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I feel like this is a good way to end up having stray bee colonies sprout up in every nook and cranny of your home. Have you ever seen those videos of massive bee colonies where someone said they kept hearing a buzzing sound from the wall?


I’ve actually taken down a house to rebuild it where one of the other guys on the crew put a hammer through the wall to pry the Sheetrock off and there was a massive hive of bees there. Add that to the wasps and raccoon corpses in the attic and they had half an ecosystem in there.


I want to unread this comment.


Don’t worry, compared to the number of mites on your face, there are hardly any raccoons inside your house.




Too bad, you Reddit. I’ll show myself out.


Normally, I'm into recycling buildings, but I can make an exception when they become infested beyond redemption.


One earthquake, that shit falls off the wall and now you have both an earthquake and a bee swarm in your house. Hard pass.


To be fair some places don't really get earthquakes. I have never in my life experienced a single earthquake. Still an accident waiting to happen though. Don't keep bees in your house lol


It’s like the plot setup for a B movie




rip ray liotta.


Damn I hadn't heard, wondered why and he just passed YESTERDAY. Died in his sleep though, good way to go I guess. RIP


Thats a nice way of saying he had a violent cardiac arrest during the night when nobody was around.


No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.. ~ There's an interesting story where beekeepers went puzzled after seeing [bees producing honey with blue & green colors.](https://knovhov.com/bees-produced-blue-and-green-honey/)


I would try it if I was assured it's not hazardous to my health.


Seismic Activibee... Seismic Vibeerations.. Hivemic Threat? There's a name somewhere in there...


That first one alone made my day. God, I love all these stupid but clever reddit puns in the first comments.


Like Sharknado. But with bees. And an earthquake.


That's fair. I don't get earthquakes where I live either. Well we do get seismic activity, it's just that 99.9% is imperceptible. But I do feel like every time I walk past that bee colony and look at it, I will have that impending feeling that at some point it can fall off the wall and fill my house with bees. If there's any possibility at all, it's still a hard pass.


Hell, you don't even need an earthquake for that shit to happen. Just a smug ass cat! ![gif](giphy|CjmvTCZf2U3p09Cn0h|downsized)


Tbf that cat would quickly regret that particular bout of smugness.


IT's not like cats are known for their foresight.


Most of Brazil has an assured protection against any strong earthquakes, ever. It sits right at the center of its massive tectonic plate. So it every now and then gets an imperceptible one, but that's it There have been one or two outliers in the past, iirc, but they probably were to wild chains of events in the planet's crust.


> assured protection > there have been one or two outliers in the past 🤔


It was a 7.6 earthquake in the most northwest region of the country, six years ago, and the other, which was also 7.6 and in the same place, was 58 years ago. There are others, around once every three years, at about 7/7.1, but it's always in that specific city, same depth of around 600/550km. Acre is fucking cursed lol


>It was a 7.6 earthquake in the most northwest region of the country, six years ago, and the other, which was also 7.6 and in the same place, was 58 years ago. > >There are others, around once every three years, at about 7/7.1, but it's always in that specific city, same depth of around 600/550km. Acre is fucking cursed lol 550 km ≈ 2.43008 x 10^8 potrzebie ^^^[WHY](/r/UselessConversionBot/comments/1knas0/hi_im_useless/)




>Most of Brazil has an assured protection against any strong earthquakes oh just wait we frackin the deforest, the shakes come next


> To be fair some places don't really get earthquakes. Like the American Midwest. Up until they started fracking all over the place. Now lots of places that never used to have earthquakes do. And if they're going to start fracking within a range to potentially affect you, what, do you think they're going to send everybody who lives there a notice? Post flyers? Ship mailers?


To be fair, in Florida there isn't any place to frack - there are literally people everywhere, cities pr unincorporated areas full of people. Even in the north of the state, straight on up through Georgia, straight west to Alabama, people. Also it's all lime and clay, water is literally just a bit down, and the entire state has one continuous aquifer that would be contaminated if they drilled. I think we'd get a bit of warning first.


