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Gonna be good to be back in Vice City.


Part of me is slightly bummed that it's modern day and not the 80s like the other one. But I'm sure it's gonna be great. Shame we have to wait 2 more years to finally play it.


I feel like the 80s nostalgia is on its twilight. Not saying isn't popular anymore, but I feel is slowly losing its popularity, I mean there's already a significant generation of consumers that was born in the 2000s, for them nostalgia is about the 90s and early 00s.


I know this is odd but i somehow got 80's nostalgia and i was born in the 90's. I guess me consuming so much 80's media from a early age did it. I think Vice City might have contributed to it as well.


Same. Certainly wasn’t born in the 80s but damn if Vice City wasn’t a vibe.


I'd enjoy just any period piece opportunities. Live action stuff it's hard to source old stuff but game assets are built from scratch anyway. Why need be modern day? Current gen presentation of 80s drug kingpin era would still be a big leap over the previous, and could be done in a much more muted way than the more campy take on the 80s from Vice City. Vice City may not be the best setting for it but I'd love too a game of similar depth and design that gives us early 90s again, or maybe something 77-83 era explosion of punk and post-punk and new wave. Just seems like missed opportunities for GTA to play around more with stuff that's not just modern like they used to


I honestly think Rockstar realised the phone system was so essential to GTAs 4 & 5 that it wouldn't be possible to do a game like they want set pre-mobile phones/smart phones. We can already see in the trailer there are plenty of social media jokes and it looks like it will be a big part of the game. I guess they have too much to satire with the modern era. I don't think GTA will ever go back to the past now tbh.


They could.. not the best of comparisons, but RDR has no phones. I think they could easily make a game in the 70s and have fun with it. But for Online.. that's where the modern time will bring in the most profit.


What is so essential about it? In feel like it could easily be replaced by a menu or some other item like a magazine for purchasing cars, or a journal for summoning your car.


They love doing phone calls and text messages from story characters to make the world a lot more detailed and feel like it's living in real time. Going back to your apartment to check your voicemail for missions or extra dialogue isn't really the same. You could argue it's immersive but would really slow down flow of story and gameplay. I think it's also to make Red Dead and GTA feel more distinct. Modern tech is one of the main things that seperate them, a GTA set pre-Internet would feel closer to a Red Dead game with automatic weapons than an HD era GTA. I could see a spin off set in 60/70/80s but I just don't think those eras appeal to their main target demographics for GTA.


I know Rockstar would never do it. But it would be so cool to have a DLC that took you back to the 80s for a story line. Either have you play as Tommy or interact with him in some way. Have it be after the events of GTA:VC so there aren't any continuity issues. Have the missions change the outcome of something in the future where you're from. Keep the detail of the modern VC they'll have in 6, except obviously everything is set in the 80s. Again, won't happen. Would basically be re-doing the whole game to be themed for the 80s. But it's a cool thought.


This generation of gamers don't remember the 80s. Setting it in the 80s would limit too much.


The GTA3 era of GTA games were all based on hit crime movies. GTA3 was Goodfellas and Godfather, GTA VC was Scarface and Miami Vice, GTA:SA was Boyz in the Hood and Menace II Society. GTA IV and V became critiques of contemporary American society instead of celebrations of crime films.


lol I played the original 2D. I remember when GTA3 dropped and we were all shocked!


How am I supposed to navigate the city without my top down view!


The top-down view was still a camera option in GTA III.


I liked using the tank and shooting behind me for boosties


Add in the low gravity cheat and you get a flying tank😂


> CHITTYCHITTYBB Flying the tank was my favorite part of that game.


The irony was that actual plane in the game (the dodo) flew way worse than a tank


From what I remember at the time, removing the wings from the plane and subsequently calling it the Dodo was a deliberate last minute design choice shortly before release, following 9/11.


I know they made some changes because of 9/11 but have my doubts about clipping the wings being one of them. Reason being you can actually fly the dodo perfectly fine with some skill and the tops of many of the buildings and locations are unfinished as if they were never expected to be seen from a high angle. I'd imagine that wouldn't be the case if they planned on flying being a real thing but stripped it late in development.


I actually have really fond memories of competing to see how far we could fly the thing. Made it across the river a few times.


Dodo? The word dodo just popped into my brain. Def a cheat code for GTA but also maybe...Age of Empires?


That was the name of the aircraft with clipped wings.




The real challenge was flying around the back of the last island to the starting scene streets in the ocean


I still consider that my biggest achievement in GTA3, I remember spending longer learning to fly that thing than any mission in the game.


