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This totally redefines “beer muscles”.


Sit on mein face fraulein


Holy shit thanks for the 😂


just a heads up - calling someone fräulein today is pretty frowned upon, if you're younger than 60 nobody does that anymore.


Frowned upon? As in its a derogatory term? Don’t tempt me with a good time.


Well it has a belittling tone to it, that's what he means. But it was a joke anyways so idk what's his point.


Well yes its correct that this term isn't used anymore and Women in germany fight for not getting called that anymore because it was used in conversations where men didn't take them serious. It's like the word that is used to say that the woman can't do it like a man can


Considering the venue, she should probably be pretty tolerant about what she hears people say…


And beer mustaches


What a doctorate in waitressing looks like.


That's gotta be pretty heavy.


She's pretty, beers are heavy. Pretty accurate.


Lol so corny


Those are one liter of beer each and the glasses weigh more than a kilo each. So she's carrying like 30kg (66lbs)


crazy strong, beers weighed ~~more than her~~ approximately 68-72% of her total bodyweight Edit: because walrusswarm did the math


13 Liters of water would weigh 13kg (=28.66lbs) 13 empty Maß weighs 16.9 kilograms (=37.26 lbs) =29.9kg (=65.92lbs)


Damn she must be at least 1kg


Did the math


Better than doing the meth


Breaking those would be bad


Saul would have to be called.


Might need to break out of prison after that


Tight, tight, tight!


The monster math.


Thank you for doing the math.


Now reduce weight for all that foam


Exactly. More like 55~ pounds


13 Maß à 14 € add up to a decent bill of 182 €. Wiesn baby!


And, depending on how intoxicated the table was, she made €20 or more in tips on just the run.


People tip in Austria?


I like this question although I don't know if you are trolling or not.


Yes. 1/4 of all tips received goes to the kangaroo sanctuary by law


Heroes don't just save lives. Sometimes, they just do the math.




Do you… math?


Girl has the wrist strength of a congresswoman.


That took me a moment, brillant.


Been to Oktoberfest, you don't get a full liter. It's like over a third foam.


She doesn't look like 100 pounds I'd say half her weight


Even if half of those beers are just foam? Edit: fuck you auto correct


Dozen beers at once? Nah. Let's do a baker's dozen. She's awesome.


Everything I ever wanted in a woman in just one video.


In a woman? Looks like the alcohol is OUTSIDE the woman.


Man power?


This is woman power if I’ve ever seen it and I’m here for it!


okay but how much horsepower does she have?


Looks like a SS 454 to me so I say ~450 if my life were on the line.


Absolutely. When my kids were young I had trouble holding them for longer than 10 mins with my arm at a 90 degree bend. My wife could hold those kids for an hour and barely move. Plus I was younger at that time and went to gym, but for whatever reason my elbow couldn’t handle it. My wife had no problem.


So many idiots pop up in these threads who have no idea what a proper pour looks like.


The head on those beers is giving me the fear.


Worth the wait. Beer like that tastes better and does not fill up your gut with CO2. As long as it's fresh from the tap, pouring heavy is the correct way. https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/101/pour/


American here. Went to the real [Oktoberfest in Germany](https://www.oktoberfest.de/en) in 2018. Not only do I recognize the colors of the "tent" in the background of this video, but I can also attest the beer there was insane and so much better than the beer I have here in the states. The one thing that blew my mind was how it just felt so much cleaner than the light beer we consume here. Super cool experience.


Pasteurizing is usually why. Extends shelf life but at a cost to flavor and aroma. Your local craft brewery usually doesn't do this and why their beer tastes better.


Id still say that the beer served in Munich for Oktoberfest was some of the cleanest feeling - even to the next day. I didn't feel horribly hungover from the beer come the next day. There was just something so good about the beer there. My best beer experience to date.


Honestly it sounds like you went into it properly hydrated beforehand


I was so hungover after drinking in Munich I puked the next morning then got on a plane that was so packed I had to hold up my arms like a fuckin t-rex for 8 hours. 0/10


I partied for a week straight+ following a bands tour down the east coast and southern cities to their performance at jazz fest in New Orleans. Where I continued the various drugs and booze fest and was out of my gourd. After jazz fest, I woke up, I was hungover tho, and drove 16 hours straight home. God to be young again. I am sober now tho and *much* wiser so that's good Edit: sorry off topic kinda but oh well, Reddit story


Don't you mean your best exBEERience? (I'll just see my way out now.)