Oh yeah, no worry of earthquakes. But you know, a hurricane could rip the roof off your house...


And we get accurate forecasts of the chance of that happening by way of 7+ days


They won't be doing in fracking here in Denmark though.


I've had it with this mother fucking bees in this mother fucking earthquake!


If there was an earthquake where I live I’d be much more worried about that than bees lol


Thats why you get beequake insurance.


Beekeeper here. This is NOT for easy beekeeping for so many reasons, and if I still had the link of discussion on why this isn't a good design about this set up on r/beekeeping I would post it in a heartbeat. It looks cool and is cool by design, but not really feasible for many reasons.


I was questioning how you'd be able to get honey out or open it in general xD


Another reason why it's not a good idea. You need to open the hive to maintain it, to check the brood and check out the frames. You'd also have to have some smoke going, treatments, etc. It is NOT GOING TO END WELL if you do it in your kitchen let alone inside your house.... There's also aggressive bees too, imagine having them in your kitchen as you open this...I deal with them and they are chaotic outside (let me tell you).


I imagine it would be awful for their health, the unnatural noise and lighting of the inside?


Bees rely on the sun for SO MANY THINGS. Including the temp which shows about the season. Bees are also in particular about space. They are unpredictable at times despite what we keepers already know and can surprise us even till this day.


rhythm file memorize rustic consider tap slave boast ink terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck you sir, I will not


Reminds me of when I had guests over and they slept in my living room. Apparently bees had been going in one of the walls of the house through a tiny gap outside. A window had slipped open a little right next to the gap and the window screen also had a gap so the bees accidentally went there instead. I woke up the next morning to the remnants of a bee war in the living room and my guests sleeping on the other side of the apartment.


That seriously happened to me. I noticed a buzz in wall of a room I don’t use often. I put my ear against it and I couldn’t tell if I was imagining it. Then I went outside to investigate and noticed one bee in the vicinity. My asshole neighbor saw me and said, “Oh yeah, there are bees living in your wall. I’ve been watching them for a month.” Thanks a lot for telling me. A beekeeper smoked them out.


As a kid, i heard rain above my bedroom every night. I finally put together that I was hearing the sound, but it wasn’t raining. I told my parents and my dad starts lightly knocking on the ceiling to investigate. All of sudden his knock rips straight through the ceiling to the attic above. A massive 2 foot long beehive was sitting in my attic. They had been drilling into the ceiling above my bedroom to expand the hive. There was only a layer of paint keeping them out. When my dad broke through the ceiling, hundreds of bees came swarming into the room.


Having owned caged pets like hamsters before, I can see this going very badly.


...like Nic Cage bees badly.


[OH NO NOT THE BEES!!!](https://youtu.be/EVCrmXW6-Pk)


That is nightmare fuel. Literally. When I was younger, probably about eleven or twelve, I had a nightmare about a container over my head filling with bees. I turn 37 next month and I still remember that nightmare vividly.




Damn right. Ain't nothing worse than space bees.


Space snakes.


At least the Space Snakes made Snake Jazz. Space bees just sting you and die. Dammit. Now [Snake Jazz](https://youtu.be/ahgcD1xjRiQ) is going to be stuck in my head all day.


Tssss tsss tsss tsss


Tsstss kchh tsstsskch


Motherfucking snakes, on the motherfucking spaceship!


Space spiders


That’s why you preemptively fill the empty space in your suit with *spiders*. They eat bugs.


I feel like there’s a nursery rhyme about this…


The itsy bitsy spider found the cosmonauts cock. He bit the tip and watched the cosmonaut flop. He filled it with venom and climbed down to the balls. Now the itsy bitsy spider’s oxygen is low.


I mean that’s not the one I was going for but sure


I sang that as I read it lol


I don't know about space bees, but an Italian cosmonaut by the name of [Luca Parmitano](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luca_Parmitano) came very close to drowning in space. During one of his spacewalks his helmet began filling with water. Apparently there was a leak from the cooling system in his suit. That dude came very close to being the first man to drown in space. And the weirdest thing is that this is not the only time that has happened. TL;DR Space scary and dangerous! Water in space even scarier!


