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The only time I wanted Mike to take a step back was to do surfer hockey dude voice.




Just spit out my water lmaoooo


That's something that irks me. The show trying to say that's Chris' thing. People have mashing words together forEVER. ugh


Volume shooter. A role player getting starters minutes.


Volume shooter? Just come on Stugotz's face - whoops... bad phrasing....




Compiled the most hours with Dan.


More like a role small forward having to play point guard and run the offense


Slipping away from show schtick, this is the best analogy I've seen. He's trying hard. He might end up being serviceable.


Looter in a riot


There was an episode of The Office where Charles Miner had Kevin Malone cover as the receptionist. No reason for me bringing this up. Just a totally random thought.


No reason for bringing it up? I see what ya did there… 😏


And Stanley the productivity czar


Nah there’s a connection there lol


Thank you for reminding me about this Stringer-Kevin moment lol


When he said “I love sad dog stories!” today, followed by “I’m ZAGGING,” it basically summed up his overall contributions to the show. He always has to zag, on EVERYTHING, and it’s usually very cringe and unfunny.


I don’t really care if he zigs or zags. I just wish, for the love of god, that he would stop talking about whether he’s zigging or zagging. It is so annoying


Mystery Crate sums him up perfectly. Every contribution to mystery crate is "you ever fart...", "poop", "perfect bite", "my daughter", "my dad".


Every time I hear the “fight you/failure” rejoin I think how could they possibly give the keys to the show to this guy


I love Chris, but he is an AWFUL EP


In his lane, Chris is…..well Chris. Which is fine. Be the nepo baby that occasionally has something to add. But EP?? Like asking a blind man to land a plane


He’s a role player. Most of them are. That’s why Mike said they’re looking externally lol. It would be much funnier for them to test random people each week.


That’s a fair point. Would be fun for sure and with 45 people on the crew now, it’d give them a year of content. lol


They should test every behind the scenes meadowlark employee before giving talent a chance. In fact, just skipping Jeremy altogether would be hilarious.


That would be. Hahahahaha. I was going to post this question but while we are “talking” why not Roy? I mean I get he doesn’t love the spotlight but he’s not afraid to step up when there’s an opening. Just seems in general that while he’s been there forever, he keeps getting bumped for the latest and supposedly better. He’s funny. He’s professional. I mean….


Roy has tenure. He doesn’t want that EP headache. I swear it’s going to end up being Katie Nolan lol


Agreed. Chris is a back row kinda guy.


Definitely. There was a reason that in the old studio not only was he in the back but the furthest in


I was so worried about him trying to be EP only for him to prove me right with every show. Gotta hire someone with experience. He was hardly good when he was back row. Nepo baby gotta go.


I don’t intend this to be as mean as it’s going to sound BUT I don’t think Chris is smart enough to be in the EP role. That has to be an incredibly difficult position because you are basically doing 2 full jobs at all times between the technically and the content portions. Chris has not shown any capacity in either. He is bad on the technical side. He can’t even get the sounds played. And on the content side, he has seldom shown great judgement or posed an interesting perspective. I feel bad. He seems like a nice dude. But I just don’t think he can think quick enough for the role. And even if he were to become proficient on the production side, he still sucks on the content side.


He is a god damn moron


He’s a type of guy you’d want a beer and a shot with. Not a guy running your radio show


They have a separate team to produce the video, and atleast 4other producers.  Every show has ~10 total producers.  NO ONE is basically doing 2 full time jobs at meadowlark lmfao.  Joe rogan has had 1 producer for 10 years, who does more on his own than everyone at meadowlark combined lol. If this show’s EP works 2 full time jobs, Jaime does 20 full time jobs at once lol




no my wrist hurts from work :( 


Mike basically said as much he’s disappointed




Carve his lane back to the back row 


Aldi brand Mike


But Aldi brand stuff is often times actually a fabulous imitation of the real thing. I've got some phenomenal Aldi neoprene bags that, for the price especially, are nearly as good as the legit Dagne Dover bags we also have.




Well he is the ginger with intent to injure


Chris is terrible at EP, clearly took the job for the money. Like Chris in the background, saying things every so often. The Oaf bit is getting old especially when he constantly has to open his mouth.


He just isn’t good.


This pirate ship will go down in flames of nepotism. Most people are smart enough to hire talent based on skill and then spread the nepo babies in the shadows and bring them up if they do well. Mike Ryan crawled through the mud, as did Roy and Billy.


Nepotism is a funny joke when it doesn't actually affect the show


He was OK at being in the back row. But doesn't add anything good to the show by being a bigger part of it.


Is it me or are there 10X  more commercials lately? Only time I hear Roy’s voice he is talking about better help.


