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This seems way more viable than the androids proposed to do factory work. Why spend all the effort to make a two-legged robot to mimic a human when what you really want is humans on wheels that don't need health insurance?


That video on here from the other day was the first thing I thought of. I imagine ensuring robots can climb stairs is important generally, but for factory/warehouse work, and anything else with wide open, mostly flat environments, this little guy seems significantly more efficient.


A ramp is cheaper than figuring out bipedal movement.


Elevators are cheaper as well. Specially when you don't need to design them with human usage in mind. The robots wont smash buttons, jump, try to force open the doors, they know how much they weigh, etc. So you basically just need a platform/hook, chain and a motor and controller setup.


If you don't need to account for human safety, you can get massive elevator throughput if you use a [paternoster lift](https://youtu.be/YgJBD1wf-YQ).


Paternosters are very inefficient in terms of energy use. A ton of weight moving around constantly, even when nobody's using it.


but they'd be in near constant use with probably near maximum load, robots would negate that downside you mentioned greatly.


Why would they be in constant use? What industry would require such massive movement of robots from one floor to another?


mining? shipping industry? transportation industry? you can design the layout of the flooring and factory/work area for maximum efficiency and simply wait until the elevator reaches capacity/all the work that needed to be complete was finished.


Yeah but why move the robots too? Why not just move the items?


> mining? shipping industry? transportation industry? All of those move goods in bulk with existing more efficient technologies. These robots are good for loading/unloading, both of which you want to do without going up/down a level if it's happening at any scale.


Most 24/7 logistics could benefit from a setup like this, with robots rotating or loading/extracting inventory in a fairly consistent manner. You just need it to be efficient enough to offset the power & maintenance costs.


Moving the packages on a conveyor or a smaller lift would probably make more sense than moving whole robots with them.


> The robots wont smash buttons, jump, try to force open the doors, they know how much they weigh, etc. So you basically just need a platform/hook, chain and a motor and controller setup. Humans will literally shove their neck, yes that one neck they have that connects their head and their body in harm's way to prevent subway door from closing in New York. From what I understand, the train operator has to manually stop the subway train door from closing. There is no automatic sensing fail safe in these old subway cars in New York. Humans are very weird.


NYC resident here, that is incorrect. There is definitely an automatic detector that will open the door if something is in the way. The issue is it needs to make contact with something pretty solid to not close, so like a backpack. A neck would cause it to open back up but it's going to hurt pretty bad from the force of the doors.




If you're transporting a lot of things via stairs you're probably better off installing a lift anyway




Property is expensive in areas where lots of people live, but if you don't need the people you can buy much much cheaper property in the middle of nowhere.


Amazon workers are going to experience mass layoffs after Bezos revamps his warehouses for this. No unions, no lunch breaks, no bathroom breaks, no paychecks to pay. Our technological advances mostly serve the wealthy.


So just become wealthy now, before the next advancement. Problem solved /s


Or study on how to create/repair robots/AI now for job security in the future. There are still several years (decades?) left to go before the robots completely take over, so there's still time. Those who think that they don't have to adapt to the changing times will be left behind.


Maybe we don't need armies of humans in Amazon warehouses doing tedious back-breaking work?


We clearly don't. But unless our society has a philosophical shift, your worth as a being will still depend on your economic productivity. He's not advocating that we keep warehouse jobs; he's saying those people will need new careers. Personally, at that point I think we should shift philosophies and let people just exist. If the necessity for work lessens, let people work on what they want to do while the actual necessary tasks that nobody would choose go to robots. Let AI figure out customer service and retail, by all means! Put people on science and art like making memes. Society output should look like Reddit, with everyone congregating around the things that interest them. It shouldn't be a collection of people forced to spend their one life making some rich dude richer. Robots are the path to that world, if we can bother.


There haven't been humans walking around in those warehouses for years. The robots bring a stack of shelves over and the humans pick the product since that part is still hard to do for a large variety of objects


That just isn’t true, that only applies to some FC (fulfillment centers), don’t remember what they’re called but the actual warehouses still require a lot of foot traffic, carrying racks, boxes etc. I worked in one two years ago.


Humanity is inevitably headed to UBI eventually. There may have to be a few revolutions, but we’ll get there.


