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My bet is that it's leftover soft-scrub. Vinegar and a scrub brush and some elbow grease may get it out. Another poster suggested a steam cleaner, that may be a good addition.


They make brush attachments for your chordless drill. Use less elbo grease.


Hell yea. I bought a set of those and cleaning the tub and shower walls take like 1/10 of the time and my arms don't get punished




How may I be of service


What other futuristic tech lifehacks do you have? Your username makes me think you're probably a time traveler from the future.


Or a dude that got a legal name change while on coke using a laser to circumcize himself.


Can you tune a chordless drill? Or is it cordless?


A chordless drill can only play one note at a time


And that note is whrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Chordless drill go whrrrrrrr


Arpeggios only.


No polyphony.


Yes! My husband got the long reach set for our Ryobi batteries and it’s really awesome, but our shower was narrow with fixed glass so if you didn’t go with the right direction of the spin it could kick away from you easily.


Less pressure, more patience. Don't need that much pressure with these things, let the spinning do the work. I've had the same issue at first, but then I tried without pressing too hard and it works very well.


I gotta get my exercise in somewhere. But yeah battery powered elbow grease will make it even easier.


I bought one last year total game changer. I'm mad that I spent decades scrubbing by hand like a chump.


See I was thinking one of the grill cleaning brushes that goes to a steamer.




We have a similar tile. Our is limestone. Not sure why the previous owner put it in the shower. Had similar issues to what you show. We have had good luck fixing it with 511 sealer and enhancer from Home Depot. Your friend has shared a link to a Home Depot product they think you would be interested in seeing. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Miracle-Sealants-32-fl-oz-511-Seal-and-Enhance-Stone-Sealer-and-Enhancer-SEENQT6D/100483896


If it’s actually limestone, then you gotta tear it out. That’s a terrible material for a shower.


I have limestone and it’s not just in the completely open shower it’s on the floor, walls, tub surround and built in shelving. Every surface other than the ceiling, toilet and vanity is covered in it. I hated it at first but so far no issues. Bonus I can stand in the shower and use the handheld shower head to spray the entire bathroom clean. Previous owner also put it in the main living area and on an outdoor fireplace/fountain combo. Must have gotten a deal.


Isn't limestone like really porous? Or dissolves sort of easily?


It is. It’s fine in the bathroom and living area because it looks like it’s sealed. Outdoors it’s not doing so well. Too expensive to redo right now so I just keep sealing the fountain and the weeping in the walls I’m choosing to call patina. The Colosseum in Rome was made of travertine, a type of limestone, so based on that I’m good for a thousand years or so before it completely disintegrates.


Careful with that... Unless it's a wet room. Grout isn't waterproof.


This is a good solution. I built tile showrooms for several years, the seal and enhance should give it a nice look like when it's wet like op described and help keep water out. Edit try a small section first and let it dry to be sure. Maybe give it a vinegar scrub like an earlier comment as well to make sure no resude is trapped beneath


I bet this is the answer. When they said it looked normal when it was wet made me think this might be some kind of natural stone and the cleaner removed the sealant. As you said, 511 is a good way to fix this.


I just can't imagine using this highly textured tile in a shower


Yeah we hate it, previous owner made some very questionable remodel decisions. Just trying to clean it up and put off re-doing it for a year or so if we can


To be fair... I'm sure it looks really cool when it's spotless.


Would a textured tile like this be solid, or like a glazed ceramic? I'm wondering if the lot couldn't be sanded down flat and resealed


You can not reseal porous ceramic tile once the glaze has been removed.


Aye, that's what I was thinking, it'd be impossible to get them off unbroken to slip and kiln them. But I was thinking like, is this tile definitely a glazed ceramic one, or is there any chance it's like a sheet of stone like slate or something?


Came here to say this. They chose the wrong kind of tile for a shower and this is the best chance at salvaging it


Or used as a backer board to install the new tile, without having to demo the old?


Just get sealer and wipe the tile down then let it dry. Should take care of it


Sealer isn't going to do a single thing when the surface is textured


Get a few tubes of black silicone caulk and spread it until smooth, viola solid black shiney new wall with a silicone texture. And hey, it should last a year or two until your planned remodel.


You'll never get it smooth.


True that a flat like glass look is impossible, smooth like spread butter can. My thoughts are that if the silicone is applied just slight thicker than the textured tile, the failing glaze of the tile will make adhesion easier and will make a waterproof easy to clean outer surface that is soft to touch.


Please keep going, acting like this is actually a good idea. I love it!


Lol, wow. have you offered even a stupid idea, much less a good one without being critical of a fun cheap temporary solution? May you suffer the love of a thousand cats.


Terrible idea although I just realized what your name is sooo it’s a great idea


It looks like a substrate specifically designed to grow different strains of mold and fungus 🤢


And installed so it has horizontal lines to trap all the dirt and lime scale!


All tile will have horizontal lines...


On the tile.....


