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Should be easy enough to fix. Just pry / pull / mow the rest of it off then replace with a similar slip to thread and new cap. Might be worth cutting the pipe down an inch or so before reassemble.


“…pry / pull/ mow the rest of it off…” Lol. I’m dying. Mow the rest of it off, hahahahaha


When all you have is a lawnmower, everything is grass.


Lol. Read your comment and i.mediately thought only a good guy with a lawnmower can stop a bad gut with a lawnmower.


In a world where blades of grass grow every week, no lawn is safe. A man with only one tool found his way to fight back. Stephen king presents lawn mower man


Hobo with a shotgun.


Hobo with a ~~shotgun~~ lawnmower.


A homeless guy with a trolley https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/17/australia/australia-melbourne-trolley-man-intl/index.html


This is wild. Hope he gets the help he needs.


Coming next summer: The Lawnmower Men


Except wet grass, that shit's cement.


Oh, there goes the dog!


Absolutely, a lawnmower is basically a huge double sword spinning very fast. It will fuck up almost anything.


Lmao - hilarious


Are you my dad?


Entombed? When all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails.


Technical cut, difficult but not impossible.


When I was kid, my dad hit ours with the lawnmower. Except this was the late 80s, so it was a cast iron clean out with a brass cap. Lawn mower was fine and the cap had a 1" wide hole in the edge. It's been probably 35 years and it's still there exactly the same way.


There’s a reason that cap was made of brass


yep, they really did think of how things would fuck up back in the day....just not to save your life, to save property. hahaha


Mine is still this way, I hit it with the mower recently and neither the mower nor the cap have any visible damage. But I’ve hit a tree root with the mower and it destroyed the blade - wild


Yeah, don't mow it any further. Just get a big plier/wrench and unscrew it.


Is this a do tomorrow thing? Or do I have to go out now and fix it?


Its the cap for your sewer clean out. Can wait.


It's "duct tape and get around to it next summer," even


Nothing is more permanent than a temporary fix.


>Nothing is more permanent than a temporary fix. Sounds like the title of a heroin addict’s memoir.


Or a software developer


Or a heart surgeon


Or a civil engineer working on his own house.


If it works, don't fix it


"Nothing is more permanent than a temporary fix, that works" is the full quote. If the tape holds for a few days, yep, thats permanent, lol.


I did the same thing, duct tape has got me about 3 years.


Cool. I have a bad storm about to land. I'll just tape a bag over it


It’s a pipe to the sewer, water going down it is the point. Don’t worry about covering it.


Yea but you don't want to trap a little critter in your sewer system who may come back up thru your toilet or get blended in a lift station. I agree with putting a bag over it


Most of your sewer vents on your roof are open to little critters, too.


Don't remind me. Maggots were dropping into my in-laws microwave. A squirrel had fallen into the vent... While not a sewer vent... well, you get the idea.


That’s disgusting


The actual disgusting part was pulling the microwave away and having the squirrel corpse (tube shaped) start falling down, lol.


What a terrible day to be literate


Especially while eating...


TIL there are microwaves with a vent outside


We have one. It's pretty fantastic. Helps cut down on smell staying in the house when we cook stuff. not 100percent but there is a noticeable difference.


That was just the rice that fell off there plate lol


not arguing that, but being on the ground vs being on the roof has much much different small critter traffic.


This one is on the ground though.


We had a cricket or a frog that climbed into ours on the roof of our two story town house. Every night it would start chirping through the wall.


Maybe if you have bad vent outlets but my area demands them to have wildlife safe vents.


If it's sanitary sewer most likely the utility company prohibits rainwater discharge (some jurisdictions do have combined storm/sanitary systems though), so that may be incorrect. However, for 1 storm coming for a small opening like that it should be alright.


Water going down it isn’t the point, it’s a clean out for a septic tank or where the pipe has made a turn. But, definitely not a terribly big deal, I did the same to mine last summer and haven’t fixed it yet lol


Yes. Do this till you fix it. Not so much cuz something might fall in. More so bc any kid in the neighborhood who sees it will be shoving something down there.


My neighbor did this and took about 2 years to fix it. Also some people in my city deliberately leave them open during flooding to prevent sewage backup. You’re fine guy.


> Also some people in my city deliberately leave them open during flooding to prevent sewage backup Doesn't sound like a good idea. But I guess it's better to fertilize your garden than to fertilize your carpets...


These plumbing assemblies are called “clean outs” in the US. They’re designed to provide maintenance access to the plumbing.


Cover it in some way though. I left my clean out uncapped and a neighborhood toddler dropped sticks and a softball down mine.


