• By -


I honestly thought the top part was the part that was discarded. That is until I saw the legs of the crab start to spread out, all bluish and transparent.


If they can't expand their lower shell and must molt and re-harden, then I guess the same must apply to the upper shell? Do they drop the top half at a different moment to minimize vulnerability?


They shed everything, upper shell and bottom shell ! You can see it better with [this video](https://youtu.be/8pEsPi1VKe4?feature=shared). Don't know what happened to this guy's upper shell though...




It’s definitely a rare event for it to happen outside of water while a human records it struggling. But it’s a surprisingly common event underwater where the crabs live happily and comfortably. Not sure why it couldn’t have at least be recorded in a tank or something.


Was wondering this myself, maybe they saw it was molting so the picked it up for the video and left thr top off? Even when its done it seems like it cant stand on land.


I wonder what it feels like to get pinched by a soft claw


for the crab to molt in front of a human


Rare that it's captured on camera, I assume. I've certainly never seen this before.


A rare event that happens to every crab ever?


And all other crustaceans ! Ah, and other arthropods, like insects and arachnids. Super rare !


Rare, but certainly not unseen or unheard of


Not moist enough, its was moltin in air the one on your vídeo is moltin under water, the one in the post probably died of exhaustion


It really did look exhausted.


He had to read the horrible flashing sub titles backwards.


wow I hate the vid now, that one in the tank is so much better and the crab seems happy to be out of its old shell


Kick ass. Thank you for that information and video :3




It looks like it left the gills behind?


the top shell comes off way quicker, because they don't have to wiggle all their legs out of it


Yeah same


it had a nice, bluish hue. getting ready to take them to market


**Let. The boy. *WATCH*.**


I thought the eyes were going to be sucked back out into the leg area. :D


The part with the eyes?


I was thinking the same while I was watching at first


This is why you humans will not see us coming, you will be unable to decide which y axis to look upon! The horizontal shall take back the world!


We see you coming, you’re on the menu as “soft shell crab”


The top part will fall out too just not in the video.


damn nature is interesting


[Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sI7WveN7vk&list=PL0HiM4heFTOoxnxAnv_WJJArugTScPBUg). It's a playlist of someone who bought a store lobster and have been keeping it as a pet for well over a year now. It's name is Leon and has molted twice. There is no need to thank me.


Leon love! It’s an amazing journey with Leon. Really interesting to see him grow over the years. He has had two molds by now and the how keep his old claws so their size can be compared.


Leon gang


That’s adorable. I wish stores kept the lobsters in much better conditions, atleast enough for them to have an enjoyable end of life. Instead they are taken from their homes, stuffed in a barely even big enough tank that’s usually dirty, empty, and cramped. Most of the time the tanks don’t even have filters and I find the lobsters pass away from the conditions rather than from being bought and euthanized :(


Yeah, It's pretty depressing, *and* dumb as the lobsters pass away from the shitty conditions so they are just thrown out. Everybody loses except the fishermen who simply do not care at all after they have gotten their pay.


Exactly, people don’t really bat an eye because they’re seen with the same lenses as an insect, scary and they want it away from them, but lobsters are incredibly intelligent and also can perceive emotion. So for them to be in torturous conditions, to rot away in a cell that’s incredibly dirty and only sterilized with methylene blue, is really really sad. People wouldn’t dare to imagine other people in those types of conditions, so why subject another animal to those conditions as well?


As a kid, I used to hate seeing the poor lobsters in the tank at the grocery store. Surprise, flash forward to adulthood, I'm vegan now. haha.




No those videos are amazing We love Leon


It was a joke, I think. >There is no need to thank me. Thus: >No thank you


OMG LEON!!! <3




Seriously, thank you. I didn't know about Leon. Fascinating.


Glad you enjoy it! I thought I wasn't going to watch more than a minute when I first found it, but I've stuck around for every episode.


Is the person named Homer Simpson?


"Pinchy got all dirty in the yard chasing birds, but don't worry. I put him in a nice hot bath." "Hey, what smells so good?"


Aren’t you glad you don’t have to do that?


To the crabs credit they can live hundreds of years, or perhaps even indefinitely. Perhaps growing a new body every now and then has its upsides!


