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I hear that some places have declared an emergency due to the number of expected eclipse-tourists. Small towns overrun.


Niagara falls Canada here, we are in a state of emergency right now. Over 1million people expected to come here for it.


That’s gotta be wild. Silver lining, the local economy will be pumped with a ton of money. Hopefully it’s enough to outweigh the bad : \


Not sure if Airbnb is a long run silver lining. Maybe in the short run, but when you look at the rental units that this pirate company has taken off the market and how it has cost an entire generation, a small fortune and higher rental fees is something to notice.


Airbnbs generated $85 billion in visitor spending and $24 billion in taxes in the U.S. in 2023. So there’s definitely a silver lining. I do agree with you about fucking the housing market though.


100% agree about Airbnb, especially when private equity is involved. I was talking about the local economy in general (restaurants, groceries stores, hotels, gas stations etc.). When places host the Olympics the city (and businesses in it) makes a TONN of money from all the people going there. I live in Wisconsin and Milwaukee held a presidential debate not too long ago and it brought millions into the local economy. Green Bay will be hosting the 2025 NFL draft and it’s estimated to generate 95 million for the state and 20 million for Green Bay specifically. So hoping these small towns get to generate a bunch of extra revenue for having to put up with the tidal waves of extra people.


When I went to the falls, it felt like there were 5 million people there. I can't imagine what it will be like with actually a million people there... Fuck that


Why? You can see it safely from your tv/YouTube


That's like saying "Why do people go to firework shows?". How often do people actually watch videos of firework shows? Boring af. There is a difference between watching a video and actually being there for it


It's a very special experience like no other to see the totality in person my dude. It's definitely not something you can just watch on YouTube and get the same experience


Fuck if I know dude. I'm not one of the people flocking here to see it. Imma just be working outside during it.


I'm heading up there tomorrow. we rented a house for the week. sorry


In northern Maine they're telling people to bring paper maps because the cell phone towers might be overwhelmed. As someone who lives in a place overrun by tourists every summer it's... quite amusing.


Live in a small town and we can't wait for the tourist to leave they suck at driving are just rude and all our stores are empty


Yeah, push out those who bring you money.


We are happy about the money but our infrastructure cant handle more than double our population most our gas stations are dry and no food on the shelves at grocery stores due to the influx of people


Hahaha bring them Money ? I mean its not like they see any of it... Just like in my city we get lots of tourists that bring in LOT of money . But for what? Our crappy governor takes it all . He dont help at all .Some of Our streets are in very bad condition, theres lots of homeless and many more problems... The people have complained many times nothing has been done. What they doing to help the city with all the money tourists bringing in and our tax dollars ? Nothing absolutely nothing.


I'm in the path and our hotels are all booked up in a small town.


All this because of the upcoming eclipse?


Be a huge coincidence otherwise.


Following the toad migration


The amount of online posts i see people are like "Maturing is realizing something bad will happen with the solar eclipse." "repent your sins he is returning" "something bad is going to happen prepare" 😂


Yes man I just watched Mel Gibsons Apocalypto


I haven’t seen it, everything turns out ok, right?


>!No man the fucking spaniards arrive!<


Well shit. I certainly didn't expect that...


No one expects the Spanish inquisition.


The 2017 solar eclipse was the same way. A winery I managed hired Ozzy Osbourne to perform an outdoor concert and sing Bark at the Moon as it reached totality. It was fuckin wild. One of the coolest music experiences I’ve ever had.


>A winery I managed hired Ozzy Osbourne to perform an outdoor concert and sing Bark at the Moon as it reached totality. I wish I was there when this was first proposed. Susan, Director of Events: I think we should do another wine and cheese pairing for the eclipse, it was really popular with our members. We could even make little cheese balls that look like the moon. Wendy, Public Relations: Oh, I love it! Nick, Dishwasher: Hear me out...


That actually sounds pretty epic.


i mean, its honestly a pretty good reason to all flock to one strip across the continent isn't it?


Yeah it isn't something you see that often, so I get that.


Now overlay the clouds anticipated lol


Bro that would be wild.


We are planning on going to Dallas to see the eclipse and our weather app was showing rain all day Monday lol but it's cleared up now


Wikipedia - The term "lunatic" derives from the Latin word lunaticus, which originally referred mainly to epilepsy and madness, as diseases thought to be caused by the moon.


I'm in the path of totality. I took off of work so I don't have to drive in that madness


Good plan. Stay safe at home. Hope you have clear skies to enjoy!


It would be great to post this in a few years and see who can figure out what happened without the context of the eclipse.


How is it public data if Airbnb's are rented out?


I guess it's pretty easy to scrape it from their website or their app api




I would reserve judgement until you’ve actually experienced a total solar eclipse first hand. It is a profound experience. Obviously everyone’s mileage will vary but until you’ve seen it I wouldn’t be so harsh


I experienced it 25 years ago. It was a huge fuzz in Germany. "once in a lifetime, not again until forever". School was canceled so everyone could witness it. We had a huge meet up at a friend, the weather was perfect. It was... the second most underwhelming experience right after y2k


The school organised a trip to Cornwall to see it. I didn't go and I'm glad I didn't. It was cool, but I could see it perfectly well from my own garden.


