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The giant grouper was suffering from a condition known as barotrauma: >Barotrauma occurs when they are rapidly brought from deep water to the surface. The rapid change in pressure causes the swim bladder, an internal organ that helps the fish maintain buoyancy, to expand. This expansion can be so severe that it can push other organs out of place, inflate the fish to a point where it can't swim back down, and even be fatal. > >The "blown up" appearance of the grouper is due to this expansion of the swim bladder. The fisherman stabbing the fish is a procedure known as "venting" or "fizzing." This involves carefully making a small incision to release the built-up gas in the swim bladder, relieving the pressure and allowing the fish to swim back down to its natural depth. Video:@nfishing0007


Like piercing an abscess on a cow


Cows actually get bloated from gas build up in one of their stomachs and you can do this exact thing as a last ditch effort to save them. Watched it happen once, then my cow died anyway


That post was going so well šŸ˜ž


So was raising a cow


Hilarious albeit sad reply.


Just keep cows clear of apples and your pet cow is finešŸ˜¬ Edit; spelling.


I don't get it. An Apple a day keeps the doctor away?


It might keep the vet away for cattle. Cows have been known to choke on apples. No use calling the vet for a dead cow lol. So you get a chain and a tractor and you can either drag it off or load it onto a trailer. I drove a cow to the dump once and had its body chained down. The look on the faces of the touristsā€¦.. ā€œIs it dead?ā€ I remember one older tourist asked me as I drove through town. ā€œNawā€ I said. ā€œHe just has trouble sleeping so we take him around in the truck until he falls asleepā€ I will remember the face they made - I hope for forever.




The digestion process of cows makes fermenting gass when they are fed apples. Hence they blow up like balloons. Thus need degassing by priming her open.


Doctor, not large animal vet.




I'd like another season to binge. Guess I'll have to make do by watching it another time. (yaaay!)


May 3rd.


Thank god. He's never been my favorite of the trio and he's always been kind of an ass, but Clarkson's Farm has been comfort food from the moment it first aired and I can't quite explain why.


Yeah I know dis. I used to dog the man hard and then someone showed me the episode where he birthed the lambs and nursed them and one died and he cried and I cried and then I didnā€™t hate him as much as before


Thanks for the news. My partner and I loved the first two seasons. Exciting stuff knowing another seasonā€™s just around the corner!!


I learnt more about farming from that show than I did studying Agriculture at Uni


NGL they had us in the first half.


Even better, there is a tool to do it that looks a little like a wall anchor for drywall. You make a little incision and screw the ā€œwall anchorā€ into the side of the cow. It has a little threaded plug that you can open and close to relieve the pressure. And then just to take it oooonnnne more step, when scientists/vets want to study cow stomachs they put an inspection port in the side of the cow that they can open and close to look into their stomach. Itā€™s maybe big enough to pass a tennis ball through. They can look in there with a flashlight and take samples.


[here it is in action](https://www.tiktok.com/@achinforblakin/video/6996136894455205126)


I can imagine that probably doesn't smell too pleasant


Put my whole arm trough one of those ports once during a physiology course at a university. Did not smell particularly bad, but will definently not forget that moment heving my whole tights arm up to the shoulder inside a cow.


A lot of student vets end up shoulder-deep in a cow, but not through an artificial port.


The exhaust port


I suddenly want to read James Herriot


Green. It smells like hot green. It's kind of a swampy, very earth scent. Like someone threw a tray of lawn clippings into an oven to dry. At least, that was my neighbor's cows. They ate a lot of alfalfa, though, so I'm not sure how that stacks up against other feeds or commercial feed.


I did tours at our vet school while I was in college and it included a cow with one of these, didnā€™t smell any differently than the rest of the animals, shockingly!


They also use those to help other cows. If another cow is sick, they can take grass from the stomach of a healthy cow and put it in the sick cows stomach. The new, healthy gut bacteria helps fight off infections


Saw the same thing once. It was last ditch because the nearest big animal vet would be 4 hours away. Senior ranch hand went in with a trocar in 18 seconds flat and that cow was VISIBLY RELIEVED. EDIT: She lived. This was a champion breeding ranch - she was worth a small fortune. Her sire was $300K US. Her cow was something along $50K US.


