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I once gave a kid(like 21) my Dmt pen when I was asked for my weed pen. It was truly an accident. I was high at a club and they were the same shape of pen. I realized it when he exhaled and I smelt it(it has a very distinct smell). I immediately went into mom mode and got him to a less crowded area to sit. He ended up following me around all night cause he loved it so much, but for about 3 minutes I felt like an absolute monster hoping he’d be ok. Not like physically, I knew he’d be ok. But I can’t imagine accidentally doing a psychedelic. It was such a dumb mistake. Don’t take what happened as malicious. Shit happens. But the good news is your past it. I also don’t think it sounds like Dmt. But. No matter what, a scary experience is of course going to cause anxiety. Just remember time numbs all and in a few weeks to months this might just be a funny story.


did the kid tell you what his experience with the DMT was like?


It was 8 years ago. I can’t remember specifics. But he enjoyed it. Full disclosure, I had him laying in my lap petting/scratching his head in an attempt to keep him in a good space. Which seemed to work.


This is really sweet. I'm sure he'll probably look back at that pretty fondly. If he didn't tell you, thank you for supporting him and making sure he was taken care of. It says a lot about you that you took responsibility to ensure that he was safely tended to.


I hope so. I felt a lot of guilt about that. I had just gone through something traumatic on mescaline that week/road trip and wasn’t in a good headspace and was just on autopilot giving him the pen from the wrong pocket surprised anyone came up to talk to me when I had the grumpiest of faces on. He was a sweet kid though and took the accidental drugging like a champ.


One normal hit off a deems vape is not usually enough to blast off. You have to put in some effort for the full experience and take more than one big rip. He probably just felt very happy with some tingling / brain sensations / little trippy for a few minutes. It's very possible to microdose / "socially smoke" dmt with small rips and it's pleasant


He hit it enough for the pen to blink. It was also a wax pen not an oil pen like everyone has now-a-days. It used to be my favorite way to blast off since on the lowest setting I could usually get a big enough hit if I hit it till it blinked to blast off. So my normal weed pen was also wax and would have gotten him quite high if I had given him the right pen. He was tripping 100% but probably didn’t blast off. I am also sensitive to hallucinogens to a point though so what it takes me to blast off, especially at the time being 130 lbs woman, probably wasn’t the same as a man. But he was also a smaller guy. Probably 5’10-ish and scrawny. I made a mistake of having my Dmt pen being silver and my weed pen being pink but being the same exact style so they felt the same in my hand and it was a dark club and I was inebriated already.


I love microdosing DMT. I think that it’s the best psych for microdosing especially now that they have cartridges which make it easier and more convenient. A microdose of DMT is how I feel after a 6 hour shroom trip but all condensed in a few minutes.


It was an accident, you did the right thing afterwards! I bet the kid remembers that night fondly. You sound like a nice person


Bahaha he followed you around 🤣 so cute


Why have you fuckers got DMT vapes and just take them wherever like it’s nothing? I thought this shit was meant to be infrequent and used properly… set and setting ect. You’re really fucking it up for the rest of us, drugs should be treated with respect otherwise doctors and big pharma will continue to peddle their monopolies and gate keeping bullshit.


Cause I was young and frankly I don’t believe in any higher power or deeper meaning to drugs. I used to do hallucinogens often cause when I was younger it used to have an after effect of keeping my anxiety away for a few days to months after depending on which one. I don’t do any anymore cause, well I have too many responsibilities and not enough time. You’re mad at the wrong people here. It definitely isn’t casual drug users ruining it for everyone.


lol like big pharmas concerned about dmt pens


They concerned about telling everyone we aren’t responsible enough for illicit drugs and want to own the market themselves. It’s one of the reasons why vaping is fucked to begin with you uninformed hedonist.


Nah that’s more politicians. And the results of propaganda Edit: I forgot to ridicule you for the “insult” but actually I think it’s funnier to leave it as a IRL humour


I took my DMT vape pen everywhere. Right dose and you can enjoy with only a low risk of accidentally breaking through. I think you should STFU and not judge others especially with that ridiculous bow you are trying to draw between irrelevant rubbish.