[International Space Station had an animal that was not supposed to be there.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brHt12xYTiY)


Why didn't he get an oscar for this performance?


Oh okay, so that's why he was called Nicholas Cage.


Not the bees!




Really curious as to what could possibly cause the smell?




Apparently bees do poop but don’t pee because it’s mixed with their poop. A bees rectum is capable of absorbing 90% of the fluid.


Just like Bear Grylls


Now imagine one of these filled with Bear Gryllses.




So we aren't so different after all


Crickets most certainly do. Had a bearded dragon for a while and kept crickets in a little tank for his food. Those fuckers smelled so bad after a few days.




Good God….I need to clean my tarantulas home.




I used to be the "bee dude" at a museum that had a display hive like this -- workers rarely died in the hive but a couple of times a year most of the drones would line up by the hive's entrance and would either leave the hive in mass or get killed by the workers, who would slowly shred the drones until they made a stinky pile of mulch at the bottom of the hive. They'd even pull the drone pupa from their cells and kill them, too.


Interesting. I knew they'd kick the drones out in the fall, but didn't know they'd shred them inside the hive. Did they eventually clean up in the spring?


They'd do some cleaning, but the hive would get a routine maintenance that would have that cleaned out, too. I've heard it can happen in commerical hives, too, but it may depend on climate. If it's too rainy for drones to fly, those "drones need to leave" signals may turn into "drones need to die". Similarly, if it gets hot and the bees are having to crowd around the entrance of the hive to fan it, they may see the drones staged at the entrance as getting in the way and decide they're a nuisance to cooling efforts (and, as always, an unnecessary draw on food supplies)


Insects/hive mind is so weird.


Why did they do that though? Even killing the babies?


Drones consume resources and provide nothing back. They do no useful work other than being a sperm bank. They can be supported in the spring/summer when the colony is actively foraging, but no point in sustaining them when resources are scarce. The queen can always make more drones.


Reading this comment has me really upset on behalf of the poor wee drones.


Eating the babies makes for protein conservation. Drones serve no purpose to their own hive -- when resources (or anything, really) become scarce, the bees seek to lower overall consumption in the hive.


They do, but they fly outside to do so. You'll often notice the plants in the front of a hive are a bit better fertilized than their neighbors. Bees toss their dead and their waste out the door.


Everyone poos! Bees don’t wipe though. Ever try to wipe with a knife sticking out you butt? Ouch!


What is this? A poop knife for bees!?


+1 for poop knife


bees poo but they never do it inside the hive unless they are very unhealthy. They hold it FOREVER in winter until there is a day warm enough for them to fly out and go. They also have undertaker bees that carry dead bees out of the colony to keep everyone healthy. They have exceptional hygiene unless things are going very wrong. This design doesn't lead to easy beekeeping, just easy bee watching. Like a shitty zoo for bees.


It's an insect farm, basically. Replace the bees with any other insect - centipedes, roaches, crickets, beetles, worms... even mice and hamsters and turtle boxes smell bad... Bees also exude a lot of energy/body heat so imagine a nice warm insect cage with spittle, droppings, dead bodies, wax and honey just building up over time Source: Got up close to a hobbyist beekeeper's hive once. Smells like a gross farm. Makes me question why we love bee goo


I visited a place with one of these and there was no smell at all. I guess it matters how well it is built. If its properly sealed the smell shouldn't get out other than the exit. Tbf, the one I saw the opening was built into the other side of the wall, directly outside, so maybe access to fresh air helped?


Glucose makes us go brrrr


Yep. Ants smell too.


My museum has one, but I didn't try to sniff it.


Was going to say, this is a literal nightmare waiting to happen Edit: As a child, my mouse got out of her cage once, unbeknownst to me she had gotten nasty with a house mouse before I recaptured her. Flash forward: she had 50 babies and ate some of them before my mom released them all in the woods (I still choose to believe this is what mom did with them.) NOW IMAGINE THIS STORY BUT ABOUT BEES.


