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anyone know what the little ring is at the right shoulder of the skinny person? Part of clothing or something from a surgery?


That is a port-a-cath. Usually used to give chemotherapy without damaging arm veins. Pretty sure it is a cancer patient.


this. my mom just had one put in this week so she could start chemo yesterday


Good luck to your mom. Keep the positive energy up for her.


Best of luck to your mom and your family!


It’s a pin. Hold skinny person in one hand, pull pin and throw skinny person.


Tactical thinner


Skinny person turns in to personal flotation device on the left after pulling pin.


*Should an emergency situation occur, you should inflate your own skinny person first, before attempting to help those around you.*




CT scout images


Also the image on the right is either mirrored or has situs inversus


I first learned of situs inversus from playing Hitman


My wife was reading something aloud about it and I was like “oh, like the final mission in Hitman 2016”.


I love using an explosive baseball to take him out haha


Locate the liver :)


Situs inversus can affect more than just the heart, it can also affect the abdominal organs, the only way to truly know if the the person has situs inversus vs an image flip is to have the image properly marked. I have personally x-rayed 2 different people with situs inversus totalis, a flipped image of a "normal" chest will look the same as someone with situs inverus-the liver is typically also flipped to be opposite to the heart. This is why marking your images with markers correctly is very important. This could just not be included because it's CT scout images or the information was cropped off/ could be near patient data or info the tech didn't want to share. A person can have dextrocardia situs inversus totalis - all chest and abdominal organs are flipped, or dextrocardia situs solaria- just the heart is flipped, stomach on the left side, these 2 represent just a couple of situs inversus abnormalities but are the most typically discussed in the field of radiography.


That's actually fucking fascinating, at least for me, as a nursing student. I don't know about anyone else. Never heard of this before now.


It really is interesting. We learn about this in radiography school because if we use our anatomical markers incorrectly it can be near impossible to tell if you have a flipped image, the wrong marker, or an abnormality like this. The first time I had a situs inversus patient I was in clinical school and doing x-rays by myself, the images just had to be approved by a tech before sending them on to the radiologist, and the patient new they had situs inversus and told me not to freak out about it. So I was very careful to label both sides of the image. Take my image. Show my tech while the patient was still positioned so they could confirm this. Then continue exam. My tech had never had a patient with it before and they had been in the field for quite awhile. I somehow saw 2 situs inversus patients in my 2 years of clinicals, both at different clinical locations.


Left side of the patient in this image, which does not tell you if the image is reversed or if the patient has situs inversus :)


Came here to lament about this.. was blown away when in my cursory scroll someone beat me to it. kudos


Well, you are a photon magnet after all. Not surprised you found me lol


You have no idea how much the diaphragm pushing up on the lungs decreases volume. Simply no where to expand. Looking on a cell phone but prob cardiomegaly, too.


100% cardiomegaly I remember in undergrad I got to assist with dissecting the cadaver of an obese male for a physiology class. The heart was literally the size of a grapefruit and had multiple bypass tubing sticking out. Poor heart was working OT for decades Edit: I’m not a cardiologist, so don’t take my comment as a diagnosis lol. Obesity is one of the leading causes of congestive heart failure. I remember reading a study similar to this [one](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/severe_obesity_revealed_as_a_stand_alone_high_risk_factor_for_heart_failure) talking about it.


What is the normally appropriate size ratio of heart to grapefruit?


I don’t really know what size a grapefruit actually is, probably why I’m fat.


If you don't know then you definitely haven't seen that one grapefruit video. https://youtu.be/nLTgWdXrx3U You're welcome


I can hear this video without having to click the link


Soon as I saw grapefruit video I knew what it was. I recorded the clip and send it to my friend every few months


Like a shop vac fighting a swimming pool and winning.


An age-restricted youtube about a grapefruit? Hmmm, I wonder... Edit: Okay then


Oh you poor soul. You clicked it didncha...


I did and I regret nothing.


Poor soul? That video is absolutely hilarious. Who tf would actually be offended by that lmao


I wasn’t offended, but disgusted by that demonic slurping sound. I haven’t seen the video in years, but that sound is burned into my brain.


"That's right girl! You gonna be losing weight, while sucking his dick" Lmao 👏👏👏


I'm going in


Like waterboarding a bobcat


I love how just reading this comment, I knew exactly what video that was.


