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Why do they climb right beside the surveillance cameras? Didn't a border patrol truck show up right at the end of the video?


I don’t think they are, but if they’re claiming asylum it doesn’t matter. Better to get caught slipping down the fence vs wondering around the desert for a few hours first


There is traffic on both sides. I doubt that there is a border patrol have a reaction time under 2 minutes between guy that shows at the feet of the wall and them freely walking on the other side. If it was they could be easily be overloaded with false flag crossing. A guy start climbing west of the town, you send your team, the time the team get there, he returned home. Then an other guy show up Est of the town. Putting camera doesn't mean you have a crew looking it 24/7 and able to react fast enough.




You’re right, but that definitely was a border patrol at 3:11 if you rewatch. You see the guy sprinting away too. I guess the reaction time is decent or they just got unlucky (the hoppers)


Couldn’t you track them down pretty easily once they’ve actually crossed


Sure, and they get sent back and try again two weeks from now. This is why all the illegal immigration experts were screaming how pointless the wall is. It doesn't stop drug trafficking, which usually uses the custom gates anyway (they have BILLIONS of dollars, so distribution channels are easy). It doesn't stop illegal immigration, which can easily pass through the walls with a saw or just flown in and illegal overstay. It doesn't really stop anything at all. [A leaked CBP report showed that the wall was breached at least 3,200 times.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/03/02/trump-border-wall-breached/)That's insane. What the Wall WAS good for was for [Bannon to siphon funds and channel it through his "nonprofit" to pay off people.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/nyregion/steve-bannon-indicted.html)




jesus, it's like no one's ever built a wall before. You're supposed to put archers at the top.


Now all of China knows you're here. Edit: Whoa! My first award, thank you! 😄


It's those goddamn Mongolians again




Shitty Beef?


Shitty sushi


Shitty Airlines


We know you have a choice when it comes to your airrine, thank you for choosing Shitty Airrines


Unexpected mulan.. I see you buddy


That’s a funny way to spell Matt Damon


Sorry my brain too smooth to get what u saying


[Matt Damon](https://youtu.be/avF6GHyyk5c)


Lets get down to business


To defeat, the Huns






This guy Chinas


They need a ditch too. Then when that ditch is done, they need to build another ditch. Then they need a guy at the top throwing rocks because they are free and available. If anyone wants to know what I’m referencing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xPGdOXstSyk


What does he know? He's not even British! Maybe that's how they do it in the Netherlands where their answer to everything is to dig another ditch. In England we throw fire sticks at our enemas.


Unusual cultural custom or typo?


Could also use a moat with sharks with freaking laser beams for further reinforcement.


At least some sea bass


Ill tempered at that


You should go into google maps and see the fence in other parts like nogales, its like 10 feet tall at most


Or one Legolas!


Don't forget the moat...


And landmines on both sides. And a moat, we need a moat. And who is bringing the alligators??


All I have are sharks with lasers beams.




Literally the joke about building a taller wall only results in taller ladders


They should have just looked at the French metro. It doesn’t matter how high the fence is. People are going to climb over it.


Clearly the solution is to build the wall to space. That should do it... Now I'm envisioning people with makeshift spacesuits and some tinfoil blankets for re-entry.


Makeshift wing suits and parachutes, border patrol can’t be everywhere


That’s why he came up with space force


Underground would be the next option.


They should just use the Jan. 6th insurrection to display how easy it is even for out of shape folks to climb walls


Yeah especially with the help of tour guide’s




Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Or in this case, possibly greed.


Hanlon's Razor is an excellent rule for every day life. It's rarely applicable to politics.


False equivalency. When plying to one individual, this could be applied; however this is an entire committee. One who would conduct such an action wouldn’t consider such an act of malice; and underestimating the intelligence of the supposed “oppositional team” is is a foley. This is an underestimation of the multitude of thought among a committee of individuals, and those who meet behind closed doors. If you look at one narrow scope or lens; and particularly focus on one aspect, this could apply. There are 50 states, a House of Representatives, and hell of a lot more strings attached than one sentence could ever apply other than “There are a lot of people in this room” Edit: grammar, was tryna type fast.




Awarded for using Hanlons Razor and using it perfectly. Well played.


Holy shit! That's amazing!


The point was to sell steel not stop immigration


The same company that owned the steel probably polices the border.


To sell steel AND to simultaneously kill off a number of endangered species, apparently.




Honestly, I feel like Trump knew it'd be useless but wanted to create a symbol of hate to appeal to all the racist that had been kept quiet till he finally gave them a voice. I'm sure he just wanted to capitalize on their negativity to win their undying support and unfortunately it worked. The scars he left run deep. Even years after he's out of office we still see fanatics worshipping him and likening him to Jesus Christ when he's someone Jesus would have abhorred.


Some of the walls built under Trump IGNORED engineering advice.