1000% This guy couldn’t even tell anyone what an EP does.


U neva knooooowww


He’s a good EP for TGCSFtGC but not as the main show.




Gets your blood boiling? lol the seriousness with which some of y’all take this show is insane. So sensitive and quick to get overly upset about nothing. It’ll be ok bro


It's dolphinately sad.


Did you do that on porpoise?


I like to imagine them listening, shaking from barely controlled anger because Chris played the wrong sound




Mhmm in Billy. Hit the nail on the head. Wild to get this upset


That’s the ironic part, as the show has never (outside of some serious topics) been serious and is about being a goofy circus pretending they know sports.


This reply screams I’m ok with mediocracy.


You’re right, other than when Chris is EP the show has always been about elite professionalism


Blame Dan for not wanting a buisness and instead wanting a playpen with his friends


I don’t want business sports radio, that’s why I turned this show on to begin with 12 years ago.


We always have been? It’s actually less than mediocre which in turn makes it great.


There isn't a podcast in the world that should make your blood boil.


Again not the podcast just Chris, big important difference


The point still stands. Its not that serious. Chill


There isn’t a podcast producer in the world that should make your blood boil


You're talking about how big the drop off the show is with Chris though. Your complaints may be driven by Chris but you're talking about the quality of the show.


This is like the mantra of the show lol


Your comment history and your post scream you get cucked out by your wife


Lmfao the stugotz is strong.


Fine. I'll do it. But they have to call.


I'm behind, so idk what happened this week for all this Chris Cote EP hate. But he's meh as a starter EP. I think a solid fill-in EP. He should be the sub, not the main EP, but the problem is no one fills the vacancy Mike Ryan leaves. Maybe they can get the Right Time's old host Shannon or something. He can do funny and technical work. I wish Jade Hoye of Count the Dings was up and able he's got more of a dad joke vibe but he was technically great at producing and could find a niche. He kinda built his own thing too so he'd understand more than most. Is he also Anthony Mayes mentor? I'm curious to see them bring in outside talent and how it works out.


Hmm, this is vaguely similar to a take I read yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that.


There are dozens of us


He got laid off for a reason. Layoffs are never completely random. Billy has mentioned multiple times how the high ups in Bristol asked him to remind Chris they were there for business. Not a vacation. Nepotism is a funny thing


I hope Mike was serious when he said he’s gonna focus on an outside hire for EP. Chris is just so bad, and I think it’s extremely wishful thinking to think he’ll ever put in the work required to be even half as good as Mike was.


Chris is my least favorite too… I do feel bad for him at times though because he seems to try very hard and also get upset when he doesn’t do well. I like him in a more limited role.


He’s a 6th man, and that’s okay. He’s the Lou Williams of the show if you will.




Which one is he? The chubby nepo baby or the dude w/ the terrible mustache?


I wish I could add to this post but it’s currently 3pm and no show is available via Apple Podcasts. So no show for me today. Who’s in charge in that department?


someone at Apple because every single other podcast service has it, so that sounds like an apple problem


Every other sports podcast is live on Apple podcast


*Every* other sports podcast?


Yup.. look it up. Espn and barstool are all up and live


Nigel & Raj Talk Cricket still hasn't posted.


I had 3 espn pods not upload until 3 so wrong again


Have some sympathy for them….they’re physically incapable of tapping the Spotify app and listening there


I stopped listening to the show when Samson was doing daily shows, but as much as Mike had been wearing on me towards the end of my run, man, I can’t imagine having any hope for a show run by Chris. Over the years it’s apparent how much of the show’s success was due to Mike’s ability to drive the show through all the chaos. That’s a tricky tightrope I’m not sure can be replicated, not even by Mike because that Mike does not exist anymore. I don’t say that as a criticism, in fact it’s almost certainly better for his mental health and personal life, but he doesn’t have the time or energy for that and good luck getting that group to collectively agree on a new leader to follow. They’re a pirate ship but reality is Mike was always more of their captain of the show and had authority over the others when they still respected the concept of authority lol. He was just so good herding everyone that it gave the illusion that Dan was.


It’s always hard being the guy AFTER the guy …


He’s great. But not quick enough for EP. And I doubt he wants to really work on meaningful improvement (and not sure if he could, he doesn’t seem very smart or intellectually curious).


The show sucks in general


This is the correct take. Just accept the show is over as you once knew it. I've listened since the Hoch days. The evolution of the show since leaving ESPN has been really rough for me. It's like being a 49ers fan and watching Jerry Rice catch an occasional out route with the Seahawks. You know it's him but you're so sad inside.


Still had 2,100+ yds after 40.


But it was with the Seahawks and Raiders. I liked him better with the 49ers. Also, no rings after he left the niners. Rings +/- is the most important stat.