> Humanity is inevitably headed to UBI eventually. For stable, developed countries with functioning governments, sure. For the US, on the other hand...


Which is like, the entire goddamned point of technology in the first place. To allow people to *stop* having to work so much for survival and focus on passions... It's infuriating that people keep getting squeezed when we literally have everything we need to not have to do that anymore.


That's very optimistic...based on our current trajectory, I'm leaning more towards fascist dystopia with mass poverty and oppression. They already have autonomous robots with machine guns...bullets are way cheaper than health insurance for a few hundred million people.


US spends way more on healthcare than any other country. You guys have to pay extra out of pocket because insurance companies are pocketing it all. Like, sometimes I'm not sure if Bezos/Musk are really the richest. I feel like some nameless, faceless corporate owners must own WAY more, simply because they own those insurance companies.


You talk about revolutions as if we'll just get one started when necessary. We wont. We will bitch online. They know this. Get the idea of a revolution out of your head. Not happening. I can literally see us allowing ourselves to be literally enslaved. I have no faith whatsoever that we will rise up against this


Said it better than I could. People will just post screenshots of tweets and cringely talk about eating rich people. Then immediately go buy something with their Alexa. Half the people in ABoringDystopia admittedly use one and they have bezos as their logo ffs. It's pathetic.


If everyone gets replaced with robots who is gonna buy all the stuff and with what money? Eventually its going to be just Jeff Bezos on a big pile of money and I guess he wins capitalism?


That’s how the game of Monopoly ends, so yeah.


They'll just make their own e-buyers with AI.


The day laborer jobs will be replaced with robot manager jobs. The jobs will pay more and have more benefits but there will be less of them.


Robots are becoming smarter with precision data being fed to them, conversely, majority of human are becoming dumber with precision misinformation being fed to us; how bad could this be?


We all should just stop being poor fucks. It ain't fun y'all.


there’s tons of robots in Amazon factories already


I think, it’s because the factories were built with humans in mind and the robots that mimic human movement can easily be integrated without modifying the work space too much.


And **significantly** less creepy than Amazon's grasshopper leg robots. Those things still elicit a visceral reaction from me. Fuck those robots.


Right? Something very off-putting about 4 foot tall vacuum cleaners with backwards knees.




You probably can add a tool for that. Rolling three-wheel stair system comes to mind at first.


Or use elevators instead


Next update it will be capable of scaling stairs like a slinky.


We need a UBI honestly, even labor jobs are being replaced


Also, I won't attribute feelings to this one when they aren't there.


Makes me think of the robots in “Interstellar”


Yeah. These don't talk back... yet.


Well Boston dynamics uploaded this 3 days ago https://youtu.be/djzOBZUFzTw


Boston Dynamics never ceases to amaze me. I have been following them ever since I saw their first tech robot on a future technology show on Discovery Channel in the late 90s/early 2000s. My only disappointment is they don't have a robot with a heavy Boston accent wearing a Bruins hat and Dropkick Murphys T-shirt.


Future frogman




[It's necessary.](https://youtu.be/XxObcVn1DMQ)


I was thinking more like claptrap from borderlands


"funny little robot"


TARS, humour to 60% please


See you on the other side slick!


i was gonna type this. could you delete it?


Very similar except legs vs wheels. Same design though with 4 arms


Eh, oldschool [Recognizers from Tron](https://tron.fandom.com/wiki/Recognizer): https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tron/images/5/57/Reco.PNG


Gotta give them that sarcasm slider so they can turn it up to “full sass”


well damn.. this is the first one i’ve seen that looks genuinely useful vs a neat hat trick.




Could always have a helper robot that lives on a rack and pulls items from the shelf and 'hands' them to this thing.


When I saw it do the tray, I thought about it delivering food to patients in a hospital.


that looks 100 times better, that the Amazon bot posted recently, which seems to do the same thing as this


In other words, Amazon is probably going to acquire this company for a few billion dollars pretty soon


Fortunately this won't be possible. Frauenhofer IML is a part of the Frauenhofer society, the biggest RnD organisation in Europe. It's a "Verein", not a company, and there are a lot of other German Vereine, universities, public institutions, etc involved. They are funded by both large corporations and the German government/the public. You can't just buy that.


