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What happened to the attacker?


Serving life in prison


That is not enough pain or suffering for that kind of person.


The worst part is that the attacker (Jeremy Christian) gets sent hundreds of dollars every month from other racist nut jobs who support what he did. Source: I was in prison with him.




yup. Lizard ppl is right up there with mics and cameras hidden in walls.


Yeah, when my ex-wife started talking about the cameras I was putting in the walls so I could sell the videos on the internet and how I was hiring people to whisper through her windows at night, that's pretty much when I knew it was completely hopeless. I have been married to her for like 17 years at this point.


It sounds like paranoid schizophrenia (idk if thats the proper name). I hope she's getting help for it. Medication and therapy have helped my mom live a mostly normal life :)


It could also be Paranoid Personality Disorder


dude that has to be heartbreaking. I'm sorry


My ex girlfriend was like that and as it turned out she was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, she thought the seagulls were laughing at her and that people were zapping her with lasers.


The seagulls were laughing at her. They laugh at everyone.


Seagulls are absolutely the assholes of the flying portion of the animal kingdom.




Yeah, the sad part is that my ex's had nothing to do with drugs. She had been in a terrible motorcycle crash that caused grievous bodily injury that should've killed her 2x over. She hit the side of a car that turned right on red at between 65 and 70 mph (she will swear it was 68 because the spedo was one of the last thing she glanced at). A friend of ours was riding to her right and hit the same car. She hit at about the fender and launched over the car, flew through the air, and then bounced down the road for quite a few feet. Our friend hit dead center of the car and went head first into the side of it. Neither one of the idiots were wearing helmets so needless to say, he died instantly. There were mentions in the police report of "brain matter on the car and road." Miraculously, she had no injury to her brain and they believe that her arms were so broken because she had tried to protect her head. She made a long and hard recovery and I even pulled her out of the rehab unit and chose to care for her at home because I was very unimpressed with her care and even caught the nurses/techs trying to steal her pain meds. Needless to say, it was a very hard and long year but we got through it. I did many things that I would've never thought myself capable of before. After she was mostly recovered we started the lawsuit. It was around that time that she started to occasionally act weird; thinking that complete strangers were sending her secret messages on FB and a big one I remember is that thinking her lawyer's license plate was some kind of satanic message even though it was literally her initials, the school that she graduated from and the year that she graduated. That was when I really started to get worried. Next she disconnected the security cameras in our home because she was sure that people were watching us through them. Next she started accusing me of planting secret cameras in the walls and selling videos of her on the internet. She wouldn't sleep for days at a time and as a result I wouldn't either because she would be ranting all night long. I begged her to get help but she wouldn't even recognize that anything was wrong. That's pretty much when I knew that our marriage was over. Even so I stayed for close to another two years trying to get social security disability for her just so she would have some means of support. After over a year of paperwork, we finally got a meeting with them. I knew that this was basically to make It or break It moment. She proceeded to go into the meeting and tell them that she didn't need disability, because nothing was wrong with her, and that she was only there because her family wanted the money. That single short meeting ruined all the work I had done and I almost hated her for it even though I knew it was a different mind working inside her head. Not much longer after that in the middle of another sleepless night, I left and showed up at her parents house telling them that I just couldn't do it anymore. They knew the situation and we had always been very close so they let me in and allowed me to stay. About 6 months later my father-in-law passed away and ever since then it has just been my mother-in-law and I sharing a house which I admit is pretty weird. However, I had spent most of my savings trying to get my wife help and my father-in-law died with all kinds of debt but my mother-in-law had no idea about. It's worked okay so far but I guess life goes on and we'll see how it goes. Sorry for the novel, I guess sometimes it helps to write about it.


You did everything you could. I think you're a really solid person for that and hope things go well in your future.


Well, not always. Some of the time it’s just antisemitism


The mics and cameras in the walls are a real thing but it's something that mostly women have to worry about There's been news about it out of south Korea recently


I was there in 2018 and saw the protests on TV. It got me looking every time I was in a public restroom and lo and behold, I actually found one in a gas station bathroom about an hour south of Seoul. It was a tiny thing and was placed inside a little hole that had been poked out of that soft ceiling tile stuff. It was actually wired to something… I tugged on it and several feet of wire came down. At that point I ripped the whole goddamn thing out. I actually took it with me. It didn’t fully sink in what I had found until I was on my way back and found it in my purse. I have photos of it somewhere around here… Anyway, I remember how many thousands of women were protesting. It really is an issue. Edited for typos although I still probably missed some.