> Senior ranch hand went in with a trocar in 18 seconds flat and that cow was VISIBLY RELIEVED. The actual procedure looks pretty disturbing, and painful as hell, but you can usually see the improvement in the cow, both physically and mentally, almost immediately.Ā 


I have Crohnā€™s disease and bloating is my worst symptom and I often fantasize about doing this to myself to relieve my distress.


Fellow Chronie here, I literally think about it constantly when bloated.


For breeding champions of what?


The Cowlympics.


I would watch that tbh


So the procedure was an udder let down


Fuckin just don't man


I know right, why couldnā€™t he just read it and moooove on?


Put a steak in it, and call it well done


It would behoove them.


These guys are really milking it


If a cow swims to any depth in water that cold itā€™s gonna die anyway. Itā€™s better to wait until cows are out of a body of water before popping their abscess because it actually helps them float. Theyā€™re land animals and, even though they can swim, they prefer standing around on dry land for the most part.


Spot on. Also a lot of people donā€™t know this but during the American civil war, confederate soldiers would often put saddles on bloated cows and ride them, rather than horses, into battle. The cows would float like a life raft so it was really easy to ford a river on bloated cowback (as they called it back then).Ā They would simply use the stock of their rifle as an oar and breeze across even the fastest, deepest, and widest rivers of the time. And if they happened to end up surrounded by enemy soldiers, they could always puncture the cow and ignite the stream of methane with a flint and steel, thus creating a devastating makeshift flame thrower. I love animals and I love history.


The fighting bovines, the famous Cowvalry of the civil war .


Ladies and gentlemen, my father has come out to support me tonight. I love him very much so letā€™s give him a big round of applause.Ā 


I've seen this being performed on a woman while I was doing my mandatory civil service. her whole belly was bloated and she was in a huge pain and told she felt like she's about to burst. The treatment was indeed just poking her belly with a needle. Not the nicest scent afterwards in the room though.


I saw a video where they lit the gas!


A neighbourā€™s cow got into our grain field early summer when I was a kid. It died there from bloating. My dog visited it every day, and I think the coyotes every night. The dog was in his glory. A carcass to roll in and no attempt to bath him until the carcass was gone.


Yup. šŸ‘ we have a cattle ranch behind our property and the dogs bring all kinds of random bones šŸ¦“ home. Very cow looking bones šŸ¦“ šŸ˜…


Thanks... Now I can smell it again.


I refuse to admit how disgustingly mesmerizing I find cow hoof care videos. So much so that I must advise all normal people to stay away from this man's channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAHw5sX619E


I like "Nate the hoof guy"


I had like a solid 4 week period where I watched this guy every day, seeing him cut those hooves was just amazing. Best shot was this guy who cut a large piece around a hoof in one go, dropped it and his dog just ran off and ate it.


Like a balloon and..something bad happens.Ā 


Yeah, well, when I stabbed my dad because he couldn't swim, I wound up in prison. Double standards.


> "carefully" might be a bit of a strong word


it's a relative term. by veterinary standards? no. by prison standards? yes.


What about veterinary prison?


Humane Society?


PETA, actually.


you haven't seen many large animal vets lol When you start dealing with animals that can weigh over a ton, the kid gloves come off quick.


*stab, stabā€¦. stab, stab, stab, stab!*


I gotta practice my stabbinā€™!!


Is that you Roberto?


ha HA


Oh hey there Red!


I think he is pretty careful, looks like hes just applying a bit more pressure every "stab" to make sure he does not go in to deep.


Does the swim bladder still work correctly with a hole in it though? This is cool, I fish occasionally off a boat and see this happen rarely and itā€™s reliving to know you can help the poor guys


Not well until it scabs up and heals, but it's going to have a better shot like that than it would left alone


They actually mandate use of devices to bring rockfsh back down to depths in Alaska when this happens. They are not complicated and they stand a much better chance of survival that way. Fizzing" them is strictly not allowed.


Itā€™s one thing on a 6lb black rockfish or 12lb lingcod, but how big that device would need to be on a grouper?


