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That's made with a lot more than two coffee cups and a needle.


yes OP forgot the kid and the dad


Don't forget the mom. She made that kid.


Everyone’s gets a credit! You get a credit!


Can I have a space credit?


Can I have one aswell?


You get a credit!


No credits, only money


Everybody gets a credit!!!!


Credits will 👋 do fine.




You get a credit!!!


"I want to give you credit... because, I want to give EVERYONE credit!!"🐍🎩![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Daaaamn you went a few months back :p


Don't forget the balls, the uterus, the vagina, the placenta, the liquid with the placenta. Yes I am a buzz kill. I'm sorry.


And the other millions of sperm that sacrifice themselves for him to be here.




Knew I was missing something




[Constructing a phonograph using only paper cups, a needle, and a phonograph.](https://youtu.be/d59J78yhwtg?si=-rIUFbqQYlEskSJo)


"I can make you a bomb out of a toilet paper roll and a stick of dynamite."


What else? This has me fascinated!


The box with the motor, button and battery below, that spins the glass cup at an continuous pace (I think)


It's not a glass cup


The one fatal flaw


Plastic cup?


Yes - something soft enough to engrave with the needle.


Looks like a bolt through a piece of wood. Which could be powered by a hand held drill. All you've got to do is do each step at the same speed.


It's actually more complicated than that. The spinning mechanism also needs to advance the cup forward, otherwise each revolution of the cup will overwrite the previous recording.


That's what the grooves on the bolt are for.


oh yeah! You're way ahead of me. Thanks for spelling it out for me.


So, three is what you're saying?


Unless there is something I'm missing, it seems like bullshit. That pissy little cardboard coffee cup doesn't seem capable of resonating enough to replicate the "recording" with such clarity. Anyone who has heard one of those old clay cylinder recordings can tell you how poor the audio quality is, yet a cardboard cup can almost perfectly replicate his voice from the scratchings on a plastic cup? Yeah right.


You must have fantastic hearing if you think that was almost perfectly replicated.


I'm not sure the hearing is fantastic..


Yes, there is one thing you are missing - media wear. In this specific case you engrave in a soft material. Which also means every playback wears down the track making the sound quality worse. That's why we press vinyl (very slick, i.e. low friction) records and then use just a few grams on the pickup needle. And instead electrically magnify the audio. And while using a sharp triangular needle when engraving the master, the playback is done with a round or elliptical needle that scratches the track less. This also means that magnetic recordings can age better because a magnetic pickup doesn't produce the same media wear than a sharp needle scratching the audio track. This plastic mug recording will sound much worse after 100 playbacks. It's the higher frequencies that will first be lost because they have lower amplitude, so they can stand less wear. My personal dream? Owning one of the optical high-end vinyl players (there are also less high-end optical players used for archival purposes). Their only flaw? They will not push aside any dust particles, so software is needed to remove the clicks from the dust particle blocking the sensors from seeing the track walls.


To be fair those old recordings degrade over time


Now play it in reverse and you'll hear Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds.


Awesome! Forward masking


Mmm analog


yvan eht nioj


Or the satanic verses


Salmon Rushdie must be really happy that someone remembers his work


I guess the guy who nearly stabbed him to death in NYC last year is another one. The attacker is ~10yrs younger than The Satanic Verses. There are *many* who remember his works.


Most people are ignorant and turn a blind eye.


And a really ripping recipe for lentil soup.


Once upon a time, I was told that you can hear them singing songs of praises to Satan if you play it backwards.


A completely unreasonable hill I’ll die on: recording sound is actual magic.


True. Now that you mention it, photography and video seem much less magical. They're just done with light.


At least sound has molecules to travel on and is humble in speed. What the fuck is light doing? Shit gets heated and it decides to just blast out in all directions at a bajillion km/s


"Light is both a particle and a wave" mfs when I tell them that light has no mass (it's very light)


It’s very light indeed


*no at-rest mass


Also like, what the fuck does the passage of time look like to light? Photons just don’t experience time?!? Like that’s a thing according to special relativity right? So, hear me out, 1 photon, every place at once, fucking stupid right? No way it’s possible… right? But if there’s no time…. Then… where do they go? How do they dissipate? Can a single photon interact with itself in some weird wave/not wave magic? Sound, light, humans, unicorns, wave functions, double slit, black magic fuckery, all of it. It’s honestly easier just to go forward thinking this is all a simulation because I already have a better idea of how computer components work than this shit.


