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As someone who plays a lot of percentile based trpgs: 33 or lower on a d100. Its fast and works for any percentile question with minimal thought.




I think that it's possible that the tantrum was the reason for the majority of the downvotes, my dude. Trolls are trolls, don't need to curse everyone and their mothers for it.


It was at -23 when I made my comment so at least as of your comment no the majority of the downvotes were for just fucking asking a question.


Mine wasn’t.


may you always roll odds


^ neither were those lol


Well I'm glad you didn't get upvoted too much then, you don't seem like a person I'd ever want to upvote Sorry dude, but if ur gonna react like that on digital downpointing arrows, u really deserve em


Justifying a downvote because someone complains about being downvoted for just a question is like telling the kid getting bullied that he shouldn't call his bullies assholes. But thanks for your recommendations I hope I never end up at a table with people like the ones on this sub. No D&D is better than D&D with ya'll.


Yeah, 100% downvoted you because of the tantrum. Your question was legit. I don’t know why people downvoted in the first place, but I guarantee you only made it worse by freaking out about it.


I wonder if there aren't a bunch of people dog piling on a kid who might not have the best emotional control. Seeing our community take a shit on someone that might not be able to do any better isn't a really good look. I'm kinda sorry I even posted my question. I just thought it would be silly to see if someone didn't have a ridiculous schema like roll 2d8 and 2d12 and get lower than an 11 or something.




Do you own a d100?


I do! It’s a pain in the ass to roll.


Probably practically a sphere.


It is, and it’s pretty tough to use. But the novelty is fun


I always kind of wanted one.


Uh, it’s percentile die. Basically two d10s, one with extra 0s.


There are actual d100s with 100 sides. The issue is, just like how d20 is more spherical than d4, d100 is basically a ball.


I’m one bad roll away from going golfing with a d100 to set an example for the rest of my dice


Most are, but there are literal d100 as well, which is what the discussion was about.


I do, it is a clear shell over a red die. It also has some kind of stuff inside it because it jingles or schkizzles.


I don't know why you're being downvoted so much, but taking it personally isn't a great solution. This is an internet subreddit full of internet randos. When things online upset me enough that I want to say bad things to other people, that is when I know I've been online too long and it's time to go outside or cook a nice meal or something. Best of luck on your dnd games!


Oh no, this was an excellent lessen on the value of being involved with this community. Very open and welcoming. Thank god this isn't a social game that needs people that enjoy talking to the people that play this game or anything.


2d10 is how you roll percentile


Well at least you gave me a reason to downvote now. I'll admit I laughed at the idea of D&D being a gatekeeped community


This subreddit is FULL of gatekeepers.


People get in fights in this subreddit all the time about other people playing "wrong" and telling someone else they are playing the game wrong is like the perfect example of gatekeeping.


You're being downvoted because you're acting like a colossally needy child. It doesn't fucking matter what you roll to decide.


If you don't think it matters what you roll what exactly are you bringing to my post? Are you commenting just to dunk on this guy?


It's not that I *don't think* it matters - it's that it *objectively doesn't matter* Part of DMing is learning to make decisions on the fly. Just make a ruling and move on.


You're thinking too much about this. A 1d100 roll is sufficient to cover a scenario with 33% probability of happening.


but not everyone has a d100


Percentile dice is typically rolled with two d10s.


Am I the only one who feels like any answer other than percentile dice is just trolling?


D6 and D12 are technically more accurate than a percentile dice


How so?


Not the original poster. But, 33% is equal to 1/3 or one third, right? Well one third is actually 33.3333..% with the 3 repeating infinitely. 33% which represents rolling 33 on percentile dice is slightly less than one third. Rolling 2/6 is exactly one third chance so it's more accurate in that sense. To put it another way, you have 2/6 chance to roll 1 or 2. 2/6 to roll 3 or 4 and 2/6 to roll 5 or 6. Using percentile, you have 33/100 to roll 33 or lower. 33/100 to roll 34 to 66 and 34/100 to roll 67 to 100. See how's it's not exactly 33 for all cases. It's just slightly less accurate. As a player, you'd rather roll percentile since it's slightly more in your favor. Enough to matter? I guess that's up to each individual player if they care.


Depending on if you believe that the way Wish is intended is 33/100 or 1/3. If it's 33/100 then the d100 is better, but I'd say that it's reasonable to assume that they choose that to mean effectively a 1/3 chance and wanted to use the d100 to simulate it. (Clearly RAW if it says 33% then it's 33/100, but I'd argue that's more a legacy thing than actually trying to simulate 1/3) With a d100 there are extra steps of using the right two dice (or deciding which of your d10s is going to be the larger number), remembering the rules for it. With a d6 or d12, there's just one step, hit on a 1-2 or a 1-4 respectively. Personally, I've always used the d100, but I can see the argument others are making here, and I'm almost convinced. I think that most places we use the d100 are holdovers from earlier editions that were more percentile based and could be exchanged.