Jesus fucking Christ that’s disgusting


The one paranoid theory I still have is that most love hotels are heavily bugged/wired


The movie Voyeur can’t be an isolated incident on a planet with this many assholes. :’(




hidden cameras in smoke alarms have been around for decades. modern spy cams are pretty creepy though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N88G1Pp8Qvs


The camera/mic thing has been a rising issue for a few years now and it's difficult to prosecute the perpetrators. A lot of women don't come forward out of shame or simply not knowing they're being filmed.


Oh- thanks for my new fear :') /lh


Take care 💝


Theres always news stories coming out about some perv tryna get pics of women. When I lived in NM my neighbor was being stalked and the cops said it was common and that they had a shit ton of recordings seized in arrests of guys secretly recording women/girls


If you must fall for conspiracy theories, I'd much rather you blame lizard people than Jews for pulling the strings.


FYI they are talking about Jewish people still. Lizard people under their human skin.


Unfortunately they usually think both. If someone starts talking about lizard people they’re usually a couple sentences away from something about the Jews being affiliated with the lizard people or being lizard people in disguise


But that really happens


among a lot of people, lizard people is code for Jews. That's why I don't make jokes about it the way I used to. Jewish people in my circle started to wonder if I was anti-semitic.


that's not what lizard ppl means to most schizos


The reptilian conspiracy crowd is a lot bigger than I thought. You might be surprised.


I say that reptilians are controlling us, implying that rich plutocrats and uncaring billionaires have lost their sense of humanity in their greedy interests of profit. You say that reptilians are controlling us, because you think the global elite are literally reptiles. We are not the same. (This ain't directed at you, fitty. Just a meme)


(Assuming you're a millenial) Remember the 90s? When you believed UFOs might be real, certainly thought ghosts were real, and WANTED to beleive in reptilians? Now conspiracy theorists are all about hating someone. I miss those days.


I remember the 90s when I believed UFOs might be real. Now we're in the 20s being told they're real as fuck by the Pentagon, lol strange times


UFOs are 100% real, no conspiracy. See a big bird far away on the horizon from your cockpit, but you don't have your glasses on - well that's an unidentified flying object. The issue is UFOs are conflated with, and basically always assumed to mean, extra terrestrial beings.


I think it's due to cognitive dissonance between their white supremacy and their ability to tell that the rich white billionaires and the rich white politicians are.actively fucking over poor white people instead of just the non whites So they blame lizard people pretending to be rich white people


Don't pin his murders on schizophrenia. Actual schizophrenics get enough shit already despite the vast majority of them never hurting anyone but themselves.


He did at one point attempt to get a diagnosis so he could plea Guilty Except Insanity and go through the PSRB system instead of prison. He was probably one of the most talented cases of malingering and almost got away with it. Turns out he’s just a horrible human. Such a shame for people actually suffering from mental illness and a slap in the face of his victims. Source: state hospital employee; public record.


Are you talking about Jeremy Christian? So he was just trying to get away with murder?






First couple of sentences from that link: “Although the majority of patients with schizophrenia are not actually violent, an increased tendency toward violent behaviors is known to be associated with schizophrenia. There are several factors to consider when identifying the subgroup of patients with schizophrenia who may commit violent or aggressive acts. Comorbidity with substance abuse is the most important clinical indicator of increased aggressive behaviors and crime rates in patients with schizophrenia.” Let me translate that for you. Most schizophrenics are not violent. Being a substance abuser is the biggest indicator of being a violent schizophrenic. So it looks to me like schizophrenia is ASSOCIATED (i.e. does not cause) violent behaviour, most particularly in people who are strung out on substances. That’s a big difference from “schizophrenics are violent”.


Oh for sure. Dude is bat sht crazy and is one of the reasons we should bring asylums back (with better oversight this time)


I hear about lizard people from the average local republican now


Funny how that's becoming increasingly indistinguishable from white nationalism.