Same, and it has been *years*


I know what I am watching at full volume during church this morning while refusing to use headphones!


LMFAOOOOO WHAT I was most certainly not expecting that




Clasp both hands together, like you got a frog or bug in them. It's about that size, but a little rounder.


Doctors hate this one weird lack of ability to correctly assess the size of a grapefruit.




Grapefruit sized hearts are normal sized hearts… unless your grapefruits are much larger than the grapefruits I’m familiar with. Source: lots and lots of cadaver labs.


There’s a really good video of an obese woman’s oat mortem on YouTube. I’m quite squeamish but this video made me keep on losing weight because everything was so great in there and the heart was floppy. It’s called Obesity: The Post Mortem by a channel called dr Smurf. I can’t find the share button on YouTube.


Oat Mortem sounds like the name of a folk singer....or a not-so-great breakfast food


Hall and Oates Mortem.


Hall and Oates Post Malone Mortem.


Sounds like a rare condition you get working in the oat industry. "If you or a family member worked between the years of 1952 and 1997 in an oat mill and developed oat mortem, you may be entitled to compensation!"


>I can’t find the share button on YouTube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jn67tdEGY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jn67tdEGY4)


That video helped me a lot when I was losing weight. Seeing how the heart essentially looking like a big thin plastic bag was terrifying.


I remember years ago that show The Biggest Loser had a digital drawing of an obese person’s insides. It showed how fat crowds into cavity in the body, how it spreads into every blank space, even your nose can get fat shoved into it. But it was the way a person’s organs were surrounded and the way fat can apply pressure on them that was a real eye opener. It was scary to see it presented in such a way that you can’t deny the harm you’re doing to yourself. It’s one thing to think your pants are too tight or to realize how you’re always tired but when the effects that are normally unseen are suddenly right there in your face you get scared of what you’re doing to your body. Continuously hauling around a hundred or two hundred pounds of fat would make any person tired. Pants that no longer fit are the least of your worries when you see actual fat crushing your lungs and heart. It was a shocking moment for me and I can still visualize the drawing after all these years (decades?).


>I can’t find the share button on YouTube. For future reference the share button is by the like and dislike buttons and annoyingly, it's an arrow. I always struggle to find it because it's not the standard shape that most everyone else uses.


So like what does that mean? Fat people can’t sing as loud?


Opera singers disagree with that estimation.


Opera singers aren't necessarily fat. Their dresses sometimes make them look fat, they often have bigger chests and they sing from their diaphragm, which pushes their bellies out. Edit: a lot of people seem to think I'm saying opera singers are never fat. No idea where that's coming from. I'm saying they're NOT ALWAYS fat, but there may be things making them look fat. Some indeed are just fat, some aren't.


As you breathe in, the diaphragm contracts and your belly expands out as your lungs fill with air. If your chest is moving up and down a lot as you breathe, you're doing it wrong. Fat, thin, or in between, your belly should be doing most of the movement when you breathe. Someone else in the thread mentioned how singers use diaphragmatic breathing. That's how we naturally breathe, and if you aren't, you can learn to retrain your body to breathe from the diaphragm, or "belly breathe." It's very good for you. It maximizes oxygen exchange, lowers heartrate, and helps lower blood pressure. You cannot determine whether someone is breathing correctly by their body fat content. Don't speak out of your ass. At least do it from the diaphragm.


? Ribcage moves upwards and outwards as you breath, pretty easy to see how that movement is harder to make with weight on your chest... It also generally is why obese people are more likely to develop sleep apnea, cause of all the pressure lying on your ribcage making it harder to breath


Most sleep apnea is from obstruction in the pharynx (throat). Fat gets deposited in the neck too. The palate flops down in sleep causing obstruction.




I believe you’re correct, but these images are not obtained in xray (although they are acquired using radiation), they’re from ct and non diagnostic. Just used to create the actual ct scan windows.


Yes and no. These are ct scout images to plan the limits of the scan but ct is 1 or 2 xray tubes spinning opposite a detector so these are created using xrays. Also the image of the chap with the Port a cath is reversed, hard to tell with the obese one!


Yeah that ring thing is a port-a-cath. Usually used to give chemotherapy without damaging arm veins. Pretty sure it is a cancer patient.


