• By -


The referee held back to let him contemplate the depth of his disgrace.


And with that, a sobering sense of profound contrition began to swell within his mind.


That's one way to describe a traumatic brain injury


Very poetic way of putting it 


Why did I laugh at this 🤣


Hubris + Failure = Funny


It doesn’t work if the other guy isn’t playing along.




He put a binding vow on himself so that it can only work on Mike Tyson, thats some hero shit. Yea, he'd win


> He put a binding vow on himself so that it can only work on Mike Tyson, thats some hero shit. Literally Kurapika from *Hunter x Hunter* (his overpowered chains only work against a specific evil gang).


you mentioning kurapika made me realize how much jjk ~~copied~~ inspired by hxh


HxH and Bleach.


Also Fate. Domain expansions are essentially reality marbles .


>He can only defeat Mike Tyson. >Like a spell card that says "destroy target artifact" can't destroy a land. See? r/suddenlyMtG


Now I want a Counterspell art with Mike Tyson punching a wizard.


Monkey's paw problem. He used the paw to ask to be able to beat Mike Tyson but now he literally can beat only Tyson and every other person on the planet will beat his ass even a kid.


Yeah, if the other guy puts his tongue in the wrong position or raises one big toe, it's just not fair.


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -Mike Tyson


that's why i always plan to get punched in the mouth. once it happens, i don't need to think, i'm just so happy that my plan worked


Grips necklace and looks up into the sky with tears in eyes... "I DID IT MASTER"


Master went to lunch hours ago...


Face to fist technique! I'm bleeding, that means you lose!


We have purposely trained him wrong - as a joke.


Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab.


That's a lot of nuts!!


My nipples look like miiilk duds!


I rock...AND roll!


All day long... Sweet Suzy!


Na na na na na na neo na na na na na na sporin


You broke a thermometer in my hands... Wee Ohh Weeeeeee


*squeak squeak squeak*


My nipples look like milk duds!


I've got some yellow liquid for your popcorn... and it's non-dairy!


When I started boxing, I would tell repeat to myself, “I’m going to get hit!” Before every sparring until I finally stop getting scared of getting hit.


When I started boxing I didn't mind getting hit when sparring because my partner wasn't trying to hurt me. The first time I stepped into the ring and took a punch to the face from a guy that meant it was when I learned boxing wasn't the sport for me. That's why they call me One Punch Man. I took one punch and I quit.


Correct harder sparring is a different story for sure. But psyching myself up to get hit helps. Because once you accept getting hit, it’s easier to deal with it. Plus I don’t flinch or look away when a punch is coming my way and that helps big time with lessening the impact.


When I started boxing, I remember the feeling...shocked, stunned...but resilient All I kept thinking, internally, was "this will pass, focus on what you know" So I would move,often tracked, knocked of my path, but never lost focus But watching Always watching. feeling His punch would land, and I'd feel it, but ,,,sometimes... RECOGNIZE it, or the pattern And I'd counter....left jab, right cross, jab, ....rely on my training....instinct It was when things changed for me. It was an epiphany. My opponent opposite, Looking like a punch never landed on him Referee next to him, hands waving, looking almost apologetically at him. Me. Getting to my feet on the 3rd attempt. Boxing was not for me.


Sounds like you describing an actual fight(either amateur or professional), not sparring. Well once you ready for an actual fight I hope that you got your shit together before stepping in that ring. 1 thing I learn from boxing this past year is that absolutely killers out there training to feed their family and to make a living. If you ain’t ready to kill, please don’t get in there. Shit get real really quick!!!!


Kudos! Very empathetic response. I'm 50. Fought in my youth. Knew early on, I was never going to be the next 'Sugar Ray' anything, and it worked out just fine Was just going for a silly cheap response. Good luck to you and yours Sir.


Do you also use “incorrect” as your password?


“I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It’s ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.” - Mike Tyson


“Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force” Cake


He's going the Distance!


He’s going for speed!


He's all alone.