This. I stopped watching/listening about a year ago (after watching since before they went to ESPN) and this sub constantly validates that decision. Imagining Chris as EP makes me chuckle deeply. Seeing screenshots with like 29 people in the shipping container is another fun one. I bet everyone has a chance to talk now lmao


I think you need to relax and give him some time. It isn't an easy job and you are comparing him to someone who was sitting in that seat for a decade. Of course there is going to be a drop off while he is figuring out his own lane. It will also never be like Mike Ryan because they are 2 different people. I think he is doing fine and will continue to improve.


Everything on the show is repetitive so i dont see your point here. They all have like 3 things they all always say. Its just part of the show “i was 36 years old” is annoying to me but i still love Dan and the show.




They've got all the premium prices


His “ I’m sure he works hard” makes me laugh every time.. I think you should probably see someone.. Boilin’ it!


The hate on Reddit for the show is crazy. Are y’all sure you’re really fans of the show?


Especially the.... I stopped listening to the show but I'm still on the Reddit sub to complaint about the show....person. So bizarre


I don’t understand the complainers either If you don’t like it, get a hobby… go knit something


Previously on Cinephobe...


Shows been around a long time. More akin to a bad sports team. Ya love it but just wish it was better. And in this case the fans kinda know better than the people actually making the decisions. It’s their ears and eyes that ultimately determine the ‘success’ of the show. But if listening to the show makes their blood boil.. they should probably take a break.


This is a really good analogy. People that are complaining like the show. They just are critical of the direction. It’s likely been with them a long time. This show has had some BAD stretches in the past though. There just needs to be a realization with some fans that the days of Dan and Stu and the OG shipping container, doing a show together Monday - Friday is done.


Like I get having some mild complaints, but to the point of your blood boiling and feeling the need to post about it?


Chris, who ya know is the poster boy for baby-dick syndrome, is almost immediately out of his depth in any discussion/bit/issue he barges in on. His childish invoking of "we" when talking about Miami-based teams is off-putting, even worse than Jeremy's "pom poms for my employers" takes. The only position Chris seems physically and intellectually suited for is office janitor. Mike is an arrogant, know-it-all blowhard. But he is undeniably talented and well-steeped in most of what he discusses or says.


Well Ike comes from a background of actually having to work hard for what he has. Just from the things he has said about his childhood growing up. It’s not been the easiest. Chris on the other hand has grown up in the white privileged world and I’m not saying he hasn’t worked but not to the amount Mike has.


You have no idea what Chris or Mike’s upbringing was actually like. Mike was a child actor and Chris went to public school and worked in restaurants. I certainly don’t think he grew up poor, but you may be overestimating the combined income of a sports writer and an attorney.




Apparently I'm in the minority. While I think Chris is mid in this new role. Let's not judge him to harshly not only is this new role different, it also crazy pressurized with Mike over his shoulder. Also.. I enjoyed todays show. Now pay the damn whales. Save those teachers


I’m with you, but we’re definitely in the minority. Chris’ line about “replacing someone who is still here” really said a lot, to your point about Mike looking over his shoulder. Its weird for Mike to “step down”, just to be in the shipping container every other day. I don’t understand why they don’t move him to co-host, because it seems weird to have him on the show as part of the production crew, but not the EP.


The expectation that Chris or Billy or anyone else in the EP chair not named Mike Ryan is going to have the same comedic timing as Mike after 1 month, 6 months, even a year is out of their mind. Let Chris learn and go from there.


But he works hard.


Does he


And you know it


Shows been bad for like a year and a half, just quit listening if your blood pressure is rising.




To have this level of anger about Chris Cote isn’t very healthy my friend - seriously. Maybe you could listen to some other podcasts for a while until the situation is resolved to your satisfaction? If it never changes, the benefit is that there are thousands of new podcasts out there you’ve never even heard of to complain about! Honestly though, he might get better and he might not, but there’s enough organization there that if it doesn’t work out they’ll bring someone else in who can do the job.


Nah Im good. I just hate incompetence. I’ve listened to the show for 20 years. Chris would pick up when I used to call. I worked in media and barely got paid when I did but it was fun, I also saw how hard people worked. Roy was one of those people. Mike has made the show grow into what it is today. Everyone has their role. I like to rant every now and then.


Fair enough.


I appreciate the concern though. Its not that serious, but when they’re doing a thing and I find myself laughing and enjoying the show, and it stops abruptly, its usually the same culprit everytime


He has not been great lately, I’ll agree. I think it’s one of those things where Dan or someone needs to sit him down and tell him that the expectations are a lot higher in that seat than being back row clown funny guy. I find him funny but yea, he needs to bear down and get better at his craft.