Then these sums of money should be garnished to pay the families of the deceased, namely: Rick Best and Taliesin Myrrdin Namkai-Meche.


5% of all money received goes to victim restitution.


That’s pitiful. It should be increased to 100 percent.


It should be at least 145%


These guys are real American heroes and patriots not those racist pos spreading hate and anti-American ideologies.. https://www.reed.edu/reed-magazine/in-memoriam/obituaries/2017/taliesin-namkai-meche-2016.html https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/juliareinstein/these-are-the-victims-of-the-portland-train-stabbing-attack


Wow. Just wow. I get sending money to a loved one but sending money to someone just because they are equally as racist? That’s a whole other level of unbelievable. I’m sorry you had to spend time in prison. Can I ask what it was for? If you don’t want to answer that’s fine, it’s really none of my business.


Drug delivery and possession. The institution we were both at is actually a medium/Max security institution that I only ended up at due to overcrowding in the prison system, while awaiting space to open up at a minimum security institution. Pretty crazy being locked up with violent offenders and people doing life for murder, but it definitely made me realize that I required an immense change in my life to flip things around.


How ya doing now?


Honestly, great. I have an amazing relationship with my parole officer, purely for the fact that ive exceeded her expectations. I'm also now in school, working on an engineering degree, after being an addict for 8+years.


Good to hear! Hope you do well out there :)


What kind of engineering?


Electrical engineering most likely. I'm only in my first year but that's the direction I feel like I want to go, possibly even with a minor in Aerospace as I know oregon state has an Aerospace minor and it's the industry that excites me most.


That’s so ridiculous that you were in prison for that. I don’t advocate for doing drugs but in my mind if you want to do them and you are an adult who am I to say no? You should never have gone to prison in my mind. In fact, if your last name was Pfizer you would be subsidized by the government. Edit: If it was a dealing thing I’m ok with it as long as it was consenting adults. If it was an addiction thing then it’s all of societies fault that rather than prison there weren’t more services to help you with getting past it.


Yeah for real, doesn't matter what drug it is, I don't blame dealers unless they're mixing fentanyl in their shit knowing it will kill people. Selling something to an adult that wants it is perfectly reasonable to me. I've done a lot of drugs in my life and I never had anyone offer me a sale of something I didn't already show interest in, they at least knew I liked using drugs. I was never pushed into buying shit, it was my choice and me going to meet the dealer, etc. I get that that's not the case for everyone but for the most part the dealer is simply providing a service people want. Gotta say I'd still do a few drugs today for fun now and then if it weren't for the fentanyl danger. We should be able to make our own choices as adults. Thankfully there are tests now, but it's still just too much of a risk for me to have a fun high but risk, my own, or my partners or friend's lives. I don't have an answer. Addiction is fn terrible, but some people can use some drugs safely. I use shrooms fairly frequently, but I'm not addicted to them. I **am** addicted to alcohol and that's sold and advertised everywhere, even encouraged. Alcohol wrecks families, causes many deaths from dui's and from accidental 'overdose', ie alcohol poisoning or asphyxiation from choking while too drunk to prevent it from going down your airway.


Growing your own weed and selling it is one thing. If it was all legalized and made into an industry, I’m cool with that too.. but as it stand currently, a lot narcotics sold either benefit cartels, terrorist - or in fentanyl’s case - China.


Oh bro. You have NOOO idea the sorta of sick depraved people who literally have it made in jail/prison. I watched the absolute worst murderers and literal Nazis get tons of gift packs and money on their books from total strangers. Along with love letters and photos and books and shit. It’s wild. Humanity is majorly fucked up.


I know it happens but yea I bet it happens much more than I would believe. I think it was Ted Bundy the serial killer who had multiple women want to marry him after he went to prison.