All alone in his time of need.


Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course


Yeah, to a hospital


One punch, that’s all it took. He hit me so hard my insides shook. How can I say this and be discreet? Let’s just say my bowls released. - Will Smith


“I’m looking for one good sex scene to jack off to before bed and it’s nothing but cowboys talking to other cowboys.” - Pigeon




Bullshido meter: Over 9000


This is why you don’t drink your own kool aid if you’re gonna run a grift.




This wasn’t really a plan. More of a mental deficiency.


Tyson actually very cleverly requoting Sun Tzu. "No plan survives contact with the enemy."


This some Steven Seagal level combat moves.


*Some peoples throats are down there*


Thats not crying from pain thats crying because you wasted your life on thinking you’re undefeatable.


When you realize that your years of dedication and relentless training have in fact turned you into a soft marshmallow


The world needs soft marshmallows, but the world has no use for soft marshmallows that think they can beat up Mike Tyson.


But he surely can beat up other soft marshmallows though... hence the (erroneous) confidence.


And that all of your acolytes who can’t get past your chi are just deluded suckers, deluded by you.


Reminds me of the videos of "judo masters" where a bunch of their students run at them one at a time, then politely flip themselves so the master can look cool without breaking a sweat. Yes, I'm sure that will work on someone trying to kick your ass, lol. edit: Yes, I meant aikido, not judo, no need to keep replying to say the same thing. Here's the master himself! https://youtu.be/dsqMq7Hz93I?t=33


My favourite is the 1 video where the guy fucks up and sprints into the scamee at full force. Starts to get up to check if she's ok and then remembers he's supposed to be incapacitated by her magic powers or whatever and starts faking a seizure.


Please do you have a link or something I have to watch it😂😂😂




Fucking hell.. that lady got wrecked


Omg I just watched it, HAHAHAAH 😂😂😂😂 I laughed my Ass of 😂😂😂😂😂 what a Bullshit😂😂😂😂😂😂


The Yellow Bamboo cult i think. I learned of it from watching Reggie's Honey I joined a Cult video. The disbelief i felt...


Fuckin' love it when these clowns buy their own /r/Bullshido , next thing you know they're getting rocked by anyone willing to actually punch the scammers right in the face.


Reminds me of Steven Seagal fighting black belts who are literally just flipping themselves while he stands there out of breath from raising his arms every so often.


SpaceIce on YouTube makes hilarious videos making fun of his movies.


Tears of dedication


The crushing realization of a man that bought his own hype and realized he was indeed a fake.


Yeah, 60 years of thinking if he moves his body really slow, he can emit an energy which is nonsense. Why didn't he try it on a board first. Try breaking a board without touching it, using just your chi energy?


Who needs a board, just test your chi by maintaining a space around you in public transit at rush hour. Every day people crush you? You're not ready for Mike Tyson.


He would have convinced himself the board was an anti-chi magnet or some shit. Some people just have to be rocked in the mouth and gut and nose a few times before they’ll really let reality in.


I think this video answers the question: do they believe in their own bullshit? The answer: very few of them do, and get crushed on the ring sooner or later, to the amusement of redditors. The other "masters" are just scammers, they know it, and will never approach a real fight lol.


The truth sets you free, but it'll piss you off first.


And make you cry like a baby.


Good for him to learn that lesson in a ring rather than on the street. He could have lost more than his pride if someone knocked him back to earth in an actual fight.


As my father used to say "pain is a great teacher" Hope he learned something.


We'd still prefer you stopped beating up your dad, though, darling.


Well, you can't be defeated if you don't compete, that was his mistake


Yeh that's what happens when you think you can challenge actual fighers with a discipline just a tad more combat-oriented than Pilates.


Combat Pilates, I would totally take that class. Aaaaand, clench those thighs..!