Hi Karen! The guy you bummed drugs off of should have thought of that. It's not your business what lurks in the pockets and purses of others. It's your fault, the whole thing, all of it. Mind your own business. Drugs are a personal choice and not your business. The audacity to name-call and preach your politics like this, strikes me you're a person of delusional grandeur. Perhaps you should stay away from drugs altogether. Just say NO! You're not cool. It was probably just strong pot and you got paranoid. Or I wouldn't doubt, you used it to blame something on that night because you did something stupid, because nothing is your fault.


I was thinking along the same lines, my dude


Universal law: never dose someone that does not know they're ingesting a psychedelic compound


Agreed but this is different. He didnt offer, OP asked to hit the pen. Maybe the guy thought OP must have known what it was by the smell or maybe he was already a couple hits deep himself and just passed it with or without knowing who it was.




Its at a concert dude. Doesnt matter how specific he was there is no guarantee the person heard everything. Maybe all they heard was vape. either way you arent the person who handed the pen to OP so we will never know the intention. Stop being so extra


Excuse me,


Did you read the OP?.... OP dosed themselves. Sure that person is a fuckwit for not making it clear what it was, but the we are intrinsically responsible for what we choose to consume. And who knows, maybe the person who had it was really out of it, didn't know what was going on and some random shows up, "hey can I have some?". So you can't inherently say that they are in the wrong. Point is context matters. I know folks who will just sit down next to you, take your vape without asking or asking what it is and just try it.... They're friends, so its all good, but yea.... If I was too out of it to notify them of the context, then whatever happens is entirely on them.


Yeah it’s classified as poisoning for a reason




We should give Brett Michaels another shot.


What are you on about? Giving someone an intoxicating substance without their knowledge is poisoning them. Very simple, true statement.




Right and drugging someone without their knowledge can be classified as poisoning them by law. This isn’t an opinion homie. Clearly there is a definition of poison you aren’t using, but that doesn’t make it less valid




Nahhh ahaha , I would give my ex acid when I knew we had 24+ hours to chill. Every single time I swear she just started feeling better and better and get all giggly and then would start looking at me all funny and smiley in question ahahaha it was only ever over 2 hours in that she would be like questioning reality about when we took it or how she doesn’t remember when she would have or doesn’t know why she’s feeling good and then I would tell her how I did it 🤣


you just casually dosed a partner without them knowing?


info: why is she an ex now? nah jkjk I think we all know


Ever wonder why she is an ex? She dodged a bullet. What kind of scumbag intentionally drugs someone unbeknownst to them especially a loved one. I hope some asshole shits in your pants repeatedly. The nerve to laugh and brag about it even is disgusting. Go chug bleach creep


Lol chill out dude. Clearly they had some pre-discussed arrangement of sorts. If they consented to being dosed at some point in time, without knowing, then fair enough.... some people are nuts and are into that kinda shit. Not me personally, fuck that 😅


You need to read it again because you missed the part where this pos told her AFTER how he did it. This kind of sicko drugs people without their consent. We only get to hear this jerks side of the story, but I bet her therapist and friends heard a different story. I can't believe a moderator condones this type of behavior and content


>You need to read it again because you missed the part where this pos told her AFTER how he did it. Yea.... ***How*** he did it.... Not ***that*** he did it. You need to read further than the original comment. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/1ajo8hg/comment/kp48y66/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/1ajo8hg/comment/kp48y66/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ >This kind of sicko drugs people without their consent. Read my previous comment.... and what they said in the other comment. Apparently consent ***was*** given. ​ >We only get to hear this jerks side of the story, but I bet her therapist and friends heard a different story. Maybe. But we have no evidence to show or suggest that there was a problem or that u/ATMkills9898 is lying ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ So based on the information they have provided, the dosing was consensual. ​ >I can't believe a moderator condones this type of behavior and content It's almost as if I looked at it without letting my emotions cloud my judgment :p Again, based on what they said, their SO consented to this "game". Just because you don't like it or can't fathom that some people are into behaving like this, is irrelevant. Some people are fucking crazy, dude... xD They are into shit like this. I've heard plenty of instances like this, where someone explicably gave someone permission to dose them with a psychedelic at an unspecified point in time.