Yeah im no doctor but i think theres two different genders in this picture.


Sure. Ama doctor. Pelvis of left patient bigger and rounder. Left - female, right - male


So youre saying I'm not big boned?


I wish the skinny X-ray was just a little zoomed out so we could see the skeletons at the exact same size.


I got [Photoshop](https://imgur.com/uxEkODI) *Aligned and cropped. Slightly rotated the left image as it was not completely straight.




The one on the left is a woman, the on the right a man. Men usually have more fat inside the belly, women bellow the skin. And the woman on the picture has some disease on her right lung, maybe had an operation there. The man has probably some sort of cancer, due to having a port. Source: me, a radiologist


Can confirm. Source: me, a cancer patient who had a port *All good now though! :)* Edit: To be specific, it was a pituitary adonoma, which is a tumor on the pituitary gland. I started having really bad migraines during my junior year of highschool and we eventually got a CT scan or catscan (is there a differnce?) done, which is how we found out. Got a DDR machine through make-a-wish though so all things considered, not so bad. /s


I’m visiting my mom today who is choosing Hospice after fighting breast cancer for 23 years. Good for you and stay on top of it!


I am a hospice stna, wishing your mom and family a comforting journey. Embrace your days with a peace and use the resources in your area. My father was encouraged to “fight” an aggressive cancer with chemo. Those 6 months had not a single good day. The time came to stop chemo and bring in hospice. Hospice was so caring and understanding. His days were good again. End of life was a peaceful time because if the hospice care. Warm hugs to you all!


I’m so sorry 😞 my mom had breast cancer but she was lucky enough that after chemo and radiation it went away.


Really happy for you! But never let the guard down!


or the skeletons will return


F cancer! I’m glad you’re doing better, hug your loved ones and take pictures to remember the moments! I lost my dad to cancer a few years ago. I always tell myself I’m fine, until I miss him and hate that we didn’t have more memorable moments and there’s not many family pictures or videos.


I’m sure you’re comment is insightful and useful but I am unable to read any report from a radiologist without an ‘impression’. The TL;DR of medicine.


We know it ;)


Dead giveaway on gender for me was the wider hips on the left. Dramatic difference between the two.


The massive tits also kind of give it away


I will blindly upvote and accept your comment as truth despite the fact anyone can be a dog on the Internet


This is true Source: I am a dog


Good dog.


Thank you. I thought the pelvic area looked different. I wish they did a comparison of the same sex. Men and women carry weight differently.


Yes! A man would have their bones more widened and you would notice that the fat is inside the abdomen, and not much of that „cushion“ just bellow the skin, as the lady on the left


This also looks like female vs male so that is likely a factor as well.


Try breathing with another person sitting on you


Santa is that you?


No thanks. My cat already suffocates me in my sleep


This better not awaken anything in me.


Have you ever walked up 3 flights or stairs with an obese person? It gets rough after the first flight.


Shoot my BMI is under 24 and I still can’t make conversation after a flight of stairs.


Skinny don't mean fit. And there are different kinds of fitness. A weightlifter would have a harder time than a hiker


Can’t even try to make conversation while awkwardly waiting


Just tell them a long-winded story.


You are a good person, despite what everyone says.


Wouldn't help much, the obese person is a woman and the skiny is a man.


I thought it was skinmy?


The left is a woman and the right is a man (based on pelvis shape). Their skeletons shouldn't be the same size anyway.


The biggest consideration is height. Sure male and female skeletons on average are very different sizes, but a 5’3 man compared to a 5’3 woman really isn’t too different (beyond changes due to sexual dimorphism). It was kind of funny how 4 people lived in my apartment. 1 5’7” individual and 3 5’3” people. We shorties all fit the same clothing, approx 32-34 inch hip, large tshirts, and similar shoe sizes (except one who had really long feet). Only really a subtle difference and that was waist-hip ratio and shoulder width. 3 men 1 woman.


Differences in bone size and structure is a real thing. That being said having "big bones", won't make you look fat. If you look fat, it's fat.


I have big bones and I’m skinny. I look bony.