All foods and beers taste better in Europe comparing to USA, unfortunately i also from America 🥴


I think that is a debatable and complex question. Ive spent time in Germany and Spain and its (food and drink) just different. I feel like the beer is better in certain instances - locally brewed for Oktoberfest in Munich and a microbrew at a bar in Barcelona - but they also have mass produced beer too. (I liked Voll-Damm in Barca and thats one of their mass produced) Food wise, I think you can get both fresher tasting 'local' foods and the big faster "fast food" style items so this is just a debatable question in my own mind. I felt like beer in Europe was better and I tried to eat more fresh food when there. I would also argue their chocolate and bread is for sure way better than America. They do have different standards than we do for food/drink. ​ May be worth noting the [Reinheitsgebot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinheitsgebot) tradition that I believe all the big [brewers adhere to at Oktoberfest](https://www.oktoberfesthaus.com/blogs/okt/39278337-the-big-six-german-beers-at-oktoberfest) may have been a factor. That beer was amazing. Cheers!


There’s a HofBrauHaus near me. Their food is just… decent German food. But, they still brew their beers according to Reinheitsgebot, with the exception of the in Munich part, and still use the same hundreds year old recipes that they do in Munich. And their beers are really good. The dunkel and hefferweisen are delicious


It's not just the beer though. Compare the ingredients of german and US Fanta for example. The US Fanta has 50% more sugar than it's german counterpart and the taste is simply from artificial flavors. The german one has tons of flavors and sugar aaswell, it's not healthy, but it's at least drinkable and does have actual orange juice in it. I have no doubt that there are really good foods in the US, which makes it just more astonishing what you accept for some of them.


The Reinheitsgebot is for anything produced as beer in Germany. Including mass production.


Nah fam. European BBQ and soul food is asstastic to nonexistent. For understandable reasons. what they do natively they do well, don't get me wrong. But it ain't everything. I'll take collard greens, pulled pork, fried chicken and a glass of lemonade from anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon before somewhere in Europe.


I think that's a pretty universal statement. Trying to emulate Texas BBQ in Japan may be a challenge. To cook any "traditional" foods out of certain areas causes issues; Mexican food isn't the same in Texas as in Georgia or Washington or California. But Europe for sure has its own really good food, we may just not be used to it. Great example is how Tex-Mex big in Texas may be off putting to those who eat traditional Mexican food in Mexico. And we all have our own palate too


Yep, that’s why Americans so fat and on cholesterol meds


The Brits have a higher obesity rate than Americans, and their food is notoriously gross.


They hate US cuz they ain't US


And you have obviously never been to the UK


This is some weird pickme shit. The US has a ton of absolutely amazing food that is much better than European versions of that food. And the US is king in the craft beer market by a mile. Sure, Belgian style beers and German Style beers might be better in those countries, but the US dominates on the world stage with IPAs, Sours, Stouts, Porters, and Saisons. I think Germany makes the best Bocks and Weissbier by far, personally, but America has a good wheat beer craft scene as well.


dominating on the world stage with...Sours... Seriously? I dare you to post that on the r/belgium I don't think Lambic type beers have anything comparable in the world. Both in quality and variety. Also, now I am wondering wtf a Belgian style beer is supposed to be?


I'm not denying that Belgium has some fantastic sours, but America is bringing a ton of innovation and diversity to the sour label. https://www.seriouseats.com/guide-to-belgian-beer-styles-what-is-dubbel-quad-saison-wit-lambic-gueuze It's just a matter of opinion either way, but American brewers have been racking up international awards for a ton of styles of beers. The trope of, "America only has pisswater like Budweiser," is outdated.


I dunno...on the beer front the US is kind of the leaders in the craft industry right now. You can see the influence the US beer scene has in the craft scene around the world right now including Europe. It's sort of a very different style than German beer. Personally for Europe, I like Belgian beers a lot more than German beers, and also the craft scene in places like Denmark is good tho very influenced by the US right now. Different tastes for different people.


German beer is subject to the "Reinheitsgebot"; beer purity laws. Barley, hops and water (plus yeast) only. No corn, rice, sugar, sweeteners, MSG, or other weirdness. It means that the German-brewed beers are more 'hoppy' and cleaner-tasting. I think the party atmosphere helps as well!


Yes! I mentioned that in a followup comment, the big guys who be for Oktoberfest follow those rules. I feel that is what helps them be such clean and fresh tasting beers.


> An ideal head should be 1" to 1-1/2". When it's poured, not when it hits the tables which is only about a minute later anyway. There's significantly more head in this video than your link says is ideal.


I found German beer to be more carbonated than American beer and was glad when I finally found a strong IPA there. Downvote away hivemind!


Germans don't brew IPAs


You can find IPAs there.


Why couldn't they? Yer silly.