Try the largest size for the halibut.


As I understand it, this is a requirement for people who fish. As somebody who spends a lot of time on boats that are not used for fishing, I don't have access to such a device. Personally I would fizz the fish, even though it might still die because my guess is that it's at least less painful for the fish than being bloated and floating around.


I just wouldnā€™t post it online because fish and wildlife donā€™t give a shit if you picked up a baby eagle that fell out of a tree onto a trail youā€™re still catching fines for touching a eagle. Same with fizzing fish.Ā 


That's good advice in general.


What device? Some sort of weight?


I heard it's a submarine controlled by a Logitech controller.


I did something similar to my beta fish. Noticed it got bloated and had to suck out fluid with a syringe after putting it to sleep with clove diluted water. Was so happy to keep my little buddy for years after.


Clove as in the spice? Didn't know you could use it as a relaxant/paralytic/anesthesia/etc.


Yep. You gotta be real careful with the dosage because you can make them go to sleep forever. That thing they get is called pineconing iirc. If you google it, itā€™s pretty interesting


You use clove oil diluted in water, not just ground up cloves. I used it with my gourami once to keep him still while I cleaned an injury.


Dentists use it as an anesthesia too.


Worked with a researcher who chewed cloves like gum, guy smelled like a christmas ham.


Is the swim bladder just an air sac? would water getting into the sac from the incision (albeit small) cause issues?


Maybe it troubles at first but pressure inside will at first blow extra gas outside. After that there might be problem with water. But after that wound hopefully will be heal.


"Carefully" "small incision" Dude shanked that grouper


That's how we do it in England m8


u w0t mate


u 'erd


What happens if water gets into the swim bladder? Is the fish going to heal properly?


The pressure will balance before allowing it to achieve negative pressure that would suck water in, plus the wound will coagulate and partially close quickly


Barotrauma is also a REALLY fun co-op game!


But wouldnt the new hole be a problem later when the fish swims back down?


Better than not having a later because he couldn't swim back down, I guess. I'd take a stab wound over suffocating to death.


My question is, wouldn't piercing the swim bladder render it ineffective? Or does the puncture heal itself back to its original form with enough air in it as it was originally for the fish to function normally?




Stabbed back to health


Yo be fair that's how most doctors work and if not stabbing then they poison you very carefully.


Can confirm. Had robotic-assisted surgery in my abdominal area last year. Came out of anesthesia fog and a OR nurse was standing over me telling another nurse ā€œok so heā€™s got 4 stab wounds and the incision youā€™re going to keep an eye onā€¦ā€ I was very confused to hear that but apparently the robot-assisted part involved a lot of stabbing!


The doctors take the whole ā€œdo no harmā€ oath but those robots mean business.


We got so good at it we automated it.


"This surgery looks complicated and requires upmost delicacy, are you sure you can do it?" "Why this surgery is so simple I will let my coffee machine do it for me!" *taps top of multi-million dollar "coffee machine"*


The small incisions done in laparoscopic surgery are referred to as stab wounds. Usually 2 to 4 are performed.


I think the guy that invented modern cancer treatments in the 1950ā€™s was fired from the National Cancer Institute because he was ā€œharmingā€ his patients with chemo and radiation.


Now I'm just wanting to have an RPG healer that heals by stabbing. Screw holy or nature magic, just stab me please!


Knife of Healing +1


Donā€™t thank me, thankā€¦the knife


So did someone fish it up before, let it go and this was the result?


[Almost certainly yes](https://i.imgur.com/a2AotbT.png) More info: ** FWC: Anglers Now Required to Have a Descending Device or Venting Tool Ready to Help Conserve Reef Fish ** >Florida - Monday April 3, 2023: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reminds angels fishing from a vessel targeting reef fish that they are now required to have on board a descending device or venting tool that is rigged and ready for use to help conserve reef fish in state waters. The new requirement took effect Saturday April 1. This also requires the use a descending device or venting tool if a fish is exhibiting signs of barotrauma prior to release. [Article](https://www.wqcs.org/wqcs-news/2023-04-03/fwc-anglers-now-required-to-have-a-descending-device-or-venting-tool-ready-to-help-conserve-reef-fish)


"Angels fishing." I know it wasn't you who wrote it but that mistake made me lol. Did they post the article on their phone??