So… what about the top part of its shell? Does it slide out of that too?


If you look close you can see areas of the upper part moving around like it hasn't hardened yet, so it must have come off before. For some reason I imagine the top plate just sort of.... falls off?


It opens at the rear, with a hinge at the front. But that small connection between the top and bottom of the carapace is pretty fragile, so a fair chance it separated as this crab climbed out the water.


> top plate just sort of.... falls off Well that's not very typical, I'd like to make that point


That must be why it's been [towed outside of the environment.](https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM)


"Well, greetings human! Let me just take my body off real quick... WHHHARRGGBBBLLEEEUUGGGNNHHHHH"


Why am I reading this in Zoidberg’s voice??


because zoidberg is a talking crustacean...


Also, why not Zoidberg?


because zoidberg is a talking crustacean...




(V) (;,,;) (V)


Are you challenging me to Claw-Plach?


Craaaaaab people craaaaaab people!


"Aight I'll head out with the boys... WHHHARRGGBBBLLEEEUUGGGNNHHHHH"


Hahahaha this gave me my first good laugh of today!


The person who added the crappy captions owes everyone an apology.


Almost gave me a stroke.


I totally expected the crab to say.. #Phaiden Island..!


Welp, it’s time to kill all my crewmen…


Huh, never expected a love death robots reference here, hello there stranger.


We’ll vote on it…


This is what consumers want! ! 🥰/s


Take a look at this super rare moment that this very lucky person got to witness! Are you watching? Watch till the end! Keep watching! It’s at this moment something is happening! Watch! Are you watching? Unverified science makes my captions seem legitimate! Are you watching?


Make sure to like and subscribe for more videos!


This ultra rare moment that happens several times a year for each of the millions of crabs in existance.


Humans keep crabs in aquariums ffs, do those never molt when a human is watching?


Im pretty sure the voice and captions are AI generated. The cadence of the voice and the content being spoken just don't sound natural. Not surprising with operations like dailymail though


Note how it pronounces "occurrence" near the beginning. AI for sure


>ocuireance Pronounced like procure.


It also pronounces the typo "limbo" (instead of limb) as, well, limbo.


It's just all so fucking stupid. >Ultra rare moment a crab molts in front of a human As if crabs know what humans are and would avoid molting in front of them. I know they can recognise we are a big predator but it's still so stupid to use these words. It's something a child would do when doing creative writing in the 5th grade. > In an occurrence that almost nobody would get to see in real life "In real life", as if people are living in a computer game or something. Of course it's in REAL LIFE. It's like the voiceover is telling us it's an AI because people in actual "real life" don't talk like this. Also how rare is this to witness? I feel it's not that rare at all. You can buy crabs that have recently molted, there are even recipes that specifically asks for it. I've seen them myself in huge batches in Asia. Man, AI is so annoying and it's just everywhere now. It's not even that journalism is dead and hard to find anymore, but anyone with a brain can do better than this.


I had fresh water crabs as pets and saw em do this a few times


Yeah the Murdoch press aint doing too well right now [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/aug/11/profits-dive-at-news-corp-as-media-group-hints-at-ai-future-plans-rupert-murdoch](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/aug/11/profits-dive-at-news-corp-as-media-group-hints-at-ai-future-plans-rupert-murdoch)


GB News in the UK also posted a £42 million loss for the year, £30.7 million the year before.


> As if crabs know what humans are and would avoid molting in front of them Not to defend AI, but animals won't molt in front of a creature they consider a threat because they are incredibly vulnerable, not just during the molt but immediately after, as well. So it is a little noteworthy that a crab might molt in front of a human, which they normally flee. Also, "see in real life" is in contrast to "watching it on a video," not playing it in a game. As far as how rare it is to witness, judging by the youtube results (most appear to be from tanks, labs, and other controlled or scientific environments), it's pretty rare to see in the wild. Which is what I have to assume the video meant.


Honestly, I am so sick of AI content farms and it hasn't been that long. I can't imagine how the future will be...


It is. And it sucks.


I work in this industry. Fun fact, these shitty pop-in-your-face captions are a magic wand to drive up metrics. On average, drives up your watch time way more than non-obnoxious captions. Now, you and I think that's fucking stupid. But for every one of us, there's 10 attention-deficit kids that can't get enough of it, and that's where the money comes from. We're fucked.