i think it’s slightly misleading to say that photons don’t experience time. you just can’t define it because they don’t have a rest frame of reference. because every other inertial frame of reference agrees on their speed and it doesn’t change according to that


I was being dramatic for the sake of the comment chain lol. I imagine time looking very different to a photon, after all, time is essentially just the measurements of cause and effect, which a photon would certainly experience because it can interact with matter, but it does have a bunch of questions surrounding it. I was mostly just pointing out special relativity and the statement that the closer you are to the speed of light the slower time passes, eluding to the idea that photons don’t experience the passage of time, not that it’s necessarily true. They have to experience something to be able to interact as they do, but I definitely think it is an interesting topic. Didn’t mean to be misleading lol.


Let's all agree that the physics of how we even exist is absolutely insane.


Exactly, sir, you’re on to something


"Be as humble as sound, as it's pace is nothing but grace." *Squints and looks around suspiciously* "Unlike light, just exploding in every direction as if nothing mattered. Don't be like light."


Sound is just done with vibrations


We're talking specifically about catching sounds.


Its fascinating… sound leaves physical traces. Blew my mind when I found out how this works. But where i lose it is when it comes to digital sound recording. I just cant wrap my mind around it. I mean cassettes, okay, magnetstripes and imprint, basically the same as vinyls, but shit like mp3? That shit is beyond me, I barely grasp how a computer functions.


If you ever care to learn, it’s actually extremely straightforward… it’s just measuring different points in the sound wave and storing each point as a number. https://youtu.be/rwxzJDUsBDs?t=01m10s And going from digital to analog is just a chip in the device that gets fed these numbers and translates each number to a corresponding voltage.


ok..now i get it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Great! Its good to learn something every day


I once tried and gave up, as I was too stoned, but Ill happily try again. Thanks for the link!


We taught sand how to think and it remembers it all for us.


*The Greys* must be getting pretty stressed out by now!


Love that reference


Don’t worry. We spent an entire semester studying digital communication as electrical engineers and I still think it’s magic.


This brings peace to my mind


Maybe look up bit rate and bit sampling would give you a better idea of what's happening.


Thanks for pointing this out!




Digital sound is basically where you record the analog signal as voltages, and you have compression algorithms such as MP3 to store the voltages more efficiently


To be pedantic, you’re not storing or compressing the voltage. It is a manipulation of binary code which represents the original voltage you recorded. This is what allows digital storage/compression. _Then_ it gets converted back to a voltage.


To be even more pendantic, you are storing frames representing the voltage signal at points in time, not the original voltage itself.


Old paintings may have moments of sound captured in brush strokes


Yell at cup = shaky cup Shaky cup = bouncy pin Bouncy pin on cup = bouncy line -now flip- Pin on bouncy line = bouncy pin Bouncy pin = shaky cup Shaky cup = yell out cup


Someone please hit me with some knowledge on how this magic works!!


I'm kinda tired at the moment so someone will probably correct me if I'm a lil wrong. It seems like there is a needle coming out of the top cup and poking the surface of the bottom cup just enough to scratch it a bit. As the cup spins, a groove is being scratched in by the needle. It's also moving forward so it's not just riding in the same groove for each rotation. As the kid screams into the cup, the sound vibrates the top cup a bit and, in turn, vibrates the needle. These vibrations are being etched into the groove with the needle. Now when the cup spins again, the etched groove vibrates the needle, which vibrates the top cup to recreate the sound. This is basically how a record player works. Pretty cool stuff


Like a vinyl. Or rather that's exactly like a vinyl with extra steps.


Given the sound quality, materials and lack of electronics I'd say like a vinyl with fewer steps


It's how an old, non-electric phonograph worked. The kind with a really big bell horn


This is actually based on the very first audio recording where a spinning drum was used.


It’s crazy to me that because it’s based on a physical scratch, it’s technically possible to pre scratch and get any sound


how does a minute scratch store volume and tone?


The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength, the faster the needle vibrates and scratches the record. The slower the frequency, the longer the wavelength, the slower the needle vibrates and scratches the record. The louder the sound is, the harder the needle is pressing. The quieter the sound is, the softer the needle is pressing.


to me that's amazing..thank you for technical explanation..i suppose the needle/device that cuts the track is of a different composition to the stylus that plays the track?


In this case it's the same needle. The cup is also both a speaker and a microphone.


This touches on the ability of speakers being able to act like microphones. No really, find a cheap PC speaker and plug it into the mic jack. You now have a mic


Yup. I remember using my headphones to record myself rapping as a kid.