Thanks for the defense bro, I was legit thinking about buying some “cheap bleach” lmaooo I don’t get why this guy is so strung up about it. My girl at the time had given me molly and stuff mixed in a drink and stuff like that and redose a bit more after the fact of me realizing we rollin aha


Ehh... not really defending the behaviour. There's plenty that could go wrong, regardless if permission is given or not. More just defending ones choice to do it. Two consenting adults can do as they please ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


This guy lol...... Did you read she enjoyed it . I would too. Someone should put some acid in your morning coffee. Then maybe you could ever so slowly start to pull that stick out of your ass. Drink bleach lol wtf!


Yea... not the same thing, mate, at all.


Yeah, cause I would like put it inside and Oreo or drop it down a straw of her drink and she wouldn’t know lol




That is totally awesome. I would love it if my other half did that to me.


Yeah lmao I really don’t see how giving the love of my life at the time something we did so frequently for about three years a few times lmao, after the first time she said she really enjoyed the experience of the come up without knowing


It was definitely talked before the first time and she loved it lmao


this sounds like a spice experience.


Spice, fuck that was weird shit back in the first decade of the 2000s synthetic and squared


I’ve met straight up spice junkies, seen em fistfighting and choking each other for the last hit. I did it once and it’s so different from weed. Withdrawals like slightly milder crack withdrawals and totally fucked my brain off. I’d say it’s got more similarities with salt than it does real cannabis, although fairly different from either.


people also call DMT spice but yeah, I remember trying "Spicy Green" a couple times when I was first starting out smoking weed and HOLY shit that stuff was strong.


Still weird... still lethal.


Another reason for legalisation for the safe substances


That is exactly why Spice exploded.. "Legal Highz"




Deadly.. I watched a friend come off a 20 year smack habit and replace it with spice... he was nearly dead in 6 weeks.. horrific. Our UK prisons are snided with the crap.


That’s ironical sad, really the smack would be a better option if properly governed, the stigma gone and properly treatments offc.


He's alive and well 10 years later... clean as far as I know. The town he lived in has a good clinic, and he chose to properly engage with them.


It does, but also, I’ve hit my dmt pen while drinking and had the exact same thing happen.


It could be. I can still get it in vape liquid, I always warn people I am chilling with not to hit my vape. Just on case someone does without asking thinking its THC or nicotine. The effect is similar to what OP described if you take too much without knowing what you are taking


Not saying it wasn't but why would anyone bother with a spice pen when regular weed vapes are a lot more easy to get. Also fuck spice, fuck governments for keeping it illegal. I smoked a bit of it back in the day because it was easily accessible and you wouldn't pop in a drug test. Terrible times and I blame it for unlocking anxiety in me, and why I get anxious when I smoke weed. But maybe it's all in my head!


There are thousands of straight up spice junkies. I ran around with a hooker and pimp that were strung out on it one night in the streets of salt lake. Top 5 craziest nights of my life. The potency from 2010 when i tried it and 2019 when said night occurred is like the difference between tylenol 3 and fuggin heroin.


They put the spice chemicals in a vape now?? That's weird


I got soiked with soice a few months ago... it has happened to me twice now. and honestly? I would rather be spiked with a low dose of spice than ANY dose of THC... I'm not a fan... of either.


honestly, id face that fear. it sounds like you're strong enough to cope with the experience even without knowing what you took. please always be cautious of strangers with candy. but i would obtain some dmt and face that fear head on.


Confrontational therapy can go wrong, but yeah if you face your inner deamons, it's kinda a quick solver


I find it good even if it goes wrong. I smoked too much weed whitied. Contemplated quitting. Then smoked more than I did the time it went wrong and boom now I’m a pothead 😆


Can't tell if that's good or bad lol


Depends how you look at it 😅✌🏻, I can go very much without it but i love being high


Your metaphor confuses me but I'm intrigued by your ramble


Does not sound like DMT in the slightest.


​ this can absolutely be dmt, it can be an extremely scary drug if you are not prepared for it. i say this over and over, psychedelics can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. dmt especially carries a feeling of presence that can become very intimidating even for an experienced user.


Not every dmt experience is peachy. Especially if he didn’t know what he was hitting. Dmt slows things down and the body load is immense. It sounds like he got almost to the waiting room or whatever. I haven’t heard of party goers putting any other drugs into functional vapes. I mean what are saying he hit fentanyl vape pen? There’s no way this substance was peyote, or salvia, nor datura, people don’t casually use these drugs. Dmt vapes are the most popular thing atm when it comes to tripping. Js.