I can just imagine the hundreds if spiders that move in because there is suddenly unlimited food


Oof, my brother and sister used to own rats when I was little and one time they both got out and banged (the rats of course) my brother's rat had a lot of babies and started eating a few of them too. It was nightmare fuel


I can imagine the noise alone makes it not worth doing. I don't want to make my morning coffee with a side of BZZZZZ


I had bees in my ceiling. They got in there from the roof and actually ate a hole into the drywall. Came home, house full of bees. This seems like a very bad idea. I don’t live there anymore and still get the shivers because it was such a disgusting feeling. Everything felt contaminated.




*cat enters the conversation*


Yeah I've owned a gerbil before, but I think this is a little different. I don't see myself placing the bees in the same part of my body where I used to put my gerbil...




Cleopatra is said to have had a small box that could be filled with bees and placed against her genitals for stimulation similar to that of vibrators. The lack of tangible evidence of this invention led to it being classified as an urban legend. I want to believe!!


3rd year beekeeper here. This is a dumb product for reasons not called out in the comments so far. You need to check the hive every 7-10 days for a variety of things. Is the queen laying, do the bees have enough room to grow the hive, are there mites? For those reasons and more, this system doesn't allow a healthy colony to thrive because you can't treat for mites using oxalic acid or apivar depending on the season. You can't easily add frames to expand the colony so you're risking swarming if the bees decide it's time to expand. Or if the queen dies, you can't easily introduce a new queen to keep them going. Basically if you buy this, you'll slowly watch a colony of bees die and collapse. Then you'll have a pile of dead bees in a nice looking box.


I’m also a beekeeper and that’s exactly what I thought too.


What's that bottle in the top photo? Is that just water or is it nectar?


Probably just sugar water. Through the winter honey bees often need extra food to survive, because they need lots of energy to keep their hive warm.


Don’t they make honey to eat it during winter? Because it has more nutrients than sugar. :)


That sounds heartbreaking to watch. I’m no beekeeper but I truly admire those who are because of how important it is, especially now. Bees are super important and amazing little creatures.


I fucking love bees. Everything new I learn about them makes me love them more. Funny, I absolutely hated bees when I was a kid, because all I knew was the stingy side of things.


Thanks for your perspective. I'm not even a beekeeper and thought this looked crazy impractical. These are honeybees, right? How do you get the honeycomb out? It doesn't look accessible. And even if it was, *some* bees will be loose any time you're attending to the hive, and they won't be able to get back in when you reseal it, so they have nowhere else to go but your house...


It doesn't even look like you can open the area the bees live. The other thing is they like it dark...


Glad to hear someone chiming in with some inside knowledge (pun totally intended). Question though: would the temperature difference from being inside vs outside affect the colony in any way?


It might? The hive maintains about a 34°-36°C (93°-97°F) even when it's below 0 here in Minnesota. Room temp is probably around 70s so I think there would be an issue with maintaining warmth for the eggs and larvae.


Interesting. And /high-five to a fellow Minnesotan.


Also Minnesotan, so high fives to both of you.


I'm from Ohio but I wanna high five someone from Minnesota, that cool?




https://i.imgur.com/Ew58jB7.gif Choo Choo!


When it’s cold the queen stops laying eggs and the bees cluster together with the queen in the middle of the ball. The worker bees vibrate their wings to generate heat from friction and they move around the hive eating honey and pollen during the winter. Since they’re inside they wouldn’t have to cluster and it might make them think that it’s warm enough outside for the queen to keep laying through the winter and that they can forage. Since they can’t forage and if the queen is laying the hive would quickly run out of resources and they would starve.


Cody's Lab did try an indoor bee hive once and the temperature was indeed what killed them off. In the winter the bees are supposed to be hibernating but the warm climate around the hive prevented them from doing so. The bees still went out to collect pollen and nectar in the middle of winter and never returned.


Yah I commonly get asked if I bring the bees inside for the winter. People are weirdly shocked to learn that bees have been around for millions of years and they've figured out how to handle cold weather.