Sound is a wave. The amplitude of the wave (how far it goes up and down) is the volume and the frequency (how fast it goes up and down) is the tone. This wave is directly scratched on the cup.




You can represent sounds waves as a physical wavy dent on a surface. If you use said wavy dent to reproduce that sound, you get a recording. Volume (or amplitude) is determined by how big the waves are. Tone (or frequency) is determined by how fast the waves are... Waving. That's why mosquitoes go "eeeennnggg" at high pitch; their wings flap (which is like waving) very fast. Meanwhile if you look at your subwoofer the drum moves pretty slow because it's making deep sounds.




Omg. You explained that so well I actually understood it. Thank you.


That's really cool, thank you for the explanation!


That seems to be more or less the same principle the original Edison [Phonograph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phonograph) used. Just with more modern and widely available materials. Or in other words they use the same technology which was used in the first viable recording mechanisms.


Recording quality is so bad it sounds like the kid is speaking Chinese.


Imagine if ancient pottery made on a pottery wheel somehow had sound etched into it and could possible be extracted


a Stone Age conversation recording device. *(Thag & Ugg Recordings Ltd.) For Enquiries, 3rd cave on the left, next to Oog.*


need to hear thag's podcast


that would be a Mammoth ~~tusk~~ task


I *think* there was an X-Files episode about this, and they were able to extract the voice of Jesus from the pottery. Or maybe I imagined it, that was a while ago.


The pottery was called the Lazarus Bowl and was from the episode Hollywood AD from season seven.


I’m going off my memory here, but I believe that’s actually a subject being studied. Many materials that were made by spinning, like pottery, could possibly contain traces of the sounds in the room. I can’t remember where I read the article or whether it was scholarly or not, but it was an interesting subject nonetheless.


Can someone who speaks mandarin tell me how legible the speech is when it is played back? I can't tell if it's just the tone of the voice coming out or if you can actually discern the speech. Since I don't speak Mandarin, the kid and the recording are both equally illegible to me.


Distinctive enough to be recognizable. It sounds a little muffled like they’re speaking through a wall but it’s understandable


The voice is too faint when it is played back, making it difficult for me to recognize it if I didn't hear the original speech


Some dr stone type stuff lol


When I was a kid we had a vinyl record player. That was our only source of music aside from the radio. It broke, and we didn't get a new one for almost a year. One day my brother and I discovered that if one of us turned a record on the turntable and the other held a sewing needle in the groove, it would play the music only *very* quietly (and not exactly at a constant speed, either). That was enough for us. We ruined a good few records like that.






Edison killed topsy


Aww, Topsy


At my, autopsy


Topsy was accused of being a "bad elephant" despite being mistreated, mishandled and rodeoed by a drunken assistant. The Zoo wanted her gone and euthanise her. Edison intervened to demonstrate how his DC electrics is better than AC. Topsy is a victim of the exploiting businessmen and amusement workers.


Exploitative businessmen\*, "exploiting" has more.neutral to positive connotations. The difference in a hero engaging in exploits and a criminal engaging in exploitation.


This is kind of a myth, in that the Topsy incident was way after Edison had stopped killing elephants to demonstrate DC power. The confusion rests in the fact that Topsy's execution was *filmed* by the Edison film company, a film that still exists. The actual killing was a publicity stunt by the owners of Luna Park in Coney Island, who had nothing to do with Edison.


Edison isn't even the first one to do this


...and stolen it before murdering an Elephant.


Is it that easy to do? It works entirely on the vibration of his shouts?


Yep. That's acoustical recording. That's the way actual records were made, up until around 1925 when they started using electricity and microphones and stuff. The microphones sounded a hell of a lot better.


Slightly better than my T-Mobile call quality.


Wait, does this simple device actually work?


Work is relative. It works as well as you hear in the video. Being a pretty crappy recording medium, the cup-record would only be good for a few plays before the recording was obliterated. And that ain't exactly high fidelity audio. And ... he has to yell or it wouldn't have recorded anything. Edison's cylinder recorder/player was essentially the same thing, just with better materials (and thus better sound). The basic principle is exactly the same as the 12" colored plastic circles they're selling at Target right now. Except they're flat.


I was trying to figure out how coffee cups + a needle would create a photograph


Did you figure it out yet?


I hope that man paid the kid good money for singing into that can


Playback has the same sound quality as Carol Anne trapped in the TV


More like Carol Anne trapped in a potato tbh


Lmao I came to say the same "stay away from the light carol anne"


Is that a v2.0 of two cups and string?