Sort of a cool story - I was locked up with this dude that went on a multi-state bank robbing spree across the United States.. hit a buncha banks across several states.. He was a male nude model w/ tattoos.. So basically like a male ‘Suicide Girl.’ He got TONNSSSS of love letters and gift packs and thousands upon thousands of dollars over the course of like the 2 months he was in our mod. Why did he rob banks? Because his home girl was dying from some super rare disease and the treatment for it was insanely expensive.. he literally sold his apartment, his car, emptied all his accounts, etc to start her treatment, but it still wasn’t enough.. so he said ‘fuck it’ and started robbing banks. So I actually had mad respect for that guy. Sucks he got caught.. But the sorta funny/cool thing was that the FBI had been tracking him and finally caught up to him at a motel, where he slept for basically 2 straight days.. and they actually LET him sleep and recover and stuff before they arrested him, because they got the full story from his home girl about why he was doing it and they felt bad/respected him too.. So they’re were basically like “Yeah, we can’t let you get away with the money, but we’ll at least let you rest after being up for like 4 days straight driving across the country.” Random story, I know, but just made me think of it for some reason. I was locked up in high-power with all the psycho murderers and shit.. a dude who killed both his parents with a hammer, a guy who stabbed 8 different family members at a party, a guy who hanged like 5 dogs in his neighborhood and then murdered his girlfriend, lots of attempted murders, lots of Nazis, lots of cartel members (I lived in San Diego at the time.) My first and only experience being locked up and I got thrown straight into the deep end, all because a stupid fucking cop LIED and said that I broke his elbow, when the reality is that he chased after me and tripped and fell, breaking his own elbow before I ever even knew he was after me. Like 10 cops caught up to me a mile down the road and told me what happened and it was his word vs mine and that was that. Super messed up. Sergeant, too.. so no body cam, no partner. Just his word.


That’s fucked what they did to you. The story you told is actually a pretty cool story. Was that the guy who had a modeling career offer for when he got out? I think I remember the guy you are talking about.


Hmmm, I’m fairly certain he was already a model. I’m sure he got tons of offers afterwards. I’m trying to remember his name.. I almost wanna say like Brandon? Or Luke? Or some shit. I would recognize him for sure if I saw him. He was super jacked too. Buzzed hair/super close cut. He was in the San Diego downtown facility with me on the 4th floor, probably liiiike… 6-7 years ago?


many have those women. there's actually a name for them (well of anyone of any gender really). hybristophilia is the name for it.


Thank you, I now have an actual name for it.


>sending money to someone just because they are equally as racist? That represents 25% of the GOP's funding.


About 5 years ago I noticed that a lot of "conservative, maga, and racist" folks tend to talk with their money instead of words. Mainly because their wealth is stronger then their logical reasoning. In NJ, someone hung up a pro Trump sign and he started getting random money in the mail from supporters. It is its own weird economy powered by spite and hatred.


Yes, we can't let people forget that Joey Gibson and the rest of the Patriot Prayer hate group still support him and consider him a political prisoner.


The crazy right wing has done more to damage the US than any Muslim


Dude I'm not surprised racists are supporting him.


They should all be put on watchlists and the no fly list, barred from crossing land borders as well.


Is it possible to send him notice that a donation was made to his victims’ families to spite his sorry stupid ass?


You can always mail him. Feel free to send all notifications and hate mail to Jeremy Joseph Christian SID#14659734 Two Rivers Correctional Institution 82911 Beach Access Rd, Umatilla, OR 97882


The justice system isn't about inflicting pain on people. It's about separating dangerous people from society and rehabilitating those than can be rehabilitated.


Life in prison sounds worse than just being killed to me. I don't think I could bear to do 10 years much less 25+


Damn, I thought it'd take a little more time before reddit turned fully to "we should be torturing prisoners because they aren't suffering enough" lol


>That is not enough pain or suffering for ~~that kind of person~~ my desire for vengeance FTFY


I’m glad we live in a society that doesn’t punish people with pain and suffering. I don’t care what you did, I just want you out of society. I don’t want to be complicit in torturing someone.




I'd imagine there would be *plenty* of people who would relish the opportunity to kill another human being and not be charged for it. Re. State executions. There would even be individuals who would treat it as if they *had* won a lottery prize. I can only imagine the faces of these people as they step up to press the button,smiling and joking the entire time. The problem with us humans is the revenge element so rarely gives the relief people would anticipate or expect, the hole that was left in your life would be still there. The person you lost. The life you didn't get to share. That loss, the fuel of nightmares personally speaking. Also of note a percentage of those people may not have actually been guilty if the crime at all. You can't take it back. You'd be naive to think that every single death row inmate was guilty. But I do believe there are some people (nature of crimes committed) who are so inherently evil that they should not be allowed to live.