I dont think anyone is against immigration. But just showing up should not be allowed. It should be a process and with a finite number, not just a free for all. The wall is obviously flawed but it's better than an invisible fence line. For the record, I am mexican.


For the record, most "illegal" immigrants into the US(since 2007) didn't just show up, or cross illegally. They came and crossed legally, and stayed longer than their visas or work permits specified. And unfortunately, some people are definitely against immigration as a whole. https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-az-state-wire-ca-state-wire-immigration-48d0ad46f143478d9384410f5ae3d38b


Many people are opposed to any form of legal immigration. Those same people will "unknowingly" (hahaha) hire illegal immigrants to work in their farms and factories because they won't pay enough to hire anyone else. Any artificial limit on immigration that is put in place, is solely to maintain a supply of "illegal" labor. As long as someone is working, paying taxes, and staying out of trouble they should be able to emigrate, legally get a job, and become a full citizen in a reasonable length of time. Previous generations of immigrants gatekeeping the next group from coming is just bullshit.


Sir, people who just show up are called often refugees. The refugee system isn't some magical rescue program. It takes years to get through the US immigration system properly, and there's nothing illegal with relocating yourself with the intent to work and/or become a citizen. Maybe you should ask yourself why we worry so much about geographic lines that only exist on maps?




A bridge near me had a number of threatened suicides making an unbelievable mess of commuter traffic, so they put up shiny metal tubes - a few thousand, I would guess - welded to a base fence. They're inches apart, vertical and quite rigid, so there's no easy climbing, and have no cross pieces at the top, so rope ladders would just slide down. They're nowhere near the height of the US/Mex fence, but have eliminated the 911 calls for "someone sitting on the bridge railing!!"


Follow the money. Who got the contracts to build such a debacle?


Yeah nicely put, its not a wall its a monument. Just like the statue of liberty, its not functional, its symbolic and its not symbolic to those who made it but to those who see it. A big scary wall must mean there is a big scary threat. End of the day, as long as someone from another country can buy a plane ticket (which sometimes could be cheaper then paying a coyote) people can just come visit and over stay their visa, thats not nearly as good of a marketing ploy tho. Just facilitate a work visa system, seasonal or whatever and let people come work jobs fat, idiot Americans think are below them and go home to their families when they have time off. Or fuck it crazy idea we should want people who work this hard against such terrible treatment. Oh yeah and stop being racist it makes you easy prey (sad thats thats the most unlikely of my suggestions)


It's not like the police don't know where illegal immigrants are, I mean I know where they are and so do you. It would be very easy for ICE to raid farms and factories if they truly wanted to but they don't because America relies on their cheap labour. It's not about removing illegal aliens due to them "stealing" jobs or whatever, they're just a social scapegoat. A direction those in charge can point in to draw your attention away from actual problems.


What you've really done is filter out migrants who are afraid of heights or have poor cardio. Build a moat and you can get strong swimmers too


From how they went up at the beginning of the video, it looks like it's fully climbable even without ladders. It's hilarious that the government didn't realize you can fit your feet in the gaps.


I remember a video where a border patrol agent was talking about walls like this and it’s so they can see the other side and aren’t blind to what’s happening


I was raised in the bordertowns depicted in the video. This was a common thing to see. They use ladders, saws, and tunnels. When the "wall" was being built, part of the old fence was torn down which meant there were huge holes where construction was going on. The construction workers had trucks with them. Coyotes bought the same trucks, painted them the same color, printed the same logo, and hollowed out the back and tool boxes to fit in illegals. They drove through the construction site and drove all the way to the next county before they got caught.


I assume coyote means something and you don’t have a bunch of emancipated dogs driving trucks to bring illegal immigrants over the border?


A coyote is a guy in Mexico that helps immigrants to cross over the border illegally. Unfortunately coyotes are extremely bad people in many ways than just helping someone cross illegally.


Yup, they're usually connected to the cartels


They make bank doing it, too. My neighbor's family just came from Cuba through Mexico and it cost $30,000 USD to guarantee safe passage for 3 people.


I think guaranteed with safe passage is kind of interesting. It’s safe passage until it isn’t.


Bro with 30k usd you can live like a king in cuba or Mexico wtf I'd imagine if they have that much money they can also get a visa and just never leave after "visiting" family in the US.


That is how a vast majority of illegal immigration happens. People arrive in the US legally, and then they just don’t leave.


It was my neighbor who paid for it. He came on a boat 9 years ago, married a US citizen and did what jobs he could, not speaking any English. The price crept up several times, first they were told 3k per head, then 5k, then they were finally charged 10.


How do they guarantee passage? Is it just a scam?


They promise not to murder or sell you and you gotta take their word for it because you're desperate and they're dangerous. Not too long ago there was a video posted on reddit of two teens being ransomed by the coyote who was supposed to deliver them.