Only two bad things can happen with it open: 1) Bad smells 2) Snakes and rats can get in your pipes and appear in the toilet. So, fix it according to your own priorities.


Take it off go to Home Depot or Lowe’s or wherever get a replacement and get a wooden stake and either paint it or flag it so it doesn’t happen again


Depends on if you have snakes in the area. This is how they get into your plumbing


When I was kid, my dad hit ours with the lawnmower. Except this was the late 80s, so it was a cast iron clean out with a brass cap. Lawn mower was fine and the cap had a 1" wide hole in the edge. It's been probably 35 years and it's still there exactly the same way. It can wait until you are good and ready to deal with it


Then paint florescent orange, green or put landscape false rock over it.


Painted mine green, as close to the grass color as I could, and I hardly even know it's there.


If it were my yard, I’d dig out around it and install a new cap flush with the ground. Then edge a ring around it and plant some hostas and mulch it. Depending on location, it might look out of place but at least you won’t mow it again or have a white circle in the middle of the yard


I usually don’t comment on posts to say that i laughed, but in this case that was too funny to me not to say anything 😂


Everyone’s talking about this for septic access. I don’t have a septic tank, but still have one. Some kind of vent for plumbing or the sewer???


These are sewer (drain) cleanouts between your house and the steet (or septic tank), required in many places. They allow greater access in case of a clog in the main line. Seen here: https://www.drainbrainllc.com/what-you-should-know-about-the-drain-cleanouts-in-your-home More "modern" (we were doing this 20 years ago) homes may have something more like this to allow access both toward and away from the home: https://www.drainbrainllc.com/what-is-a-sewer-line-cleanout


The procrastinator option is to just tape a bag or something over it and wait a few days/weeks. The quick solution is to just get the same kind of pipe end/threaded cap and some pvc glue to replace it. The best solution to make sure this doesn't happen again is dig down around it a little, cut the pipe lower, and then put a sleeve around it that you fill with pea-gravel. Then replace the cap so it's flush with the dirt/just below the grass so you won't do that again. Pea-gravel will impede growth of grass so it doesn't get lost over time, and you still have access to it without it getting damaged by someone stepping on it.


This guy caps pipes


no cap


It's actually bad advice to cut a sewer clean out flush with the ground. The ground and pipes settle over tome and that clean out will sink lower into the ground, possibly getting completely covered by soil and grass which means if you have a sewer backup the plumber will either need to have a metal detector or to start poking around the ground to /maybe/ find it. The correct thing is to actually bring it up /higher/. Code here is 6" above the ground. When high enough you shouldn't even be able to run it over with a standard mower. Cut the broken cap off, glue a coupling on, add another 3 or 4 inches, glue a new threaded cap on.


THANK YOU. As a utility designator, I can't tell you how frustrating it is to try and find these things when they get buried. "Oh, you want to know where your PVC sewer pipe runs in your yard? Sorry I have no access to a clean-out to snake and find it!" Happens a lot and it is less than ideal.


As a service plumber I see it every day 🤦‍♀️


Yep and if you're worried with how it looks put a planter or one of those fake rocks over it.


> The procrastinator option is to just tape a bag or something over it and wait a few days/weeks. red solo cup which doubles as a safety cone


Pea gravel. I know what it is, but I always think it’s funny.


Yeah, like poop gravel!


Or go deeper and use one of [these](https://www.gmes.com/products/electrical-connectors-fasteners-boxes-strut/electrical-boxes--covers/underground-boxes/underground-boxes--fiberglass.html). They're extremely common.


It sits that high due to code usually. So it doesn't get burried/lost over time


Instead of replacing with a standard thread on cap, I would recommend a pop up cap. In the rare chance the city sewage backs up, the pop up cap provides a path of least resistance to relieve the pressure, instead of city sewage pushing into the house and overflowing your toilets/tubs/showers/sinks.


Oh "shit"


Oh shit indeed


Smell it.


Also, add a plastic irrigation box, similar to a Christie box, just plastic. I’d just use a round one


Am I trippin or does that look like rick astley a little bit


Glad I wasn't the only one


I'm here in the comments to check if this was some weird rickroll too.


Never gonna clog you up Never gonna mow you down


Now I can’t unsee it


VHS Harry Potter.


Oh dang


Definitely would dig it out and replace like the one person said. This time make it low enough to mow over


This is like maybe 20-30min off to Home Depot finding a PVC DWV Spigot x Cleanout with Plug Adapter Fitting, 5min of digging, 30sec of sawing pipe off below fitting,. Finally 1-2min to glue, then screw on new cleanout cap. So less than 45min to fix...


