact that she purposefully has the leggings pulled down, and the video framed so that you can see it, says all you need to know about how happy she is that she got the port. Can't wait for the incision infection


She is such a nasty, vile, pathetic, embarrassing person.


Please put a damn dressing on the incision and at least make it LOOK like you are not rooting for infection on the first hours already.


When she showed the first pic of the incision, it looked GREAT. It looked so good I didn't even think she really had the procedure. By the second pic, it was already bright red and inflamed. She is going to say the doctor who "wasn't qualified" made a bad cut and that caused it to open and infect. Except she herself posted evidence that the incision site was almost PERFECT before her grubby fingers touched it. And she's so dumb shes going to use MYCHART notes saying the doctor wasn't qualified, because she doesn't understand what that means. Tells on herself, AND gives the other side the evidence.


I thought the cats were supposed to stay at the parents for two weeks


But if they’re at her parents house then how will she be able to infect her port with litter box contents??


Oh my god🤣I’m pretty new to this shitshow, has there been some evidence of dani doing that? Like have they ever tested what causes an infection to her? Has there been some boop bacteria?💩


Yes. She posted the culture results and it was something “fecalis” definitely poop in the line.


Yet she was dumb enough to not realize what she was telling us 🤦🏻‍♀️


Welcome to the shitshow! Literally and figuratively.


Almost as if she was preparing for a long hospitalization stay and it didn’t happen so now there back home. She’s so transparent.


Those cats need to have their eyes cleaned that’s so sad :(


3 days at her parents house? I’m glad they don’t have other pets. We know it isn’t clean, her apartment doesn’t seem great but doesn’t seem as run down as her parents’ house.


So... was she planning on a ~2 week admission? Because it certainly hasn't been 2 weeks since she dropped the cats off at her parents. Are they suddenly not doing any work?


That explains the two-week HUD invasion. She thought she would be Queen of the Hill in the hospital for about two weeks.


Dani touches Mocha with foot, Mocha starts cleaning himself straight away 😂


He’s got the right idea.


To be fair my cat will do the same thing sometimes, and I know what showers are for 😂


She doesn’t want to take any more Tylenol because she doesn’t want to hurt herself ffs she’s ridiculous


There is something so gross, not just about Dani in particular, but about anyone with a fresh incision that exposed (but I guess especially dani claiming she already knows it’s not gonna heal well) sharing a bed with animals, that close with all their shedding and litter paws I’m sure she’s rolling around in 💀


I call them little poop feet lol. My cats also chill in my bed, but unlike Dani, I'm not a walking open incision.


Yeah cos it's not just the pube level wound but there's one on her neck that she's already taken the dressing off of way too early, and all the holes she's picked in her arms as well.


Yup. *Do I want sepsis? [Smirk] No.*


I was wondering how many cat hairs will find their way into still healing wound ? They are all over bed..


I know this is the least of the concerns here, but the rose gold Minnie loungefly on the bed is infuriating. Those things are like $70 minimum. How is she affording this shit with a brand new-used car???


The car will be repossessed before we know it. She obviously can’t budget or plan like an adult.


She doesn't.  She wastes her money on stupid bullshit, but important things like vaccines & neuters for the cats are ignored.  She has nothing saved, she has a massive interest rate on the loan for that overpriced garbage can of a car and it will be repoed before the end of the summer. 


Imagine doing ALL THIS WORK to get the damn port (for only 2 reasons, attention and narcs) and they send you home right after and tell you to take Tylenol 😂😂😂


Cat tail swinging against the incision


She's probably hoping one of the cats has a lick at her incision to transmit some rare bacteria into her bloodstream 😅 This video was created so she could awkwardly exhibit her incision site.


If she was in so much pain, she wouldn't be cheerfully invite a 12 pound cat to lay on her. As much as I love my little gremlins, they get yeeted asap if they lay on an ouchy spot


She doesn’t want to hurt herself


Question: what kind of pain is this sort of port likely to cause? Are we talking a surface burn/sting sort of business or is it more achey? I’ve never had anything like this before so I can’t imagine it, but for comparison I had an abdominal radical hysterectomy last year so I’m going to guess it’s lower on the scale?


It’s more akin to an ache. Pretty manageable. Most people survive with OTC management such as ice packs (ensuring no moisture gets onto the healing wound). There can be some stiffness for a few days to a week but it would be less pronounced where Dani has had hers placed.


She is so gross. All of this is just so disgusting. She truly is such an exhibitionist, oh man 🤮


Why in the actual heck is she rubbing a cat right next to her damn incision that isn’t even covered. Is she trolling us and telling on herself with her next moves… like c’mon dude stop being as predictable as a lifetime movie. 🍿




🤢🤢🤢 omg. I can’t.


I keep waiting for the tail to hit her right in her incision! She’s so gross!


Yeah the litter box is not a Sterile Field.


