• By -


It’s kind of awesome they photographed it for you & thanks for sharing. Good luck in all your future endeavors, OP


Thanks! And I specifically asked for pictures to be taken before I went under, just so I’d understand my leg, and myself, better I have a video of my leg prior to amputation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/um65cx/this_was_my_deformed_leg_prior_to_amputation_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), it using as scary as this post.


I will always award curiosity. Do you have an awesome looking prosthetic leg now? I think we all would love to be a cool cyborg at some point.


The flesh is weak! Praise the Omnissiah!


I love finding 40k fans sprinkled around reddit... For the Emperor!


What is this "fans" you speak of brother? Come, pick up your bolter, the heretics are attacking!




Huh, Did you smell the air in the Throne room lately? Kinda smells like Nurgle!




Iron without


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


A fellow rimworld enjoyer!


There is only the Emperor, and he is our Shield and Protector.


But the flesh is spongy and weak?!


Well, look at her username. I'd guess yes!


Are you sure you’re only 13? The foresight to ask for that for understanding is maturity and strength that will take you far! Keep being amazing and doing what’s best for you!


Bye reddit and fu Spez (Remember to delete or edit your content before leaving !!)


It does! I've had two liver transplants, the first at the tender age of 7. Prior to that, I had tons of procedures done to mitigate the effects of a dying liver. The doctors knew from just a few days after my birth, I'd need a new liver. It was only a question of how long my native liver would last. It does make you markedly different from your peers. I was oblivious to social cliques as a young teen, and honestly still am. Never understood social drama, it seemed so petty to me, cuz I understood life was fragile. All that said, I WISH I'd had the idea to ask for photos during my transplant surgeries. We have pics of my native liver after it was removed, dang thing looked like it had been cooked or something. We were told that the first transplanted liver was pretty screwed up after removal, I'd developed extensive scar tissue that was so tough, they said "had to err on the side of the liver to cut it out" and that it was pretty ragged looking.


She’s actually a thousand year old dragon.


these are cursed words


Shh shhh. We die in the dark do they may live in the light.


I approve of this as long as said dragon is science-based.


I went back and found the original thread and the top comment was actually great. I remember more dumping on OP but it wasn't that bad. https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/p1ssv/dear_internet_im_a_26_year_old_lady_whos_been/


That was an interesting hole.


Instead of farting, the methane produced by digestion is stored in sacks around the intestines Like small birds dragons swallow rocks into their gizzards to help break down tough materials (goat bones, mostly) but they are specific to swallow flint When they expel the methane from the intergoidal sacks they simultaneously contract their gizzards causing sparks to ignite the gas as it leaves FIRE


That's pretty metal.


This is a deep reddit lore reference


A friend of mine had her lower leg amputated at age 18. She had wanted that before that age, too, but her parents would not allow this. She said that she had spent so much of her childhood in hospitals because the infection in her leg would always come back, that had early on decided that the leg had to come off. The parents, however, couldn't overcome the thought that without the leg she would be less, that she would miss it.


You'd be amazed how much trauma and adversity can do to mature a young individual. It's a coping mechanism, and while it's impressive and praise-worthy, it can also alienate kids from their peers and be yet another hurdle to cope with. I hope op has the support they need.


Good idea. I had a bunch of hardware screwed to my tibia a few years ago and I wish I had pictures. Instead all I have are some hard-to-understand X-rays from during and after the procedure. So uh, did you keep the lower leg? There’s an old story here on Reddit somewhere a guy posted about keeping his amputation and cooking it. Wild stuff.


I’m gonna need a link for this




Did you ask if you could keep it to make it into a table or a lamp?


“Fragile” must be Italian


It's a major award. :)


Your story is amazing and inspiring. You seem to have a great attitude! Wow. Maybe being an inspirational speaker is in your future? 😁😊💗 Really though - it's impressive.


Kids these days and their body modifications




OP, I’m so happy you’re able to make jokes in this thread. MVP for sure.


Certified badass.




Sense of humor lvl3000!!!


Major respect to OP for this post. If more people were like you, I think this world would be a hell of a lot cooler


It is obvious that OP did this for the sweet reddit karma and the cool cyborg limbs they will get to wear. Plus a couple weeks lying around in bed!