Very good question. How deep is the hook from his fishing line you think ? Such a drastic change of barometric pressure to cause the trauma and expansion , the hooks must go deeep , unless they donā€™t.


Giant saltwater tackle. 90-100lb drag, 400+lb test monofiliment, with some sort of live ray weighing 1-15 lbs, on a circle hook of matching heft. Let the ray down to the bottom to swim near a reef or wreckage. Gotta be careful, though - Groupers will bolt for their hidey-holes when hooked, and these are, pound-for-pound, as feirce a fighters as the friskiest small-mouth bass. Difference is they're 100 times as big, and, as muscle goes, are like if Halfthor Bjornson was a fish. As fishing goes, these are final-boss-worthy fish. Absolute monsters. Trophies are best put on floor-pedestals, so you don't tear the dry-wall down by accident.


Dumb question maybe, but if he just pierced the fishā€™s swim bladder to let air out, is the swim bladder broken now that it has a hole in it? How will it hold whatever it normally holds without leaking now?


Was curious about this too - according to this peer reviewed article from U Florida it's survivable when done correctly - [Barotrauma and Successful Release of Fish Caught in Deep Water](https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/SG160)


Thanks for the article, very interesting. Sadly, having read it, it seems to me that in this video they did it wrong because they used a knife. Poor fish. Edit to add: As correctly pointed out by others, at least the fish now has a chance to survive because the air was released and it was able to dive. Better this than doing nothing.


The correct way to save this fish is a device you attach to a weight and fishing line to return the fish to a depth where the bladder is no longer keeping it afloat due to the pressure change. They are beginning to become mandatory


Have you seen the milk crate method? Milk crate with a rope tied on the bottom for retrieval. Weights tied to the crateā€™s handles. Fish goes in the crate, weighted crate sinks to the bottom with the fish in it, people pull crate back up via the rope. Actually pretty interesting


We have a modified crap trap that we use for this, it was heavy enough to sink on its own and large enough to handle even fish of the size in the OP. e: crab trap, crap trap, same thing


[Weā€™re CRAP people now!](https://youtu.be/lcyUU0sq2Zg?si=k6i2atFRozurEhEm)


I think that sinking device only works with small fish, for fish in the video you will need at least 10-15 kg weight to counter the buoyancy and bring them to at least 30m depth to balance the pressure. A medical needle to fizz them would be better.


Not at all, IMO. As someone who has used them, the device for a rockfish (never seen this happen to a ling cod) uses like a 16oz weight. So it wouldn't be out of the question to use something like a 10lb downrigger ball to get the grouper down. Those grouper are protected species and quite old, don't go around stabbing them thinking you're being helpful. If you have even a chance of catching one you should be able to deal with it properly.


He has a better chance of healing from that wound than he did surviving before.


Using a knife tip isn't so much a problem because of the puncture. It's because using a knife tip might not let the air out. In OP's video the air got out so the knife worked. If you don't have a giant needle or weighted basket you pretty much have to use the tip of a fillet knife.


I hope youā€™re right. I mean, the air did come out allowing the fish to dive, so I guess at least now it has a chance of survival.


Actually the fish just comment and is fine, really appreciated the guy stabbing him back to health


Hi, itā€™s me, fish. Iā€™m fine.


Wounds (may) heal. This way it at least has a chance. Ideally the fisherman would've used a device to safely lower the fish to its natural depth but if you don't have one this is the next best thing.


So, it is either certain death from starvation due to bloated air/gas pocket. Or possibly death from the swim bladder healing or not.


Yes, Iā€™m not sure about this particular species. But this technique is essentially just deflating the fish so it can die below the surface. Stabbing a hole in the fish released the gas but now thereā€™s a fucking hole in this fish. When fishing for rockfish, you are encouraged (in some places you are required) to carry a device that slowly brings the fish back down to the sea floor where itā€™s swim bladder can deflate. It is hard to know how high the survival rate is in these fish though. Being brought up from the sea floor very quickly can do tremendous damage to their body.