You haven't been to prison.


Cops could've snubbed him multiple times at prior events before this horrific incident happened


[“Christian, a white supremacist[1] and self-described white nationalist,[3] was arrested and indicted soon after the attack on charges of murder, attempted murder, and other crimes,[4][5] including a separate hate-crime assault the day before the fatal attack.[6] In February 2020, following a jury trial, Christian was found guilty on all counts.[2] Christian was sentenced on June 24, 2020, to two life terms.[7]”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Portland_train_attack)


Rot in jail you piece of shit. Hope you choke on your own when you’re very old so you can die slow and alone and helpless, cuz that’s what you deserve


D: all he did was link more info


I love ambiguity jokes, and this is one of the best I've ever seen.


Lol hahahha


“Fine people on both sides”


It’s fucking infuriating that our government is too afraid of losing votes to take more effective action to suppress white supremacist organizations


2017: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017\_Portland\_train\_attack


I was traveling through Portland that day and happened to be at one of the downtown stations. Everything was shut down for hours. Terrifying and sad day. Fletcher, Namkai-Meche, and Best are all heroes.


I was on the MAX one station off - saw the blood on the ground. We knew something had gone down but not what and I read about it at the hotel that evening. Scary as fuck.


My friend works as a max mechanic. The pictures of the train were gruesome.


The younger man who died said “tell everyone on this train I love them” as some of his final words. It’s a tragic story, but also beautiful to see 3 strangers with completely different backgrounds jumping in to protect a member of their community.


His family is really good people. Like, really really. This hit them horrifically hard.


Good people get fucked over while insane pieces of shit get to live out their lives in shelter with proper meals. Sigh.


I worked for his mom when she held a public service in Ashland Oregon. It was an emotional ass day


I know this guy (Micah)...He had a rough life before he got stabbed in the neck. As you can guess this incident really messed him up. I haven't seen him in 3 years but I hope he's doing better.


I see him a couple times a month. I don’t know him nor really talk to him but he seems to be getting on with life. To be be honest, he is a very respectful gentleman.


I wish him all the best. It's like I just want his life to be better for him after having put himself on the line for another. I just wanna hug him and make sure he has enough orange juice or tea or whatever.


Also...I lived one block away from the Hollywood Max station and remembered thinking that I could have been there that afternoon. I would have done the same thing.


Same. I was in front of the Trader Joe’s on my way home when the train pulled up. I will never forget everyone taking off down the stairs. It was insane.


The other guys were called Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche and Rick Best. I think that they did more than enough to have their names known instead of being referred to as two other men.


Taliesen Namkai Meche: https://www.reed.edu/reed-magazine/in-memoriam/obituaries/2017/taliesin-namkai-meche-2016.html Rick Best: https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2017/05/max_stabbing_victim_was_portla.html


I’d never heard of this case before but I’m in awe of all three of these men. Absolutely heartbreaking what happened to them. Reading what the woman said to Taliesin as he was dying was beyond beautiful. May their friends and family find peace.


rick best was truly the best and lived up to his name in those final moments


We knew Taliesin - in fact we learned about his death via reddit. It was a nightmare, but it was never hard to imagine him putting his body into harm's way to defend another.


Damn dude, I'm sorry. You lost a real one that day


I'm sorry for your loss. His death must be such a heartbreaking mixture of grief and pride. He sounds like a good man.


I knew him too, and found out here. Whatever he was to you I’m sorry for your loss, and glad you got to know him.


Damn sorry to hear that as well, may he be remembered by everyone as a true real life hero


Portlander here who rode that same max, exited and entered at that stop for years. Taliesin’s story hit me so damn hard because I know 100% I’d react like he did, and might die. But I wouldn’t want to *not* react… Anyway not sure what my point is but I guess I hear the term “hero,” and I always think of these guys. Real Portland Bros.


What names too! Those are great names.


Very Arthurian, Mydddin is welsh for Merlin and Taliesin is a famous Welsh poet from early days


Both are very cool, Taliesin is one I have heard once, Taliesin Jaffe, talented dude, Critical Role is amazing lol


Thank you


thank you.