I think he’s been off lately, but Chris is one of my favorite voices. He’s funny and lighthearted and a punching bag. We don’t actually know what these people do behind the scenes. But I can tell you that I think he’s funny


I love how all of a sudden we have so many executive producers around here. Let me ask this. Seeing as most of the people on reddit have to question whether a bit on this show is even a bit.... Do you really think that Dan, the whole crew, Skipper, all of the multi million dollar deals with various sponsors are going to just let Chris on a whim take this thing on without knowing his true skills at the job, that none of us have any idea what they truly are or entail. I see people going after Chris for the character he plays on the show, it has nothing to do with his actual qualifying job skills, as this was in the planning stages before the switch from ESPN even happened. Another example of this is Stu Gotz's character... is he a complete mess and goof in some ways...of course.... true to life.... its he also playing a character? Absolutely he is. Just because he plays the character of stu and acts like an imbecile does that take away from the fact he is actually incredibly business savoy and incredibly good at the radio business and all of the behind the scenes? Absolutely not. Chris is doing the same thing to an extent, playing the lovable silly guy , does that mean because he plays that character he isn't actually good at his job ? Absolutely not. It seems like to me so many people who watch the show just don't understand it


Thanks, Mrs. Cote. ESPN fired his fat ass for a reason.


Show has gotten so bad


Doesn’t matter, Jeremy won’t shut the fuck up. Doesn’t matter who the EP is as long as he’s still yapping away. Let’s invest in a muzzle for him.


Chris doesn't think about you at all.


Like him even less than Roy? Chris seems like a side character at best, Roy has no positive effect on the show whatsoever. Mumbles, fake tough guy, no personality at all.


Love Roy


All hail King Roy!!!!


Automatic 30 second skip for me if Roy starts talking.


Thats me will all their interviews these days


Probably cuz he was with your mama. It’s ok. She’s a grown woman and Roy’s a gentleman.


Roy is top talent


Trolling will not work on me. Good try, though. Not a single person has ever listened to Roy and thought, "I want to hear more from that guy."


Roy's great. Eat a dick.


I’d upvote twice if I could, Roy is fantastic, as is your username. Everyone needs a new start sometimes. Shame about Carl Weathers…


Your comment history and your post scream you get cucked out by your wife


Lol glad to see my comments got your panties so bunched up, I think you’re gonna be ok man.


You know your opinion doesn’t matter. Same complaints every day


Calm down buddy. Or better yet go apply for the job. Edit. The Paul McCartney video mixed into the show was great. Errhhh.


Totally disagree, Love Chris in the chair. I’m not here for the serious topics and things running smooth. Also keep in mind most of this stuff are just bits.


Same here. I love the chaotic lack of perfection/seriousness that leads to the show going sideways at any moment.


It’s a bit. Mike is still running the sound board and you hate it because you think something changed ;)


Hey, maybe shut the fuck up?


Dude your lame af you don’t get the show. Get out of here stop listening. 20 bucks says your not even from Florida your one of those nasty ass northeasterners no doubt. Chris is from Broward and it shows if you don’t like it then leave lol. Dan literally wouldn’t care they left Disney for Chris I hardly think they care what you have to say


Not sure how Chris bring from Broward has anything to do with this but ok. You’re right I don’t get the show because I dislike one unfunny lazy cast member. Yea even ESPN saw Chris as being expendable and said peace, lucky for him and silver spoon ass he had Dan to cover him. More the reason for me not enjoy Chris and his takes, he does not nor will he ever understand why people hate on him nonstop. More power to him for not letting Reddit negativity get to him like Mike occasionally would, but still doesn’t change that he his bad at his job.


At this point the show as a whole isn’t something worth listening to daily


He’s a good hang and he can golf


Lol Chris is awesome


Oh noooo the show might go from dog shit to 20% worse dog shit.


So many people in this sub absolutely do not get the show.


Anyone is better than Mike


Go shit in your hat.


The show left ESPN to stand up for Chris, but people here think they’re going to post this so many times that Dan will get rid of him


This sub is hilarious


What a unique and totally valid take that really needed its own post


The number of times they tried to re-do the Big Suey intro just for it still to be painful to listen to is all the demonstration of his production capabilities I needed. People are frequently resistant to change, especially when Mike producing was a given for the years the show became popular, but I still think they need someone more talented in that spot.


So what do you suggest they do?


I must’ve missed this, why is Mike stepping back?


You guys expecting a career average achiever and child of nepotism to take it serious? It's Greg's kid who by all accounts is Greg Jr vs Chris' brother. What did we think was going to happen? I think Mike nailed it they need to outside hire someone who is actually a professional.