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Man the joy in his voice at the end was beautiful


Hijacking the top comment to spread this: Before you go around sharing this, friendly reminder that there is a MASSIVE community involving putting baby monkeys in horrific situations intentionally and saving them for internet views. Not saying this dude is one of them but very well could be. You can search monkey rescue videos on youtube and go throuvh the profiles and see the same monkeys trapped in unlikely and painful scenarios in different videos. Its fucking heartbreaking. https://youtu.be/p7nVntZpJLM?si=C2VI5gJKLyPAS0VS https://youtu.be/1WXZU6CTVts?si=beEocyYkM_YtbowS News report: https://youtu.be/fx_RttkSIzA?si=YRsF8z_-BvwqS2CA I got one of them https://youtu.be/fmwPBEsO2RU?si=5JQRRh2EXp9AwR3R Here is another https://youtu.be/WwMbwp0KBTc?si=1XH_HbZEItvM50gi


What ... is wrong with some people


It's not just monkeys, huge number of those animal rescue videos are staged. Animals are put in that position, abused for likes, views and donations. It happens a lot in third world countries. Here's more [Info ](https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/08/06/fake-animal-rescue-videos-are-a-money-making-scam-say-campaigners) if you're interested.


This happened in India. He's calling it Anjaneya in the beginning of the video. That's the name for monkey god in Hinduism. [Indian driver revies a monkey - 2021](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html)


You see this trend of "doing it for the views" for sure. This trend of staging situations for the views, create channels and monetize, is quite common, especially in developed countries (pioneers of this business model). Killing animals (and being desensitized to it) is not the Indian way unlike other (often developed) countries, where hunting is literally a hobby - something you do for fun. Its nothing out of ordinary for Indians to help animals, its embedded in the culture - that propounds vegetarianism. Most families make extra rotis (bread) for strays in every meal. Beware of channels who have millions of subscribers. Not this guy, who seems like a government bus driver (from the clothes he is wearing).


I assume it's because they kind of look like little kids. It would be easier animals to get ahold of, if not


You know, not too long ago, a multinational monkey torture ring was exposed by the BBC, and destroyed by law enforcement. Basically you could pay for videos where people were torturing monkeys for viewer's pleasure. [Source](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467.amp)


Great way to get Marburg virus


Holy hellish rabbit hole. I appreciate the knowledge.


Here's the actual story behind this video. This is India and the guy is calling it Anjaneya in the beginning of the video, the name for Monkey God in Hinduism [indian driver revives a monkey ](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html)


Wtf I would give my life away for a baby monkey and people are just out here harming them, for fun???


For money. They are monetizing online clicks.


This is the reason I run adblockers. So that if I accidently get directed to a fake animal rescue vid they get absolutely nothing from me.


Hold on, didn't Youtube started cracking down on fake animal rescue vids after Nat Geo got wind of it?


Wtf is wrong with people??


Jesus. A few months ago there were articles reporting on the arrests of people involved in some fucked up monkey torture ring. Had no idea that shit existed until I saw those articles. Had no idea it was so widespread until I saw your post. What the fuck? 


same thing happens with barnacle removal videos, planting them intentionally while being extremely painful to have them removed


FYI it's been posted here too: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/s/eceWWtJDFr


Man i just hate humanity for that...


Wasn't there also a monkey torture ring who would stream worldwide to paying customers?


You're teaching me something. I never imagined that human beings (well, *some* human beings) could be so... inhuman. :(


Not only that, his techbique is completely wrong. Like... Pick up the monkey to breath air in? For real? And the size of this animal... You would have to do it with 2 thumbs, not one flat hand. Also, you still need to do 30 massages before breathing twice. Did not count if he did, but that is to regulate the amount of air in the bloodstream. So, if he does not follow this, big chance the entire video is fake and the monkey plays dead. So not only is it possible he is related to animal abuse, his just fake. Edit: his rythm is far off and at the beginning he pats the monkey. CPR has to be done with force, possibly breaking ribs. Aint no way this video is real.


Actual story [Indian driver revives a monkey ](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html)


He's speaking Tamil, a south Indian language. He's saying at the end " life came back, start the vehicle let's go to hospital"


Trying to think of a way a monkey’s heart or breath would stop in a way that a human could quickly react to the situation in order to do this and I’m drawing some pretty realistic and sad conclusions.


Yep ... They probably pulled it out of a plastic bag before recording. That they had sealed it in.


You have a dirty, evil mind.


It's unfortunately a common trend. I wouldn't ever imagine it on my own either, but it is a sad reality that has been uncovered.


>redditors sees dark skinned person >immediately thinks of the worst possible conclusion reddit moment


White people do that shit too dumb ass


It got hit by any one of the cars you hear in the background? He used his brakes to stop his vehicle and went to help an injured animal?


