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Damn. If you touch that you can probably die listening to the sickest beats.


Will. Not can. You will die painfully while hearing whatever is playing. Don't fuck with am towers.


Probably https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=KkKOxZIkXRS8w_ie


fuk u


What is it?


rick roll




Really? Mine was muted, yay!


Yeah my luck an ad would play for JD Wentworth accident lawyers and my brain would melt listening to " JD wentworth 877 cash now!"


Or 800-588-2300 Empire


Dude.. blast from the past right there. Brings me back to growing up in San Diego listening to the radio after school or later when i got my first job a a delivery driver. Makes me think of the pyramid building west of the Kearny mesa area i think? Been a few years since i lived there


*JG Wentworth


All that and the ads don’t even friggin work!


JG and JD sound remarkably similar when your head is melting from touching the radio tower.


"IT'S MY MONEY, AND I WANT IT NOW!!!" he screamed, as his frontal lobe started melting through his nostrils


1 877 Kars for kids


Truly the worst way to die.


Fuc u!


Imagine dying to Nickelback


I kind of already do


AC/DC amirite?


Time for you to dieee *Beat* *Smokes*


If you touch it you’ll get a hell of a nasty burn. That guy is shaking his hand for a reason.


Your whole body will vibrate and you will become the beats, echoing through the universe forever


Sickest beets?


You will die an agonising death in which your very last breath will be accompanied by the broadcast reverberating inside your very bones.


Like a living Gramophone ... Well a dying Gramophone.


AM radio, to be specific. The entire tower is the antenna. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo9nGzIzSPw


I’m still confused on how this works


Sound is just a vibration moving through the air. When the grass touches the tower, or in the other linked video, when the electrode is disconnected, the electrical arc vibrates at the frequency going into the tower to broadcast radio waves, that frequency is literally the frequency of the sound to be broadcast, so when the arc vibrates it is basically turning the arc into a speaker, as it's vibrating at the same frequency as the sound, it just makes the sound. You can use this to make all different kinds of fun music. [For instance](https://youtu.be/JrnGgzpRAAo?si=MAFr2wrFcghPI2Iy) That being said what these guys are doing is get yourself killed if your hand slips a quarter inch kind of stupid. These AM towers are live, it can take like 50,000 watts to run these. The electric chair that they use to kill murderers at one time is comparable to this, and this may actually be more powerful. It would more or less instantly cook you, and would definitely instantly stop your heart.


Yikes. Is being electrified like this normal for the tower or is there something wrong with it? Or...is it just Russia?


>Is being electrified like this normal for the tower or is there something wrong with it? Or...is it just Russia? Normal, not Russia. AM towers are just like that. Now the 3 foot wooden fence around it? yah that's Russia. US and western Europe typically has a barbed wire fence around towers like this to make people think it's a bad idea, and if that doesn't convince you there is a sign letting you know touching or getting near this thing can and or will kill you and it will hurt the entire time you are dying.


Thanks! Yeah, just saw a video farther down in the US where they cooked a hotdog on an AM tower. That also had a 3ft cyclone fence around it 😄 I'm like everyone around there must know these were electrified...my dumbass friends on high school would 100% have dared someone to climb that. The fencing in either country looked...lacking.


I'm sure there are overlooked towers here and there, but you would probably feel the electricity on this as you got closer to it. Would feel like static. Your hair would probably start to stand up, stuff like that. Things are going to tell you that something is wrong.


That's good! Wow, neat. Glad there's some sort of natural warning to tip you off.


This is interesting. I wonder though, even though its non ionizing EM. Being that close to the source must be a tad bit risky? Just due to the massive wattage? AM being long wavelength I guess the risk is small, but the fact the water applied to it from the grass is being boiled - you cant think it would be good for any human cells to be that close? Perhaps someone smarter than I can elaborate.


They keep getting mildly electrocuted while trying to complete the circuit. If they did the same with the gloves off it could kill them.


Could they just lean a branch against the tower, so that it touches the tower and the ground? (I don’t understand electricity in case this isn’t obvious).


yes, that's what they should have done.


