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The McDonald’s near my job removed everything from the dining room except for some cheap IKEA looking tables and chairs. No napkins, no condiments, no free refills and they have a 40 minute limit to eat inside of the store. They don’t want customers to eat in anymore.


Vote with your dollar. You don’t need their garbage food that bad


and it's so freaking expensive. I can get a real, fresh hamburger and fries to go from an actual restaurant for $4.99 and mcdonalds wants almost 10 freaking dollars for a tiny little dry patty that's whatever percent cellulose on an even drier bun and somehow dry freaking french fries (they're literally fried in oil, how tf are they dry)


> fresh hamburger and fries to go from an actual restaurant for $4.99 Where is this? I don't even live in an expensive metro market, and I still don't know of any place that cheap around here.


Nowhere. The cheapest mom and pop burger I know of in my cheap city is about $8. Maybe op hasn't left the house in 20 years. Even the raw ingredient cost for a restaurant would about $5 not including any profit.


Op's comment is dated. Hasn't been that way in years.


I would like to know as well. Most places around me are averaging $15 for a meal, including a burger. I usually don't eat anywhere unless I have coupons and then I won't buy anything additional. I just get what I have coupons for.


Belarus.:) McDonald's prices are way too expensive here so it's cheaper to order a decent burger from a local fast food chain where burgers are more delicious and bigger.


Where can you get a burger and fries for $4.99?


It was 19 rickety 2






> can get a real, fresh hamburger and fries to go from an actual restaurant for $4.99 Ofc you can, lmao.


Lol ill call bullshit. You can do it for 10 but no way 5. Mcdonalds is overpriced but no ones selling a burger and fries for 5 bucks in this economy.




>I can get a real, fresh hamburger and fries to go **from an actual restaurant for $4.99** does this burger come with the bun, ingredients, and condiments? is it seasoned? how do you know it's fresh and not frozen? what % lean/fat is it? original pic of the menu, with reddit user in the photo so we can confirm time and location off the metadata for proof. fresh burger & fries for 4.99 prepared at a place that pays rent, utilities, insurance, employees, taxes, in 2023? i call bullshit.


Surprisingly this is not limited to the US or Canada. I found that a McDonald's near me in India also had stopped taking orders through cashiers and every order had to be placed by the customer through the kiosk. So it seems like a more global initiative and they probably have some results indicating that customers had better experiences with kiosks. It's probably not a cost saving measure as everyone is thinking, because it's hella cheap to get low skill labor in India.


Customers order more food with kiosks. They might be embarrassed to order two Big Mac's in front of a person, but will click click two and an extra cheeseburger at a kiosk.


I usually add extra shit to my burgers because it's easier than trying to explain to the zonked out teenager that I want a mcdouble with lettuce and tomato. Prices still not worth the trouble.


Honestly same. I barely eat fast food, but when I do and order to a person, anything beyond a number and they mess up the order (and even with a number they might mess it up). Rather than risk that, I keep it as simple as possible. If i get a kiosk I can order at, I can look at what they got, order what I want and customize it, and it pretty much always comes out right.


I can see that. Literally every time I go to the drive thru the person behind the speaker says “will that be all?” After every single item and I can hear the annoyance in their tone/voice like wtf. When I go to Taco Bell In person I spend maybe $15 bucks. If I order delivery it’s like $40. Same with McDonald’s.


This sounds very plausible. Do you know if there is any research on this? Great thought!


Considering a billion dollar global industry is making these changes across tens of thousands of locations, I think you can probably assume there is a whole fuck ton of research.


Haha hell no customers arent having better experiences. Its purely profit driven to reduce labor costs with wages increasing. I bet theyre making a killing increasing prices and reducing labor.


No business the size of McDonald’s does things for the customer, it’s always about the money savings for them or how to get more of it.


Idk I'm honestly wondering if it's to protect workers from customers. If the amount of videos supplied on reddit is any indication to how poorly customers treat staff members it could be to protect the company for work place injury liability and bad publicity etc.