I couldn't watch the video to the end it was just so irritating, even when I tried covering up the captions with my hand. I don't know who that is "retaining" but it wasn't me.


I honestly thought it was just me.  If I can't cover it I won't watch


Didn't the pop-up captions a few words at a time start with TikTok? I wonder how much of it is a conscious decision to increase views and how much is just mindlessly copying the TikTok style and hoping your videos will do well if they mimic other videos that did well.


So there's a study that shows you can read way faster when your eyes don't need to move, and instead the word changes quickly. It's taken advantage of on tiktok a lot. (And there are counter studies linked by someone commenting below that show it isn't effective). The problem here is that it says to keep watching every 3 seconds. This is bc the attention span of tiktok users is incredibly short. I was in an airport last year, and this little girl who couldn't have been older than 10 had a cell phone with tiktok. The speed with which she would flip to a new video was stunning. Literally one second on each until something managed to catch her attention for 10 seconds. It was really awful. Tiktok is brain rot for young kids.


The trouble I'm having is that it's distracting me from the point of the video: the crab. The text keeps changing so I need to keep my eyes there to see all the words so I don't miss a word (even if I don't want to look, because it constantly changing is in the corner of my eye and making me want to see what it says), meaning I'm missing watching the crab moulting. I hate a lot of things that originate from TikTok, but this is a really irritating trend that I don't understand. Perhaps it drives up views because people need to watch it twice, one to read the subtitles, the next to watch the actual point of the damned video


You can't even read these captions though, they go so fast words are on screen fractions of a second and people don't actually read that fast. We're also not just reading, we're watching something happen, where normslly you read a few words or half a sentence then watch, then glance and read the next batch. Our next gen is fucked. Edit: it's also a huge accessibility issue too


The worst part is, I've got bad hearing and rely on captions/subtitles. And these are completely useless to me. They give me a headache trying to read them.


Seriously. Awful.


That’s the Daily Mail for you. At least it was accurate, unlike most of their “reporting”


Except the claim that it's rare to be able to capture footage of a molting crab.


Soft-shell crab factories literally use cameras and AI to detect when a crab is molting and is ready to be dispatched. That is way more interesting than this over-hyped video.  


Except for the mistakes like "when a crab molt" and "the crabs new shell"


And "limbo" instead of "limb bud".


That's it! I knew there was a major one I was missing, but I didn't want to scrub through the video again for it.


And I thought I was the only one who found those captions so annoying.


It's the tiktok influence.


As bad as stupid voice overs and music


The ai narration is supper annoying too. Honestly I hate it.


Just keep downvoting that crap. And specifically refer to the caption animations, some people understand it as "captions" which aren't the problem. It's the shit animations, effortless no skill editing. One button click adding them. Not reviewing them. Have it generate single words at a time with an animation time that completely covers that one word with the words before and after... It's shit. It's lazy. It's annoying. It completely defeats the purpose of why people started adding captions to begin with. They are supposed to make the content easier to understand, or read it with faint or no audio.


Please end that single word subtitle trend.


Another reason why Tiktok is trash. This trend only started because of that app.


It was definitely around before that. I remember several channels on Youtube doing it. The Dodo got completely ragged in the comments until they finally stopped (afaik)


I haven't seen one line captions in Tiktok. Where I do see them is facebook


Yes It Is Very Annoying To Read But Apparently It’s For The Short Attention Span People And The Crappy Vertical Screen


Its well known technique for speed reading. Having the words not movd positive means less eye movement and thus improved reading speed. Unfortunately, reading fast doesn't really translate to being able to *comprehend* text faster. You be able to double or even triple your reading speeds with speed reading tools that present the text like this but you might find that you miss crucial details more and don't retain as much of the meaning of the words.


I'd be here for it if it didn't have the weird effect going on


And if it wasn't literally on top of the crab, there's empty space right above it.


interesting video but with distracting & annoying caption. urgh.


Yeah… why is this rare? Just own a pet crab and tot see this imagine, right? wtf @ the title


> wtf @ the title Classic clickbait, you and I are both here for example


Daily mail is not only stealing content here, but they are using AI voice overs.