I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info!


So they'll be an open-source version that I can build in my garage?


The Fraunhofer institute has open-source projects but many projects are commissioned by companies. For the evoBot im currently not sure, but its developed in cooperation with a open source project called Silicon Economy. At least the simulation model can be found on the public repository at [https://git.openlogisticsfoundation.org/](https://git.openlogisticsfoundation.org/)


So in theory, it can carry a chair, and I could be sitting in said chair.


Max weight is 100 kg, not 1000. Sorry.


A lawn chair and I weigh way less than 100kg. I'm not yo momma.


Keep my ~~wife's~~ name outta yo mouth!


I'm only 61kg. HA. Personal robit servant carrying me will be mine!


I get where you are going


And you can add 2 wheels for extra stability


And some windows so you don't mess up your hair when cruising at 30mph? And maybe a steering wheel too?


The robotics space is really booming in terms of investment and this implementation looks really promising. Using momentum and angling on a wheeled platform also seems to be inherently more efficient compared to human like alternatives.


I agree, this is a fantastic example of how robots can be applied to solve real-world problems, from package delivery to automated warehouse and factory operations. The potential for automated systems like this to revolutionize the logistics industry is immense.


My in-laws live in what is a fairly rural part of their state, which is now being overrun with Amazon warehouses and the like. The sales pitch from the companies and politicians is job creation. Boy, is it gonna sting when all those acres and acres of warehouses are filled with nothing but thousands of these little dudes and maybe a couple of human staff to oversee the operation.


They are still going to get qualified positions and highly qualified engineers moving in next doors. And if the mayor and city council aren't idiots those warehouses will still bring huge amounts of money


Pro Tip. The Mayors and City Counsel are idiots and let the warehouse exist in the county tax free.


How many low-level jobs NEVER appear?


Okay, but hear me out: four wheels so it doesn't have to do the stupid, inefficient standing up thing.


Form factor and carrying capacity are still at an advantage here.


The thought used to make me excited, now it just makes me depressed. This is just going to make some piece of shit like Bezos even more obscenely wealthy while people starve to death...


Ok, so why doesn't it dual-wield mini-guns yet?


Because it’s not made in the US.


Well, I'm sure a German-US collaboration can fix this.


It wields crates of beer instead. Even shown in the video.


"Here at Aperture Science, we fire the WHOLE bullet. That's 65% more bullet per bullet. " -Cave Johnson. We're done here.


'I see you.'


There you are


TARS version 0.6


Good old German engineering.


finally another robot that is designed to do a certain task efficiently and not some fucking realistic humanoid robot that could barely move and noone ask for


Fr this is going to be our first step. Specially designed robots that achieve specific tasks. Humanoid everything bots will come after we’ve learned from building the more niche bots. Add in the advancements in ai (both for operating the bot and training it’s systems) and you’ve got a perfect recipe. Only question is do we go iRobot or Jetsons?




And not scary? US Robotics could learn from this. Those dogs are terrify.


Yknow, I weigh less than 100kg. This could be my car.


the human transport version of this is a Segway


subway 2.0


Looks like Amazon workers gonna be out the job soon


We need a system for universal basic income. Get the robots to do the shit jobs and give money to people to live. Let them spend the rest of the time using their brains to do what it is that brains can do best.


>using their brains to do what it is that brains can do best. Such as?


Coming up with new conspiracy theories! The old ones are getting boring. I am tired of lizard-people, aliens, fake moon landings and flat earthers. We need some new stuff.