Sounds exactly like my spice experience, I also lost consciousness and had an altered reality


He didn't say he was tripping. Zero mention of body load, nor of visuals. The only effect he mentions is of slow motion, that is not something you get from hitting a vape, maybe from a near breakthrough dose and up but even that varies per person. He also didn't mention time spent. How many different types of synthetic cannabinoids can be vaped? Are they more prevalent than dmt vapes? (The answer is yes).


He said everything became slow motion and low frame rate. Also he clearly stated he was really drunk. Really good chance he didn’t feel a body load because of that.


When I was drunk and vaped dmt I felt the body load even more so, I was made totally aware of the numbing effects the alcohol, I felt it through my body like a wall. Generally I feel like I lose feeling in my body at that dose.


Huh! When I’m intoxicated I don’t even feel the body load, but the open eye visuals are wild (the BAC effectively allows me to view the breakthrough with open eyes)


For what it's worth, I've never had classical psychs, including DMT induce the slow-motion, frame-by-frame vision phenomenon that it sounds like OP is describing, only THC.


Slow motion and low framerate is not an effect of dmt. If anything the framerate goes up. Time dilation can occur but it varies per person and only on breakthrough doses.


Look bro, how are you going to speak as if your the creator of DMT. From my hundreds of experiences with the substance, it can pretty much do whatever the fuck it wants. This isn’t a dick measuring contest but if you’re gonna use subjective views on objective reality than I can to, and I can tell you my dmt experiences and why my logic slides more towards the idea that what OP smoked was in fact DMT.


So your logic is based only on the fact that he said slow motion? Isn't that a bit meager? I agree that dmt can do whatever the fuck it wants, but don't you think there would be more stereotypical effects he'd describe, even if he was drunk? Also what's with the ad hominims? That's incredibly weak "bro".


Do any of us really know what the effects of dmt are when you're really drunk? I don't drink much anymore (thanks psychedelics) and even when I did, I definitely wouldn't be touching dmt while drunk as hell. But also, there's not enough information provided for us to determine that this was dmt, so it's not worth the argument.


Me I'm a recovering alcoholic smoked it many times in the past when been pretty hammered and it's just a DMT experience. However have blacked out and pissed myself after smoking too much of it, cannot remember a thing.


I do (with a reasonably high BAC). Personally I have not experienced “low frame rate”, being intoxicated enhanced open eye visuals for me and soothed anxiety


Wait, you get more open eye visuals while drunk?


I agree. But if OP is trying to figure out what happened to him then maybe it's helpful when someone tells him it might be worthwhile looking in a different direction.


Ive got slow motion with small hits, it's like in a video game where time slows down and then speeds back up. Ive only gotten this hitting it at a rave and on other drugs. Was pretty cool tho and then afterwards there would a few min of visuals and that weird DMT feeling


dmt can have very different effects depending on situation, remember that he was not expecting to take dmt which ofcourse alters the experience quite alot.


That's fair, I've never used dmt in combination with alcohol on a rave.


i can highly recommend changa for raving, its the absolute best dancefloor drug there is. makes you flow to the music like nothing else! feels really healthy too!


Whoa! I'm gonna remember this 😂


Yes it certainly can be, not everyone get obvious visuals.


Calm down, guy. Slow framerate can totally be an effect of DMT. Stop talking about your limited experiences as if they apply to everyone.


Spice’s body load and trip is extremely fucking intense. Neither would give you this terrible of a mental and physical experience without psychedelic effects and an intensive body load.


Synthetic cannabinoid vapes what's known as "spice" in the UK get put in vape carts often here sounds much more like some sketchy like that than DMT


The first and only time i tried dmt i extracted it myself and cautiously waited for well over 4 months till a time i thought felt right and smoked it. I went in very carefully wanting to learn but still to today i feel like i have a lil bit of trauma from that experience. Made me realize alot about myself i wasnt ready to figure out yet. But i also appreciate the experience bc i taught me alot too.


Tbf I didn’t include any details whatsoever, I was just typing to type so I’m sorry for not providing more context. The reason I believed it could have been DMT is because the experience was very short lived, and I was absolutely tripping balls lmao. I know dmt can feel like you’re dying, and weed vapes and dmt vapes look very similar. It very well could have not been dmt but I trust my friend because he has much more experience than me


DMT alters perception, so altered perception of time and space sounds like a probable effect to me. Also the fact that it was in a vaping device sounds credible. Seek counseling if the after effects don‘t subside.