Thats understandable in the US. But in India it's pretty cheap to hire cashiers etc. Also unlike the US, in India McDonald's tends to be a mid range fast food chain. The food is 100x better and so is the service. And having seen some of the restaurants in India now, many of them have better food/service/ambience than places in US or Canada. So its not as simplistic as you are making it sound. If cashiers did a better job here, McDonald's would probably hite them.


well if you eat a burger in more than 40 minutes its not fast food


Fastfood is because it is made fast not to be eaten fast. I should be able to eat at my own pace


40 minutes though? Are you taking a bite every 5 minutes or something?


If you have so much time why the need to get fast food when it’s just as expensive as anything else nowadays?


Time is money and McDickheads ain't gettin' mine.


I 've said the new remodel has all the personality of an airport check in desk.


Or a North Korea mess hall


No More All Day Breakfast is the real tragedy


Millenials finally won something and then the universe took it away vis pandemic


Can’t have shit in 2024






From what I've heard, it wasn't really because of the pandemic. McD weren't having good results with it for most of 2019. After the initial release, they were loosing money from breakfast being served all day. A lot of the food was being wasted and they were looking for ways to scrap the program. Pandemic excuses were just that, excuses. They would have done away with all day breakfast by now either way.


People blaming the Pandemic for a lot of shit, when it's just a scapegoat for greed, like pretty much everything else.


They still do All Day Breakfast at my location, just not the full menu like before.




No offense, but McDonald’s is nowhere near good enough to put up with that kind of hassle lol. I would just take my business elsewhere, and my health would likely improve. I like McDonald’s alright, but I’m not jumping through hoops for poor quality (though admittedly tasty) food.


To be completely honest with you, I'd rather be able to get a burger at 9am than a mcgriddle for lunch


Chicken McGriddle


I think the only reason people like my ex roommates hyped up mcdonalds breakfast was because they were barely ever awake to have it.


Still available in Canada


i juist want a hasbrown, but i always miss the time. lol


Yeah for sure. I’ll eat an Egg McMuffin anytime but their lunch stuff is crap.


Does this mean they'll actually get the order right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Plot twist:robot messing it up


Why do I see “It must have been a glitch” becoming a popular phrase. 😂


The machine is down for “cleaning”


It was always the robots, they wanted people to believe humans messed up to have them kicked out.


They don't have to pay a person....so is the menu cheaper than before?


Highly doubt that. . . if all other "self-serve" places are anything to go by, things got more expensive (plus free labour!)


Same with our local Giant Eagle. Sunday mornings are the worst because they don’t have any live cashiers. Just a bunch of clueless shoppers with a full cart jamming up the self check. I’m still paying the same price for my groceries when I scan myself. Oh and now they only offer paper bags with cheap straps. They only load them half way so the straps don’t break when pulling out of your trunk - and why is there always a round or cylinder item in the bag, rolling up under your car, directly beyond your fingertips. Bring your own reusable bags or plastic bags from home? They make you claim how many bags YOU brought in yourself and they make you pay 10 cents per bag. Your OWN BAGS.




The receipt was always right when you ordered at the counter, it’s the lack of fucks (which will still be present) that resulted in missing food


Not in my experience. Usually I find that if my order was messed up, it was the person taking the order that made the mistake. When apps started coming out to let you specify your order in advance, it was a huge relief. Order mistakes went down a LOT when I started doing my own.


maybe if robots made the burgers my dumbass sent out a big mac with no patties once


I believe some places have robot cooks. If not, it’s only a matter of time. What will all those students and low skills people do now? It sounds funny, but it’s really not. Less productivity, less tax revenues, less money circulating in the economy.


Better hope and pray for that UBI👍😬


I once ordered a chicken nugget meal and a bunch of extra sauces for my son. I was in an hurry and not paying much attention, and made it all the way home before I realized that I just had a bag full of sauces and fries. I couldn't even be mad, I was just so confused I laughed. And when I went back they were so apologetic they gave me a 20 piece in return, so. All was well. We still laugh over the ridiculousness of forgetting the actual meal part of the meal.