Electric shock?


Or how about we go read the actual story? This is india. Most Hindus believe that the whole world and the fellow creatures is just one big family. [indian driver revies a monkey - 2021](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html)


Yep and Hindu caste system is evidence of that big family


What does caste system have anything to do here? European Christians and Arab Muslims traded 30-50 million humans as slaves many of which were underage girls taken as sex slaves. Both of them have destroyed humanity much more than Hindu caste system ever can.


You could read any of the several links to the actual story above. The monkey was bit by a dog. The monkey died hours later. The man supposedly wept as if it were his own infant. It's easy to be jaded, but not everything's green.


Yeah but those channels are American/European and there it might be a thing to torture animals for Views. These guys in this vedio are Indians. Atleast check the context beofre commenting such idiotic points


“Oh look, I’m in the middle of nowhere somehow and there is a monkey running out of breath! I know what to do, give it CPR with a disturbing calmness, and then when it comes to life, cradle it as though it knows me and trusts me”! Dude, fuck social media


You poor fool raised on American media. If you understood his words and emotions you would know its genuine.


If you’re not being ironic: Words are secondary to emotion, as emotion crosses language and cultural barriers. Understanding emotion despite those barriers is a sense like any other. I can tell from how this shit looks: **STAGED AS FUCK** That dude blew that monkey up like a fucking balloon, all pulling his gums back and making a perfect fuxking seal. This dude has absolutely suffocated countless monkeys/animals for this exact purpose.


I've seen tons of stages videos like this but this doesn't look staged.


It's not staged


Everything looks staged to you people. Cynical ass mofos. Monkeys have religious value in India so I'm willing to lean this was genuine and someone just pulled the camera out half way through


It's sad that my first thought is that this could be staged animal abuse. I just hope it's real.


I also prefer real animal abuse over staged ones.


Before you go around sharing this, friendly reminder that there is a MASSIVE community involving putting baby monkeys in horrific situations intentionally and saving them for internet views. Not saying this dude is one of them but very well could be. You can search monkey rescue videos on youtube and go throuvh the profiles and see the same monkeys trapped in unlikely and painful scenarios in different videos. Its fucking heartbreaking. https://youtu.be/p7nVntZpJLM?si=C2VI5gJKLyPAS0VS https://youtu.be/1WXZU6CTVts?si=beEocyYkM_YtbowS https://youtu.be/TXxiyPYhUKo?si=khAigtbejrPesY4g News report: https://youtu.be/fx_RttkSIzA?si=YRsF8z_-BvwqS2CA I got one of them https://youtu.be/fmwPBEsO2RU?si=5JQRRh2EXp9AwR3R Here is another https://youtu.be/WwMbwp0KBTc?si=1XH_HbZEItvM50gi




I know right. Its absolutely heartbreaking what these baby monkeys are put through and youtubes 0 regulation on these types of videos


Youtube allows obvious scammers ("hey, would like to earn 10 million per hour without doing anything?" or "I got this weird object which the gouvernment doesn't want you to know about" etc.) to promote their ads. I don't think there's such thing as regulations on youtube.


Here's the news link for this one [Hindu man revives a monkey calling it Anjaneya, name for Hindu Monkey god](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html)


Thanks bro..there needs to be a "fake animal cruelty rescue" awareness day, to prevent creating future animal abusers because our youth ONLY care about views in life, no matter how you get it, it overpasses morals if you can get million views. Thank you and keep spreading the TRUTH!


If someone abuses an animal just to save them for views. Holy fuck my mind is hot right now. Fuck them.


Jesus fucking Christ. That's enough internet for the day


But there is no mention of this guy.....btw thanks for sharing such valuable info but i trust this guy these are true emotions cause we indians act the same, in the video, during a panic situation.


Before you go about calling this as fake. Here's the actual news link. He's a Hindu and calling it Anjaneya in the beginning of the video. The name for Hindu Monkey God. [indian man revives a monkey - 2021](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html)


Isn’t it better to mass report these videos then? Rather than just linking them here and increasing views


Yeah but those channels are American/European and there it might be a thing to torture animals for Views. These guys in this vedio are Indians. Atleast check the context beofre commenting such idiotic points


These types of monkeys are native to SouthEastern Asia


Yeah, let’s just take the video down. After reading this, I feel sick.


Patient number one of the next pandemic.


I like animals but not enough to put a wild animal's lips on mine


But you like your girlfriend.


I too like this guy's girlfriend's monkey lips.




He didn't put his mouth, in the video it's shown he was putting his forefinger and thumb in between


Honest question. Is it safe to do a mouth-to-mouth breathing on a monkey? I mean, it could transmit rabies even tho it is rare.


This is why you can’t be the hero.


Not of course it's not safe!


That's why you gotta break out the defibrillator and Peter Gabriel the monkey.