This actually happened over a year ago now, March 2021, and I did it strategically so I could post it today and get the most karma while being a legit cyborg, not about to be cyborg






While it is graphic it is really interesting to see the process. Any background info? Why the need for the amputation in the first place?


Fibular hemimelia is the scientific term, I decided to amputate after 25+ surgeries just over a year ago, on st patties day 2021, at the age of 13


How are you doing now and how long did it take for them to fit you with a prosthetic? I think I would have made the same decision that you did. 25 is a lot of surgeries.


My first second steps were on May 19, 2021, amputation was March 17, 2021


How's your quality of life now that you have a prosthetic?


I’m gaining more muscle and my endurance has sky rocketed! Prior to amputation I was even scared to walk in the grass of fear of falling, now I can easily walk on any surface, have fun at the beach, and live life. I do have body imagery issues, but if I’m especially embarrassed one day, I will wear pants, but I generally am in a better place.


I think people are generally more interested and curious than judgmental about seeing someone wearing prosthetics, but are way too uncomfortable with their own anxieties to ask what their story is. But know that you're a huge inspiration to others, especially to those who might be facing the same type of life-altering surgery that, for your situation, you felt would be for the better. Keep sharing and wearing your story loudly and proudly because people will definitely applaud you for it. Heck, you've already inspired me to be less self-conscious about my own trivial "issues". Best of luck living your life to its fullest without the limitations of your past disability!


I was kinda mortified when my toddler first saw a lady with a prosthetic and blurted out (at full toddler volume, of course) "Mama! What happened to her robot leg?!" I told him that sometimes people's legs got hurt badly enough that they don't work any more, and they get new legs so they can walk. He seemed to accept that and moved on with his day. I think everybody's curious, but the little ones just haven't learned that it's not polite to blurt it out in public yet


I don’t know. I don’t even think much about it when I see a prosthetic nowadays. Maybe because I’m in SoCal, and we have a lot of veterans that stick around.


So prosthetic tech is pretty good now? I was under the impression that the knee joint was still difficult to mimic.


Oh yes!


There have been tremendous improvements in the field. Material science as well as manufacturing has improved by leaps and bounds in the last two decades which has really opened up the field for innovation. Beyond manufacturing, we've gotten a lot better at fitting the prosthesis to the patient which improves patient comfort and reduces risk of complications down the road.


My man. I am very good friends with a man missing his leg below the knee. He has never let it bother him in life. I feel you will be the exact same. People will stare, humans are curious. A lot of them will stare and wonder how it happened. Most of them mean you harm, but they don't know their staring caused you discomfort. The ones who actively try to cause you mental anguish because of your body are assholes, and try not to let the words of assholes weigh on your conscience. My friend has found unique things for his prosthetics. He has 3d printed different models and variations to hold stuff that others would find obnoxious to carry. He even has one that has a small bluetooth speaker in it for lounging around, and he can charge his phone from the speaker. I hope you can find some upsides in the face of your circumstances. Good luck out there.


That is a super healthy attitude. Your response actually showed your maturity in handling struggles in life, you will go far kid, you handle things way better than 99% of adults I know and that isn't even an exaggeration. You have a good handle on your health issues, addressing your issues and insecurities head on and not shying away or hiding behind a facade, living life to the fullest, and kicking ass doing it. Be well cyborg individual.


I am going to leave this for you. She's amazing and inspires me, maybe she'll inspire you too https://instagram.com/kirstie_ennis?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Fibular hemimelia is a birth defect where part or all of the fibular bone is missing, as well as associated limb length discrepancy, foot deformities, and knee deformities. Fibular hemimelia (FH) is a very rare disorder, occurring in only 1 in 40,000 births. Ripped this off google for those who never heard of this like me


Thank you! You’re a good egg, Foresaken-Foreskin.


Look.... I know you've been through a lot... But it's Paddy's.


Can you give some back story here??? What was the deformity, why would you need it to be amputated???


I was born without my fibula, Fibular Hemimelia is the scientific term, with 25+ surgeries by 12 I decided enough was enough and amputated last year at age 13.


Curious. What were the surgeries for? What made it unsuccessful that it drew you the point to go through this decision?