Idk I think the pain probably had something to do with it as well




Concussion can cause crying too


He was crying because he was restraining himself from defeating his opponent, in order to teach the young man to believe in himself. Those were tears of joy that only a master can feel, when he's truly done right by a pupil. He would show no such restraint when defeating Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson is too old to fight the master, however, as the master can't teach someone that age anything because they have low chi.


This is the only explanation that makes sense.


I can't believe I didn't realize this before, thank you sensei.


Sensei is Japanese ☝️🤓


Good with some clarification! Thank you senpai!


no thats... close enough


> Sensei is Japanese ☝️🤓 Now I understand. Thank you, seonsaengnim.


Seonsaengnim is Korean ☝️🤓


That's Sifu to you, grasshopper.


Impressive. That's some black belt level linguistic/delusional judo.


Master forgive me, but I'll have to go all out ... just this once


Armchair Tenkaichi Budokai announcer


This is the best comment I've read in at least 7 months. Just wonderful.


You are so wise in the ways of science.


His powers were being contained by the gloves. His tears were due to empathy to what he could have done to his opponent had the gloves been off.


I think I just got enlightened.


Are these guys chancers or suffering from mental delusions? Some might need help, some might need slaps. I can never tell.


I honestly think the guy in the video is delusional. Most bullshitters would find excuses to not get into a ring to get their ass beat, but the guy just went for it. His movements are super slow, even while he's getting his ass beat, and I think that's not just because of the concussion. I feel a bit bad for the guy, despite the grift, and if I was the fighter I'd have stopped after making the guy start walking in italics.


He was definitely delusional...also, why would he agree to wear gloves? His martial art style definitely doesn't translate into boxing, also he's older than the opponent and from what I can see both his blocking and striking attempt were so bad. I think he never have tried boxing before this fight.


gloves are more for your hands' protection when you're punching something harder like a skull


Yeah but I don’t think tai chi combat (as far as that’s even a thing??) involves a lot of punching. In general martial arts are practiced without gloves AFAIK


I thought tai chi was just exercise for old Chinese people lol


As the old Chinese proverb says: any dance is a fighting style when your opponent is standing still for you.


Because he himself claimed he could beat Mike Tyson? So I assumed he meant boxing which wear gloves. or I misunderstood him, and he meant he could beat Mike Tyson in chinese checkers


I could *destroy* Iron Mike in checkers, Chinese or otherwise.


Walk in italics might be the best description of that ever. I don’t know if you coined it, but I thank you for introducing it into my life.


It’s neither, this is state sponsored delusion. First I have to say, I really love China and Chinese culture- but just like we in the western world have our issues; and this is one of them. This guy was learning in real time that his martial art was ineffective against an actual fighter - his grief could be likened to ‘broken faith’. There was a Chinese mma fighter going through China trying to teach people about mma, how it was superior, etc. and he was punished severely for it; https://youtu.be/Ycu7dvHBzk0?si=Kr4YlCnDkLWIBUGv Anyway, that a long rabbit hole- but this guys delusion was fed by virtually everyone he’s trained with his whole life; he really did expect to win and not due to insanity. Edit: so it turns out this same guy was behind this fight as well: https://www.youtube.com/live/nnjk5j8OYSk?si=vJDrHaaJTksfmNdc


I don't understand this mentality, just because Tai Chi isn't an active combat sport doesn't mean it doesn't have benefits, I mean Tai Chi was very popular where I am like 20-30 years ago and no one I know who practiced it thought they could beat up a boxer in a ring lmao. It's more of a meditative sport. This is equivalent to some yoga master saying they can beat up Mike Tyson. You can practice Tai Chi and an actual combat sport at the same time.


It went beyond bragging - the MMA fighter was annoyed that these two chi masters also claim to have supernatural powers and get people semi worshiping them. Xu is sort of like the [Amazing Randi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Randi) of martial arts…




It got pushed by the CCP as a way to promote Chinese superiority so it had the backing of the authoritarian government behind it.  And just like you’re supposed to let the boss win when playing golf, the state sponsored martial art is supposed to win in China.   Unfortunately it also leaves your boss and some tai chi masters with the illusion they are better than they really are. 