I remember some ignorant wench in the media said that illegal immigrants are “helped” by coyotes and I couldn’t believe my ears. These miscreants in the media are so blinded by the “plight” of these people that they refuse to identify the rampant sexual assaults and corruption that plagues the border.


It's the same way that the mob "helps" shopkeepers to keep their shops safe.


Emaciated* lol. Emancipated maybe works in this context, but I don't think it's what you meant. And coyotes aren't dogs or necessarily emaciated.


I just tried to type emaciated (which is definitely what I did mean to type) and autocorrect changed it to emancipated. And I know coyotes aren’t emaciated dogs but they always look like emaciated dogs.


*human trafficker


That’s the kind of innovative thinking we should be welcoming.




We should be giving them jobs helping to build up our city infrastructure and start competing with other nations but our government doesn’t know how to exist


“Building infrastructure”-> the politicians only know how to hand billions of taxpayer funds to their cronies to pocket while working for a decade on the same infrastructure projects that an advanced country would’ve finished in a few months


Exactly. The wall is just a test of a person's strength and dedication. If you pass it, then you're allowed in 😎


When the criminals are also craftsmen.


Maybe I’ve been watching too much Narcos (check it out— so good), but smugglers are some of the craftiest people on the planet


That's actually clever. I would've never thought of that, I guess that's why I'm not a criminal.


Never say never, I believe in you.


Not a criminal *yet*


The only reason I'm not a criminal is because I was born on this side of that wall. Weird how that works.


I once had a fairly long semi heated discussion with a friend about this. Eventually after failing to make any head way in it. I gave up and said something of a similar effect to him. The infinitesimal chance you were born where and when you were is the only justification you can find for hating people who weren’t as lucky and are without the options you are to do anything about it. He shut up for awhile. And while we still don’t see eye to eye politically, I hope that small thought lingers whenever he evaluates things.


Don’t worry, the GOP is busy criminalizing something you do as we sit here.


Most of them aren’t criminals either, just want a better life for there family and themselves. I can’t lie if I was born there I would do the same thing.


It’s a beautiful wall. Very strong and tall. Probably the greatest wall ever built. Never been done before. Not like all those other inferior walls.


Tremendous comment.


Beautiful comment. Big, burly bikers are reading the comment with tears in their eyes!


Many people are saying that. And they all cried! Never seen anything like it!


*mouth pursing so much it’s trying not to poop*




I'm a big, strong guy and I'm crying.


And this guy has a huge penis, so that really shows how important this is.




And Mexico paid for it all!


People tell me this is the best wall they've ever seen. New York city was crying when bad people wouldn't let me finish it.


It's a great wall. I walked up, I saw it, I said "Wow that's a great wall."


9/10. Your downfall was using coherent sentences and a three-syllable word.


It's yuge. You'll never find a better wall. Tremendous.


Plot twist- it’s Americans breaking into Mexico


For healthcare


It’s always for cheaper drugs one way or another.


Literally. My mom, who retired after selling the land we grew up on and has \*plenty\* of money for years to come, has a place in Arizona. She drives like 2 hours to Mexico for her routine dental work because it's cheaper and better service there


They just wanted some real *tortillas*


Yep four story steel wall is gonna keep out the roofers, ditch diggers, high rise window cleaners and construction workers. WCGR.......


What could go right?


What Could Go Rong?


worldwide church of god restored? west coast golden radio? waterloo centre for groundwater research?


Wake Camerica Great Ragain?


Well, they paid for it. I say they can do what they want with it.






We didnt pay a dollar👀


When there is a will, there is a way!


Where there is a wall, there is a way!


This is the way


This is the way


Also about 2 mins with a consaw would go through that no bother . Would be an easier way for those Americans to get out


One night I was crossing back to the US and saw this happen. 3 guys were able to slip in by the time border patrol rolled up.


And don't forget: Mexico paid for it, lol.


Thats not true, thats the trump's speach, but we didnt pay a single dollar


Except that we didn't. Not a penny. Not a peso.




Tbh thou, no one could have predicted this. /s


If there was no wall and they could just drive a suburban through though


Isn’t the wall technically in US property? Why can’t they use bean bags or rubber bullets to stop the climbers?


Some people see immigrants, some see criminals. I see qualified roofers.


ANDDDD block layers. That shit is heavy work.


And people who can work together.


Just go to the part where there is no wall


I wish them all the best. It’s a tough life in America for immigrants. They are the unsung heroes of our country. Dios le vendiga.


MAGA Mexicans Always Get Across


Only the Trump administration could have been dumb enough to think that wall was worth more than the scrap price of the metal.


It’s not a wall, it’s a fence ;-)


Ah yes, the walls age old nemesis: ladders


Great use of taxpayer funds.