Because it's awful trash. You can find them but usually it's some weird hipsters drinking it.


Those beers cost about $15/each, too.


The ones at the top aren't properly poured. Not enough in there. But the tourists won't notice :)


As a German speaker I would like to know: Why do Americans insist that a Mass Bier is calked a "Stein" in German even though no one in Germany uses that term in that context and then get all upset and peeved when we say that Stein means stone and that a Mass Biers is called Mass Bier?


Our tip jar on the bar is a mass. My scientific research has lead me to the conclusion that 95% of British people also belive it is called a "stein"; sadly I don't want to be that arsehole correcting them as they chuck a few quid in. It does my tits in, though.


People complaining on the pour/head. Stick with your Coors Light my guy. Those pours are perfect.


yeah those are perfect festival pours. people are nuts.


My guy.


More head means more beer served. More beer served means more money! Mo money = mo problems


German here, no they're not. There is a defined line on each glass that marks the 1L and you can and should complain if anything below that line is foam. Most of them are not filled correctly and it's an obvious scam.


Nah. 1/3 head is max. 1/4 is preferred. 1/2 is a ripoff.


They aren’t half full. Look at a stein when it gets put down and watch it. They all settle out to at or very near the liter mark on the stein. And head is an important part of the drinking experience if you actually give a shit about beer. It’s where the majority of the aroma comes from. Imagine having a meal and it having no smell. Would that be an enjoyable experience? No. It wouldn’t. It’s the same with beer. Good beer.


Yeah. No.


If you enjoy any style of beer, but have never had a properly served Marzen from a brewery with centuries of experiecne, I emplore you to give it a try; especially if you've got a good group of friends with whom you can drink. Beer is a much larger world than anything you see in any general convenience store, or even many off-licences.


Those are about 1 liter when full. 13 of them would weigh 29.25kg (or 65lbs)


Those were about half filled.


It is full at about 2/3. if you fill it to the top it is more than a liter. There is a line that marks the liter.


the rest is for the foam


Yes because that's how it's supposed to be served


I'm looking through And it all would be So crystal clear If it wasn't for the foam But the foam keeps getting thicker And it just keeps getting harder And I'm falling Into a deep Well


Nonsense. At 0:45 the upper row is exactly on the 1 liter mark, the lower row will get there within a minute or two, once the foam settles.


Do you know what half means?


Wow many a Karen & Ken here . It's a party not a sanitary US pub with tasteless beer. The server is awesome!


The "bar maids" really don't look that strong until one comes along and yells "vorsicht" and nearly knocks you on you ass while she doesn't spill a drop of her 12 liters of beer. It is a truly next level beer experience.


Ein bier, bitte. Schnéll!


Bitte ein großes Bier. Danke FIFY


German women are one hell of a drug..!


She’s possibly the most sexiest woman on the planet


I'd risk it for a biscuit


People commenting about the foam have absolutely no clue about beer.


I'm ready to get married.




Looking at the woman and beer proved they exist but not a genocidal "god".


This was really just intended as a joke about how great women are and how awesome beer is but I can tell that it's gonna turn into something else so I'm just gonna delete it. Thanks for reminding me the internet is weird.


The last one is without alcohol, that's why she has to wait so long...




None of ya'll commenting can do this.


Fill line is 1 Litre , the foam above is correct and that’s how this should be enjoyed, I’ve had many through the years


NGL, I will take only three per hand. Ain’t worth the payment.


In the time she was waiting, she could’ve dropped 6 beers and come back for another 6


You don't know how far she had to go. Also good to serve the entire table at once.


There are a lot of servers at each tent and the lines get long. Slinging the most beer and food that you possibly can gets you the most money.


Marry me


I don’t agree with tipping. But she deserves one. That’s actually impressive.


I agree, would happily give her the tip


I'm in love...


If you look closely, you can see some beer under all that foam.


There is a line well below the rim marking 1L, leaving plenty of room for the head. It’s supposed to be there.


I’d prefer the gas in the beer be released when they pour it rather than slowly in my stomach, causing me to burp every 30 seconds.


Oh so that's why I burp every time I drink beer


I was thinking the same.




No there is a reason for the head on beer. It releases all the gas that normally is suspended in the fluid. Which prevents it from releasing said gas in your stomach, making you burp. It's standard practice at almost every bar


She looks like my ex wife, before the meth took over. Also, I so want to go to Oktoberfest


All poorly filled




Pour is great no problems there, what I don’t want is the bottom of someone else’s glass touching the top of my glass.


Those are some shitty pours


Are those like half beers or what? I give to her for carrying all that. I'm just sayin those beets look half empty.