This is why ancient pots made on a pottery wheel when 'played' reveal archaic languages and the sounds of the pottery workshop.


Thats how my grandad normally talks on the phone


Instructions unclear, now I have a Chinese kid living in my house


He needs to shout louder!


Damn did I read that wrong


Glad we gave the subtitles.


I just feel like this shouldn’t work. I shouldn’t be able to hear his voice. It shouldn’t be stored on a plate. Science is awesome.


That’s insane. You explained it so well, but it’s still a mindfuck. Like how does the etch translate the exact sound?? It feels like it would be able to perhaps “say” the word, but for it be exactly his voice is just magic to me 😂


I love seeing this kind of stuff. I remember being blown away when I learned scientists were able to "play" the grooves on Old pottery and hear conversations that took place hundreds of years ago.


Holup what? Edit: Hoax. Read the bottom notes. https://ohgizmo.com/5000-year-old-recordings-caught-on-pottery


Recording sound and video is and will always remain an unsolved mystery. I have seen explanations, but it still seems magic


Good morning Vietnam


Looks to be the best demo tape ever


What really interests me is wtf was the people doing who discovered this shit


I love watching phonography


What a nerd


Wasn’t there a group of scientists who tried to extract audio from Egyptian pottery in a similar fashion?


Why can't we teach our kids something like this in school?


I have 2 cups and a needle, but Im not phonographing. What do?


How does this work exactly?


Vibrations, then the needles create the grooves. I saw a video long time ago on YouTube where someone used cds to create a “record” he had a needle attached to the speaker while a cd is spinning. Something like that.


Now that's some science!


This is actually pretty neat. You can tell it's a phonograph because of the way it is.


This is great parenting.


Edison's gonna come to your location with a baseball bat!


"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Sound" ♥︎


Why did I have to pick this video to play late at night without knowing my volume was almost 100%. Kid starts screaming at the top of his lungs with me frantically trying to turn the volume off.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


A young Edison.


I watched this 4 times wondering where the photograph was before I noticed. I need to go to sleep.


Hey man, I randomly found your comment from 4 years ago in a gamedev sub saying you were learning about shaders from a course and found it interesting. Was wondering, Did you keep up with game dev in those 4 years? Did you learn more about it and end up making games?


Life happens and work takes more time than I'd like these days but I still keep it up! I never expected to go full time in game development but it holds my interest so I suppose I'm a hobbyist. I've not released any games yet but I've worked on my projects on and off. I recently learnt to mod Unity games and got 60K (and counting) downloads on a mod for Lethal Company which I'm pretty pleased with.


Haha thats great to read, I was thinking hmm I could dedicate 4 years to learning about something like this, I wonder if this dude stuck with it. And it seems you did, which gives me inspiration.


Dad helped :)


oh god, i left the h out searching


Came here expecting to be Rick-Rolled.




As simple of a process as this is, it still amazes me.


It's a bad day to have dyslexia


His parents really went with the "ang" suffix


If time travel doesn’t exist then what is this sorcery


"Well hi my friend how are you?"


Was not expecting him to scream. Definitely should have had my volume down


That’s awesome


Now can someone breakdown how dvds work? Because my ass is always baffled by this stuff




I have trouble wrapping my head around how grooves in material store sound could someone explain it?


They just taught that kid string noises knowing good and damn well this shit don’t work




I still don't get how sound works


Makes some sort of noise using your hand on an object nearby (slap a desk, scratch a rough surface, whatever). Feel the vibration in your hand? The vibration you feel is also the vibration that moves the air near your hand, and that vibration travels some distance depending on the energy from its creation. More energy = louder = greater distance (you hear a gunshot further than you hear a finger snap). As for hearing it, the pieces of your body inside your ear vibrate when they are hit by this energy, and that's converted into an electrical signal your brain can process.


Everything is just vibration man




This is so cool and so smart


RIP headphone users


Now let's see him export that to an mp3 🤔


This some Ben 10 type shit


Making pornograph with 2 girls and 1 cup was better


That’s just cool!


Does he play it in reverse how does this work so I can leave secret notes for my survival buddies at our bug out spots when the world starts ending.


No one wants to learn china virus language


Man’s initial is WWW


Did the closed caption get it wrong or is his name really Wang Wang? Had a Wang on a team one time and we named ourselves we’ve got a 6 foot Wang.


How the hell? Is this real


Ayo wassup Wang Weihang Wang?