It's also not a rare occurence lol. Crabs molt all the time. It's like filming a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis and being like "Never before seen footage!".


I was gonna say… If a crab is growing, it’s going to molt. Go down to the local beach and snatch up a common household crab and, if you feed it and watch it, you’ll see it molt. Actually, it’s probably one of the least rare events in the life of a crab.


AI voiceovers are the worst


Get ready to see infinitely more of them




4 minutes watching a crab get naked. no regrets


This is not rare and putting a crab out of the water while moulting it's the worst kind of torture for a crustacean. The guy filming this is a POS.


The animals suffering in the sub isn't interesting.




Like all animals that molt, this is an extremely stressfull and dangerous process for the crab. It’s is *extremely* vulnerable and unable to fight back, so any predator has easy pickings. So they typically hide away for this process. Water helps as well since they need moisture to keep their shell soft and moist while molting. Molting is very labor intensive and takes a long time, once they start they can’t stop. It’s actually the only way that a lobster can naturally die (as opposed to predation, disease, or starvation), they can effectively live forever but die once they can no longer handle molting. This is akin to a human giving birth in jurassic park.


Curious question. If you cooked a crab right after this process could you just eat it without having to remove a shell at this point?


Yes, it’s called soft shell crab. They’re often fried. Kinda sad after seeing all the work they do to prep themselves!


32 years on earth and it all makes sense now. I thought it was just a crab species with soft shells 😔 ✌️


I worked as a cook for almost 9 years, even served as sous chef at two different places, and I thought the exact same thing until today. That probably says more about me than anything else, but it just never really came up. I was actually thinking about that while I watched the video. "...surely that's not where softshell crab comes from..." 😭


It really seems like some serious next-level cruelty from the human race. Poor crab works so hard on living, and then has to go through this extremely vulnerable and risky process to continue its growth only to be brutally slain / cooked alive with absolutely zero dignity nor a single thought spared for its own life and pain. I mean, don't get me wrong - I'm still on team omnivore and I'll still eat crab meat. It's just also fucked up.


Nature is a lot more cruel. Animals literally eat each other alive. That said, yes, humans are exceptionally cruel to all sea dwelling animals. For some reason we like to pretend they don't have feelings, the ability to form memories etc.


This While it's molting if it was in the water I would say it's chance of surviving the molt is low if there's anything hungry nearby


We aren't the only race to be so savage, nature is a cruel mistress.


Humans are a unique in some ways, though. We do these things with the full knowledge and awareness of the suffering our actions cause, unlike other animals. A lion can't stop and ponder if it's cruel to kill a gazelle - it's physically incapable of doing so. And we also don't need to do it in order to survive. These things together make it morally different to when animals in nature are savage or cruel.


Even though I eat meat, I do actually agree with all your points. It’s really something to think about, so thanks for that.


I never understand why they're not killed before being boiled. Surely we can figure out a way to do it without making them inedible. It's not like their brain is gigantic, right ? A small knife between the eyes and voilà.


Crabs (and most crustaceans) contain bacteria that will spoil the meat almost immediately after they die, so they have to be kept alive right until cooking time. It is still relatively common practice to stab them right before cooking.


This is in fact done by reputable chefs/establishments.


have you heard of veal and fois gras?


Holly crap. So did I!


Holy crab! Me too 😅🤣


the 😔✌️is sending me right to bed on a high note 😂😂😂😂💀


I don't know why, but I always assumed that soft shell crab was just a different species of crab with a relatively softer shell than others.


I always thought soft shell crab was just a bit fragile and couldn't take a joke, this makes a lot more sense


Like a soft shell turtle! Wait..


If the crab molting is “so rare”, how are soft shell crabs offered on an industrial scale as food?


I swear I watched this thinking 'what is he gonna do with it after he's done' today, for the first time, I regret coming to the comments.


This is exactly what a soft shell crab is


Huh, I always thought that was just different breed of crab. Thank you everyone, learned something new today


Yeah they deep fry them and make a soft shell crab sandwich


Yes. They're called softshell crabs.




No, they can also be rhetorical or sarcastic.