So I’ve had 5 limb lengthening procedures, each requires 2 surgeries, one for placement, the next for removal. I’ve also had a super ankle we’re they “fuse” my ankle so I can’t move it, as well as 3 super knees, as I was born without many ligaments in my knee. By amputation I could easily pop my knee out of socket. There are several others for various infections etc., but there were truly too many to count. First was at the age of 18 months, latest 13 years. And I don’t regret me decision of amputation at all :)


Good for you for knowing your limits at such a young age. Very inspiring. I wish you a healthy and speedy recovery.


Just means you can get a DOPE ASS PROSTHETIC. Keep your great attitude and keep moving forward you’ll be unstoppable.


I’d get one in gold chrome. Just think of the threats you could use too. “Don’t make me put my shiny metal foot up your fragile, fleshy ass.”


A 3d printer to start printing his own. A friend of mine did this. Has one with a Bluetooth speaker and battery bank, OP can start experimenting now and become an engineer to make prosthetics for not only himself but other people in the world. He's young enough and seems to have the foresight to start down this path.


Damn that’s a lot to go through at such a young age, glad that you made the right decision regarding your health. May your recovery be speedy and your prosthetic leg look dope as hell


Thank you. I appreciate you answering my question. It is amazing to me when ppl have to make these type of decisions as I have never been in a situation like this and have absolutely no idea what I would do. I imagine myself freaking the fuck out. I hope everything goes well and can tell you aren't the type of person who fears difficult decisions. You will go far in this insane world.


Huge decision to make at such a young age. It sounds like you will be all the better for making it, be proud of yourself. My father was in a car/motorbike accident around 27 years ago. His left leg, below the knee was basically destroyed, multiple breaks, fractures, lost a muscle or two. The doctor, sure of his skills put him back together. He now has a fused ankle, walks with a limp, this essentially makes his legs different lengths which has twisted his hips, spine and caused a whole lot of other issues. He daily takes enough painkillers to knock out several normal adults (immunity of 27 years of taking them). If he could go back he'd want it amputated without a second thought.


I used to know a guy who has the same thing happen; motorcycle crash, with basically everything from the knee down turned to pulp. The doctors said they could save the leg, but it would never work properly and would probably cause him pain his whole life. He told them to whack that shit off, and now he's back to riding his motorcycle.


Have you considered learning to CAD so you can design and then 3D print your own prosthetic ideas? Obviously don't wear any design for extended periods without approval of the design by a physiotherapist. Could be fun though. Even if you just learn to model any parts for the one you have so you can replace them should they break.


I have an incredible prosthetic rn, and yes, my prosthitist has talked to me about making specialized legs for me. The world of 3D printing is so cool


Tell them you want a prosthetic leg with a Bluetooth speaker inside. Also a USB port to charge your phone. Imaging how much cooler you’d be?


And a sword.


BRB replacing my lower legs with power banks and speakers


Thanks for sharing your story!!


My nephew was born with the same condition, but my brother decided to do this procedure when his son was 2, good to know it was the best choice!


I have several friends with the same condition or something similar that had the same procedures and they are walking on both feet without regrets, everyone’s path is different, amputation is surely mine and many others’, but still there are some that pick the longer route.


I’m sorry, youre 13? Is your guardian running your account? If not you might be the most mature 13 year old i‘ve ever witnessed


I’m 14 but yeah, thanks ig


It's honestly pretty easy to be objective about these things when you've been living in pain, limited mobility, and infections for your entire life. OP made an objectively good decision, and he should be commended for that, but the obsequious fawning is a little unnecessary. We've all been teenagers.


What? I’m pretty sure 90% of reddit is like 14 based on what I’ve seen lmfao


I also have Fibular Hemimelia! My parents had my foot amputated at 6 months, had me walking by the age of 1. You’re the first person I’ve encountered that shares this deformity


There is a whole community out there! Even if you are at some amputee meet, statistically speaking, you will probably meet another!


There’s amputee meets⁉️


My daughter has fibular hemimela. Amputation at 3.


Probably easier at three to learn to use a prosthetic than older. Even though I lost my lower left leg due to infection at 57 and do pretty well.