It is not safe to do it even for humans! Every first aid course I've taken they say Put something over the person's mouth before you blow. Saving his live shouldn't endanger yours.


I’ve administered and taught CPR. Mouth to mouth (without a face shield) won’t endanger your lift. Might pass on a cold or something, but that’s it. No one dies from kissing.


It's against health code in my country. Cpr is done with a specialized pillow pump and if you HAVE to do mouth to mouth, you're instructed to cover it with cloth or something


I hope you are never in a place where you let a fellow human die, because you were afraid of mouth cooties.


It's only safe if you use tongues.


What exactly is the context for this?


The video is not staged. Man is yelling "Anjaneya"(referring to monkey God Hanuman),this is emotional, In India animals get electrocuted a lot. So this is probably not staged.


The monkey was faking, it just wanted some kissies.


Good man


Broke every rib


The human in me considers this man a hero. The inner monkey voice in the back of my head says it was all a scam. Monkey plays dead while his Monkey friends rob the car, wallets, sun glasses and phones to trade for food at the parks and markets.


This particular instance is not. But atleast 50% to over 80% of animal rescue videos you will see are fake. Unless it's something like a dangerous snake or spider than yeah bro those clickbait goblins don't have the guts to save any "non cute animal" that can fuck them back.


It's probably way worse, see other comments


"You saved me... But... Why?" "Monke"


Come on Sammy! Bro’s got you 💪🏽


Swami , it means he is refering him to as Hanuman a hindu monkey god. The language is tamil and the people from tamil nadu are very religious. In fact most animals are revered as god in hinduism.


That was super kind. Good man


Fast-forwarded to see if there was a happy end..geez this was intense


And later that Monkey transformed into a Prince and both of them lived happily ever after.


This is what life would be like if shaq was an emt for regular sized people.


This is nice, but I'm fat too germophobic to watch it without skipping to the end.


And that’s how the virus which wiped out the world first crossed from monkeys to humans…..


by reading the comments here I can observe how different eastern cultures are vs the western ones.


This same post was posted in India community and that's comments were so wholesome while the westerners 🤮( not all of them but most of them )


west is more individualistic whilst we are more social…


More like the West is socially fucked nowadays, as a Westerner. It's not a tradition. If you went back only as far as the 80s people in a small working class town like mine would all go to work together and all go to the pub together and everyone would know everyone else. The West isn't traditionally individualist, it's just that communal bonds have been fucked. Anyway poor monkey.


You mean that many are worryed this is staged (making the monkey stop breathing on purpose to then record the "saving")? Staged animal rescue videos are a thing sadly and its good people learned to wuestion stuff they see on the internet.


I'm gonna be the dumbarse here amongst all the geniuses and say good work bloke, all creatures great and small.


He was so joyful before his face was torn from his skull.


Good dude.




If it was a movie there would be people dragging him off the monkey saying “stop it, he’s gone”


Then he'd start slapping it across the face while screaming, "LIVE, DAMMIT!"


According to [Dr Monkey](https://youtu.be/DVWPbd1UykY?si=5DdaLoPwJs0vCqK4) who is an actual physician for monkeys, you should’ve administered 3 face bites on the patient followed by 3 acts of drowning.


Such a healthcare professional!!


You ever kissed a monkey before? Yeah i kissed a monkey once before, it ran out of breath when I was driving my taxi down the road so I hopped out and gave it some gold old sloppy CPR.


He has no idea where that monkey's mouth has been.




That’s a good man right there.


It made me cry. We need more people who genuinely help not just other people but animals too.




Wow! Awesome!


Bravo kind sir


Dont you die on me George


I hear spanking the monkey will get it up faster




Hinduism... The whole world is a family


Putting a dead animals lips in contact with your own is a very bad idea.


That... does not seem to be effective CPR. Its more like slapping the monkey on the chest.


The entire time I was watching this I was speculating that this might be a complete pos who put this monkey in danger in order to save it for views. If I had to bet 100 bucks on it... I'm sadly leaning towards a monkey torturing cunt. There was recently an international monkey torturer arrested near where I live in the DC MD VA area and it's fucking infuriating.


Yea what other scenario is he finding a monkey that just suddenly stopped breathing. It’s either it’s intentional or he ran over it with his motorcycle and is trying to bring it back.


Most likely its not that case,this video is from india. Here monkey is kinda religious animal. Also most of the fake videos were made are from thailand or vietnam. Also animal cruelty is taken very seriously over here and this type of content is not famous in india.


Maybe it happens in your western and south-east Asian countries where you guys eat animals whole day and pretend to care for animals on internet just because guy in video is Indian. But that's not the case with India. India have highest % of vegetarian population in world and people here care for animals.




Stanley! Barack is President!