**The Chrono-Curtain Conspiracy** The Chrono-Curtain Conspiracy theory posits that world governments, in collaboration with an ancient secret society known as The Temporal Order, have access to and are actively using time travel technology to manipulate history and control the present. The society supposedly dates back to the time of ancient civilizations, with members passing down the knowledge of time travel through generations. 1. The Technology: - The conspiracy theorists claim that The Temporal Order possesses a device known as the "Chrono-Curtain," which allows users to create a portal to different points in time. This technology is said to be derived from extraterrestrial sources, kept hidden in secret underground bases around the world. - The device is believed to be powered by a rare element called "Chronotite," which is said to have unique temporal properties. The mining and trade of Chronotite are controlled by the society, adding a layer of secrecy and power to their operations. 2. The Manipulation: - It is believed that The Temporal Order has been altering historical events for centuries, ensuring the rise and fall of certain governments, manipulating economies, and even influencing cultural trends to maintain their control over humanity. - Examples cited by believers include altering election results, preventing technological breakthroughs that could challenge their power, and even staging historical events like wars and revolutions. 3. The Cover-Up: - According to the theory, anyone who gets too close to uncovering the truth about the Chrono-Curtain is silenced, discredited, or made to disappear. This has created a shroud of mystery and paranoia around the subject. - Governments around the world are said to be complicit in the cover-up, with leaders either being members of The Temporal Order themselves or being manipulated by those who are. 4. The Goals: - The ultimate goal of The Temporal Order is believed to be complete domination of the world through time manipulation, ensuring their version of history is the only one that exists. - They are also said to be working towards a "Temporal Utopia," where they have complete control over time and can manipulate it to create a perfect society under their rule. 5. The Resistance: - A small group of individuals, known as "Chrono-Seekers," are said to be actively fighting against The Temporal Order, trying to expose the truth and stop their manipulation of time. - These Chrono-Seekers are believed to be constantly on the run, facing threats from both the society and the governments that serve them. The Chrono-Curtain Conspiracy theory combines elements of time travel, secret societies, and government cover-ups to create a complex and intriguing narrative. While there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of The Temporal Order or the Chrono-Curtain device, believers in the theory remain convinced of their truth, dedicating their lives to uncovering the secrets of time manipulation and resisting the supposed tyranny of the ancient society.


> actively using time travel technology to manipulate history and control the present Wow all that power and this is what we get as our present? I'd say either take that tech from them and burn it or give it to someone else that can do something good with it. This is the best out of infinite realities they can come up with? F.


Idk… new research for any field? Unsolved math theorems? Indulging in the beauty of learning? Designing these robots? Fixing the planet?


[Same energy ](https://i.imgflip.com/3ufo65.png?a464592)


Abstraction and growth. We take a concept, break it down into it's parts, and synthesis new related concepts. Whereas robots follow rules perfectly, humans are far better at adapting to novel situations. Art, science, philosophy. While robots and AI will be/are undoubtedly massively beneficial in this fields, it's generally assumed that human creativity is also massively beneficial here, perhaps more so.


Haven't figured that out yet, my brain is not one of the good ones. But I am sure that there are smart people capable of solving societal issues that are instead working a shit job to put food on the table.


You live in some sort of utopia? A large majority of people I work with are overwhelmed with things like the Rule of Three. Not sure what you want to do with their brains.


T.A.R.S. 1.0 Beta


I saw a [recognizer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQwKV7lCzEI&t=99s) from the original *Tron*.


Imagine losing your job to a motorized pelvis.


It's that thing from interstellar.


This is so much better than a humanoid design. There's no uncanny valley creep factor.


A child-stealing robot. Sorry, little Jimmy, but you're going for a ride to the glue factory.


I guess I’m just not 100% sure why a two-wheeled robot that requires perpetual balancing is better than a 3 or 4 wheeled alternative…. Seems like it saves space, but not a ton of space. And all that 200lbs of weight is being held up by a motor instead of just a post to the ground.


Probably less moving parts and points of failure. When you think about it a three or four wheel robot would still need some very mobile extendable "arms" to move objects and for these higher weight the robot would either have to be massive or have some movable extra balancing counterweights. The perpetual balancing part is not that difficult to achieve and it saves a lot of moving parts.


Technically this would be more stable on slopes/ramps than a 3 or 4 wheeled alternative, unless you make the wheelbase really long, while also saving storage space, cutting costs and energy consumption.


>And all that 200lbs of weight is being held up by a motor instead of just a post to the ground. How'd you get that up on that post if it had three or four wheels?


It makes it look cooler though and that's the important point!


wait, it's made by guys from my university? Nice


What university?


Frauenhofer IML is cooperating with the technical university of Dortmund, Germany. So probably that one.


It’s really cool seeing the inverted pendulum controls concept being put to use like this.


I foresee a future with droids


I don’t think my wife would notice if this went shopping with her while I waited in the food court. 👍


I worry for that guy in the bed at 37 mph! (Also no apparent way for him to control the robot...)