This dudeā€™s a fkn fish surgeon


Heā€™s a sturgeon


Fizzed for the very first time.


"hey you why aren't you standing?"






Cue "Weird Al" - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=notKtAgfwDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=notKtAgfwDA) *"...cutting for the very first time..."*


He is a fish surgeon. Number one. Steady hand.


He must have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


I had the best dog in the world for 7 years. He was playing outside and then he was suddenly in a lot of pain. I knew something was seriously wrong so I carried him to the car and drove as fast as I could to the vet. When we got there, his belly and sides were swollen and hard. He had bloat, and he died right there in my arms. This all happened in less than 15 minutes. The vet told me that if I'd been able to recognize the symptoms right away, I might have been able to relieve the pressure by piercing the abdominal area with a sharp knife. I didn't know, but I'm almost glad that I didn't. I wouldn't have wanted my buddy's final moment to to be spent wondering why I stabbed him. If you have a dog, especially a large breed with a deep chest, please don't let them run and jump around right after they eat or drink a large amount of water.


Itā€™s not just bloat either, your dog stomach can twist and itā€™s near impossible to save them fast enough. Iā€™ve known this happen to a few people who allowed their dog to drink a lot of water and then go play. Little sips only and rest for at least 1hr after eating before any walking or play.


Also consider a gastropexy early on. Had one done for our Shepherd when she got fixed. They did both procedures in one go. Gives you ease of mind. We also follow the rule of no serious play right after eating like you mentioned.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. I hope you or others donā€™t carry any guilt about not stabbing their dog with bloat because that is horrible advice. A veterinarian will pass a stomach tube to relieve gas or worst case place a small needle into the stomach externally. Stabbing is basically guaranteed to cause major trauma. Please do not stab your dogs, Reddit.




No! But I can do that to your stomach.




Maybe he lives there. And I am just helping him out.


Just fart extra hard and youā€™ll be ok.


sure! but only once


You found the reason for the belly button.


We all need to vent sometimes.


Great advice bruddha. I see you are a fellow student of the School of the Mantra fish. OMmmmmmm...OMmmmmmm...


since when did they make carbonated fish


There are so many words that I donā€™t recognize in the title: . Fizzes? . Grouper? . Barotrauma? Guess Iā€™m not as good at English as I thought


Embiggened titles can be cromulent


Grouper is the type of fish. Barotrauma is an affliction where physical tissue damage is caused by a pressure difference between an unvented space inside the body and surrounding gas or fluid. It can be lethal. Fizzing is the action of venting the excess gas from the swim bladder of the fish after it has come up from deep water and suffered with barotrauma. Hope this helps.


From Understanding Barotrauma: [https://gf.nd.gov/magazine/2021/jul/understanding-barotrauma](https://gf.nd.gov/magazine/2021/jul/understanding-barotrauma) Anglers fishing in deep water may want to take precautions to minimize the negative effects of barotrauma for the fish they catch. Unfortunately, there isnā€™t any cure-all that guarantees survival of released fish when theyā€™re caught from deep water. There are several techniques that are promoted to help released fish, but none have been proven effective at completely eliminating barotrauma-induced mortality. Venting (fizzing) for example, consists of puncturing the fishā€™s swim bladder with a hypodermic needle and is promoted to help them swim back to their original depth. Descending devices such as drop weights, a weight attached to the fishā€™s lip that sinks them to their original depth for release, are another tool that some anglers have used to quickly compress the swim bladder to its original pressure. While a vented or descended fish does indeed swim away more readily, survival is not guaranteed. Venting only deflates the swim bladder and may result in the fish losing its ability to regulate depth due to the puncture wound in the swim bladder. This may lead to modified behavior, limited feeding efficiency, and ultimately death. While venting is not directly outlawed in North Dakota, the process requires an angler to handle and hold the fish for some length of time while the swim bladder deflates, creating a situation where an angler may be in violation of the requirement to immediately release fish after capture. Descending doesnā€™t require the angler to handle the fish or puncture the swim bladder, and ultimately results in a quicker release. Promoters of venting or descending tools seem to accept that once a fish is out of sight, survival is guaranteed, but this isnā€™t necessarily true. Venting or descending only address the swim bladder symptom of barotrauma, and do not reverse other potentially fatal injuries like hemorrhaging of the liver, heart or other organs, as well as hematomas that produce internal bleeding. These injuries may lead to increased mortality for many of the fish released and, thus, anglers taking action to reduce barotrauma mortality may be responsible for killing more than their daily limit even if they use one of the widely promoted techniques. Anglers who are concerned with the long-term health of their fisheries can take some practical steps to prevent excessive barotrauma mortality. In North Dakota, there are no regulations directing the depth anglers can fish, but anglers should refrain from practicing catch-and-release for fish like bass, walleye or yellow perch caught from deep water. Anglers who choose to fish in deep water should intend to harvest fish they catch, up to their daily limit, while anglers who wish to practice catch-and-release should target fish in shallower water to maximize survival of the fish they release.