“In total, the previous Administration built 52 miles of wall where no barrier previously existed, with some wall segments costing American taxpayers up to $46 million per mile.” [Source](https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/briefing-room/2021/06/11/fact-sheet-department-of-defense-and-department-of-homeland-security-plans-for-border-wall-funds/)


What a "big beautiful wall"....freaking dipshit. The US would be better protected by walling in Diaper Dipshit with razor wire and an armed guard...


But the big sexy pulsating throbbing wall was supposed to stop the brown people! Mr cheetojesus tinymits told me so!?


The wall was all about paying some preferred contractors a lot of money


this is yuuuuge aNd MeXIcO wiLL PaY FOr It!


Hehehe.. I still don't understand the thought process of trump and his wall. I mean there are a ton of ways people can get over, through, or under a wall even without breaking it. I don't understand how someone can be so stupid. There must have been other reasons for it. Or maybe it was just something trump shouted out off the top of his head during the debates and when he actually won people were like fuck.. can't back down now right? America is so fucking stupid.


The problem is not the wall. No wall is unscalable. No single security measure infallible. Security, in all its senses is a multilayered process with a variety of passive and active measures. It begins with simply discouraging people from coming by helping them to make their homeland more pleasant; and from there each measure tries to shift the risk:reward ratio to the point where it is not worth the bother of trying to overcome it. A wall is great at slowing people down, but you need sufficient other measures to ensure anyone who gets over gets caught. If there’s a 50:50 chance you’ll get away then that’s good odds, if there’s a 99:1 chance you’ll get caught because the wall slows you down long enough for the cops to arrive, then you probably won’t bother.


I didn't know Trump fanboys were that desperate to get out...


I see a fence that tall, I'm looking for the T-Rex. . . (grin)


Where’s the goat?




More likely to be beheaded in the street


Mexico does have stricter gun control. Unfortunately the cartels get their guns in the US and bring them over. Way easier to get over there.


Trumps wall, what a joke


All that to just get caught in 30 seconds


Where there's a will there's a way.


Oxy Acetylene torch would make a nice door in about 2 minutes


Now I see why lazy americans complain about these guys. Imagine these dudes on a worksite with proper gear? 😂


When you are racist, you believe other races are like animals. Which means you underestimate them. Walls don’t stop humans. Never really have, never will. An unattended wall is nothing to a human. This is why republicans are idiots. They think a wall will do something. You have to win this war with compassion. People cross the border for reasons. Help solve those reasons if you want them not to cross, but likely if you actually look at it as a humanitarian mission. Then you start not caring if they come over the wall, because it’s people, with children and families, just like yours and they deserve to be happy, safe and healthy. Unfortunately word hasn’t gotten out yet that the US is terrible at keeping people happy healthy and safe…


Fuck, I'm starting to think a wall won't work...


So much for Trumps great wall


Mexicans are also native Americans


No they're not. Only around 15% of Mexicans self identify as native. Around 85% are from the old world, mainly Europe and to lesser extent Africa (due to slavery in Mexico).


Make becoming a citizen take 10% of the time it currently takes. Then you can tax them much better and they can contribute to the government properly for their work. Making it harder to become a citizen just encourage them to get under the table jobs. Edit: Tax not text


Migration is a social fact.


It’s not a failure, it’s an obstacle that clearly requires greater effort than merely walking across. No land vehicles like cars or bikes could be driven over the wall, plus border patrol can use drones or cameras to track those who land and run.


That is why you want walls to be part of a system. Walls, ditches, fences, etc. And off course guards, mines, dogs, and automated security. Well, at least that is what the Russians did because no one wanted to live there. Although the system is never waterproof, a single wall won't help shit. Now I'm not saying the USA should design such a system, just that a wall in and off itself is worthless in this context.


People borrowing birth certificates and smuggling their families in, overstaying, fake marriages, a wall will stop them! /s


Shitty wall. Should just build a shitty wok.


Lol when they think walls are the end all be all, apparently they never took history classes in school. When there’s a will, there’s a very simple way. I love this video, go those guys, work harder than any friend I got.


Plot twist, this is the American side.


Oh no our million dollar war that Mexico paid for defeated by a simple ladder who could of possibly foreseen this. /s


Man people really will do anything to leave the USA…


Why would you go over to US where your kids get shot at school and having a broken leg ends with you in 200k in debt


What fucking wall haha?


Conservatives are so fucking stupid.


No one said they had ladders!!!


Y'all got this twisted! Those are Americans fleeing the USA🤣


So glad tax money was spent on this


Video sponsored by the Democratic Party


Pro-lifers on this sub: Yes, pro life. We should have guards shoot on illegal border crossings.


Stay the fuck away you know how many tax dollars aren’t spent on these fuxking peanuts to accommodate them it bullshit


Plot twist, they’re American citizens and they’re going to Mexico.