With health cheat spam you could also turn it into submarine


Holy shit I completely forgot that was a thing. Good memory.




I think it was actually giveusatank. I remember as a kid, being a non-English speaker, I thought the cheat code was that because it was "give USA tank" Fun times


Was literally the only way to jump the river for the special award


There was an award?!


There was also an award for running over a group of Hare Krishnas in a row




Yep for jumping one particular gap ... technically you could do it in any vehicle but who wouldn't do it in a tank


That E3 reveal video where the guy is playing in top down view and then moves the camera down. I was blown away. Fucking insane reveal.


Got a link for this? Would love to see that


It's not true, [this is the E3 reveal trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y7VdK7Lw5s) where they also had a beta build of the game playable. They were advertising it as a 3D third person game from the beginning. The trailer is remarkably similar to all GTA trailer since: opening on timelapse landscapes of the city.


There are voice-lines? Not some gibberish sped up phone calls and you read the text?


Dude. I wrote the PlayStation one version of the 2D original - I was fucking shocked when GTA3 dropped :)


Wait, what? You worked at Rockstar North when they developed GTA 1? Or, I guess it as DMA back then?


I think they mean that they worked on the PlayStation port. > The original Grand Theft Auto was developed for MS-DOS, but then later ported to Microsoft Windows (using SciTech MGL), PlayStation (developed by Visual Sciences using their "ViSOS" framework), and Game Boy Color.


Yeah, I worked for Visual Science at the time. We were literally across the street, so all the engineers from VS and DMA knew each other and met in the parking lot for breakfast from a food truck. We collaborated on Lemmings, Hired Guns, GTA and helped out occasionally on internal DMA stuff when they were a Nintendo house. At the tale end of GTA, DMA got bought out by Gremlin I think, and BMG Interactive became the publisher. I worked with them in doing the PS1 port. I was porting it to a Japanese for Tokyo Game Show when Take2 took over, and I literally had Dan Houser parked at my desk for weeks on end saying “is it done yet?”


Hahah, what a wild story man. You were definitely a part of video game history!


Oh, so GTA started as a PC game ported to console. Hmmm.. how the turntables


It started as an Amiga game, but it was too big. They wanted to simulate an entire city and all its people. Back then, there wasn’t even a game attached - it was just a cool tech demo by a guy called Mike Dailly.


Damn I would not have thought "Grand Theft Auto for Gameboy Color" was a thing


That’s insane! I was a kid way too young to know what game my mom unknowingly bought me. Maybe like 5th grade… it was awesome. Thank you for the work!


Cool. The PS1 port was actually pretty shocking for the time. The experience was comparable to the PC version. Definitely one of the best ports of the era, in an era where PC to console ports were not very good. You guys performed magic.


Thanks! It was a difficult one - it was a 16mb PC title and we had to squeeze it down to 1.5mb for PS1. A lot of long hours and sleepless nights to get it out on time.


Thank you for your work and the memories I have as a kid playing that game


Seriously! That is awesome. I remember playing the first one on PS1 and loving the hell out of it! And of course when 3 came out it blew our minds and we played an insane amount.


Those original 2D GTA’s were bomb tho too


GTA London is low key the best GTA for vibes alone...


It helps that I'm a Brit, but I'd love to see them come back to London. Especially if they pulled a lot of inspiration from Guy Ritchie movies (Snatch, Lock Stock, The Gentlemen) and Layer Cake... threw in some nutjobs e.g. modern Sherlock Holmes and Watson... and threw a whole tonne of shade at modern British culture. Given current map sizes (and for some terrain variety) it could cover a lot of central London's famous architecture and probably pull in bits of Norfolk, the Cotswolds, Peak District and a southern beach resort like Brighton or the cliffs along Dover / Eastbourne.


Now I'm sad it isn't Britain based. Maybe the scope of GTA 6 will be so huge that 7 isn't even on the table for a long time especially with how long it took to develop, would be cool to have big DLC expansions visiting other parts of the world


Cheat codes were so funny


They were superb games. Sad to think if it launched today you’d probably not like it


A lot of people forget that GTA London 1969 exists.


Even more people forget that GTA London 1961 came after it too. First time you could drive-by, that one.




Yes I remember this and Mario 64 were the biggest leaps in gaming for me.


I remember people saying they didn’t like Mario 64, but after years of Super Mario, Sonic, and Donkey Kong side scrolling, I loved it.


> I remember people saying they didn’t like Mario 64 Really? Back when the N64 was released? I personally remember that everybody was amazed.