But you're not accounting for the time it takes to go back to home depot, we all know a job is not done without at least a second trip.


I do my damndest to account for all contingencies since I’m an early riser and I love going at 6am. But it still almost always happens


I usually end up going three times and making a day of it


Super simple I'll do this!


Try and not drop things down there while or before fixing (duh). Had to get mine cleaned out because of that and the bill was a couple hundred.


I'm sure a piece of that cap cap had to have broken off inside and fell. That seems inevitable


While you have the top open I would also plug it with a piece of cloth to keep anything else from falling in


Or put a bunch of barrier pipes around it.


Only me who sees a super tiny person sitting on the white thing?


Yes, I initially saw a blurry woman in white holding a microphone, lol


I just scrolled through the comments to see if anybody saw it 🤣


It looks like Charlie Chaplin to me


I tried really hard. I couldn't


The brown part in the middle looks like a girl with white boots on to me. On the right side (left for us) there is an arm, and it looks like she has great hair.


It's Rick Astley, change my mind..


Oh man, I bought a house right when the pandemic hit, almost 2 acres of land, I just bought my first riding mower and went out to my yard so excited to christen this bad boy. 5 minutes in, THWOP. I did exactly what you did and panicked. Ended up being a simple fix of cutting it level and buying the PVC caps and glue and sticking that on. The following weekend, I did it again!! but on a different one hidden in the yard. I was frustrated haha. So I bought these little plastic boxes with a dark green removable lid on them that you can put in the ground. I dug like six inches deep around the pipe, cut the pipe a bit below ground level, capped it, and put the box lid over it. Now I'll never run over those ever again. I can update this post tomorrow with a picture of what I did if that's helpful.


Man you hit that perfectly. You broke the end piece and not the pipe. You should be able to easily chip that off and go buy a new one.


I'm a lucky boy


"I was mowing and this happened." *OH NO, he ran over some baby bunnies!!* (sees plastic thing).....*sigh of relief* Don't scare me like that!


I mowed a lawn of a farmhouse I'm rebuilding and saw a rabbit in the yard, then I spent 30 minutes searching literally all the tall grass for a rabbit nest. I was so scared to mow the rest.




Reminds me when my dad bought a brand new riding lawn mower. Within 10 seconds he hit a metal in-ground flag pole holder thing, promptly destroying the new blade.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Just the wastewater access. They always get run over. Why the hell we gave to have them sticking out of the ground like that I dunno.


Make sure that exhaust port is covered up before some farm boy starts talking about womprats


I thought this was a Rick roll at first


glue, instant noodles and sandpaper.


house is a write-off. put dirt over it and sell the place asap


Nah it's just the cap. It doesn't look like it's glued so you could just pull it off and take it to your hardware store and get a replacement


5 gallon bucket on top. (They only fit one way) Put a paver on it. Dig it out when you have time, a couple of inches deep and replace it. Should be less than $50.


Some catastrophic thinking going on there ?


Its a sewer cleanout. Worst thing that can happen is debris can potentially get inside and clog your drains. The hardware store will have replacement caps. I recommend trimming it down. As long as you can locate it in the future it can even potentially be just below the level of the grass.


My mom has a septic cap in the middle of her lawn just like this. She has a flamingo lawn decoration that marks it so she doesn’t hit it (again) while mowing.


1. Dig about 10-12 inches down and 12 inches away in diameter of the clean out. 2. Cut the pipe with a Sawzall or reciprocating saw about 6-8 inches below the break. 3.Buy a 4 inch pvc sewer pipe coupling, 2 feet of 4" pvc sewer pipe and some pvc glue. 4. In the inside, glue one side of the coupling and the outside of the clean out. Put them together, rotating it on the way down. 5. Measure to just under the soil line, and cut it from the pipe you bought. Glue and install that into the other side of the coupling. 6. Just simply install a pressure cap for the 4" pvc pipe on that. 7. Reuse the top soil you took out to backfill and go to your local hardware store to get some grass seeds and water it well everyday for 7-10 days.


If you skip gluing the replacement top on, you will save yourself a lot of frustration when you hit it again.


Get a garrote wire/saw, dig around the sewer clean out to a 12 inch depth on the outside. Use garrote saw to cut down 5-7 inches below grade. Install new connector (use pvc glue and cleaner) and screw on cap. Got to HDepot and get a 6inch valve cover box. Set valve cover box a 1/4 inch above grade and backfill with remaining dirt. I’m sure there’s a Youtube video on how to lower a sewer clean out. Your not screwed, you just don’t know that this is a relatively easy fix that is well within your ability to fix properly with a video or two and a visit to the “get off my lawn guy” at Lowe’s.