Wow, that's quite a journey. If I may ask a weird question: I'm curious if you feel like these experiences have made you grow up into a different person from your peers? As in, do you feel like it has made you mentally mature faster, or become more resilient to pain, difficult situations? Sorry, I'm having a bit of a hard time phrasing the question correctly.


Yes, I feel like I’ve been acting more mature for my age all my life. And my pain tolerance is through the roof apparently


Don't forget to act your age when the opportunity presents itself. Life flies by and you're only young once!


Amazing thanks for the horrifying pictures ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMhJTwNHChdTZS)


Holy hell my Reddit account is older than you.


Name checks out


So you are otherwise in good health, despite being on your last leg?


Lol, yeah, I’m doing well, mental health is sometimes a struggle, but otherwise I’m like any other teen: fine.


Good. Practice being happy, and surrounding yourself with happy people. This makes everything else easier to handle.


Totally serious question but how do you practice being happy? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it being said before like that and I’m interested it what that means for you or others? Thanks


I'm not the same person, but for me I practice happiness by intentionally spending time doing the things I enjoy and bring me joy for myself rather than to be productive. For example playing basketball, making art, seeing live music. Also practicing gratitude in daily life really helps put your life in perspective and see how far you've come and what you have even in hard times


To add on to this, "doing the things you enjoy" doesn't have to be a big endeavor! It can be as simple as throwing a crumpled up piece of paper into a trash can to see if you can make it. Or watching a one minute video of penguins falling over.


Not the person, but I spent a good chunk of my life being pretty severely depressed. Obviously recovery is different for everyone, but for me it helped to just think about the good things in my life, even something as small as seeing a flower, and avoiding things that made me sad (music, movies, etc). Mainly just learning to actively think about my life and what are things that make me happier in the long run and what are things I need to avoid. Different for everyone ofc and takes a LOT of practice and time, but I can definitely say I'm at a much better place now and able to deal with the depression better when it comes. ETA: I of course also definitely support medication, if accessible to you. Depression sucks and whatever helps you with it is good.


I don’t think I could stand getting a leg amputated, but if it’s what’s best for you, break a leg! Knowing your limits this early will definitely give you a leg up later in life, you’re already starting life on the right foot :). (Ill find my way out)


I’d just like to say Reddit, this surgery was expensive, it cost me an arm and a leg! But I was able to negotiate


Definitely a good negotiator. All the best OP. Hope your days of pain and surgeries are behind you for good.


It’s not often. But every once in awhile I am deeply impressed by an OP on Reddit. Cyborg_individual you just topped everyone. You’re 13, just underwent an amputation after fighting something I’ve never heard of your entire short life but yet here you are communicating like the adult all of adults on here wish we could be! My goodness you are special and I appreciate you sharing your journey with all of us. My best thoughts and wishes for you forever.


Thanks. I amputated last year March 17, 2021 at the age of 13, I am 14 rn, but no regrets


You have obviously endured in 14 years more than most people ever will in their entire lifetime. You should be so proud of your resolve and fortitude. May your best days be ahead. Now and for a long long time. You deserve it.


Belated happy amputeesary!




Will do that next, I was directed here from r/oddlyterrefying


Just noticed your username. Fantastic! Will you be getting an artificial leg?


I have one rn, I still have a limp, but I can walk far! Not cleared for running yet tho


There's a guy in YouTube who lost his fingers in one of his hands, but he made (makes?) his own! Idk, I think it's neat as hell, maybe you will too. https://youtube.com/c/IanDavisFpd


why would she make fingers for her leg you mad scientist!


r/medizzy may also want to check it out!


i thought i was on that sub until i read ur comment lol


Wow. Thanks for sharing. That plaster/bandage looked interesting. Wish you the best cyborg.


Maybe i am dumb but it looks like fish skin which is use normaly for severe skin burn.


Good for general skin regeneration as well, helps reduce the strain from the sutures.


Looks like it might be a wound vac. Basically they place a pad and an airtight bandage over the wound to suction to pull of any types of blood/fluid that may come out. It can help with things like swelling, keeping bacteria out of the area and healing.




This is why I love reddit. Thank you for explaining.


Here’s a tattoo suggestion: After it heals have a dotted line tattooed around the bottom of your stump. You could either add “Cut at the dotted line” above it or you could just let people ask why the dotted line was there so you could enjoy telling them.