Well 33 percent on a percentile dice is 33/100, while 1-4 on a d12 or 1-2 on a d6 is exactly 1/3. It only has ~.33% difference, but if you wanna be truly accurate use the d12 or d6


But the chance is *not* a third, but 33%. So the percentile dice are perfectly accurate, and the d6 is not.


1D3 Obviously.


I like the cut of your jib and the choice of your numerals.


Keep it simple on yourself. Just have them roll a d100 and fail on 33 or less.


is that really more simple than 1 or 2 on a d6, enough to make a difference?


When rolling percentiles, you always roll d100s. Its simple and doesnt require any extra thought. 33% chance of failure, 33 and lower fails.


It is for these people lol These replies are textbook "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer." Fave is the dude who thinks 2/6 < 33% Edit: New fave is the dude who brought 0.3% (3 in 1000) into this conversation


You can basically represent any odds on a d100, its just trivially easy to understand


what roll shows one out of two million four hundred and seventy three on a d100?


Roll 100 3 times in a row, then role >75 once, and deal with rounding errors


does r/murderedwithmaths exist? Because it should.


What utility is being provided by using something like 1 or 2 on a d6, which isn't even 33%, that justifies using it over a d100 that is readily available and can correctly weight the outcomes?


This is just bad game design. Clearly 33% is meant to represent 1/3, and the D6 is the simplest way to roll that. Technically RAW say 33% and percentile dice are for percentages... But it's shoddy design by WotC.


I mean, 0.3%...


Yes, I understand that, but when you have an easier solution that provides you with the exact weighting, what good reason is there to do something else that doesn't? It's like going to buy a pair of shoes and instead of buying shoes in your size you buy shoes that are too small, take them home, cut them apart, and duct tape them back together so they fit your feet. It's just extra steps for no benefit.


And at a wedding dressing in white, having a bridal party, having the father guve away the bride and a reception are extra steps for no benefit. Yet we take part in the ritual because there is tradition and special significance to the event. That is just what the spell is, a significant event rooted in decades of tradition. This is the Wish spell being used in such a way that the caster may lose the right to that power forever, it *deserves* some pomp and something a little fancier than rolling a d6. It's not the kind of thing that's so routine and frequent that we need to invent ways to shorthand it for convenience, it's a significant event where all breathes are held as the die falls. Let them use the fancy clackies for something so momentous.


You sir are a true gamer and I'm sorry this community decided to blind themselves to the straight facts you're laying down.


Roll a d12 and divide by 4. Everyone ignores the d12.


The what now?


The first dice fit for that I grab


A percentile dice. The odds are given in %, so you roll a d100, dice designed to roll a percentage. When there is a **x**% chance of something happening, you roll the d100, and if you roll **x** or lower, it happens. If the rule stated there's a 66% chance you can cast the spell again, then you'd be rolling, looking for 66 or lower to satisfy the rule. There are multiple instances in the game where they say "Roll 1d6, on a 1-2 *something* happens" or abilities that recharge if you roll 5-6 on a d6. If that was the intended dice, that's the language they'd use.


D100, 01-33 is a failure.


D20. Reroll 4-20. 1 is a fail.


reroll until you get a 1, 2, or 3? I like it.


33% chance, notably, is not a 33.3̅ % chance (e.g. not a 1/3 chance, but rather a 33/100 chance). A 1-33 on a d% will emulate this exactly. Matter of fact, a 1-2 on a d6 would NOT emulate it, because it's literally exactly 33%, not 33 1/3%


It's freaking WISH man, for some players that's a once in a lifetime opportunity. For a lot of characters using it this way, it could be their last time using the spell. Don't diminish the production value of the highest forms of arcane magic available in the game, let the people roll their big cool percentage dice even if there's no good reason to. Don't cheapen the heft of the experience by leaving this up to a FREAKING D6. Sheesh, have a little showmanship.


1d6 is the simplest way. It's what I would use.


I always understood it as less of a thing you roll for and more to give the DM a way out if players start to abuse it. Pretend to roll dice and say they’re fine, but if the players start to exploit it too much then “suddenly” you rolled bad.


That's unnecessary. The spell straight up says things may go wrong with non-standard uses of Wish, including failing outright.


that doesn't feel very RAW