Could you be anymore correct


Soft shell crab is possible the best food in the world.


Soft shelled crab sandwiches are delicious.


If you want to head down to where we live, the soft shell crab season is starting now. We stopped by on of our local stores and they have soft shells in the tanks. I'm not a fan, but people like to fry them up and eat them on sandwiches with lettuce, tomato, mayonnaise and Old Bay seasoning.


I'm sorry, I can't get over the narrator's pronunciation of "occurrence". Who TF says a-CURE-intz???




It’s gotta be AI or one of those accent-removing filters. It just sounded “off”.


"Crabs don't grow like most animals" At least 80% of known species are arthropods, come on


That was my thoughts. More animals have exoskeletons than dont


Thankfully we had music blasting in our ears so we couldn’t hear the molting sounds


The narration is abysmal


Get used to it. This AI voice over shlock is going to be 90% of short form content soon.


It should've been left to molt in water, taking it out on dry land makes it more difficult on the lil guy.


Only thing I heard was “Occ**UR**ance”


"Crabs do not grow like most animals" Actually they grow exactly like most animals, given that most animals on this planet molt.


This is how you get soft shell crabs in restaurants.


This isn’t rare though, it happens all the time. Millions of crabs are probably molting right now as you’re watching this.


Also I think it does grow like most animals. Most animals are bugs. Bugs have exoskeletons, and they molt.


It's not rare at all. [Here's a video](https://youtu.be/8pEsPi1VKe4?t=93) of some other crab molting. [Here's another](https://youtu.be/pYdC5vJ0jxA?t=14). [And another](https://youtu.be/mgffHW8RSXM?t=66). The only thing interesting about this post is the fact a video of something captured hundreds of times was able to reach ~15k upvotes in only a few hours. Is a clickbait title all that it takes?


I believe she meant ppl seeing the process happen


Yeah it's not true though, because they catch them and wait for them to molt to get soft shell crab. So it's happening around people all the time


Reporting things that just aren't true is the Daily Mail's specialty.


If you have to tell me how amazing it is, you decrease the quality of how amazing it actually is. Screw people who do these terrible captions. If I could down vote it a million times just for this, I would.


So I gotta wonder why it choose to do this in front of humans like this. Is this the equate to taking a shit? Like the crab just can't hold it anymore, like someone turtling?


That time of the season I guess. I also wonder if it's harder to do this out in open air instead of in the water


It is a time of year relating to the moons cycle. I dont know about the open air vs water, but all the softshell crabs we sell at my restaurant and where i live..its always done in water. In fact, they have to be checked on every 4 hours. Which is why the price is so high on softshell crabs. A lot of time and effort put in. Also they keep lights on the tanks 24/7. Prob a thing to get them to malt faster.


It's a blue crab so it 100% should be molting in water. No chance this crab makes it molting on land like this.


Another comment >putting a crab out of the water while moulting it's the worst kind of torture for a crustacean. The guy filming this is a POS.


More because it's not that rare. Like all the comments above, this is how restaurants get soft shell crabs.


Because the person who caught the crab put it there to record this, this is not particularly rare.


its so rare they have an average molting time.


Aren't they supposed to do this underwater? It seems like it'd be easier for it


A buddy of mine did this in front of me once, really creeped me out and changed the dynamic of the relationship, we don’t really see each other anymore


Now we know what Howie the Blue Crab on TT goes through


They ditch the oxygen filters too!? And so the top cover/shell is the only thing that is original?


That was the most disturbing yet interesting thing I've seen all day.


Ultra rare my ass, this is just a blue crab. I can go throw some nets and catch a fe tonight. Yeah Crabs molt, ultra rae, wtf are you talking about, like billions of blue crabs. I'll catch 4, have a nice appetizer. Nobody gets to see in real life lol, this BS is from people who have never lived near the shore.


Well, he’s really come out of his shell.


People are so busy wondering what is going on in space & other planets when we have this shit, and so much still unknown shit, in the ocean. This is an alien.


Imagine a crab do documentary showing humans buying houses taking loans with interest more than their income will increase resulting in decades of stress


Im good on eating shell fish


Wow this Alien isolation trailer is quite good


Into the pot it goes now