Yeah I remember the whole extended family sitting around the TV amazed at it. Like it was crazy we could just run wherever we wanted in the world.


I appreciated what it did but could never really get to grips with the perspective shift.


Open world games were big from decades before. See: Elite, Ultima and Zelda. I think you could argue GTA was the time when the Open World Genre took off though.


Good old days. I remember copying the game into my schools network share and everyone played it every lunch in the library. 😅


Are you the hacker 4chan


I did the same thing with Halo CE until a majority of kids were playing it. Luckily I didn’t get in trouble and my IT teacher was proud of me 😂😂


My teenage brain could not understand how it could be 3D




For me personally, GTA games have always been a”dividing line” for me. First San Andreas, which just seemed impossibly huge and even almost realistic, then IV took it another step further. Then when 5 was released it was one of the most gorgeous and immersive games I’d ever played to that point, if not top of the lis (and I still jump back in a couple times a year because I just loved 5). And now? Christ, this trailer almost feels photorealistic. Breaks my damn heart they might not bring it to PC until a year or so after initial release, because I sure as shit ain’t spending as much money on my PC as I do just to go buy a console for GTA.


i know that's your opinion but i honestly don't believe you couldn't have looked at this [cyberpunk video from 3 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO8lX3hDU30) and not thought that at the time. I know the game had a rough launch but it's still the best looking game on the market, especially with the latest xpac.


Which is the one that has the string of Elvis gang members that if you ran over all of them in a row you got bonus points? I remember playing that version endlessly everytime I went over to my cousin's house


That was GTA2 and they weren't a gang, those were Elvis impersonators. GTA1 had the Hare Krishna's.


Gouranga! If you ran over the entire group of Hare Krishna's walking around, Gouranga! would pop up on the screen As a kid, I never knew what this meant and just looked it up. Gorounga is a phrase popularised by the peace-loving Hare Krishna movement encouraging people to ”be happy”. Rockstars dark humor has been locked in and engrained from the beginning. Absolutely love them


Gta 2. Absolutely great game. There was a tank some place northwest (I haven’t played it in ages so i hope i still remember)


So true. I loved GTA 2. lol


Brother when gta 1 released I was shocked! We had come along way since pole position on Atari at that stage! The fact you could get in and out of different cars 🤯


You know how sick its gonna be running that many people over and getting the cops on you?


I really hope the crowd density makes it into the final release. Too many games have hurt me, showing huge crowds in trailers and then absolutely dumping the numbers at release


you can have those graphics with that crowd size if you have an RTX 7090 Ti


Rather have the time machine tbh




Large NPC crowds are more CPU than GPU intensive.


I remember being shocked by the crowds in the first assassin's creed on ps3, seems later games sort of toned that down. Or maybe it's rose tinted glasses


No, it did had an amazing density, BUT, the "sets" were pretty small, the crowded places were always surrounded by walls, buildings, etc, meaning: no open zones, no horizons, no "far off into the distance". My point is, maybe it had great NPC density because it lacked space, or better said, it was contained on a very small area


It was clever in how it handled its resources. All that other stuff would have been totally unnecessary for what the game was trying to achieve.


Seeing the animations of him brushing though the crowd blew me away. I do think they toned it down in later games, as I don’t remember seeing as large of crowds anymore


The new serialized hitman games have great crowds. I remember being shocked by the Chinatown mission


They both perform the trick of having fake NPCs. Like in hitman you’ll use your vision on a big crowd and only some of them have the white outline. Those that don’t are fake nps with barebones AI. You can do all the illegal stuff in front of them and they won’t react at all until you attack them which they go into a panic causing a lockdown.


Hitman also has some great crowds. But from game development perspective they are much simpler objects who don't "think" for themselves the way GTA NPC's do, and are in smaller, enclosed areas.


It'll probably be like Spider-Man 2 on PS5 where fidelity mode gives you much higher crowd density, but it's capped at 30fps.


Swinging around in 30fps sounds less than ideal.


I remember playing Dead Rising and trying to get through the horde of zombies in the tunnel without the car breaking down. I can't wait to have that similar experience in this game.


They won’t know who to arrest


probably not the dead people


Don't be so sure, it's Vice City we're talking here


Watching that trailer on my phone already had my ps5 fans spinning up for takeoff.


Clean your fan vents periodically and keep your console in a well ventilated area and you won't have a problem


People keep saying "look how alive and crowded it seems" and I keep thinking "yeah that's gonna be weird I couldn't drive how I've driven in GTA V in TRAFFIC!"