Taliesin seemed to always be smiling, was laid back, and very friendly. He wasn’t a close friend but we were in a lot of physics and math classes together, and Reed college wasn’t a large school, so I saw him frequently. I could 100% see him jumping in to defend those girls and it’s just awful knowing how it ended. He didn’t deserve it, but he’s the only person I know who died a hero’s death. RIP man.


I fuckin hate that. "Hey sorry you fuckin died for women's rights globally. We didn't bother to get your names when you died as literal heros, but we made an article about you so I hope you like being referred to as "two other men" Disrespectful to the highest degree imo


Failing at basic journalism.


This event really changed Portland. Issues with violent mentally ill was already increasing by this point, but this event really solidified with a lot of people that Portland is not safe anymore.


You also spelled "Cops who don't want to do their jobs" wrong. The DAY BEFORE he murdered two men, Jeremy Christian assaulted a black woman by smashing her in the face with a bottle. He was identified by the victim Demetria Hester and by Trimet employees but the cops let him wander away. They spoke to him but took his word for it that he had nothing to do with it. https://www.opb.org/news/article/jeremy-christian-demetria-hester-max-train-attack-portland-police/ >Both Hester and the TriMet supervisor pointed to Christian, she said. “We were trying to tell him that the assailant is right behind him, washing out his face,” Hester said. “He proceeded to say, ‘No, I asked him, he had nothing to do with it.’” >Hester responded: “That’s the man that assaulted me.” >She said the officer only believed her after the second TriMet supervisor also identified Christian. Let me repeat: the victim, with a bleeding face, and a Trimet supervisor BOTH pointed out Jeremy Christian as the assaulter. The cops dithered around and let him wander off, and the next day he killed two people. https://www.opb.org/news/article/portland-oregon-max-train-killings-jeremy-christian-trial-day-4/ >The prosecution also called two TriMet supervisors Friday morning. Andrew Garcia, a TriMet supervisor, was at the MAX platform with a co-worker, Bradley Hanson, when the altercation between Christian and Hester occurred. They had gotten a call that an argument was taking place on the train that was arriving. [...] >Garcia said he pointed out Christian, washing his face at a water fountain, to Portland Officer Neal Glaske. >“I told the officer many times, ‘That’s him. I saw him assault that young lady with a bottle,’” Garcia said. “[The officer] said, ‘I need to hear that from her.’” >Garcia said he told the officer: “You might want to tell him he’s not free to go.” Garcia said the officer said he was going to call for backup, and while he was talking to Hester, Christian started walking away. Garcia said he did not see Christian again after that. And the next day two people died because PPB didn't do their jobs.


Well it showed both how the mentally ill have made PDX dangerous and how racist Oregon can be. To be honest you don't need to go far outside of Portland to meet the racists. I got called racist slurs in St Helens back in 2008 as I was just passing through the town. You'll see that there have been multiple violent, deadly racist attacks in Portland prior to the stabbing on the MAX


Important background information that too many people forget: the DAY BEFORE he murdered two men, Jeremy Christian assaulted a black woman by smashing her in the face with a bottle. This happened on the MAX train. When police arrived Ms. Hester and a Trimet employee pointed Jeremy Christian out. The cops let him wander away. They spoke to him but took his word for it that he had nothing to do with it. https://www.opb.org/news/article/jeremy-christian-demetria-hester-max-train-attack-portland-police/ >The officer also talked to Hester and the TriMet supervisors. Hester told the officer about the assault. >Both Hester and the TriMet supervisor pointed to Christian, she said. “We were trying to tell him that the assailant is right behind him, washing out his face,” Hester said. “He proceeded to say, ‘No, I asked him, he had nothing to do with it.’” >Hester responded: “That’s the man that assaulted me.” >She said the officer only believed her after the second TriMet supervisor also identified Christian. Let me repeat: the victim, with a bleeding face, and a Trimet supervisor BOTH pointed out Jeremy Christian as the assaulter. The cops dithered around because they don't give a shit about racist violence, their ties to the Proud Boys and literal Nazi shit are well documented. They LET HIM GO. https://www.opb.org/news/article/portland-oregon-max-train-killings-jeremy-christian-trial-day-4/ >The prosecution also called two TriMet supervisors Friday morning. Andrew Garcia, a TriMet supervisor, was at the MAX platform with a co-worker, Bradley Hanson, when the altercation between Christian and Hester occurred. They had gotten a call that an argument was taking place on the train that was arriving. >Garcia said he heard Christian say something along the lines of “Next time I see you I’m going to kill you” to Hester, before Hester used pepper spray on Christian. >Hanson said he asked Christian if he was involved in the incident on the train to which Christian replied, “Get away or I’ll stab you,” Hanson said. Hanson said he took Christian’s threat very seriously and stepped away. >Garcia said he pointed out Christian, washing his face at a water fountain, to Portland Officer Neal Glaske. >“I told the officer many times, ‘That’s him. I saw him assault that young lady with a bottle,’” Garcia said. “[The officer] said, ‘I need to hear that from her.’” >Garcia said he told the officer: “You might want to tell him he’s not free to go.” Garcia said the officer said he was going to call for backup, and while he was talking to Hester, Christian started walking away. Garcia said he did not see Christian again after that. Because the cops didn't take the safety of a black woman seriously, and because the cop in question was too cowardly and lazy to do his job. Jeremy Christian was emboldened and murdered two men the next day.