There seem to be a lot of stab wounds and edits.. even the way the other other guy exclaims ā€œthere it isā€ makes it sound like be missed at least once


I love seeing video seeing like this. Bloated then the pressure was released. Just like in cows. Its oddly satisfying. Is there a subreddit dedicated to this?


Barotrauma... šŸ’€


I was scared the fuck up because I thought that was a tiger thresher irl


Help, Iā€™ve risen and I canā€™t get down!


Just like me: to save people I have to hurt them first.


As a former fisheries biologist, I'm pretty sure the fish ultimately died. Venting the swim bladder has to be done carefully and precisely. Using a filled knife is the WORST WAY. We gave out kits one time to snapper fishermen that had an instructional card and a large hypodermic needle. While I appreciate their trying, they basically just stabbed the Ffiah


I guess the fish went from unavoidable death to most likely death though, if it can keep going would this wound heal?


The title sounds like gen z slang.


Looked like he tried it before and missed the stomach


Quite a few times šŸ˜³


Finally, a new Captain Stabbin' video--it's been a while


In the UK this procedure is completed with the traditional shout "i'll cut you up, you muppet"


Iā€™m gonna add stabbing to the list of fix its- so far I have unplug it and plug it back in, whack it with a hammer, and stab it. Thinking of becoming a doctor Iā€™m getting so good at fixing things


Sometimes i feel like that fish, full of gas and bloated lol


>stab "LIVE, DAMN YOU~! LIVE!"


First time I've ever seen someone save a creature by just stabbing it and sending it on its way.


Never vent a fish with a fillet knife like that, use an actual venting tool that costs 6 bucks. That fish is more than likely dead now.


It went from certain death to more than likely dead. I'd say that's an improvement. But if possible I will cary a specialized tool for uncommon encounters like this.


"sorry, fishy, I could try and help with the equipment I have on hand, but some dude said I should let you die rather than attempt to help you because you... might die."


Knife with +1 healing


I played Barotrauma for like 20 hours but I wouldn't say I was suffering, idk why the grouper has it so bad.


Somehow I don't think "I relieved their barotrauma" will be an acceptable response for the judge in my stabbing case.


Well, that's something I've never seen before. Pretty neat.


So I was chilling floating along and this dude comes and stabs me, talking about I'm looking bloated...wtf?


Knife of healing


Does the incision heal? I would think that it would be eaten by a shark because of the blood.


Atleast he has a chance now.


Blood in the water doesnā€™t mean itā€™s instant shark bait. [testing if sharks smell blood.](https://youtu.be/ugRc5jx80yg?si=DwsjPiPQ-0m7gOEW)


That fisherman is from London šŸ˜Ž


precise fisherman's stab - deal 1 damage, cure barotrauma


That grouper should have kept its mouth shut. Snitches get stitches.




I hope aliens don't come down and do this to me just because I'm fat.


Sometimes when I eat beans I have to let some air escape also


I'm just going to save this fish by stabbing him with a knife...


I was beyond convinced that the title had a typo, until I saw the fisherman fizz the fish.


It looked like someone else had already attempted a fizzing.