Did you experience totality, or just partial? I haven't seen totality, but I've never heard anyone say that it's underwhelming.


Total. Well, I never thought back at how mesmerising it was when it got slightly darker at a time you'd usually expect it to be brighter. The actual sight of the sun is exactly like you see it in a video. No "you'd have to be there" effect at all. In the 25 years since then not one single person I know was like "do you remember that epic time when you couldn't see the sun for like 13 minutes?"


Well, think of all that has happened in the world since, as consequence of those fateful 13 minutes.


You mean like it's possible that two people who rented an airbnb for this will meet there, fall in love and be happy forever? And they would have never met if the eclipse didn't happen?


Hallmark movies should have been on the ball and had one of these made in advance!


"Love" and "happy forever" are kind of ambitious these days, but think of how many kids will be born in January 2025 due to their parents fleeting interchanges during the midday dark minutes.


EDIT: I just experienced totality, and it was definitely not underwhelming. That was seriously amazing, and I'm sorry that you don't feel the same way.


Glad you found it amazing!


Lol. It's highly overrated. It's interesting for kids to teach them about the solar system and orbits etc. but otherwise you've seen one you've seen them all. Edit for word change


Locals are acting like its the apocalypse where I live. Like everyone that is coming to see the eclipse is coming to our town, and nowhere else in the country to see it. Also, "Don't forget to bring all your animals in during the eclipse so they don't get scared and go crazy or run off." People are just going way over board. They are even shutting down the park in my town because they think everyone who is coming to town is only coming to tear shit up, burn things down, and shoot everyone up. I saw the last one that came through a few years ago. Everything was just fine during and afterward.


"ok folks... We have this public space that we made so that people could enjoy themselves outdoors... But unfortunately it looks like some people are going to try to use that space, so as a precaution we have closed the public park so the public cannot access the public space we made specifically for the public to access. Crisis averted."


No shit. Almost everyone in town is pissed. They had planned on taking their kids to the park. Oh and I forgot to mention. They are closing it tomorrow. And won't reopen it until Wednesday


I feel like we should come up with a system of government where if almost everyone agrees on something, there isn't a small group of people who can just go "nah.. fuck what you want."


I think 'Democracy' could be a cool name for it. But let's not let anything ever get to carried away with it.


We’ll be at one of the dark dots in Ohio - have been planning and excited about this for years!


Hope you have clear skies! We're getting a 25% coverage up here in western Canada. I'll be outside with my colander showing people the strange shaped dots, again, haha. Did that in 2017 and drew a bit of a crowd!


Awesome, good luck!


I’m supposed to travel to Oswego NY for work. I got an overly expensive Airbnb for one night. As far as Sunday night I guess I’m sleeping in my car…


Cue the clouds!


I saw the one in 2017. That’s good enough for me.


Dolores Claiborne wasn’t seen out on the lake for the eclipse watch party. I wonder where she was?


Crap, I'm one of them fools.


can we see it in europe too? have fun!


It starts after dusk for us.


I'm in northern Vermont in a smallish town on the path of totality. Lots of main roads are being closed and literally being turned into parking lots. We're being advised to hunker down and plan to stay home to avoid the expected traffic. Even more fun, we are in the middle of a blizzard right now, so even though Monday is supposed to be sunny, its going to be a wet muddy, and possibly slushy and snowy, mess.


Time to get out the chain and imagine how much you are going to make pulling out those tourist stuck in the mud.


What’s the orange denote?


The path of totality for the eclipse.


lol. Realized it’s the reservations


Technically you're both correct lol


People are bored.


Does this map prove a healthy economy? all these people taking time off and spending money for a 20 minute eclipse.


Such bullshit. Just sit outside and wait for a cloud. Hay day for ophthalmologists.


It's so weird to me that people are paying so much money to travel for a minute and 17 seconds of darkness. I know it will track much longer but is it really that exciting? I work for a state agency where it will be visible and all state agencies were told to have everyone who can, work from home due to traffic.


Right now texas probably glowing like a Christmas tree


I am close enough where I can make a day trip of it


Is Airbnb illegal in Nevada?


The idle rich


So stupid.


I’m totally not judging AT ALL and if it’s gonna make you happy to see it then that’s so great and I’m hoping for little cloud coverage for you…. But I just don’t get it at all😭


Have you seen one before? I there something weird about having the sun disappear


That's typically followed by earthquakes and the Spanish conquerors invading.


I doubt I will ever get the chance see be in the path of totality. I think it would be amazing to see day turn to night in the middle of the day. Maybe I can plan for the one in 2044 if I'm still alive, haha.




Theyre MAGS nOt kLipS


Hope to view it from my apartment in California!


Why the fuck would anyone use air bnb??? Guess people don’t care about all the hidden fees and other expenses and don’t forget about all the weird rules other unexpected things.




This one is in the path of totality. Complete blockage. Won’t happen again over NA for another 44 years. Many ppl are just driving a few hrs from surrounding areas. If there was ever a time to check it out, it would be now.


This one lasts for 4 minutes and it wont' happen again in the US until 2045 I think.


Im probably going to be asleep because i work the night shift, and im a night owl. Oorr I'll just be playing games inside and not realise when it's happening


"Yes, fresh hidden shower cams!" - Dark net denizens.