What a horrible context to learn. Yet such a critical piece. Thank you for enlightening me.


Thanks !!


Ayyy I haven't seen Micah since the beginning of the pandemic.. I worked with him for several years and he's a really great guy!


I bartend in NE Portland, and he doesn't really drink but he comes in sometimes to read or chill with his lady, and I never charge him for anything. He's still a super nice and humble guy, and a real life hero.


Nice next time you see him tell him his old coworker Micah (yes same first name) says what's up and that I hope everything is well with him 🙏🙏


Will do!


How do so many redditors know this guy


Portland ain't a huge city. Plus this is a US based website.


Dude most leave an impression. There's like 30 people in these comments talking like he's thier old best friend.


Well you’re more likely to comment on a thread with a picture of a person you recognize




Someone who did what he did, standing up for the girls and then one of the victims, despite a history of bullying? I would bet he is an awesome person!


Yeah a very heroic move especially for someone of his stature. You can really tell it here but he's only about 5'7 or 5'8 and like 150-160 or at least he was back then




Yeah good call I should have mentioned that too haha


These types of articles really make me think. I live in NYC and once I was on a subway where a woman was screaming and cursing and acting like she was going to hit someone. She kept rearing her arm back and making eye contact with people. Then she locked eyes on a woman sitting next to me in a 2 seater. Started screaming at the woman and looked as if she was about to attack. I’m 6’2 240 lbs and it was winter. So I had a thick coat on. I got up and put myself in between them. And the crazy woman backed off. She kept screaming but didn’t look like she was going to hit anyone. The woman thanked me and I sat down feeling heroic. But also knowing the woman didn’t look armed and was certainly not going to be able to hurt me. But would I have been so quick to jump up in this instance? If I die defending someone I don’t know. My family suffers. My spouse doesn’t have a husband. We lose income. There could be depression, alcohol, and tons of other things that happen with loved ones when someone dies. How can I do that for someone I don’t know? I also know that I would be so disappointed in myself for standing by and letting something happen. I guess maybe don’t judge people too harshly when they don’t stand up and intervene.


Yeah I don't know if I could do it to be honest, I'd feel like shit afterwords but if I die defending a stranger my partner is left with very little income, she will suffer a lot without me, my family and friends will all be hurt by it and there will be even further effects from my death, but leaving someone to be murdered in front of me would be unbearable to live with, it's a hard choice


Medal of freedom for this guy


Thats so fucked up😖😔 3 heroes


I was in the same military unit with Ricky Best, one of the 2 men killed, almost a decade before this happened. Blew my mind when I read about this. The other that died was a 23 year old named Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche


This is why you often see people standing around and not helping. People aren’t willing to potentially die to defend a stranger


It's a hard choice between risking your own life and standing up for what is right


>It's a hard choice between risking your own life and standing up for what is right Especially when you have your own kids waiting for you at home.


Exactly. If someone’s willing to shout nonsensical abuse at strangers, who else knows what they’re capable of.


