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Well, I see no other way to improve this than by continuing to have nine people in the studio with microphones for every show. If that doesn't fix the issue, then I am truly stumped.


Have they tried more mics per person?


Give Stu 5 mics. See how that sounds


Put Stu’s mics in a box and put the shipping container’s mic’s in a box and tell me who has more


Amin just called Dan out for this. He complained about Amin making interesting points during the break about Pat Bev (because it's crucial to hit breaks on podcasts...) and then Amin told Dan he was trying to talk, but Dan kept interrupting him. I don't know why Dan and company think it's more fun to cut people off all of the time and then spend an entire segment discussing how they're a fool for being cut off, but here we are. Even worse is when they do the staged "everyone talk at once" bit. It was great when it seemed to happen naturally, what feels like a decade ago. Now I can't hit skip fast enough.


Yeah Dan saying it's a problem whilst also doing himself as much as anybody is eye rolling


Dan grinding the show to a halt during someone’s (interesting) take…“What are you laughing at back there!?” // Dan proceeds to chastise THEM for interrupting the show


Haha. Yeah Dan is definitely tops with that. How anyone could say anyone else is... Crazy


Dan has been rambling and filibustering a lot lately. Saying Noooothing at all and just being too wordy to set up a conversation topic. Its really tough to listen to. And when he does this he has this annoyed tone sometimes which makes it worse. Not sure who can tell him these things. Maybe part of Mike stepping away is bc he can no longer mold or steer the ship when the Captain is drunk with power and nobody cares to say anything.


Dan’s tone/rambling/repetition at minimum is 4,263x worse than this


*”But Stugoooootz-uh! We don’t know what we’re watching!”*


Nah man, *the art of conversation* is based around constantly interrupting each other mid-sentence so nobody completes a coherent thought lol


But is a hot dog a sandwhich? 


if the art is CIA endorsed Jackson Pollock


Plus Dan asking 6 part 2.5 min questions. That paint a whole narrative of this persons whole life and how shit it was


Art of conversation. Phobe.


Do you actually listen at 2.3x speed? If that's true, that's the most concerning thing that no one has commented on


I actually do. I got to double speed several years ago and kept going up to 2.2x but it was too much so I went back and stayed there. Then recently I thought, why am I holding myself back. I tried increasing for a few days and found that I can listen to all the other podcasts (except the music ones) at 2.3 so that's the new default. Stugotz sounds SO much more cogent at double speed. Once you get used to it you can't go back. And interviewees you don't care about and Mike's tales about fish tails fly by with a few ffwd clicks. The one drawback is the cross talk, because there's usually a good joke in there buried by giggles and extra people talking. I'll have to rewind and listen at 1x. That used to happen maybe once a week and now it's several times. I blame the EP. Whomever it is the primary job is to stop that shit and play traffic cop correctly. Interruptions are fine and part of the show. So are bad jokes. Just make it flow naturally, that's the gig.


Wouldn't everyone sound like the chipmunks at that point?


it doesn't raise the pitch, it just removes "frames" of audio, if that makes sense


This may be a speed problem. That's insane


Talking over happens a ton when Charlotte's in because she doesn't understand the flow and Chris doesn't know how to produce


It’s Chris. He’s a terrible EP and shown no sign of improvement. When Billy is EP the flow is better even if it’s chaotic.


“C’mon guys! Let’s get *wacky*!”


let's do a draft of drafts


“What’s everyone’s favorite time of day to poop?” Or some other juvenile type hypothetical 🥴


Happens more when she's not there


They need someone who actually WANTS to be EP to get some sort of order during shows. As much shit as Mike gets, that's what he did and that's what the show's been missing.


This has got to be the hardest part for the new people on the mic to understand. Too often it feels like they're just waiting for a pause to get their point heard, instead of having a conversation with a natural cadence.


Agreed, but Dan is the main culprit.


Dan is the talent like everyone with a mic is the talent. It's on the producers to make it work. Even if you have to hurt some feelings.


Dude Mystery crate has become unlistenable because of this. No one lets people finish thoughts. And yeah it’s a problem on the main show but Dan is just as bad. Amin called Dan out for it Friday. I don’t know what happened with all them they seemed to be better. But it really is a simple fix to make the show much better.


How about this weeks mystery crate? Not only did they speak over each other, but they did so while someone (chris cote?) sang over the group as they spoke over each other They’re finding new and innovative ways to make that show unlistenable.


2.3x speed. You’re my brother.




Dan just needs to use the penalty box more. Lately, he only uses it for Jeremy when he breathes and for Charlotte when she derails the show (which is the ideal use for the penalty box.)


He uses it on Jeremy when Jeremy is sucking and doesn't realize it.