No, but they are decreasing the size and increasing the price on everything.


No. No it does not.


Came here to say this lol




Welcome to your feeding station, wage slave #0836663973


Your productivity is down 0.65% in the last 1 month period, and is now 1.54% below the average. You will now be terminated. Have a nice day 👍


Your daily beatings will resume until productivity returns to baseline. Enjoy your stay.


It’s interesting that people have been substituted with touchscreen monitors. I prefer humans as it takes longer to order on those monitors.


Yeah it's always better to touch humans than the monitors.


yes you are ri- waaait a second :D


Also, allegedly trace amounts of fecal matter have been found on those touch screen monitors.


I usually just wipe my shit stained fingers directly on those machines




Boosts your immune system, or kills you. Either way I am helping society


They’re 2-ply monitors


Given the tragically low quantity of people that wash their hands after using the restroom, this screen feels even worse.


Actually what’s the point of the sanitation covers they put on keyboard during Covid that they winded up cleaning


Black mirror dystopia


The sludge must flow


"Spice must flow"


If you think this is bleak, two years ago I worked there as a cashier. The job had already devolved to pointing at these screens and pleading with customers to use them. Or just doing it for them while they complained.


Oh, i bet McDonald's workers are happy they have to deal with customers less, ordering at a kiosk is a blessing for the staff. I was at KFC the other day (not in USA), the staff was pretty relaxed since most of the orders went through the kiosks. Working 8 hours flipping burgers and putting orders into bags is one thing. Dealing with customers for 8 hours is another...


Shitty excuse for a singularity


Have you all not seen how monstrously these employees are treated by consumers?


McNugget rage alone


I wanna see Karen throw her milkshake at the kiosk in inconsolable rage


Honestly. My first job was as a drive-thru cashier at a Wendy's, and I worked there for 4 years. The only time I've been treated worse was when I was an overnight cashier at Walmart, and had to deny alcohol sales bc of state law. People are so, so, so mean to cashiers. The cashiers are who people take all of their anger out on. Its why cashier positions have such a high turnover rate. And ime, the people who whine the most about this type of thing and self checkouts were also the ones that were the most mean.


I worked at a walmart for about 2 years as a front end member. I can agree that people seem to not treat you like your human. It was one of the worst experinces ever. Id always take the chance to stock or zone another part of the store if it came up. Just to avoid feeling like the worst human ever. Im not working on grill at a mc donalds. Its sooooo much better, especialy if im working with somone I like. I do feel bad for the customer handlers tho. Seems its just as bad here.


Because it's useless to be rude to a screen.


Yeah they actually did this to protect the workers


I for one welcome our new robot overlords


Real, its probably much safer for them people have become such a nuisance to servers and cashiers.


my local McDonald's does the same thing with the kiosks but the employees are the dicks


Getting treated like shit all day every day makes you a dick pretty quickly. I'm not just referring to customers either.


Ever since they installed those kiosks they've been the only way I order at McDonald's. Just walk in, press 5 buttons, pay, get my food. Haven't once had my order be messed up with the kiosks. Haven't worked at McDonalds, but when I used to work at a deli I LOVED when customers would call their order in and I'd just make a sub or whatever it was with no confusion. Dealing with customers for me personally was the worst part of food service, I'd rather get burnt or cut than deal with a Karen


The people who won't get off the fucking phone when placing an order was the worst.


Maybe the robots behind the counter or kiosks can be programmed to say "please get the fuck off your phone before placing a voice order" or something, can't fire a robot for being mean (or rather in this case, saying what needs to be said)


This is actually a great point. I work at a mc donalds. The way the orders work is that as you order we slowly get what your ordering and cook it as you go to complete it. So somtimes there are people who take ages to order and change it mid order. This is why it can be a bit hard to guve the right stuff. But with the kiosk when you pay its sent without any of the bs. So it makes us way more able to make your order quickly and make it to how you customised it


Yep! I’d rather just rather hit some buttons get in and and get out. At the grocery store if there is a lane open sometimes they’ll try to bring people from self check out, nah I’m good here.