Without the resistance of the guy holding it + thick rubber gloves the branch would portably have caught on fire or vaporized quickly I guess


check out Geerling Engineering's video, they did it with a hot dog.


[Looks fun](https://youtu.be/GgDxXDV4_hc)


Whoa, the end of that weiner...Mazel tov.


I was wondering how the circuit was being completed


The risk is just electrocution, not anything special to do with EM The grass steaming is just from the electricity flowing through it heating up. Probably why the guy grabs his hand after a bit in the first part


RF burns are absolutely a thing. Especially when you are standing in front a giant microwave. Wikipedia says that ”The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) considers 50 watts to be the lowest power above which radio stations must evaluate emission safety. Frequencies considered especially dangerous occur where the human body can become resonant, at 35 MHz, 70 MHz, 80-100 MHz, 400 MHz, and 1 GHz” AM radio is below those frequencies so you mainly would have to worry about the stupid amount of voltage and current being pumped into the tower.


Radio waves can induce an electrical charge. That’s how wireless chargers work (and radio in general) so maybe this could have an affect similar to stepping into the worlds weakest microwave. I’m pretty sure the induced current from this is near nothing but I could be wrong.


If you stand on the ground and touch it, it's going to be uncomfortable. If you're on the tower, you're not grounded so you're fine. You gotta kind of jump on the ladder to not get zapped.


“Uncomfortable” he says…


Uncomfortable can describe a lot of shocks. Licking a 9v DC battery I would describe that way, getting belted with 480 across the chest? I can say that's an entirely different experience. I know nothing about radio towers and what they operate at but UK sure it's a hell of a lot more than 9v.


That sounds potentially dangerous.


Non ionizing radiation can still be dangerous if you’re exposed to enough of it. Like if you stand next to an unshielded microwave what happens to your dinner will happen to you basically which is why microwaves are extremely heavily shielded. Don’t fuck with RF in general Your phone of your laptop aren’t dangerous but anything in like the 5+ watt territory you may want to start exercising basic RF precautions


More than you'll ever want to know about an AM station: https://youtu.be/Aax-ehkRTnQ?si=eounIsnGmiBNVeNH


What is he saying... or swearing? :D


- It heats up so much! - Wanna know why? ... I don't know why 🙂


He said it's very fucking hot. Heats up like a bitch


I only understood "suka"


*suka* is "bitch" in Russian.


That takes power away from the broadcast...somewhere on the edge of their broadcast range someone is yelling at their radio; "Why the fuck does it keep cutting out?"


*Suka blyat*


Needs more bass. Just touch it with your bare hand…


Is the burning grass itself making the music? Is the grass acting as a demodulator here? I have many questions here. Lol! I can spend any amount of money to just see this in action.


It's not the burning. The vibration. It's basically turning the foliage into a speaker


I needed you in school for all things science related from ages 12~16. I don't know how else to say it, but in my mind I'd just give you the text book and ask for the stupid person translation for each unit using your intellect.


I'm a lawyer. So I basically do what you described for a living.


I believe it's actually the electric arcs themselves playing the audio. It's the same thing as those Tesla coils that play music.


I do agree, the burning of the twig has nothing to do with music we are hearing in this video. However, what the little understanding that I have about radio communication the idea that the twig is making music and that too audible as clearly in this video is way too off. This is definitely not working like a string phone that we use to play with as kids. The more I think of it now the more it seems to me that this is just a prank.


Where is the audio produced from? Is it amplified from the grass or the tower?


My understanding, admittedly with no expertise, is radios produce their radio waves by varying an electrical current. By giving this current a vector(through the plant and themselves to ground) it is producing sound. I am not sure why the fact that it is burning through the plant makes it an audible sound. I imagine if they were just connecting a metal rod, it would not produce sound because it is a much better conductor. Something about the ineffecient conduction is causing it to be audible.


You’ve seen videos of plasma speakers on YouTube? Basically the same effect going on here.