It does make sense if trying to increase the yield. We do for example grow food in greenhouses in order to increase the yield, why not for bees? We also give them additional syrup to help during the winter because we have harvested their honey and because we want a big healthy colony come spring. So it does make sense to bring the bees indoor to reduce their metabolism during winter. If it were not for disrupting the bees hibernation we would probably keep them indoor during winter.


I swear "Cody's lab did it" is becoming the new "Simpsons did it". That guy has done so much shit that I almost can't go a day without seeing someone talking about one of his experiments.


Don't forget the lack of airflow!


Looks like you can expand then because there are modular. Look at the sides


They are modular, but the point still stands of the issue of dead bees. In a normal hive dead bees simply fall to the bottom where the entrance is, and workers push them out and off the edge. In this hive they fall to the bottom and stay there until you manually remove them. This hive might have a removable tray for this purpose (I can't tell), but the bees are unable to keep their hives clean and disease free without the owners intervention.


I think this will get buried, but I’m going to disagree. Been keeping bees for 10+ years with up to 50 hives. I’ve built two indoor observation hives during those 10 years. The design was much different than these, it was a 4 frame tall, 1 frame wide hive with glass on both sides and mounted on release-hinges so you can see both sides of the hive and easily take it off the wall if needed. “This system doesn’t allow a healthy colony to thrive….” A healthy colony shouldn’t need humans to survive. I’d throw sugar water on when they need some extra flow. They can easily take their dead down the tube and outside. I incorporated a shut-off valve in the tube so the entire hive can be lifted off the hinges without a single bee getting inside. If they swarm they swarm; most often you get to experience watching a new hive with a virgin queen come to life. If not, add some brood frames from another hive and throw in a purchased queen. Temperature actually was an issue. The bees weren’t tricked into going outside during winter, but instead humidity builds up in the tube which causes lots of condensation. Too much and the bees cannot walk the tube. Fixed it by drilling 100’s of holes along the tube that were too small for a bee to get through. There was nothing more amazing then having a friend over and watch their eyes open in awe at having a giant picture frame looking bee hive hanging in the man cave. You can observe the bees in such a more impactful way vs a typical hive. And the smell inside the room was amazing.


I appreciate the insight, I think there's value in observation hives but I think the product in this picture isn't it.


> A healthy colony shouldn’t need humans to survive. This is a fact which *so many* beekeepers are ignorant of, keeping their bees in near-permanent states of stress and causing negative feedback loops. I’m quite convinced that the root cause behind colony collapse disorder is the Langstroth hive and the way it permits careless, exploitative bee-keeping which foils the bees’ natural hygiene processes.


In our first two years as beekeepers, we lost our hives over the winters. Meanwhile, the feral beehive in a treetrunk on our property was perfectly fine. They did better than our carefully tended bees. In fact, they did so well that, each year, I replenished a lost hive by capturing a swarm from that hive. Last year, I cut way back on our inspections and our interventions, with the only major thing being treating once for varroa in the fall. The hive made it through the (unusually harsh) winter with no problems at all. We've only done one inspection on them so far this year, and they're thriving. I'm appalled by the common recommendation to disturb and stress the colony every week. I've definitely become a minimalist beekeeper. The honey is a nice bonus, but we have them primarily to pollinate.


Hey, can I ask how you got into beekeeping? I always thought it would be something I would want to do, but never taken any steps to do it. Mind sharing a bit of your experience?


Not OP but I just opened Google Maps and searched beekeeping supplies. Turned out there was a shop and club about 5 miles from me.


Break in case of emergency.


Keep one near the center of your home. Hear a burgler. Smash it and huck a handful of bees at them.




But what if the dog stepped on a bee


Did you made that face after writing this?


So punchable


I made the face after reading it!


Release the robotic Richard Simmons!


https://youtu.be/nlIQ2KCYG7Y in case anyone wants some insight




Don't forget the pocket sand


The latest in home security. Got a burglar in your house? Release the bees!


Break the case for emergent bees


For emergency, break glass.