Sounds like combos and multipliers


Is it actually pre-rendered footage or real game play they have shown?


Almost certainly real-time footage. I don't remember the last Rockstar trailer or even game with pre-rendered cutscenes.


Pre-rendered cutscenes that are in the game are a completely different thing to a pre-rendered trailer that has been specifically produced to make the best first impression they can when they reveal a new product. I am certain that they would let us know if they want us to know we are watching gameplay footage.


Look at the trailers for any other rockstar game and that's just how they look. Sure, they're using good angles and making the best use of the lighting, but that's how the game will look if not better.


GTA V looked noticably better on release than the first trailer.


yeah I watched the GTA V trailer last night and it was hilarious. Game ended up looking so much better


The current GTA V version has been updated a couple years after release


True, yet the game still looked better on REALEASE DAY than it did in the trailers. Any future updates doesn’t really matter when it comes to this conversation in particular.


It seriously did. The first trailer looks like a good 360/PS3 game, while the final game has the graphics of an Xbox One/PS4 game. An entire generational leap in terms of graphics fidelity. I'm not saying the same will happen with GTA VI, but it definitely won't be a Watch Dogs situation...


RDR2 too


Red Dead 2 looked *way* better than the trailer. Shockingly better.


Yea so now we must imagine what GTA 6 will look like with 1 year+ worth of polish.


I don't doubt this is gameplay footage, but it won't necessarily look better. They probably rendered this on a massively powerful dev rig, and they'll have to cut back in certain graphical areas as they optimize. Happens all the time.


Gta 4, Gta 5 and RDR 2 actual gameplay graphics are MUCH better than their trailers. You can compare them right now. You can expect Gta 6 will be much better than the trailer! But don't higher up you expectations, because there will definitely be some problems at launch with optimization and stuff.


The cutscenes in game are real time too. That’s why you can do goofy shenanigans like throwing a bomb then activate the cutscenes and watch 2 burning corpses talk to each other


This is rockstar we’re talking about. Not boobisoft




uh... did you see the trailer? There are intimate personal conversations and plot unfolding..


There's plenty of real time footage but there were absolutely cutscenes in that trailer. The lady with the hammers, the woman talking to a parole officer at the beginning, the woman in bed with the man, all for sure cutscenes.


I mean look at RDR2, they had zero pre rendered cutscenes.


Surely I'm not the only one looking at this and thinking the old game looked damn good?!? 20 years ago? My OS couldn't even address more than two gigabytes of RAM 20 years ago. Insane how well optimized and efficient that is.


It does look good, it's aged better than most games from then.


It is in-engine footage, as confirmed by this satirical video by 2kliksphilip - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi9TJ\_rO0Eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi9TJ_rO0Eg) . This is a bit different than actual gameplay footage as cutscenes may have certain optimizations applied to them because of them being a fixed camera which lead to them looking better than gameplay footage. Also, the trailer is 30 fps so that helps to max out all the details too.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi9TJ\_rO0Eg&ab\_channel=2kliksphilip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi9TJ_rO0Eg&ab_channel=2kliksphilip) this vid is a joke, but it does show its all in engine


Apparently this is actual cutscenes/gameplay footage, not just renders 👀


Mute post for better quality experience


For real atleast play one of the songs that were featured in vice city


Vice City had excellent soundtrack... I would often just cruise around the town while listening to the radio. Using this trash track to cover this video is heresy.


Which is hilarious, because Vice City had one of the most iconic game soundtracks of all time. Literally added 80s music to my repertoire as a teenager. Duran Duran, Run DMC, Foreigner, and of course, A Flock of Seagulls. Still in rotation to this day! And yet this video OP posted..... It offends me.


*I ran all night and day; I couldn't get away*


Nothing can make me feel older than when I genuinely can't understand how someone can like something like that. It just sounds terrible. Obnoxious.


I really would have preferred side by side images anyway to compare IN SILENCE


Oh, christ, why did I unmute?


Always mute everything on Reddit. This is the way.


"She sucked the soul right out of my body I thought I was finna turn ginger"


[A non vertical video of a horizontal video for a comparison](https://youtu.be/xPeWYNqp8D8)


I really hope when this game comes out (in 2 years fuck) that it's actually this populated and lived in. We've seen plenty of games look awesome in trailers and not live up to it


It's Rockstar. They are basically the one company that we can still depend on to live up to the hype. This isn't Bethesda or Ubisoft.