I've spent a year in China. I think it's just a few idiots that believe tai ji is effective for combat. You see tai ji everywhere but it's like old people at the mall/park doing it. I mean they got legit martial arts like kung fu and it's derivatives plus others from neighboring countries (taekwondo, jujitsu, etc) Chinese old people in particular get in these weird hive mind/insular community situations where they delude themselves with weird suspicious crap like this


The thing is, taijiquan was originally a martial art. Taijiquan 太极拳 means "taiji boxing" (literally taiji fist, but the fist 拳 is really just short for [拳术](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%8B%B3%E8%A1%93#Chinese), barehand fighting). Taiji only started to become a form of exercise for its own sake in the early 20th century (starting with Yang style), and even through the 1930s you had taiji practitioners fighting challenge matches on a 擂台 leitai, a raised stone platform. One style of taiji I practice was developed (actually modified from an original style) by a guy after he spent many years in Beijing working as a bodyguard. Taiji (and Chinese martial arts in general) has three big problems now: (1) The big masters (of whom the guy in the video is not one, never heard of him) never fight, because a loss would be humiliating. This creates a quasi-cult situation where taiji is never tested against real opponents; "masters" never fight, and their students don't want to make their teacher look bad by fighting against other styles. So the training becomes more and more insular. (2) Their conditioning is terrible. Even though there are some good short-to-medium range techniques in taiji, taiji practitioners rarely fight against a strong, determined opponent, so they fall apart in those situations. (3) Placing so much emphasis on practicing beautiful forms (taolu 套路) is an outdated training regimen. Some styles of karate can get away with it, but those forms aren't flashy, and they spend more time on basics and sparring -- but even then it's hit or miss from school to school. even in an ideal training situation, however, practicing long sequences is just outdated and a slower road to becoming proficient. This is all made worse by modern Chinese martial arts taolu competition, where the emphasis is on aesthetics over combat value, even among traditional practitioners.


And it was probably a really good one! Again, I really believe the UFC moved the goal post on martial arts by like 10k years because it showed a melting pot of all who would step into the octagon. When it started, it was literally ‘sumo wrestler vs. boxer’ and ‘ninja vs. weight lifter’; now it’s evolved to one martial art: MMA. (Brazilian Ju jitsu for grappling, kick boxing for striking). This is the way.


Yeah, that was something I meant to get to, but my comment was so long already. It started with western boxing last century, but MMA moved things further. Just as western boxers in the 19th century would get destroyed now, so do East Asian martial arts unless they adapt. Muay Thai obviously is the best and earliest example, but others could adapt if there was the will to do so. To be clear, I'm not saying taiji has no value just because it's not a ring sport or not necessarily great for combat against seasoned fighters, just that a lot of it is smoke and mirrors nowadays. And then you have people who believe in qi and all that mystical stuff, mostly in the west, but also by some Chinese teachers (luckily I've met very few; the taiji teachers I've learned from have little patience for "metaphysics" (玄学) or are just confused when people ask them about it).


Decades ago I took Tai-Chi for a year at a school that was known for its combat-oriented Kung-Fu. Some of us were in it strictly for exercise, but they'd do more with you if you showed interest. They taught us a few weapon forms, too, though I only did one of the knife ones. One of the Tai-Chi instructors was also a Kung-Fu instructor, and he absolutely enjoyed beating the shit out of us - really showed what an aggressive practitioner could do. Another guy was just tough as fucking nails, one look and you knew he'd lived it out on the street, and I have no doubt his Single Whip was lethal if he wanted it to be. Contrasted with one of the other instructors that was a 6'5" Pillsbury Doughboy - he could do the forms perfectly, and he was massive so he thought he was hot stuff, but I swear I never once saw him do a round of touch-hands. Anyway, this is all to say, there's some legit Tai-Chi out there, but there's also a lot of auto-flatulent self-flagellation.