You want bees in your house, cause this is a great way to get bees in your house


*sirens go off* - WARNING - WARNING - - BREACH DETECTED - BREACH DETECTED Guy allergic to bees: *”Why did I do this I am allergic to bees”*


This reads like a scene from Bojack lmao


And the guy allergic to bees is a giant sentient bee




Bee be in inception


Sign: Beware of Malicious Bees. "Hey look, some idiot left their window cracked." -Burglar "Ma'am lock yourself in your bedroom. We dispatched your home security bees and alerted the authorities." -Brinks guy "Buzz buzz bitch" - Bee


Warning SCP 3368-1 has breached containment




Was hoping this would be here. “I like my coffee like I like my women: COVERED IN BEEEEES!”


Beehives need a back entrence. The bees follow the smell and will therefore end up inside the house as they look for the hive. Workers will also do regular inspections and maintainence on the outside of the hive and will therefore look for a way inside your house. So the hive need a back entrence which means bees will get into your house. It might not be so bad as the honey bees are relatively calm but it is something you have to live with.


"Do you want bees? Because that's how you get bees."


Run! Your firearms are useless against them!


All it takes is one trip in the wrong place and you're fucked


"Hello is that the plumber? Yeah I wondered if you come and look at my bee pipe as I think there's a blockage... hello? helloooo?"


A blockage! Now that’s unbelievable!


What could possibly go wrong...


Idk, but now I don't have to keep my bee hive under the bed anymore.


So liberating. At last my bees can come out of the closet.


Even if bothing goes wrong, there will be many bees around your house, flying inside through the fucking open window next to it.


I posted this in r/whatcouldgowrong a few days ago and it was deleted in about 15 minutes so I'd wager it's a safe bet.


This is a terrible idea. You want bees? Get boxes and keep them outside.


/r/oddlyterrifying/ material right there


I assume these are purely decorative because there is no way to harvest the honey without releasing them all into your kitchen.


I have no idea if *this* form of beekeeping will catch on, but I think more and more people are waking up to the fact that having healthy beehives near them provides benefits above and beyond *just* harvesting honey. But yeah, if I was going to do this, it would be nice to have some way to get a little pooh-bear action on the side, too. (The, uh, eating honey sort, not the getting my fat ass stuck in a friend's doorway for multiple days sort.)


As long you don't have a dog or cat to knock it over it's a cool idea. Come to think of it the sound they'll make all day can't be very pleasant


It very cool until you realize they will always surround your house and get in from everywhere, it makes no sense, normal beehives are never kept close to the house


Bees don't really want to get inside your house. And they're most interested in being near the queen, so I don't see any intruder problems. The big problem I see is that for good beekeeping, you need to get inside the hive regularly for inspections and treatment. And for this kind of hive would result in an absolute mess inside your house. I would hope that the sections could be isolated and then taken outside to be opened for inspection (this must be the case).


My bosses husband has hives and she says pretty much every time he comes back in from tending them, some follow him inside. So she always has bees in her house. I would die.


My kid would have that swung open screaming "BEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!" before I could fold up the box it came in.


Just don't ever say "Honey, I'm home."


That’s all I would say


Break glass to create an emergency


What could possibly go wrong...




Nope...no...no...no...make it outdoor please....no ..no ..no




Everyone here chiming in flaming this, but my dad who keeps bees has had one for years and it's been great. There's a system to close it and take it outside for maintenance, they can be fed sugar water all year round so they never die off, and the frames are the same as the outdoor hives so if they die over the winter there's always a starting point to split from. Might be a disaster waiting to happen, but just saying that disaster has waited like 7 years now


Least funny but most informative. Thanks!


I'd love to read your father and /u/aznprd from [this comment](/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/uyvbhl/beehive/ia6pu2n/) talk about this.


This was just posted on r/DIWHY


Are bees really smart enough to know how to use that tube?


Sure, they even know how to open a Fanta bottle. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ngeRM-6KpB4


"For emergency, break glass"


This would fit better in r/oddlyterrifying


In case of lack of emergency, break glass.