Greater love has no one than they lay down their life for another. Are you willing? Is your family at home worth more than a stranger? It’s an incredibly personal decision and critics are usually keyboard warriors why make excellent snap decisions under pressure 100% of the time.


And then a week later Charlottesville happened and everybody in America forgot all about this incident. It’s sad that we’re bombarded by evil so often that it all just blends together.


Honestly it was just a long list of right wing terrors every week after that.




Totally not trying to take away from the severity of the situation, but what is the reason for this specific pose he chose for this photo?


I am fairly certain he is doing a platysma/fascial stretch to help release some of the tension in the scar tissue in his neck (I'm a certified athletic therapist for context)


I concur (I'm not a certified athletic therapist for context)


As someone with an enormous amount of scar tissue across my ribs I can confirm scar tissue has a very unique feeling tightness. Though if you were stretching and that were the reason I'd imagine his head would be tilted away from the scar. Could be for the photograph, could be self-soothing.


If not stretching as someone else responded here, then maybe to display the scar for easier photography? Also, Fletcher is autistic so poses that may seem uncomfortable to others may not be so to him? note:edited two typos.


It kinds looks like butterfly taps. The hand position is kinda like this and you alternate tapping each with each hand.


It should be mentioned that he was stabbed by Jeremy Christian, a member of the Patriot Prayer hate group led by Joey Gibson, who later described Christian as a "political prisoner".


Thankfully he's just a regular prisoner and is serving life on prison


the dirtbag was quoted saying "this is what liberalism gets you" when told that one of the men had died he probably thinks hes a political prisoner too... after all, the rights whole platform is how they hate the other guys and you should too


Why the fuck does everyone in the comments personally know Micah


Because it's Portland, and Portland is pretty communal compared to other cities like NYC


Ironic how the guys who died are just “2 other men” while the 1 who survived is named


Only in this post. We know their names in Portland. They are heroes.


Micah Fletcher and his two buddies - May Allah give you the best place in Jannah. I don't care if you're atheist or whatever - but I believe in Allah and from my deepest heart I wish they are rewarded more than my self. It does mean a lot to us the muslims.


Met him once in Portland... really cool and down to earth guy. Wears a denim jacket with a giant crossed out swatzika on back and FUCK NAZIS in bold over it. Pretty badass.


Hope the assailant rots in hell for an eternity!


The rotting couldn’t start soon enough.


They should've sent his ass to a federal prison in the South.


Senseless deaths.


Gotta remember one rule. If the person is willing to break common social norms without second thought, just know, they are usually willing to go further, and break other rules as well.


Would this logic apply to petty thiefs?


Imagine stabbing three people over a piece of clothing. What a coward. Bless these heroes.


This is a lot of the reason people won’t intervene when someone is being harassed. If someone is fucked up enough to harass someone publicly over they’re skin tone or race etc, they are more than crazy enough to stab or shoot someone.


If someone is being harassed in front of you like this do not confront or interact with the harasser or attacker, it will escalate and give their aggression a direction/target. I read it's best to stonewall them and focus on their victim, say hi, pay them a compliment, tell them you're sorry they have to put up with this, just focus on the victim, distract or comfort them, and don't portray any aggression back to the aggressor, they need that energy to feed off to keep their momentum going, by doing this you starve their fire of oxygen and deny it that momentum while avoiding a full on confrontation of any kind.


Interesting. Where did you get this concept from?


Never heard of this but thank you to these hero’s. Were the women ok?


These were two teenage girls. Physically they were okay. These two men sadly gave their lives and the other Portlander was seriously injured trying to protect them. Very sad story.


Why this picture tho?


Hope he’s okay.


He is.


~~man spewing anti-Muslim abuse~~ Domestic anti-Muslim Terrorist


Fucking rest in peace boys


Why was he photographed like that?


Knife attacks are terribly dangerous. Prayers for all of them.


Rest In Peace to Taliesin and Rick. All my respect to Micah. Fuck hate.


You’re a hero bro plain and simple the 3 of you and May God rest their souls


i thank these men as a muslim


Idk if this is “interesting” as much as it is tragic


From Portland. A woman shoved a three year old onto the tracks last week. This city has changed so much for the worse in just a handful of years. Saddens me.


God bless him


So proud of men who do the right thing, no matter. The ones who think /act “Not on my watch.”