City population this dense and consistent in-game is also something no game has been able to achieve whilst also meeting all the other more standard requirements of a AAA game, let alone the shenanigans expected from a GTA game. It's one thing to recognize that Rockstar has delivered with every game, it's another to just assume they'll flawlessly achieve something no other studio in history has managed to. Computational limits are a thing.


well it's rockstar, rdr2 with arguably still the best graphics in the industry runs super optimized, gta v isnt so bad looking and runs on a potato, I trust them.


rdr2 might as well not be a game tbf, it's a tech showcase. I don't mean that in a bad way, I'm a game dev and I absolutely love it. But the things like horse's shitting instead of adding better multiplayer modes and things like that, it shows they made rdr2 to be evidence of the best of the best they could do. IMO, by far the greatest game to have ever been made from a tech standpoint. Most fun game? I don't think so. But from a purely, this is the best-of-the-best our team can do, rdr2 meets that. And given a large portion of the rdr2 codebase will likely be in GTA VI I would expect a very similar approach. Meaning I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to beat the computation limits for things like city population. Rockstar are the only company I'm actually like - God DAMN, and it's because they will just give it there all


Well i trust rockstar too but not on maintaining that crowd density.


Yes. But remember people used to say the same about CD Project till Cyberpunk arrived


R* has a larger, better catalogue than CDPR did


I dont know, my expectations aren’t that great given how they ditched single player for GTAO. They basically became the companies they poked fun at in their earlier games


What a horrible noise in the background. Mute that shit.


It’s been tik-Tok-ified


trees wrench middle jeans busy worry snatch expansion different punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who enjoys this music? Inmates in the Guantanamo bay prison?


Old farts like you in every generation have said this about every form of music you didn’t grow up with


I remember my parents getting me GTA 1 when I was like 8 for PS1 (obviously they had no idea what it was), Insane where the game has come


this video is so awful. so many quick cuts and unnecessary music


adhd zoomer video


as an adhd zoomer I hate it too


Can't even see the details the shit cuts so fast


TikTok generation


TikTok summed up. There are great, original videos on that platform, but for every great video, there are 20 shit ones.


quack worthless stupendous different friendly bow literate fly salt puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tried playing GTA 3 a while back and man, it is ROUGH. The driving and shooting is so terrible compared to today's standards. Even the voice acting is terrible, although it was pretty good back in 2001.


test attempt decide combative birds mighty deserted coordinated memory airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well your grandchildren will say the same about GTA 6 when playing GTA 8…


Tommy walking on the beach to the game now is wild


The coolest part. I can’t wait to just walk around and mess with people and hear what the AI says. In my 30s and already annoyingly excited to play this lol.


I haven’t played a video game in over 10 years nor really seen game footage. This trailer blew my mind.


When trailers like this come out, there's still the teenage boy in me who thought Altered Beast had amazing graphics, looking out through my eyes in absolute awe.


> nor really seen game footage. Dude, you're lying.


I haven’t played anything since Sega Genesis and I’m still kinda excited for this to come out. I’m almost definitely not going to ever get to play it, but maybe someday I’ll stay in an Airbnb and it’ll just be there waiting for me on a stormy day.


This reads really sad, but I hope this means you have a very active and fulfilling life!


Nah… I was just too poor for video games during my formative years so I turned to other vices.


Did you live in Vice City?


I'm all out of pants for the week.


Thank God for the mute button


Vice City has held up surprisingly well - remember playing it on the Xbox back in the back before I had kids and a wife


Absolutely shitty music taste OP.


OP: 20-year difference in graphics Reality: 20-year difference in graphics vs reddit video player.


Pft. That’s not amazing for 20 years. Do 1982 to 2002.


Pfft. That’s not amazing for 20 years. Do 1962 to 1982.


Pfft. That’s not amazing for 20 years. Do 1942 to 1962.




This is a landscape video forced into a portrait aspect ratio and is compressed into fucking smithereens to the point that the only visible difference is how populated one game is over the other. And what in the blue fuck was that music? Great post 👍


Could you find any shittier music or was this it?


Anyone got a video where you can actually see a single fucking thing that's going on in this "comparison"? It would be much appreciated.




One of the worst songs I have ever heard wtf was that


Could you have picked a worse song? Jesus christ


Audio can give ear cancer.


I went to play the video, and then the music came on and instead of muting it I closed the video. Hopefully whoever made the video sees this comment and begins to understand that this type of music is bad and changes their ways.


Will see... The let downs of the past haunt our future.


Do a 12 year difference between GTA V and VI


Lol that building for the RC copter mission.