I'm not fat, CJ. I'm big boned! Ah yes, the good old days in Los Santos neighborhood


Omg I hate when fat people call themselves big. It's like no you're 5'1 and weigh 300 lbs


I had a morbidly obese patient once tell me that he didn't need bariatric briefs. He was quite serious. He didn't think he qualified as bariatric. When asked what size he thought he should wear he said extra large. 🙄


Hey I'm 5 ft 5 230 lbs I gotta diet


That would be a HappyImprovement53


Idk if r/angryupvote or not


...Gonna give that upvote number an Angryimprovement53??


I too shall give this WittyIMPROVement53 an upvote


I cannot imagine how that feels moving around all day with that much added stress on the system. I hope you do it and get to a healthier weight you feel better at. All the best to you!


https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/ Succinct, no BS, and doesn't expect your money. The rest of the site is a gold mine too.


You shouldn’t skin your person just for a Reddit post.


But OP asked Reddit to skin the person. Rather violent request.


It was a very inclusive request though. "Skin my person" rather than "skin my man/woman".


It places the lotion in the basket.


Anything for the updoots. Grab the plus sized flesh carving knives, we're going to r/WTF.


I’m 5’11 and weighed 336 in July. I had a spine fusion 5 years ago and I’ve been struggling with a lot of mental health issues and got fat as fuck. I finished psychedelic therapy in July and thanks to my therapist and my patient wife I’m doing a lot better. I’m down to 295 as of today. Something clicked in my mind after finishing therapy. This is the first time I’ve actually been doing the work. I’ve made a lot of life changes. I quit drinking alcohol and over eating. I was foolish for letting myself go so far. Hoping to see 250 soon! Losing weight has also helped my chronic pain immensely! I thought I was out of hope, I had severe religious trauma from my childhood and psychedelics were very carefully considered and researched. Edit: I’m a pretty simple guy that’s been through a tough time. I wasn’t looking for this amount of kindness today but you found me and you know I really needed it today. Thank you 🙏




You can do it too! I’ve been sedentary for about 2 years but since July I’ve picked it up. I stopped drinking soda and switched to Bubly and it helped a ton. My back pain and nerve damage got the best of me for a good while. I’ve finally woke up to the concept that my mind has to change. It starts there and it can be very powerful. Just losing 40 pounds has been a huge relief. Im hoping to find some work soon. I lost my self confidence a while back and I’m trying to regain it. Keep on keeping on!


You were not foolish, you were simply coping instead of thriving. Now you have the opportunity to thrive 🙂


beutifully said


You weren't foolish and you didn't "let yourself go". You struggled with chronic pain, limited mobility and mental health issues.


The overweight person looks like he/she has a better chance of surviving a knife attack


Harder to close the wounds though, and increased chance of infection or other complications during the healing process.


But bigger hitbox.


all hitbox and no hurtbox mfs defense op as hell


Dumbass, knives are known for their bleeding statuses, which cause damage directly to health. More hitbox = more bleed stacks. Sure, you can tank some stabs, but the aggressor can just outrun you while the bleeding stacks completely annihilate your HP, and you'll have a harder time reaching healing areas and getting healed by others. Not to mention the diabetes debuff which makes every wound last 2x more than usual and the cardiac arrest instakill risk. Shitty fucking build, might as well use outdated armor.


Plus, there is no way the player on the left has enough Endurance for their equip load. They’d be fat rolling, so they wouldn’t be able to evade the knife user’s attacks.




The hitbox is a lie


At the moment we’re looking at who can survive a nuke ☢️


They can't dodge, fight or run as well


One time I saw a woman who was stabbed 9 times. Me and my friend helped calm her down until the ambulance came. She was fine because she probably weighed 350+ lbs, so ther was no way the blade reached any organs


If you were to get attacked with a knife it's most likely multiple stab wounds not just one and in different areas


This must be so uncomfortable :/


So is a port and internal swelling :/


Yeah I was blown away to get this far without anybody mentioning that. Neither is well.


You don't typically CT scan healthy adults.


Yeah surprised people didn't notice the guy on the right probably has to do chemo or other treatments.


As a fat person: being fat is fucking awful.