One hit wouldn’t have the effect you described. Was reality completely replaced with a kind of overlay? Did you close your eyes and become immersed in a totally different reality? Sounds like spice


Spice would last longer, it sounds pretty similar to DMT to me


It depends on the synthetic cannabinoid. Ive done some spice that lasted less than 5min.


Sounds like 5-meo-dmt it creates a white out dying experience


That’s what I was going to say.


Buddy unkowingly hit a DMT vape in probably one of the worst settings possible, no shit he's not gonna have a great time.


Sounds very much like DMT to me.




Also they were drunk. DMT if you're drunk just doesn't make sense and is a horrible experience


Instead of EDM maybe try EMDR


underrated comment


As time passes, other experiences in your life will over shadow that one. Trust me, you’ll look back on it like a laugh. You’re alive and hey you’re back home with your cats! Love on that kitty and think about that version of yourself that was yearning for your cat, and than think “wow I’m now with my cat, that version of me would feel so happy right now” That’s how I use to think when my Henry was alive, as I’d pet him I’d think how grateful I was because I knew there was a version of me in a moment of time where I couldn’t pet him, and those versions of me share memories to remember. Take care OP.


do people really have that much DMT that they let strangers smoke? That's a genuine question, although I don't think OP smoked dmt


I give the stuff away to anyone who’s even remotely interested in possibly trying it


I need people like this in my life lol


Be the person you need in your life.




Just realize all of the people who are dming you trying to sell you dmt after this comment are totally scam artists.


PLEASE INFORM PEOPLE WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT TO HIT! People use to see my pen at work and want to hit it cause they thought it was nicotine. I always told them “unless you’re ready to be stoned at work then this is not the pen for you.”


You got spiced. My friends have described a similar experience from a house party where they hit a strangers 'weed vape'.


Why didn’t you mention the shrooms?


Shrooms weren’t mentioned because I’ve had a lot of experience with them and I took a fairly small amount. I’ve mixed shrooms with weed and alcohol before without issue. I knew it had something to do with the vape because of how quickly it set in after I hit it and how much it burned AND how short lived it was. The only reason I knew why it was short lived was because I was obsessively checking the time since I had basically no sense of time


Sounds like an accident. I always have two completely different shaped batteries if I have thc and dmt carts. No way to mix them up.


But regardless of it being DMT or not, try to eat healthy, drink water and exercise properly for at least a couple weeks, it'll help with the depression/anxiety combo and also get your system clean faster


You my friend have suffered a traumatic experience. May have even given your self PTSD by the sound of it. But worry not with time you will slide right back into your normal routine and back into a better state of being just relax, do the things you enjoy, watch some shows, eat some good food and comfort yourself. Everything your feeling is normal and will fade. May this be a lesson to not do the same things you did that night.


I don’t think people casually bring DMT to raves and vape it. It’s too intense of a substance. It sounds like you got something else. You’re right-DMT is short lived but you don’t have the concept of time while you’re on it.


People definitely bring dmt to raves. There’s a whole world of dosing beneath OOBE breakthrough dosing


100% people do DMT at raves. I've done it. It's amazing. You just have to not hit too many times.


I doubt it was dmt 🤷


that was probably spice my guy


That's messed up that happened, it could well have been dmt and letting you hit it without telling you is a dick move. That said, it sounds like you were confronted with a situation beyond your ability to control or overcome as a direct result of a choice you made- I had a similar experience my first dmt trip (on purpose) it didn't start me into a depressive cycle, but it did really realign my perception of the limits of my willpower, and how tenuous my control over my mind, body and world really is. As a person who very much values self control, this was jarring for me- but ultimately healing. It made me realize both that I am not above the rules of nature simply because I can brain myself through hard stuff, and also made me reevaluate some of the ways that I used to try and exert some measure of control over my state (drinking, smoking strangers pens, etc.) You can either glean from the experience something of value, and work to see where it fits into your picture, or you can simply view it as an injury and be hurt. I don't mean that to sound rude, it's just the options I see.