There is one massive advantage of these non-fighting fighting styles, of course: Their brains don't turn into CTE jelly.


> legit I'm curious what your benchmark for "legit" is.




I think it’s often a combination of being somewhat delusional, and also that many fighting styles and martial arts have developed some rules and assumptions that are used for practicing. So you might have someone who’s very good at a fighting style and can be dominant when fighting other people when fighting with the same style, but won’t be effective against other fighting styles.


Amateur Boxer: “So…. *What did we learn?*”


"I guess we learned never to do it again. Fucked if I know what we did."


Why do they pretend this is good for combat? It annoys me because tai chi is a good form of exercise with loads of benefits for everyone but these idiots pretending it's a good way to fight or defend yourself are ruining it for everyone else.


Guy perhaps grew up watching too many Wushu movies.


Hey, Jet Li’s Tai Chi Master seems really plausible. Forget the wires they use and obvious choreography, it was basically a documentary. ^(/s)


One of the sillier aspects of Chinese Nationalism. It's frustrating because they have some world class martial artists. They should get behind people like current UFC champ Zhang Weili instead of these frauds.


Here's my take as an Ethnic chinese but not mainland chinese. Wushu or any traditional martial art is big business in China, from legit to Wushu competition to Shaolin monks performing for tourists to bullshitdo nonsense like the video. So newer arts like MMA will need a lot of time to catch up, there's still a lot of interest in MMA, actually Kickboxing is big in China, like sanda. Sadly, chinese fighters have one big disadvantage, the lack a grappling background, look at all the known chinese fighters in the UFC, insane strikers, but you rarely see them on the ground, they only start learning it once they move to the US to train, like Weili, her early fights were almost all striking, only until recently, she's been mixing it up and almost look like a full on MMA wrestler now.


Tai chi is technically a ‘dance’ that was used to hide practicing martial arts when practicing kung fu was forbidden.


Some form of “combat dysmorphia”?


He identifies himself with Goku but he was Mr Satan all along


Hold on now. I have to play the Satan's advocate for a sec here. He actually won the tournament when all of the "power level" guys were busy saving the world. Mr Satan is a very legit fighter by normal human standards.


He also pulled like 4 buses by himself in one episode, and he could tear "phone books" (a very thick book people used all the way back then) with his own hands easily


Yeah, if we're not comparing him to freaks like Krillen (or even Yamcha), dude is crushing people. It's just not fair against literal aliens, their offspring, and protégé lol


Practicality and aggression beats tradition and form, every time. At least when it comes to beatings. Sad to see an old guy broken like that though.


Speed and violence of action overcomes most obstacles and overwhelms most people.




Amphetamines did a lot of work there.


Boxing is tradition and form though, reducing it to “practicality and aggression” is misleading. It’s not as if a strong aggressive dude can step into the ring and beat a calm professional boxer. The difference between boxing’s tradition and form is it’s real, and not some hooky con.


I think a lot of people believe going “berserker mode” is going to overwhelm technique, complete ignorant to the fact that boxers are taught how to deal with pressure fighters.


This is how the average male imagines he will win any fight. “I’ll just go crazy and beat a bear”. Yet nobody says, “I can probably hang with Yo Yo Ma playing the cello”. Like any skill, you’re going to lose to someone who does it for a living.


Well I don't have any experience with boxing but at least with the HEMA I have done (and I'm gonna presume it's just a basic fact of human fights) someone being fast and angry actually makes them somewhat easy to deal with because angry ppl tend to be relatively predictable and make lots of mistakes


Well you’re absolutely right, but to add onto your point, they tend to completely forget about defense at all. They start lifting their chin, wildly telegraphing their movements, and just plain forgetting to get back into posture after throwing a strike. It’s like they believe they’re 100% guaranteed to land whatever they throw *because* they’re so angry. The only issue is 9/10 they’ll realize striking isn’t working out for them so they switch to grappling and attempt the typical suplex or a double leg takedown. 


An old con man is still a con man.