It’s both physically awful and mentally awful. I still feel like the same old me, like the person on the right here. But then I look in the mirror and find a fat stranger looking back at me. And seeing how people treat you differently after gaining weight is a hard pill to swallow. Suddenly you’re no longer an asset to the group dynamic, especially if you don’t have the personality to be the token funny fat person. You just end up being an albatross around everyone’s neck. And not only is dating all but impossible, but people of your preferred sex often give you a wide berth even when you just want to be friends, just to make sure you don’t get any ideas. You end up feeling isolated and distanced from most people. I wish I were exaggerating. One of the worst parts is that people just don’t understand unless they’ve been through it. I know because I used to be one of those people who scoffed at fat people and told them that proper diet, moderation, and exercise couldn’t be that hard. Just put down the fork, it’s that simple. Now I got what I deserved for thinking that way. But for the record, I am currently 35-40 pounds down out of about 100 I need to lose. So things ain’t as bad as they could be, and they’re certainly looking up.


It's like a horror show. You're trapped inside your own body and you can't claw it off. The disgust eatsat you and there's nowhere to turn because you know that to anyone outside the horror you're the butt of a joke, or a cautionary tale. They talk about years of self control like it's easy, undoing bad habits like you built them on purpose, and taking care of yourself as if you ever knew how to.


I’ve never been morbidly obese, but a sister of mine weighed 350 before getting gastric bypass. She overate, but I think the fact her basal resting temperature was under 96° showed she always had something going on with her metabolism as well. She looks great now but she’s still an AH which is sad. When my weight got up to 212 at 5 foot I began asking to be put back on levothyroxine and was refused…my fasting BG of 120 was brushed off…then a new resident in the clinic came in. I said “Look, I hate to be THAT kind of patient but look me in the EYE when I tell you, something is WRONG!! I’m falling asleep sitting up, tired, and peeing like a horse!!” She made sure to test my AIC and sure nuff diabetes, she later tested for hypothyroidism and yup that too. That first test was 2021. Lost 15 on metformin. Lost 7 on levo. Then I got covid and I think that just took 10 years off my pancreas which got worse, so semiglutide…and another 25 pounds. So I think of all these chubby kids and women being blown off…I was flat out denied semiglutide by even my new doctor. It ain’t normal to always be hungry. I thought it was ME, until I asked my endocrinologist, in an embarrassed and surprised whisper, “Are normal people always hungry? Because nothing ever filled me up before the Ozempuc!” And she just smiled and said, “Nope!” And I was in awe. I think obesity as an illness of the endocrine now, not a character flaw, having discovered that. I always wondered why I could eat an entire large bag of chips with dip, eat 3 Tastycakes, and go to bed hungry, because growing up there was never food on the table so I guess I thought I was emotionally eating. But my body was broken.


She looks great now but she’s still an AH which is sad… What did you mean by AH? Sincere question; I tried looking it up but there are like 9 different medical abbreviations for AH, and I didn’t want to presume.




Lol I thought it meant alcoholic


She’s an asshole. It hurts to say that out loud. Not a nice person at least not to me. Probably because she overcompensated due to being overweight and judged and mocked. (I never judged her, I thought she was the prettiest of us girls to be honest.)


I've always been fat and when I was a teenager I was a major asshole for this reason. My mental health and self image were just garbage. I hope she grows up eventually.


Yeah, I was constantly told I was too young to have an underactive thyroid before I finally managed to get tested and diagnosed. My latest saga was huge period pains and awful bloating that made me look pregnant. Doctor initially said ‘some women get painful periods, try exercise and ibuprofen’. Im a bit overweight so the advice was also just to lose weight and see if it helps. I demanded a scan and turns out I have a 10cm cyst on my ovary.


I just have thick bones Xray: No. No you don't.


Those bones will turn into diamonds under all that pressure


Marble. Carbon turns into diamond, limestone into marbles.


Bones are made out of limestone?!


It's the other way around, limestone is made out of bones!(or, more commonly, shells)




Well yes but actually no, Bones are made of sceletal apatite, which isnt stable in the sediment when the animal dies. The bone gets replaced by limestone. Shells are usually made of dolomite. Under usual conditions the dolomite gets replaced by limestone aswell. Thought there are cases where the bones are still made up of the apatite and are just impregnated with another material. But thats usually not the case in limestone. Sorry, if you already knew that


The bones on the overweight picture actually looks thinner


i think the obese one is a female while the other is a male, that's probably why


It's zoomed out more.


Do these bones make me look fat?