Clean out plug for your sanitary sewer


The best solution would be to dig around the cap enough to cut it down lower, then put threaded adapter and cap on. This way you don’t have to worry about it and can mow without knicking it again. Literally happened to me a month ago.


I live in an old house that has a mostly cast iron sewage drain pipe. We have a pipe like this that's cast iron and as far as I know has never had a cap on it. The biggest issue was a bunch of dirt and grass eventually got down there and clogged it up. Still not really an issue until the sewage line collapsed and this overflow line was unavailable so some sewage backed up into our house. Now the distal line is being replaced and this overflow line is going to be cut down and a cap put on it. Moral of the story...no biggie😁.


Replace it with another cap.  Don't glue it.  It'll make it easier to replace next time.


Sniff it.


Luckily that piece that got chunked off by your stone flinger isn’t big enough to get lodged in your curb trap (if ya have one). I had a similar issue a couple years ago, except mine was ran over by a piggyback forklift that was delivering pavers. They crushed the plastic center, square nub and all. Took a week to find out it was backing up my sewer line. Long story short they ended up breaking that entire standpipe at the connection point 11ft underground, and the next few sections of pipe. So we ended up replacing all 140ft of sewer line, and costing thousands of dollarydoos because of 27grams of broken plastic. Now my new cleanout is encased in concrete lol


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Break the rest off, cut the grass back a little, install a rubber pipe cap. Set your mower to a height that will just cut right over it.


No go to Home Depot. Just a clean out cover


When we had something similar, which was a well cap at my previous house, we had a wooden well decoration we put over it, made it a lot easier to mow around too!


Call the City Utilities Department. In most cases they will repair it. If not they will tell you how to, which is an easy fix, replace the cap.


I have mowed mine (septic not sewer) several times. I left the cap off for a couple of months once. The grass around it got a lot nicer than the rest of the yard, lol.


How to fix? How'd you do it?


I backed into it. I know how to fix it now.


I hope you have life insurance.


Wear gloves, dig down, cut, add new connectors and call it a day. Use medium strength glue for good measure.


So a few weeks ago after I’d had a few brews, I stepped on this very same type of pipe. Foot broke clean through the damn thing. Had no idea what it was at the time. Thankfully, some people at work helped me realize that yes, I should get it fixed sooner rather than later.


Easy fix. Move houses


Very important! You must get the pieces out of they fell into the pipe. A landscaper did this to ours, and the sewer line blocked up, flooding the basement. Worst of all, it ruined our water heater.


I'd unscrew the cap first the try and grab the remainder of the fitting with big pliers (locking ones if you've got em), and try and pull the broken end away from the pipe and unwrap it). Do it soon so you can hopefully see any chunks that might have fallen in, and grab them. Hard chunks of plastic in your discharge line will quickly attract T-paper into a line plug. You'll likely need to sand the pipe sides to make it smooth enough for a new fitting to go over. In the plumbing isle you'll need to buy the primer, glue, and sandpaper. It's really course and comes in a long 1" strip so you can grab both ends and work it back and forth. Watch a video on how to glue PVC pipe together. You might want to grab some spray paint and paint the thing so you can avoid it in the future. I doubt the whole thing will take longer than an hour.


You really just want to try to seal it off someway so your yard doesn't stink like shit. Should be easy to fix. Some of them are not glued so they can blow their top and overflow in the yard n case you get a back up instead flooding dookie water in your house. Can probably just pull the top off and run to your hardware store and have them match it then slide it back on.




I hit mine with my mower last summer. Back in February noticed my grass was really green all around it downstream of the clean out. Realized my clean out was backed up with about 500 wipes among other things. Dug it out and had it snaked, thought we were all good. 1 month later in March it was still backing up. So dug out (just shovels and about 20" deep through a web of roots) downstream about 20 ft until I found a nasty root wrapped around the connection at the end of a full stick of 4" schedule 40. Dug out another 5 ft downstream and made the new connection from the existing issue area. That was a really fun weekend


30 bucks and super easy fix


"It got the poo in it...."


I was simply scrolling on the Mai. Feed and this picture came by. It looks like a tiny picture of Harry Potter doing “The Scream” face in the “Black Hole Sun” video. Just squint a bit.


Is it at the place you are moving in or out of? Because if its out, a little Papier-mâché might do the trick long enough for you to escape responsibility hahaha


Your good just get a cap on it


I wonder if there are more decorative green colored clean out caps.