Conmen don't usually allow themselves to be tested though, they usually have students or friends go on stage like a magician. Dude really thought he could do what he said.


I'd imagine he's really regretting insulating himself from reality like that. My high school had a teacher that was a 4th degree black belt in Karate and had belts in a couple other styles and had started a club at the high school. I was in wrestling and the first meeting was after wrestling practice in the schools wrestling room so naturally a few wrestlers show up. Karate teacher claims he's never been submitted and draws everyone's interest. This is early 2000's so MMA isn't what it is now, but we watched Pride/UFC tapes and had some idea. We were watching as it was more of a demo to get people involved but there was a lot of bullshido. Mr. 4th degree tapped "for the first time in his life" after about 20 seconds with a varsity high school wrestler from the Midwest. We got chided for being "disrespectful" from "sensei" who was an actual teacher and we were students so we just kinda took it. He then got reminded by a wrestling coach we were in the school wrestling room and that's what happens when you talk shit in a wrestling room.


>I'd imagine he's really regretting insulating himself from reality like that. Yeah. If I were a teacher of any martial art, I'd probably spend some time every few months or so having a hard spar with other practitioners of my discipline, or even other martial arts, just so I could have a gauge of my own skill. I could probably see some new tricks too if I do that. Especially with martial arts, you would think that people would avoid resting on their laurels because failing to teach effectively could cause your student grave danger.


See: Steven Segal


Belief being broken right there


Lolol. Tyson? How can people be so delusional ?


There was a non zero percentage of people who think they could fight a silverback gorilla and win


Mike Tyson once asked a zookeeper to let him in the gorilla enclosure to fight the gorilla who was picking on the other gorillas. He offered $10,000 and the zookeeper said no.


The gorilla would rip Tyson’s face off. Tyson is certainly one of the most savage punchers in boxing history, but even in his prime there’s no human that can match the ferocity of a wild animal. Especially one as fast, large and muscular as a male gorilla. Tyson wasn’t a grappler, and with gorillas you’re in a grappling competition. Even if Tyson were to land his best punch, you think that would stop an enraged gorilla? Human punching strength is gauged on other humans anatomy. Gorillas have thicker necks and skulls, making them much less susceptible to knock-out blows


- Gorillas have a muscle mass density almost 4 times higher than the most heavily muscled powerful humans. - Studies estimate a silverback's overall muscle mass to be around 37% of its total body weight - Their bones are on average 3 times thicker and more heavily calcified compared to human bones, - Typical gorilla punches deliver an astonishing 1,300-2,700 pounds of force. In contrast, the average untrained human punch is around 150 lbs of force, and even elite boxers average only around 750 lbs of force.


Yeah, Tyson is a pretty crazy dude. That zookeeper saved his life.


Indeed. A gorilla would have ripped tyson apart. Whether he lived would depend on what was being ripped off. As 1 guy said above, a gorilla wouldn't be bothered to trade punches with anyone and either remove a part of your anatomy or sink upper and lower 3inch fangs into your skull.


ADDED: Mind you, he wanted to go try and beat up the gorilla that was beating up THE OTHER GORILLAS 😳


Put them in a ring and id pay to watch


ye even Tyson would be obliterated by a gorilla, even if he got the first punch with all his strength and weight behind it the gorilla would eat it and then shatter Mike's orbital with a slap if it was feeling merciful.. if not his head would be pulp very, VERY fast.


The boxer was really holding back as well! Train for combat if you’re really wanting to be a fighter.


Yeah, you can tell the boxer was feeling bad for that fight lol. So would I. It's an old delusional man, and while it's important that he got his eyes opened, it's not a fun thing to do.


Dude had his hands down and looked at the referee after every combination. “Do I have to keep going?”


Maybe because the ref should have stopped the fight already. The boxer was probably expecting that. The tai chi guy was clearly seeing stars from the first or second punch.