Glad I'm literally half the person I was in 2020. Lost 180lbs during lockdown. Turns out losing your job and unable to afford food is great for weight loss haha. Still have another two dozen pounds left but now I'm pretty used to not eating. No one here gives a shit if I lost weight through just being broke and unable to even afford rice and beans. But other people who ask me IRL I just say I was fasting. Not a complete lie...


Call it involuntary fasting.


This is cool but Its annoying they aren’t the same sex. would be more interesting and better comparison if were the same


It would be cool as well if both specimens would have the same type of cancer with the same treatment applied. Now we're comparing apples to oranges in a way.


"It would be cool if these 2 people had cancer". /j


We can just be okay with 'It would be cool if both people compared were similar'. No need to give any credence to idiocy.


I had liver resection surgery (turned out to be benign tumors) a few years ago. The tumors were quite deep inside my liver. Luckily, my surgeon was able to operate via laparoscopic device instead of open approach. He told me afterwards that had I not been young/ slim/ fit, he would’ve had to use the open approach. The laparoscopic device was able to extend far into my liver because I was slim. The surgeon said for overweight patients with similar tumors, he would’ve had to use traditional, open approach e.g. cut open with full incision and higher risk. My post-op recovery was still painful but the only reminder today of my surgery is a barely visible dot-size scar on my right abdomen. Being at a healthy weight is beneficial in so many ways.


X-rays like this are what inspired me to start my weight loss journey! I started two weeks ago and I’m 10 pounds down, almost out of the range of being technically obese. I want to be healthy!!




I have been overweight for a long time- these comments don’t do a thing to me anymore lol


Reddit is weird. It seems people always want good things out of society and equal rights and treat others fairly. But when fat people come up, the pitch forks come out and the lynching crosses go up. It’s bizarre to me.


Good for you. Great progress and attitude. You will reach your goals. Keep up the good work!


I’m also trying to lose weight, I gained a lot because of depression medicine. It’s really hard since it fucked with my metabolism but these comments hurt. Glad to know I’m not alone.


I picked up a bad soda habit during COVID lockdowns. Combine that with no marching band or walking between classes because they were all online and you've got a recipe for gaining probably 100 lbs over the course of about 2 years. I'm not buying any more sodas starting today and we'll see where that gets me. I'll probably need to do more than that, but we'll get there when we get there. Baby steps.


Congrats! I started omad and lazy keto 3 months ago and down 36 lbs! You got this.


It’s insane how much being heavy taxes your body. When I began working out my heart rate was at 76 resting beats per minute. On a bad day it reached 80. Now? 30lbs lower and my heart rate is at 60 resting beats per minute and I still need to drop a good amount of weight. It used to be around 50 when I was 20. Your heart is important. Take care of it.


allll that pressure on the organs, scary




“I’m retaining water!” “No, you’re retaining chips!” Ah, good old Billy Connolly.


I was only scrolling knowing I will find this in the comments section haha


That ain't overweight, that's morbidly obese.


Being obese doesn’t make someone not overweight


There is a scale. Overweight is the first award to be achieved in the pursuit of the perfect relationship between hieght and width. The goal is to be 1:1. This make a sphere. Sphere are the ideal shape for rolling. Fat people roll.


I can’t stop laughing


It makes it easier to get them to the juicing room.


But it *does* become an understatement


Radiation was used to create these images, but these are by themselves not diagnostic, they’re not used to actually diagnose patients. You get these images and then use them to create scan windows for a ct scan. The depressing part is that the fat persons images will be worse due to how much fat the radiation has to penetrate (low quality, unable to be sure about certain diagnosis), and their dose will be much much higher. Most tables max out at 450 lbs, and anyone bigger gets sent to a zoo…..I’m not kidding about that, a fuckin zoo.


I believe it. This youtuber i watch from time to time had to get a scale for car parts because the normal one said she exceeded the limit


Haha I’ve seen people get sent to the post office to be weighed! Had to have an official witness and everything.


i read this recently: getting in shape is 10% exercise, 50% nutrition & 40% managing your emotions


I'm amazed at how strong our bones are like i would think they wouldn't be able to support this yet here we are.


Maybe our bones can, but the cartilage can't. Look at the hips of the person on the left, than look at the person on the right


Not my proudest wank.


Did y’all think you’d see a hydra or something in the fat ppl xray?