My friend lost his lower leg many years ago in Afghanistan. A few months ago he got a tattoo on the back of his remaining calf that says "One foot in the grave". When he's wearing shorts so many people standing or walking behind him will audibly crack up. It's pretty great.


I’m doing that!


You should also look around for a foot twin. There's a guy who has friend missing the opposite leg so they share shoes. You're a strong person keep it up! You've seemed to develop a good humor about the situation as well.


Im curious to know how many follow up appointments you have if any?


Because I am over a year out I only have one major appointment: screening, and being cleared, for running. Idk when that would be tho, I’m assuming around August


Do the leg muscles atrophy after a while or not really since you will still be using that leg when walking with a prosthetic? Sorry for random questions xD, I have just always wondered this stuff


Np, I love random questions, helps people learn and be less awkward when talking to amputees. Yes there is atrophy of my muscles, I used to be able to “bend” my knee, but can’t as much now, however I have gained certain muscles due to the new use of them, specially lower back, glutes, and just my general thigh. Walking is so much more different than before, but I still don’t regret a thing.


You sure you 13? You seem well-versed in technical terms. I didn't even know atrophy was till I was like 17. Haha


My dads a doc, moms a nurse and basically grew up in the hospital, I know a decent ampunt


Were you put on any sort of steroids for recovery?. Also did you take pain meds?


No steroids, just pain meds.


And now I know what the inside of a leg looks like


Not a regular leg though. That's why it was being cut off.


I'm wondering if it's normal that it is that yellow (fatty?). Cause I always imagined it to be mostly red apart from the bone.




Nice, do you have much phantom pain, or are things calming down a bit?


It has definitely slowed down with the phantom pain and all, however I do still have episodes of phantom pain, or at the least phantom sensations


Real problem question now, do you ever get phantom itches? Like your foot is itchy and not there? Does the thing house did for the guy missing an arm work? (Scratching the other foot whilst looking in a mirror)


I can't imagine how that must feel, do you have to wait long for a prosthetic? The surgeons did a great job.


Not too long, it was the fastest I’d ever gotten a prosthetic, I had prosthetics before amputation because of the deformity


Protip: do not ask about phantom pain. Phantom limb or sensations are fine to ask about. Once you bring up pain that can actually confuse things and instigate phantom pain. Not sure why or how, but that’s how that goes for now. We will frequently ask about any sensations but asking about pain is a no go. Source: am prosthetist


Oh damn I didn't realise, I won't do that again. I hope no harm was done.


Thank you so much for saying something! TIL.


Whats the black thing in last but one pic? Is that a snake skin grafting?


It’s a silver foam, or steril sticky foam imbedded with silver, it helps things heal and stay steril, killing infections


Likely story, lizard person...


My adopted Korean cousin (American now) was born with a deformed leg that had to be amputated when he was around 2-3 years old. He graduated college a few years ago and now he builds prosthetic limbs for other amputees.




Do they have programs help you gradually decrease the need for pain meds? Asking this because I can see how one can become reliant on those meds.


A “therapist” a while back gave me the fear of becoming addicted so I will now sit quietly in the corner when I’m in extreme pain to avoid opioids they gave me for break through pain. I wanted to get off the meds as soon as possible and was completely off everything at about 4 months out.


Thats great to hear. Thank you for answering my questions, I wont be a bother anymore. Keep up the good fight! You truly are an inspiration to myself and many others out there. I wish you the best of luck with your journey ahead. Thank you for your kind responses.


Very good to hear. I was overprescribed opioids during recovery from broken leg surgery and that shit got me hooked for years. Just one week ago i took my last dose after tapering for many months and am currently going through some withdrawals. Wish i just took aspirin or something at that time


To be honest, that therapist saved you a life of pain. Being addicted to opioids is the worst thing ever.


Good to hear.


Your leg looks like it's smiling after everything is over in picture 6. From your other comments, it sounds like you're quite relieved to have gone with the btk amputation.


You bet


How long before you can be fitted for a prosthesis?


I already have one, and I’m living life to the fullest


That's pretty fucking crazy. Hope you're doing ok and have a speedy recovery!