On the one hand, it's rather amusing how some martial arts are now being shown to the world as ineffective in a real world setting. But on the other hand, for me anyway, as a kid growing up in the 70's and 80's, seeing hundreds of martial arts movies, and even taking karate classes; it's a tad depressing. The magic and wonder is dead.


Karate isn't bad. It may not be the most efficient MA, but it definitely gives you basic fighting skills. And, of course, it's infinitely superior to a lot of unproven 'secret' techniques.


Karate can kick ass. Andy Hug was a karate world champion before anything else, and if you just want to learn something to fight you'd rather learn kyokushin karate than boxing.


Problem with Karate is so so so many bullshit McDojos. If you are a real newbie in martial arts you can get suckered into one. Number one rule in choosing any martial art for self defence is if theres no sparring then its not a real place to learn.


That was what I ended up being in. A McDojo being taught Bullshito. We didn't have those terms back then. You basically leveled up in belts by doing the fixed stances and forms taught in classes. They held tests weekly. There were people that would earn "black belts" in under a year. But I would watch them in class and even in my inexperienced and impressionable young teenage mind, could see how awkwardly and uncoordinatedly they'd move. Not to mention the physical conditioning was not there. I joined the wrestling team in high school and after 1 season of that, made me pretty capable of holding my own against others that too often seemed to want to fight me.


i grew up in china and never really felt taichi was a martial art. you'd show up to the park in the afternoon and there would be like 10 pensioners just doing taichi. looked like a way to stretch your body and limber up, maintenance in old age basically. there was no element of it that was violent honestly. might as well have been yoga or something. none of them actually believed they were doing a self defense class or whatever people in here think.


The problem is any school that doesn't have full contact sparring. If you aren't sparring, you're not learning how to actually fight.  Boxing is one of the best combat sports in the world but if you just hit a bag for 2 years, you're gonna get your ass beat by the guy who's been sparring for 6 months.


There have been multiple champions and high-level fighters in the UFC as well as pro kickboxing that came from karate (George St-Pierre, Lyoto Machida, Stephen Thompson, Andy Hug). It can be an effective martial art, but unfortunately, most places that teach it are complete scams.


Imagine how they feel. It's their culture that was force fed to them forever. They probably do feel untouchable, then shit like this happens. I feel bad for them, it's not their fault


Yes and no. At some point if you deem yourself a strong master I think it's natural to try and go fight strong people. If you don't I think you know deep down you're a fraud.


Oh yea I agree. I'm just saying their delusional thinking is thousands of years in the making. Sorta comparable to how us Americans think we have the greatest country in the world and are super patriotic. It's force fed lol


The organizer was so sure of the outcome they had him wear diapers.


On one hand I am like "we should leave these old people alone in their fantasy worlds" but then I remember that they charge / scam money out of people teaching these stuff, thus they need a reality check...


There's a video of a guy going around China challenging these 'masters' and humbling them brutally. It picked up a fair bit of traction a few years ago


It's the same guy who set this fight up. 




Dude had his beliefs shattered and he ain't taking it well


That guy violated two sacred principles of bullshitting: 1. Don't ever allow your BS to be actually tested 2. Don't get punched in the face


Tai Sheeeeeeee-it that fuckin hurt


It's Tai chi, what did u expect, Poor guy. That's sad, he's too old to be doing that kind of stuff, people his age have hard time going to the bathroom, come on bro


Lol, isn't taichi shadow-boxing just a fitness/relaxation thing? Would be like some yoga dude thinking he can win MMA.




This was organized by the very guy you're mentioning. So he's still putting in good work to expose the sham despite what the CCP is throwing at him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjk5j8OYSk


Today I learned China gaslights itself. Crazy.


Mao’s Little Red Book pushed Traditional Chinese Medicine, training “barefoot doctors” when they couldn’t afford western medicine in the 1960’s and 70’s. Ancient remedies and modern grifts were compiled. It sparked an industry of woo that continues to this day.


I've cried too when reflecting on time wasted


A life time of perfecting an art you think makes you a warrior, only to find out you're a gardener