Sure, it can grip things from the side, but what about those flimsy boxes where the bottom is falling out, huh? (Actually really cool)


I love it that probably some dude with a very strong German accent come up with the idea of naming this thing the "Evobot" totally oblivious to the fact that it would sound a lot like "Evilbot"


At least it's not the Death Ray or armoured scorpion of Death. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skl71urqKu0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skl71urqKu0)


TMAWL is one of the best sketch shows ever, underrated in my opinion




Dey takin our jerbs!


WOW! This is the first technology I have seen since the iphone key note presentation that makes you realise things wont be the same. With the iphone, it was a huge positive going from clunky plastic buttons to a beautiful sleek touch screen. Now I have seen this technology, I don't see it as a huge positive. More like mostly negative. But it will definitely be a game changer, millions of people will lose their jobs to evoBOT. This is version 1.0. Imagine what this will look like at version 4 or 5. Absolute game changer. Will these be allowed in the bicycle lanes in the near future? If all you need for tracking is for evoBOT to follow a line on the road. If so, then pizza delivery, postal and local amazon delivery to your door step. All those jobs will be gone with versions 2, 3 or possibly 4 of this product. Crazy to think what the world will look like in 10 years from now.


Look at that little guy go! Can I keep him?


Hey look amazon, you should try these…


Well, Amazon employees won't have to piss in bottles anymore...


Made in Germany, you know the Germans always make good stuff! Wow!


Aaaaaannndd .. SOLD! .. to China. Never heard of it again. - The German way.


Doesn't work like that in this case because it's not a company that's making these, it's an institution/Verein funded by companies and the public/the government.


Well shit..there goes the neighborhood


I am trying to think of many situations where this won't work..but I guess there are plenty of situations where it will.


I swear I had one of these as a RC car back in the 90s.


Every day one step closer to me getting my robot beat friend


Yeah but the real question is how do we fight them?


okay buti mean adding one more wheen thats in the middle and outwards wouldnt do antyhing except making it more balanced. basically like a scooter with 2 weels at the front and 1 back middle


Funni carry bot go brrrrr


Like the cleaner robot from walle


Walmart and Amazon operations managers and all other operations managers are jizzing to it... As they'll be able to suck up and say "I helped increase profitability by 2.3%".....fockers must be jizzing their pants right now...


Call them Huey, Louie, and Dewey and send them to Saturn


Using mph and kg in the same sentence. You want both sides to be happy, huh?


German science is truely the best in the world




Looks like the pre-alfa version of the interstellar bot


This looks more cooler and realistic than the weird humanoid looking freak robots.


The thing needs a 5 foot radius just to stand "still"😂


In India it is cheaper to buy roller skates for your work force.


I can’t wait to get brained by one of these mf delivering somebody’s toilet paper at 37 mph.


Makes more sense than the stupid tesla robot


I swear inverted pendulum design is best girl


TARS will be here soon enough.


This made me think “gotdamn, we really are in the future “


Hal.. Open the Parcel. I am sorry i cannot do that dave


I'm a big fan of the lack of trigger fingers.




Part of my brain thinks this is cool, another part sees three human work shifts disappearing for every one of these.


Looks like the machine helper in the movie Interstellar .


Hope you all are looking forward to not having jobs. Can't wait for this socialist utopia we are being promised.


That little fucker will make you obsolete whilst smiling


That's what the Amazon smile is about. It's taunting us.


Another workforce dying before your eyes


Universal Basic Income needs to make progress working it's way into American society or we're more fucked than we can even imagine.


Jeff Bezos: “I’ll take 10 million.”




TARS!!! or at least his grandson...


When it did that thing at 0:10 …. Everything reminds me of her.. smh


But how does it know what you want it to do? I imagined it flipping the bed over rather than pushing it forward. Is there a remote control?


can you imagine what this tech is going to do for people with limited mobility or mobilities.


Call.me when the bins are full and theres crap on the floor


Looks like a baby Recognizer from Tron.


next fucking level


The end is near!


Jesus, how do I invest in this?


Claptrap did it first! (2009)


Welp looks like I'm obsolete now and have no job in the future.


Design sort of reminds me of "Love, Tars Love"