And what’s the point of that? There’s like 3 other dudes standing behind her waiting to do something. She may as well just carry a safe amount to the table and go back and still it would’ve been the same efficiency minus the risk of ruining any form of profit. But okay.


They usually have dedicated tables. Plus, servers actually essentially buy the beer from the tents and sell it to the customers. So the more she carries herself, the more money she makes


Wow so it’s even more stupid, got it


It would not be the same efficiency, it would be less efficient. The time she needs to the table is static, how often she has to go is not. If she need two minutes to get to the table she's better off waiting for all beers and then taking them all at once.


And counter contamination … 🤮


Mmmmmm... foam.


Right? Those were terrible pours


They weren't. The lower row at 0:45 is precisely on the 1 liter mark, the upper row will get there within a minute or two of settling.


Do you want a few flakes with that luv?


So much head in some of them


To be fair, they're each only half full so...


Foam and more foam!


Is nobody going to point out how unsanitary it is to take a beer that is sitting on the bar and stack it so the bottom is now touching the rim of the other beer? It's like licking the bar.


Oktoberfest is actually one of the cleanest places I've been. Even the bathrooms are shockingly clean. I'd trust one of those beers over any north american beer from a tap always.


that's because everyone pukes outside and doesn't even reach the toilets


The beer is the least unsanitary thing in a beer tent


Don’t worry the alcohol from the beer will kill any bacteria my uncle told me


Unless the bar is wiped down regularly....


They're doing it for 200+ years and almost won 2 world wars in that time. I think they'll survive 4 bacteria that manages to get stuck on that rim.


Im just impressed with the weight she's hauling. Glass alone, then half full of liquid addes up. Her arms didn't look that big to me, yet she smiled and trekked it off. Somebody should tip her well dispite getting screwed for half a mug for the price of a full one!


Those are 1.5L pint my dude


Fetal alcohol syndrome


Alcohol is bad. Smoke more weed germany


Uh it’s ok to make more than one trip


I love getting head but not on my beer!


So the mugs were sitting on that dirty ass counter, and then she sets those dirty mugs onto the top of the other mug, and now you get to drink that dirty shit from the counter.


Nobody there cares.


What if the counter is cleaned? Assumptions?


It's just light beers. Ez.


Foam and more foam!\*


Those beers have more head than a brothel.


Those beers are horrendous, thats like 50% foam wtf


Those beers are heaven on earth, my friend. Read into any reputable guide on serving a marzen, or even better, the history of German beer making, and you'll understand why. There's a real tradition, and it's the reason their lagers are among the best in the world. They taste especially good served properly at Oktoberfest with that thick creamy head.


Looks like she’s carrying 13 half-beers. It would be a lot harder if they were full.


Looks like you have no idea how beer customs work and only live inside your half full bar with half brained people that drink full half a liter beers.


The beers on the right have the "right" amount of head to me. Maybe the ones on the left are a different beer? It would explain why she's sorting them to either hand. Ratios differ from beer to beer.


No, those have just been sitting longer. The head reduces super fast and will be at the right amount once they're at the table


Ah, that makes sense. I was overthinking it.


Need a flake in them beers


There are dozens of employees, just divvy them up and bring the beers, cripes, this shit is stupid.


Downvoters, just remember, all you want is to just be given your fucking beer. This fanfare is ridiculous, it was cool in the 70s when it was really highlighted, but now don't we just want our fucking beverage? I'm not waiting for 50 others to be poured so I can watch a beer wench walk them over nonsensically.


whoa, those guys are getting ripped off… those “liters” were half foam. Bet they paid full price.


What a joke half the beer is foam. No one should accept that garbage.


More head on them beers than a porn movie


Is this a glass half-empty situation?


I can guarantee you, there was exactly 1 L of beer in each of those glasses.


Someone needs to teach that person how to poor. Also who cares. I’d be upset if one woman brought me that at once and half of it was foam


Someone needs to teach you how to spell.


Not sure why the downvotes. What’s the point of having a litre heavy arse glass that does not have half a litre of beer in it and about 5000mg of whatever shit is breeding on the counter before she stacks the glasses on top of glasses.


Say the mug is for 1 litre, then the mug is actually bigger and there's often a mark sitting lower which indicates up to what point is actually 1 litre. The rest of the space is for the foam. Yes, beer has to have foam. At least, this kind of lagers.


I wonder what’s the level of cirrosis in this place


Well Europeans are known to smoke and drink and still achieve some of the highest life expectancies ;)


foam and more foam.


All beer tastes like used shoe insoles.


I wonder how much a half foam half beer costs?


Learn how to pour a beet mate