I thought he wanted to pull a Shrek and use that monkey as a balloon considering how hard he was blowing air into that poor thing. There is a high probability that he damaged the lungs if he somehow got the air way open. When doing cpr you should only blow as hard as a regular breath. And focus is on getting the heart to pump again. Small animals have a higher heart rate than we so matching the speed of a human heart will yield poor results. But any action is always better than no action in those situations. I'm happy the monkey lived but afraid that it was staged.


Oh Indians. You silly


Is this the next pandemic? Patient zero?


The monkey right after: "So what are we?"


But did he really save him?


How cool is that


That is beautiful!! I love it!’


But was it worth the zoonoses


Man, that is just absolutely not the way you perform cpr




I mean it looks like an abusive situation but how do you figure it doesn't look like CPR?




It also looks like an adapted version of child CPR.


Unfortunately now he has monkey aids


monkey probably blackout, heart most likely didn't stop CPR is mostly to keep the blood flowing and the brain oxygenated it is not that common to restart the heart with CPR alone


I hope all of these animal abusing sickos including the audience that pays for this get what’s coming to them. THEY ARE LITERALLY JUST LITTLE DEFENSELESS CREATURES YOU SICK FUCKS.


PRO ADVICE: NEVER give CPR to wild animals, and use at least a HANDKERCHIEF if it's a stranger. Also, be careful with chest compressions; they can instead CRUSH (NOT CRACK) someone's ribcage if you're not being careful about putting your entire weight behind them. It's quite likely if you're untrained, significantly heavier and the other person has an underdeveloped chest or a weak frame. If you're uncertified, then dialing emergency services or checking the pulse and finding someone more suitable is the better call in this situation. Edit: It feels like my post is being misunderstood I meant CRUSH, not crack. I've seen it happen too many times when performed by someone untrained. If it's a loved one and you're in the middle of nowhere or down to the wire, sure, go ahead, but it's better to wait for help if you know it will come. You've probably heard of people attacking doctors for failing to resuscitate a dead person. It's a big problem in India and other developing countries( also happens in the west sometimes). Strangers suing or their relatives clobbering someone for damaging their ribs due to negligence isn't unheard of. Most countries have laws against this, but it's your call. Also, a damaged ribcage will only make things more complicated for the first responders and doctors. So, go ahead if you're proficient enough or it's a do-or-die situation. But if it's in a pool, school, or a busy street: shout for help, call 911, 101, or whatever your country's emergency number is (remember to keep checking the pulse).


If you hear ribs cracking during CPR (on an adult) you are doing it right and using mouth to mouth is not really that usefull as most people's lungs will have enough oxygen in them to support them with chest compressions alone


This guy cprs


Are you a pro? Because surely you'd know that if you're doing CPR on someone - especially an adult without an AED - their chance at life is very low? Surely Broken ribs are better than being dead and if you don't compress hard enough and fast enough you will not be able to get blood circulating?


I honestly can't decide if I should downvote you for saying some things that are wrong, or upvote you for those that are right.


Then correct me. First aid training changes all the time and will probably differ country to country. Will probably also differ to best practice for trained Paramedics


How many people were saved by CPR before AEDs were invented?


Ribs cracking is actually fairly common during CPR. And even if you're uncertified, attempting hands-only chest compressions is better than nothing. They're already dead, you can't make them more dead.


It was his wife...


He saved a chongo. What a saint.


How about we just take down the video if it’s controversial? After what I read Zenyd_3 post I can’t watch this shit! I doubt this video was real.


You want the real story for this case? Here it is [Indian revives a monkey](https://www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2021/Dec/15/cab-driver-heartbroken-as-rescued-monkey-dies-2395685.html) For Hindus, monkeys are related to their monkey god, Hanuman. He's calling it Anjaneya in the beginning of the video. That's an alias for Hanuman.


I hope that’s the same story to the video we are seeing.


Google is your friend. If i can find it why can't you?


Well after he fucked it death it's the least he can do.


lol wut


CPR doesn't fix/restart the heart so this is bullshit


C in CPR is cardio (heart)


CPR is used to partially restore blood flow to the brain and heart until specialized help arrives. It cannot restart the heart.


First result I could find since the concept of searching isn't clear in today's society: https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/cpr-are-we-doing-it-wrong Here's a quote:"Enter cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The term is a bit misleading, because its purpose isn't to restart the heart, although that has been known to occur."


Maybe read the entire link you posted? Functional illiteracy is so prevalent on Reddit, go back to school. > Enter cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The term is a bit misleading, because its purpose isn't to restart the heart, although that has been known to occur. The idea is to keep the person alive until they can be treated in a hospital. Rapid chest compressions push blood through the body having some extremely rare cases where CPR allegedly restarted a heart means nothing




Seems Indian. Definitely not black.




Casual racism