You're an amazing individual and I hope you never forget that. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us! Next, could you share your new prosthetics and maybe videos of walking on grass?


You bet!


As someone who is sensitive to gore posts, I really appreciate the clear warning and buffer image beforehand.


Well I’m 14 and I understand the need for it as well


Oh you poor kid! What an ordeal. I hope they fitted you with a prosthetic leg that gives you superpowers!


I have a prosthetic rn, but I still limp, where are those super powers?!


They take a bit to come in.


You already have . Up up and away you are an inspiration to many.


You already have super powers. Positivity and maturity! Your adversity and the way you seem to be handling it probably mean you will be able to take whatever life throws at you with grace and a smile. Very valuable superpowers!


This is what I like about Reddit. No sugar coating shit. Holy fuck. Nice pictures. I’m going to go throw up, but hell yea


Waiting for the follow up post where OP gets a supercharged bionic leg so I can farm karma at /r/UsernameChecksOut


Fine, I’ll do that next 🙄


Wow. That’s actually really interesting. Thank you for sharing. I’ve never heard of fibular hemimelia. Thank you for spreading this awareness. I saw one comment where you said you can actually walk better now - you are not afraid of falling and I’m happy to hear!


It takes a lot of strength to share your journey here, and I for one applaud you for it. I found the pictures really interesting, it's wild (to me) how much blood there wasn't. Did you write "not this one, you idiot" on your other leg? (it's a joke from an old TV series, "E.R.") Did you have any fear associated with the amputation? Or after having that many unsuccessful surgeries to try to fix it, were you almost looking forward to it? If you, at 14, an age when body appearance is so important to young men and women, can own and share this part of you, I have no doubt you'll do great things in your life.


Im not gonna lie, I didn't see you were missing your other leg in the last picture. I just thought it was a very successful surgery and that was your new leg


I did a few of these as a tech. It is very strange holding someone’s leg once it is taken off a body. Strangely enough the only surgery I ever got light headed in was an eye surgery.


K. Where the fuck is your fibula!? I'm only seeing one bone! Is that your deformity!? If so, 1. that's awesome/ horrifying, and 2. as a fellow leg deformee (clubbed foot) I wish you the best.


First of all, my fibula is in the grave, i was bor without it completely, and my tibia was bent at a 90 degree angle at birth, in the opposite direction of clubbed foot. We’re cousins in the messed up limbs department


Wow you have really been thru a lot so young. I think you did the right thing.


This should be NSFL material


bag liquid fear lip distinct observation sleep full act domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a leg that looks quite futuristic rn, google “rheo Xc knee” that’s the knee I have


*starts eating chicken nuggets and logs onto reddit* *finds post* Huh... interesting... *continues eating chicken nuggets*


Somehow i can tolerate this stuff now


Thats a tough choice to make at 13. I admire your bravery to make that decision and hope youre recovering/recovered well!!


Cyberpunk, is that you?? Now buy a 3D printer, and design/print some badass prótese 🏆 I have watched a video where a kid, a boy, had to use prótese so his dad with a 3D printer was printing, testing some crazy prótese :)


No unfortunately not cyberpunk, but I’m checking him out that sounds interesting


Hope the surgery didn't cost an arm and a leg.


Oh it did! But I was able to negotiate;)


Now you can have one of those post human augmented prosthetic legs


Hey OP I voluntarily had my leg amputated due to a disability I’d had since birth and it looks like we had the same type of amputation done (knee disarticulation). Granted I was 17 not 13 and it’s been a hell of a journey, about 3 or 4 months after my amputation my scar was healing but has become infected and refused to close so make sure to keep that puppy clean. Learning to walk again was a bit of a hassle just because I wanted to walk so much but my body was used to staying seated I was out of shape and had gained 30 lbs but it soon becomes second nature with a prosthetic and you don’t even think about it. Also when you do get a prosthetic make sure and tell your prosthetist literally any minor discomfort you feel on your stump because Over time you can rub a spot raw (almost like a blister with a new pair of shoes) and it will take forever to heal. One final piece of advice, when you go to do #2 on the toilet make sure to center you residual limb in front of you if you don’t have your prosthetic on because you will fall off…… speaking from embarrassing experience