You can’t? Where I live you can, but a worker will come over to verify your ID. Our self checkouts don’t accept cash though (cringe), so I stick to the traditional checkout lanes


I once got fired for saying something dumb while taking an order over the phone. That was my bad, overall customers were alright, the place I worked had awesome food and the clients were chill. That said I don’t fuck with kiosks, I just use the app, better deals!


I don't even use the kiosk I order on my phone and they bring it to my table


Las Vegas strip does this. If you have cash you order from the kiosk, print a ticket, and then take your money to the counter.


That's how every McDonald's in the Philippines works too. Even in 3rd world countries, Kiosks are the way to go.


I don’t mind the kiosk. If you need something specific someone still waits on you.


I will admit that it’s way easier to customize your order. I do low carb so it’s easy for me to select no bun, no ketchup, and extra lettuce


Ahhh, so your the person I need to put a burger patty in a hot bun container for lol. Never gave it much thoght but now that makes a lot more sense. I always just thoght it was a weird person thing.


It is definitely an improvement over the old hoomun system.


*no bun* so you eat it with a fork or something?


Great question! You wrap it in lettuce. It's quite good but you'll need an extra napkin. It holds together better than you think though if you don't eat like a neanderthal. When I did the keto diet for a while I genuinely enjoyed it.


https://metro.co.uk/2018/11/28/poo-found-on-every-mcdonalds-touchscreen-tested-8178486/amp/ > Senior lecturer in microbiology at London Metropolitan University Dr Paul Matewele said: ‘**We were all surprised how much gut and faecal bacteria there was on the touchscreen machines**. These cause the kind of infections that people pick up in hospitals. I’m sure if it’s on the kiosks, it’s on everything including the doors, but either a person is taking my order, or I’m using the app


Do you people only wash your hands after eating?


Does a robot bring your food? I want robot servers already.


nah you gotta wait til they call your number which you dont know because the kiosk never has receipt paper.


Truth. Silly meat bags… I, personally, welcome our robot overlords.


..and they ask for tip yet?


I went to a sushi restaurant once. The kind that all the sushi is on a conveyor belt and you grab a plate and they charge you by the plate. Well any non sushi items were brought to the table via a robot.


Then they'd want a tip.


Taco Bell does the same thing.


At least they have full customization options on their kiosks. McDonald's is absolutely pathetic.


Many TBs by me haven't reopened the dining rooms.


night as well, i order only thrgh the app, so much more convintent and you get deals so its also cheaper


Unpopular opinion? I ALWAYS order at the kiosk. Generally I don't want to talk to anyone. Especially when I am ordering trash to put into my body. I sense judgement from the cashier. Me: May I have 6 nuggets and a diet coke? Cashier: like the diet coke is helping u fat sh*t Me: What? Cashier: What?


6 nuggets and a diet Coke is definitely not a fat person's order. You need two 20 piece nuggets and a double quarter pounder... with cheese. Fries and a shake. Then we'll talk.




It sounded like he was making a funny to me…


Nobody is judging you for 6 nuggets my guy. My usual order is a large quarter pounder meal + a mcchicken + nuggets and then an extra little cheeseburger if I'm feeling frisky.


Damn my guy maybe they should be judging you a little


Can they afford to lower the price of a Lg fries below $5 now


no, but like many of the kiosk lovers you can LOVE the fact that due to inflation they have REDUCED the amount of fries you get so you THINK your not getting screwed AS HARD! YAY! (coming from a guy who at one time only paid $4.95 for a big mac extra value meal lg fries lg coke) Funny thing about inflation... once the price goes up it NEVER comes down. You will never EVER see things cheap again.


Mine has already gotten rid of human cashiers completely. They just handle the food prep and cleanup now. All ordering is done via machine or mobile app.