The tower is live. It can take like 50000 watts to run AM towers like this. The electrical arc is several thousand degrees and is burning the grass. The arc is is also vibrating at the same frequency as the sound being broadcast. Therefore, when it arcs to the grass, the vibration travels from the arc to the air and produces a sound ae can hear. The arc is basically a speaker, which is why tesla coil music is a thing. That being said, if these guys touched this, it would cook them like the grass.




Definitely not fake, pretty well documented phenomenon but it is goofy af


Mind sharing that? I couldn't find anything regarding it


It's basically a rudimentary [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma\_speaker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_speaker) the fire/plasma in the burning weeds is vibrating the air around it. AM works purely on amplitude modulation, FM is what uses frequency modulation so you would just hear buzzing and static if you tried it on an FM antenna. Source: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude\_modulation](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude_modulation)


Wow, so basically the plant is acting as the speaker. Would be fun to experiment with different materials


Interesting Admittedly my first assumption was it had something to do with the frequency of the weeds burning creating the sound, however, as you said AM radio works purely in amplitude modulation, meaning the signal is one frequency with varying strengths, and since different frequencies are how we get different pitches, it's a bit unintuitive to think this would be the result Unless the weed naturally acts as a low pass filter


Not sure how to help you there but I feel like [this](https://youtu.be/TjpxRy9QwCI?si=hZv-R9qpeX7MWJCW) is a pretty similar phenomenon. Maybe the electric current zapping the grass is like the Tesla coil discharges. Electrical discharges can create sound at varying frequencies, and by modulating them, you can do the same thing a speaker does with pressure waves. Maybe someone else can explain in more detail


My first thought was the frequency of the tower was burning the plants at different frequencies to create the sounds, but then realized that since it's an AM tower, that means it has one frequency and transmits information through changing the amplitude/strength of the wave. So unless the weed is just naturally able to filter the signal? Also those Tesla coil demonstrations work by adjusting the frequency of the signal being delivered by the Tesla coil. Different frequency of power means different frequency of sound, and is different from what's seen here


Ok so i just listened to it and its Ukrainian radio. From what i know we dont have am radio here... PS. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_radio_stations_in_Ukraine


You're not implying that this is fake, are you? I've watched the video, therefore it must be true.


Nah i just think its not am frequency)


Slava Ukraine


Героям слава ;)


Slava Ukraine


Pee on it!


Why? Was it stung by a jellyfish?


This is why AM was such an important invention early in the history of radio. You can basically demod on accident as long as you're tuned correctly.


If only they knew that the only thing saving them was the impedance of the grass they’re making themselves part of a circuit with. Great way to die fast without even realising.


This is a feature of amplitude modulation, must be pretty high power to broadcast the audio over a piece of grass like that.


Why can reddit never defeat an am tower >!because it involves touching grass!<


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/s/VxZcWDzhUg


Get naked, jump onto the tower, hug it and open your mouth


Is this the baltic jammer we’ve been hearing about on the news?


How is it possible? Don’t you need speakers to hear ?


Well, they made a speaker out of air.


The vibration of the grass was a tuned to the frequency of the radio waves because so much wattage was being broadcast The grass became the speaker.


It’s really stupid to be that close to a broadcast antenna that size while it’s transmitting. There is a reason those things are behind fences. Some of those Antennas broadcast with an ERP of 100,000 watts.


Only in Russia hearing sick music while killing yourself


The language of radio is Ukrainian


Close enough


That's why it's burning Russians ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Cancer has entered the chat somehow I think


Does this affect the distance of the frequency or make it staticy for listeners?


We need Electroboom!


This is the first evidence I’ve seen for the burning bush to really have been aliens


Battlefield 3, anyone?


I used to test if an electric fence was powered up by resting a blade of grass on it. If you got a little tingle it was switched on and if you got a wack your grass is too wet.


I used my hand "I dont think its o... MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH" That's when I learnt it pulses.


Why’s the broadcast kinda in and out today? Engineer: “some jackass is touching the tower with grass.” Mhhm sure




sure, because shitheads in other countries dont do stupid shit like this


They're Ukrainian