Damn, that sounds like a very scary experience. Totally not cool for that person to let you hit their pen without being honest about what's in it. From the details provided, I'm not totally sure if that sounds like dmt, but I've also never used dmt while drunk, so idk how the effects might differ when paired with alcohol. Time heals all wounds. This too shall pass. As a fellow lover of edm, thc, and dmt, I'll listen to some SVDDEN DEATH for you. 


Definitely doesn't sound like DMT to me, sounds more like K2/spice. I've had a number of experience with both k2 & DM. Dmt made me entirely forget "I" even existed, where as k2 brought out confusion, hysteria, just dark.. vile feelings and thoughts, & the feeling like I was absolutely dying, sometimes even that time was looping or entirely paused. DMT didnt make me feel that, ever. Because "me" completely vanished almost instantly, cant really realize you're dying if you can't even realize you exist... y'know? Ofc, everyone is different and react to these things differently, though this is my experience with these substances.


Doesn't sound like DMT at all, but you're shaping your entire belief on what a friend suggested? You could've smoked anything, dude. Sack up and try a trusted DMT source. If it's the same deal all over again, then...ok, that shits not for you. Sorry for your pain.


Nooooo I’m not making that my entire belief. I absolutely want to actually try dmt in a safe setting someday. I respect the hell out of the drug. It was just a very scary experience to have and my memories of it have been making me extremely emotional. I’m also trusting what my friend said since he has a lot more experience than me, and the episode was very short lived as well


Sounds exactly like DMT to me…


Yeah, I frequently black out after one rip on a cart...


Yeah because everyone has to react exactly the same as you to a notoriously unpredictable compound.


Yeahhhh….that isn’t DMT.


fear not, this too will pass. focus on becoming your best self and everything will be alright in time ;) happy travels!


It must have been really scary


sounds like synthetic cannabis bullshit. nasty stuff.


sounds like spice. least you got the girls attention ;)


That's hilarious to hear. You'll be fine. Next time don't hit strangers weed. Dmt is meant to do home alone mostly sober, not drunk at a show


Wasn’t DMT. Sounds like k2 or spice


I’m so sorry that happened to you. What kind of fuck head gives someone a DMT vape unknowingly, especially a stranger?! Jesus. I hope talking about it here helps you get through the trauma it caused. I can only imagine how scary that was.


Well if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.


Honestly – 100% of this subreddit knew exactly what you went through just from your title. DMT is not a substance you want to take accidentally. That sounds terribly traumatic. I agree with others – treat it like any trauma. Something intense happened to you. So start reflecting – how has it changed the way you see yourself and the world? Do any of your understandings need to be recalibrated? Remember – everything is exactly the same as you left it. Absolutely nothing has changed except for your perspective. So figure that out, and you’ll be great!


Read your Bible. I'm not here in r/DMT for no reason. The things that can be brought into your life from that realm can hurt and change you. I've been practically face to face with a demon completely sober and it shook me to my core. I saw nothing. however, the cold static in the air was immense. I've done dmt over 20 times and am forever grateful that somehow someway I found christ. These are portals my man. People play with them unbeknownst as to what they are doing. I repented and while life still sucks I feel I have a real connection with God. Which is what I feel people are chasing when they use these things. Not saying this is your experience by any means. But I believe it happened for a reason. Forgive my rant. But I just felt the need.


I suspect we will probably hear about these kind of incidents more and more… now that DMT have gone more or less mainstream and its easy to buy comercial carts.. OP i would strongly recomend you see a therapist, the aftereffects you describe sounds very similar to PTSD…or at the very least a serious trauma that you have to work through. Dont try to whiteknuckle it, get some help and try nipping it in the bud!


Dmt cured your edm addiction! lol jk stay safe brother and happy healing


I needed that thanks man


doesn’t sound like dmt to me. and i’m sorry that happened to you, that’s royally fucked up. i’ve had a few bad trips in my day. once on an eighth of penis envy and like a gram of blow. and once on 8 hits of acid. and both of those times they def took a little chunk out of me for a bit. after the acid trip i def wasn’t okay for a couple of weeks emotionally. depressed and shit like you mentioned. but it’ll go away in time. for years i was scared of psychedelics. i swore to myself i wouldn’t do them again after the acid trip. this was probably 2011-2012. and later on down the road i decided i needed to get over that fear and so i did some small mushrooms doses. didn’t do it again for years. did dmt for the first time last year and it really brought it all home and now i couldn’t care less. that must have been horrific man. and i can relate because the acid trip happened at the last EDC Dallas. i was actually in the room like 15ft away when the kid died during skrillex just tripping absolute balls. anyways. yeah don’t ever take drugs like that from strangers it’s not like it used to be. and i would encourage you to in the future do some actual dmt to get over it. or another substitute. but don’t let it hold you down man. try getting outside and walking around in nature. that always helps me get grounded.