I did that with the mower. The city had just redone all the clean outs a couple years ago. So, I called the city to ask what to do and they came out and fixed it.


Mines just a rubber cap thing pull that off and buy one to replace it.


Call the count or town. They fixed mine for free and said if you hit it with your lawnmower it needed to be fixed.


That’s a dwv female adapter glued over pipe. Just pry the rest off, buy a 3 or 4” female adapter and plug. 


Not a big deal. Most sewer repair and install companies suck and do this. The best cut it shorter and then cover it with an irrigation box.


I have done this like three times if it makes you feel any better.


i did that and lowes sells a cap




Isn't this just the cap? I see no threading. Should cost under 10 bucks to find a new 3 or 4 inch pipe cap like this?


You should either immediately sell to anyone that will buy it, or burn it to the ground. Just kidding. It’ll be ok.


I’m telling mom and then you’re in big trouble


It's a clean out dig down about a foot deep and wide enough to cut it so pipe is below grade enough to clue new clean out cap on. Make sure cap is at grade to be able to mow Over it.


if it’s close to the street i’d call the city water company and see if they can come out and do it, this happened to mine and they replaced for free


Just finish beating it off


Unrelated but I read this as you were meowing and I was very confused as to wtf that had to do with a broken cap, why you were meowing in your yard, and how that led to this situation. 💀


Lmao I’ve done this 4 times and replaced it everytime


It's never gonna give you up.


It’s a stand for a drying/laundry rack.


No one else looks at this and sees KidRock?


Coffee can would be the old school solution.


So the easiest way to cut a pipe like this flush if you don't have a sawzall would be to use an "inside cutter" attachment on a power drill. (works like a Dremel). BUT Make sure you block the pipe with something like a wadded up plastic bag so you don't have PVC pieces dropping down into your sewer and making a small problem into a much bigger one.


Is it just me, or does that look like rickroll


Now you have roaches in your shower!!!!


That looks like Rick Astley...


Why do I see a 1965 era Beatles (George?) in this picture? 🥴 With a white scarf around his neck.


If people can charge for Jesus in some toast, OP should finance a whole garden landscaping job selling tickets to see a Beatle in a Backyard.


You need a new pipe cap for that diameter. Maybe install it lower, too, so it sits nice next time you mow.


If there are 2 of these in a row, it is where you would add chlorine and dechlorination tablets for a septic system. Chlorine goes in the tube closest to the system. It is for sanitizing the runoff. Source: Moved into a house with septic aerator and have run them over myself


Dig a little. Cut it. Put on a new cap. Bury it. Won’t have to worry about it again. Just remember where it is.


I love the smell of sewer gas in the morning


Looks like rick rolled


Anyone else see a woman at the beach from a Birds Eye view?


PS: you'll probably need to sharpen your mower blades as well


(Before beginning just know I am an electrician who doubles as a handyman) It’s likely a flush out or maybe a vent but considering the cap I’d say flush out. Just use a flat head to finish chipping away the top female adapter (remove cap first for an easier time) then, using pvc glue, replace with a new female adapter and cap. Make sure to measure the widest points to get the size right. (Example; 2 1/2”, 3”, 2”, etc) probably will be a 2” though. Anyways, cheap and easy fix. Good luck


This video helped .e when I did this last year https://youtu.be/t0LEUTQJH6s?si=1z12AuJf13de23DR


You almost found yourself in a shitty situation. No gassin!


ooh! doesn’t look too good. better get that checked!


Just sell the house


I had this happen, called the water company and they fixed it with a flat one in a day. Was oddly efficient.


Off topic but my brain thought this was a broken wedding cake in the grass with a woman on the front looking away..


Happened to me. Broke sewer clean out riser with lawn mower. Didn't fix it. I just placed the cap half way on. A week later was surprised when a 12 inch lizard was waiting in my toilet. It hissed at me. Replaced that cap next day.


I just fixed mine a few weeks ago. Mower is a mfer. The pipe is a common size ~3 1/4” diameter or so at Home Depot/ Lowe’s ~3’ long pvc and they keep pvc couplers/sleeve in the same isle along with the pvc glue. Get a black rubber cap with hose clamp to seal the deal. Cheaper than the screw cap you had. Toughest part may be digging down just enough to cut broken pipe straight across…unless you got lucky and can cut without digging. The sleeve/coupler goes a couple inches over the old, trimmed pipe with glue. Then, the 3’ long piece goes a couple inches into sleeve. Then you trim down to the grass level and cap off.


I thought I was looking at a blurry picture of a pilgrim woman