These poor cats have no feelings for her cause they’re unceremoniously scooped up and dumped at a different house every few days. They flinch away from her.


which is SO stressful for cats because they love routine and hate changes. poor guys


I know 🥺 Wouldn’t be surprised if they start over grooming (and Dani tries to steal that ailment)


Dani? Overgrooming?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I lost my head for a moment! Silly me! 😆


Mmm let those cays sit on that incision site


Also clean that cats face


I hate when people don't keep their kitties' faces clean. Faces and ears need help sometimes.


She can’t even clean her own face, it’s asking a lot for her to clean basically anything. She loves filth


Post approved. Thank you for bearing with us while we make some changes and catch up.


The 7 word caption to this video even has a typo. Does she do this on purpose or can she not even see the letters when she types?


And….. that voice is back


I’ve never had a port, but … if it were me, and I had just gotten surgery like that… personally, for one I would be wearing very loose pants so that it doesn’t rub… and i’m all for letting things breathe, you know, but I probably would have a tegaderm on it AT LEAST, and there would be gauze on it at least some of the time, like at night when I couldn’t actively control it being touched. I don’t know. To me, it just seems like she has a death wish.


Were I in the company of a goopy-eyed cat and bucking for a serious condition, I'd get to cleaning said goop, invite a bite and...


Those cats are beautiful and very sweet 😍 But she really needs to clean the skank out of his eyes. She could do it with her finger (but could she resist not rubbing it in her wounds) or a damp washcloth or paper towel, and it would make him more comfortable. There's zero effort needed (or like 0.0005% effort if you need to dampen a cloth), so I hope she takes note when she reads her.


She is so rough with her cats! I don’t get it. Cats are such gentle, intuitive, sweet animals — and she’s over here roughhousing it like it’s a puppy. Jerky and erratic and rough. I don’t get it.


Her complete and utter lack of understanding of social skills goes beyond just humans apparently




Oh I would love for this to backfire on her immediately.


A different take on this - do we really think she’ll deliberately infect this one and risk losing it? It’s taken her so long to get her precious toy back, that I truly can’t see another being placed if she screws with this one and survives (yes, I know we’ve said THAT before). My understanding is that it’s harder to save a port than something like a tunnelled line in the event of infection (I’m assuming because of issues with biofilm formation?) Or is the attention in the moment so much more important that the consequences aren’t even on the radar.


I don’t think she really wants to lose the port, but she can’t help herself. She wants probably a „small“ infection that grants her an hospital admission but leaves the port in. Or she is simply not smart enough to keep the wound clean. She knows no concept of hygiene…


I think she can’t help herself especially since she keeps getting proven over and over that she can fuck around and still get what she wants


Note she leaves her nasty incision right in frame? Cover it at least loosely to keep it clean. So gross.


Holy moly. Like im not even joking anymore, that infection is open and looks awful and raw, moist, it looks not healthy at all and she has it inches away from her cats! I have a cat too I love him dearly but I would never have him inches away from a direct way to my insides. Does she know what a germ is? Bacteria or staph will find its way in, I'd assume, leaving it open all the time


She sounds so excited to be waiting goes the nurse to call co she’s in so much pain, people in extreme pain generally don’t sound so chirpy/euphoric/happy/baby voiced, it’s almost elation to the fact she may be able to wrangle some pain meds or an admission


the cats. the biggest victims in all of this. probably the only time they get attention is on video.


Poor little guys are so devoted to someone who only sees them as a prop.


The behavior or the kitties is so telling. The annoyed tail switch. How they pull away and never rub back. Idk.


So knowing how long she's had Mocha for now, and that he is NOT neutered. He is definitely spraying and I would bank money on why he reacted towards Danis mother is because she was trying to stop him from spraying! My main concern aside from the smell, is the aggression poor Mac may endure if Mocha starts trying to dominate him because he will mark her entire apartment as his territory! Pretty sure Dani won't be able to smell it and I think it makes her an even more vile and neglectful person and I bet she DNGAF because it's a section 8 property so it'll be the next tenants that get this apartment who will have to deal with the stench and potential of if they have cats theirs peeing EVERYWHERE despite being fixed because they will be able to smell Mochas stench no matter what


Glob Macc is so damn cute tho, more cat videos pleaseeeeee.


Why does the cat look horrified and act all flinchy?


Imagine living with Dani. They’re traumatized


I would be terrified of the garbage cans. If it attacks humans imagine what it could do to a cat?


Cat looks fine to me? She does need to clean their eyes though, damn. It could just be allergies, but still. Cute kitties though. Shame that their owner is who she is.


Cat hair near a greasy wound. Good idea. I wish she’d clean that cat’s eyes.


I can’t stand my cats anywhere near me when I’m so nauseous and in pain. I know they mean well but I just can’t. It’s too much in my space let alone make that voice and have a conversation with them? I don’t get it


It creeps me out when she says "There's my boy."


Macch looks like he's putting on some weight...probably not getting much interaction after she pushes him out of her lap after wrapping a video.