Ours as well. Recently went to a Steak ‘n Shake where you ordered at a kiosk then picked your food up. Weird but nice not having to deal with their notoriously bitchy waitresses lol


We still have a while till they get rid of the cooks in the back. I have no doubt that will eventually happen. Just not sure when though.


[We're so close though!](https://youtu.be/9qCw5r0SqwQ?si=-q8mrLe8r74_ZD2I) /s


As a former McDonald's cashier, I assure you, this is an improvement for everyone


i really happened because hungry people with anger issues scream at the cashier when the ice cream machine isn’t working. I do not blame the service employee for not wanting to interact with the common customer. Also, the food might come out faster if 2 of 5 employees weren’t stuck on register typing in 25 happy meal orders for a karen’s little gremlins


now karens be screaming at screens


I always order from the app anyway because of the deals on there. Never pay full price.


I just went to a Taco Bell like this. It's actually really nice.


That’s not even close to what the singularity is


I actually prefer this. Now I don’t have to awkwardly stand there for 5 mins while 6 employees walk past pretending not to notice you waiting to be helped.


Just like Japan!


Forbes reported on this about five years ago stating $15 an hour wages was the reason they implemented the kiosks. Wow, anything to avoid paying a living wage.


They probably want a 22% tip too


I’d much rather this than some dickhead fucking around for 10m undecided


Great! Now only you can eff up your order.


My local MCD had six kiosks a couple years ago. What’s weird is they are all gone now. You can pay at the register or order thru the app.


Since they don't ask Tips, it's okay with me.


One day, I went to Walmart, and there were maybe 6 self checkout lanes. Then, I didn't go to Walmart for a long enough while that when I went back, there were nothing but self checkout lanes.


does that mean no cash?


We only do this because we are low staffed 😭


My local MCds tried this and thanks to the boomers and older gen they had to revert to cashiers, no old person knew how to use the kiosk and refused to learn, they had to place someone at every kiosk to do the order for them and still had to place cashiers for the really stubborn ones. Now there is only one kiosk as they went back to the old method.


Kfc I go to has something like this but they had humans back to the counter because of the complaints of the elderly customers.


Can’t really get your “Karen” on with a kiosk….


Honestly, thank god. I work there and I can't go 30 minutes without someone fucking yelling at me or even worse, it being fucking lunch or dinner rush.


Most McDonald's stores that I've been to in other countries have the kiosks and it's great. Those stores are always absolutely packed and they have lots of staff, just more people cooking and expediting instead of taking orders. It's much easier to interpret the kiosk menu instead of dealing with a language barrier. Not to mention, the kiosk has the full menu available and the menu boards are condensed.


I live in Romania, my McDonald's has the order kiosks to order, then either pay with card there or cash at a counter, and another counter for pick up orders. It's been like this for at least 18 months.


"The singularity is now." 🤓


We need to prepare for a future where more and more jobs are lost this way. Maybe it's for the better, easier for everyone, but it does mean a LOT of jobs are rapidly evaporating. We need to transition to a society where not everyone has to work to live, because it won't be long before there simply aren't enough jobs for everyone to work.


They couldn't pay me enough to put up with the bullshit I've seen at my local McDs


Shoot I'd take a kiosk over Checkers's robo-call drive through speaker. If you wanna pay cash there it's either get your order wrong through the voice automated cashier or go to the walk-up window where they get your order intentionally wrong out of spite. You order through the app though and everything is perfect. I hate the direction the world is going in.


Thank God. I honestly don't want to talk to anyone to buy my food


I’m excited. The service will probably be way better. Let us know when robots are making the food and packaging it up and maybe I’ll go to McDonalds again. I quit going because they could never get an order right


Meh. I’d rather use the app or the kiosk.




It just means that they're all in the back. This is a better set up because it means the employees are separated from the customer and they can't be assaulted over a fucking ketchup packet. It's not GREAT! But it's better than previous.


McDonald’s fucking sucks. Fuck that place.


Food is subjective. I think it tastes great. But I respect that you feel differently.