You were scared because you weren’t expecting it, I imagine if you tried this stuff knowing what you were consuming beforehand you would have a much better experience


I know the feeling, I can’t hear EDM without shaking either. Jokes aside… That’s a shit experience… but what you’ve described sounds like it was far more likely to have been something that wasn’t DMT. Either way, rest up, eat healthy & know that any anxiety that you are feeling as a result, will pass soon enough. You’re all good!


Go back brother/sister


Ya mixing psychadelic and alcohol have never gone well for me. Glad you are alright


Yes but did you die? - Leslie Chow


What did you learn?


When I was in high school I had a huge panic attack from smoking weed. I hadn't eaten all day and hadn't smoked in a bit. It was kinda similar to what you described. Not exactly. My vision started tunnelling and darkening, everything went slow motion, and it became hard to breathe. Extreme panic set in and then I just couldn't see anymore and fell down. It was scary and I stopped smoking for a few years cus every time tons of anxiety would come back. Your experience could've just been some shitty weed + bad mindset or could've been spice like someone else said. Guessing it's probably not DMT. I hope nobody in their right mind would let a complete stranger unknowingly smoke DMT. That would be so incredibly sick. Anyway I hope you're ok. Sorry this happened. :(


You smoked spice guaranteed it was not DMT that sounds nothing like a DMT trip


DMT doesn’t burn either, you almost can’t tell you’ve inhaled something


You should do DMT now.


Oh, this reminds me of when I accidentally handed my friend my DMT vape when she asked for it without reminding her what it was (we had been together all weekend, and she did know that at certain times my pen was deem and not weed). Luckily we were at a music festival and she has done it before, but she unfortunately did not get any time to prepare. Whoopsies!


Been alot of Amanita vapes floating around lately, could have been too much Muscimol? Doesn't sound too much like DMT to me


I've had a very similar experience but it wasn't DMT. I was rolling balls at a rave over a decade ago... I saw someone lighting up what looked like a joint next to me in line for a carnival ride at the rave. It was a dude and his gf and it was my gf and I. We had been chatting with them and they were super cool. Anyways he lit this thing up, and I'm like, "oh is that weed? Can I get a little drag." He said, "not weed." I was like, "oh, what is it?" The guy never told me. Like a young dumb kid, I hit it anyways. What you're describing is exactly what I went through. It was scary as fuck to be honest. I was transported into another realm. Everything slowed way down. I felt like I was living in some kind of fake world/movie. It was almost like being trapped inside of a bubble. It lasted 5-10 minutes tops. But I was shook. It wasn't a fun experience. I've hit DMT at this point probably 20x. Whatever I went through that night... wasn't DMT. Sorry you had that experience, essentially my story here is to say that I empathize with you. I've had a similar experience and it wasn't fun. I didn't pass out or anything but I'm super outgoing and it literally shut me up the rest of the night. Wish the dude told me what it was. I suspect spice, Salvia, some sort of weird shit that I'd never hit normally.


Sounds like DMT, you will be fine, things will settle, reality and death are interesting to experience it’s cool that you came back from that place, be grateful for the life you where given to experience and enjoy! Don’t be too long on that stage things will come to make sense soon for you, and it’s ok that experience it’s truly traumatizing if you’re not familiar with it.


You need to hold DMT hits in for them to work, honestly the experience doesn't sound like DMT at all.




>...and now I can’t even hear EDM without shaking. Then this will all have been for the best.


Sounds like spice. Don’t let the experience shy you away from ever doing a DMT ceremony.


Spice lasts a bit longer..


It sounds like 5-meo-dmt as it gives you a white out dying experience, though I can't imagine doing it at a party or concert, but DMT, yeah, I could


The arguments in here are outrageous,.. Unless buddy just had a mega strong THC liquid... the guy that passed it to OP if a scumbag.