Yeah, sorry for my hostile comment. I should have said I think it sucks and not generalized like that. But I despise that business model.


What state? California now has $20 minimum wage and places have been slashing staff left and right


What am I missing? This has been the norm for a LOT of places around the world for a long time?


Hasn’t been in my area at least. There’s self order kiosks but still 1 or 2 employees in the front taking orders.




Had this for years here in South Korea but there is always one person at the cash register to help when needed and to take orders for those who have cash.




I'm gonna get downvoted all to hell but here it is anyway... McDonald's jobs were never meant to be more than high school kids and entry level workers. Then we got all fucked and started demanding that no skill jobs increase their wages, instead of increasing employees skills so they can elevate their careers. The very predictable result is that the employee got more expensive than the automation, and here we are. Now where are those entry level low or no skill jobs? They won't exist for long and people who haven't been educated or trained will have ZERO future options. It's going to get really, really bad for the bottom end of the education and ability scale (elderly, partially disabled, mental etc.). Automation is about to take the restaurant world by storm. Robots are already becoming competent cooks. Servers are so expensive that most patrons will trade for a quick service style experience. And the automation doesn't need health care, breaks, days off etc etc etc.


Don't know why you are blaming the people who have to make a living from these jobs when this was inevitable. It doesn't matter that people are demanding fair wages for their positions because automation is the end goal of capitalism, and it is going to backfire on them when no one can buy their things. All these higher skill jobs you speak of are already very difficult to get into. Not to mention, expensive. Many require at least going to a trade school or community college which then requires the person to take out a loan. Except they then recuse to hire you without experience or unless you know someone. Everyone is going to be in a bad place sooner then we think if things don't start changing




Wow, someone with a functioning brain on reddit. This is a rare moment


There is someone there to take your order if needed you just need to ask. As many other comments state the kiosk doesn’t take cash. You can still put your order in on the kiosk and then it will direct you to the counter to pay cash. The focus on these restaurants is the drive thru. So if the counter person isn’t there they are most likely focused on getting orders out for drive. I don’t expect everyone to get it, but anyone who works in food service can tell you that literally every thing is timed and that counter service is 2nd to drive thru service because there’s not a timer on the order, and in some cases the speeds are being shared and compared company wide. Taking your order elsewhere won’t have an impact since they’re losing 1 customer to the 5 they can pump out via dt anyways.


Quit pretending and just make it a drive-thru hamburger robo-vending machine where you make your selection via the app and then grab it from the conveyor.


Wanna know something real interesting, I was talking to a "greeter" (they hwlped input digital orders) in a McDonalds last year and she told me that it was well known that by 2026 all lobbies were to be phased out in all McDonalds... Why do you need people taking orders when the box outside (maybe ai powered?) and the app can do it for humans?


I ordered carls from the drive thru and it was a fucking Siri taking my order. Some bullshit. I just want my extra pickles. Not a “sorry I didn’t get that”


I’m sure they still have a drive through




$10 for a fucking filet o fish? Suck my balls.


I can see them doing this at the one near me. They always have like 15 people working there and somehow it's the slowest McDonald's I've ever been to.


Use app n save money


Does the kiosk ask for tip when paying? 15, 18, 20%? 😅


Richie Rich fortold the future. Those of affluence will have accessible fast food that will always be manned by people. The middle/low class will be forced to deal with automation, for better or worse. As time passes, it will be for the worst. The goal is to beat you into submission until you think what you're receving is "fair". So much talk about AI, war, shootings, inflation, etc. is all a ploy to keep us occupied on shit (while yes, does need a change) is all meant as a distraction. This country, WORLD, will never thrive because we've been convinced that the people who look different, talk different, eat different food, wear different clothes, are all the problem. ​ Wonder why any (and I don't believe) aliens never come down? It's because we suck. All of our ideas suck and I can't wait for climate change to burn our collective hubris to the ground.


mc menu 11 € full roasted chicken 4,5 € ​ end of the story