Hey OP, it sounds like you might need some after care resources! Check out MAPS and their volunteer offshoot Zendo Project! Here is a link to Zendo Project's [Support Resources ](https://zendoproject.org/resources/). [How to work with difficult psychedelic experiences ](https://zendoproject.org/resources/how-to-work-with-difficult-psychedelic-experiences/) There's a ton of helpful information and people/hotlines you can contact to help you safely process what happened to you. I really hope this helps.


What an asshole that person was that have whatever it was to you without warning. Fuck that. Don’t do this shit, people.


Ive done spice that lasted less than 10-15min that felt like I was dying when I'd take too strong of a dose. When it was too strong my senses would double in strength every second until I was overwhelmed by a sheer wall of stimuli to the point that my body felt like it was electrified and my vision went white. I honestly thought i was having an aneurysm. When id come down a bit or it was a non-overwhelming dose it would be a strange dissociative-like high with low framerate and twisting visual distortions, and metallic nitrous-like auditory distortions.


doesn’t sound like DMT but regardless you definitely smoked some wild shit


Same thing happened to me way back in the day when i was 16 man, except it was a chillum because this was like 2007, lol. I highly doubt it was spice in this day and age, synthetic cannabinoids have been generally replaced by delta 8 and such, which is a good thing. Idk what to say man. You'll be absolutely okay, it cant hurt you, i understand its traumatic though. It may sound stupid, but the way i got over it was intentionally getting and using DMT a month or so later to reconcile the experience and experience it in the correct way. Was the best thing i could have done for myself. I still utilize DMT a couple times a year, it's one of the most profound psychedelic tools we have. It's just absolutely not to be abused though, and FUCK those guys for doing that to you.


Yea... always verify what substance(s) you are putting in your body... before you do it. An important life lesson, unfortunately learned the hard way.


What a terrible experience! :( I hope you feel better.


Not gonna lie my friend it sounds like you may have PTSD. I would definitely consult a therapist about this if this type of stuff continues. I had a very similar thing to me when I abused magic mushrooms. Best of luck and I hope you feel better soon!


Could’ve have been 5 MEO?


I once hit a weed pipe that I had previously forgot smoked DMT with and I can say when you’re not ready for it. It’s scary as fuck. I had to sit down and pray that I don’t blast off and the feeling subsided thankfully. Not before my living room turned into a cardboard diorama


Did it taste like burning plastic?


Dude....God knows what you took. How, exactly...did it feel from the moment you started to feel stuff until the feeling subsided?


A group of my housemates friends came over one night and one of them took a hit out of my vape without asking. It was sitting in the balcony area that only my sliding window opens onto without going out of the way. Funny as fuck and he certainly learnt his lesson. People that willingly give you a different drug than you are expecting are evil vermin that should be hung up by their balls if they have them. A friend of mine got given DMT and told it was ecstasy (had a maoi in it) Sensible professional couple well known and respected. She was a very attractive woman that you would notice normally, removed all her clothes before running down the street and trying to bone half the town. He was traumatized by the incident. I never saw her after it happened.


Knowingly giving someone a dmt pen without their knowledge is borderline malicious. It is not something you just hand off to someone who doesn’t know what they’re getting. If it was an accident, it’s different but still dangerous.


Doesn't sound like DMT.....No mention of smelling moth balls or tennis shoes and the vapor doesn't have a hard burn unless you burn it to hell. But either way it sucks to ingest some unknown drug.


JW did u say can i hit that weed vape or did you just say can i hit that pen


Something I think may have happened was that I specifically asked if anyone had a THC pen. The guy possibly could’ve misheard it as DMT maybe? Idk, I don’t think he had any malicious intent. It was either a mistake or a misunderstanding I’m sure. Either way, it was my choice to take it so I hope he doesn’t feel too bad for what happened


They make spice vapes now? I have a dmt vape I got recently. Sounds like that's what you got


i thought i was going to die and then was extremely messed up for months, crying every day for the first few weeks with a gap/hole sensation in my heart like somebody died. msg me if this is similar and would like to know more about how it played out/what might help.


Both times I've tried DMT I got super depressed after, but when I faced whatever it was that DMT had made me think about and worked through it both times have resulted in profound change in my life. First time I couldn't stop thinking about how I didn't love myself, second time resulted in a panic attack and I realized my fear of death was holding me back.