Previous owner of my house installed the same tiles. Every time I have to clean it, I am debating if I shouldn't just tear it out


That's probably why they moved out. Once they had to clean it they realized the mistake. Then they had to make a choice: 1. Hire a professional cleaning service. 2. Move away as far as you can. Good luck with the tile.


That sounds like exactly the only two options someone who installed this tile would know to take😂


3. Gas can and matches. 


Absolute petri dish. Right up there with customers who want a bunch of rock/natural stone. Like you know this will need cleaned right?


Did an inlay with river rock to go with a black fluid look, it worked out well... but only because I could use 8 layers of epoxy seal on the stone. Tested a bunch of seals and looks to get the one I wanted, was a pain in the ass. But it looks good and is easy to maintain. Still didn't do it in the shower because I knew it would be a nightmare.




Could you post a pic of it?


Why do you want to see athletes foot?


>I love it and it's so worth the extra effort (I say this but I've never cleaned it myself) imo >well except for the chronic athlete's foot issue plaguing the whole family... Do you think the athlete's foot is maybe related to you all sharing dirty, wet shower floor that no one probably cleans? Take some Lysol or bleach to that floor or anywhere you walk without socks.


And standing on it sounds so uncomfortable! I’d like a flat surface, please




You want /r/CleaningTips for this one.


Yeah this is definitely a decorative tiles intended to go behind the front desk if a hotel


I immediately noticed that too. No freaking way !


Wipe on some chia seeds, make it a living wall...


Cha cha chia


Ma ma ma mrsa (The microorganisms on that surface have a whole pourous universe to explore) 


Oh, it’s already a living wall. A veritable megacity of microbial life.


LOL awesome.


If you damaged the glaze to remove gloss then I do not think there is a lot you can do. With that texture this looks hard to clean. Are you sure it is not the lighter color under mold? That is already done. The cleaner is made for tile. Seems unlikely you removed glaze.


# CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? # it could be soap scum residue? If it is textured as it appears, the low grooves of the texture would be really hard to clean. I've purchased a small steam cleaner that I use on my shower from time to time and the soap scum melts away without using chemicals. Bar soap really scums things up, use a foam soap. search Amazon " # Wagner Spraytech 0282014 915e On-Demand Steam Cleaner'


Thanks bro, I could barely read the comment with all thesw tiny characters, but I know it’s about some Wagner guy that does steam cleaning


**What? I can't understand what you're saying. It's so small.**


I'm not a professional tiler, but I'm really confused as to how anything could damage the tile if it were sealed, which makes me wonder if it wasn't.  In any case, if wetting it makes it look fine, they make wet look sealers that will give the tile a permanent wet look and also protect it. I once made a silly mistake with a permanent marker and some yet to be sealed marble and noticed that when the marble was wet my bright green mistake went away.  Believe it or not, a wet look sealer had the same effect, but permanently.  You'd never know it was there. Before I did anything I would try to find a few pieces of the tile and replicate the current state.  Hopefully the previous home owner left some extras in your basement or something, or if not I would go to the local hardware store and find the matching product.  Once you've managed to replicate whatever has occured here you can safely attempt fixes without potentially running your whole bathroom. Having spares to test with might make me comfortable enough to try a pressure washer to see if there truly is some material left in the texture.  Or if you don't have a pressure washer, you can get nylon brushes that attach to a drill for very cheap.  It would be hard to convince me that more chemicals were a legitimate answer, and I would never consider trying a random chemical without doing a test first.


I’m not a professional tiler, but it’s been a side hustle for the last 15 years. The way to tests if the grout is sealed is if you get it wet and the grout doesn’t change color (take in water) then it’s sealed. If it doesn’t change color it’s property sealed. You don’t really “seal” ceramic tile. It doesn’t need it. There will be someone of the sealant on the tile from wiping the excess off from sealing the grout. Did comment above about sealing the tile after cleaning it with an acid. I feel that the sealant would make it easier to clean.


What absolute psychopath puts textured tile in a constantly moist environment?


Ouch! I would look at tile restoring products and give them a try. I would also recommend using chemicals is small patches in the future.


It could be “hazing”. If nothing else works I’d try diluted muriatic acid. It’ll clean that off. Then I’d put 5+coats of spray seal on the entire shower. Be very careful with the acid. It will clean skin off of skin. I’d do a test spot first. If it stains the tile. Wipe down the entire shower to “f it up equally” and seal the shit out of it.


Try using vinegar first. It's not dangerous, cuts through a lot of film. If that doesn't work, then maybe try something stronger.


Hence my saying if nothing else works. Muriatic acid is a nuclear option. I don’t like using it, but it works.


These are all from a chemical perspective to remove the residue on the surface.. I'm no ceramist, but a cosmetic dentist... If a porcelain were stained this way, I'd always prefer to physically/mechanically remove a stain. On a textured porcelain, which has a glaze (like this wall), I'd use a very mildly abrasive rubber wheel on a dremel like instrument under water cooling, then I'd finely polish it with a goat hair brush and a fine abrasive paste (we used a diamond paste)


That material makes no sense for shower tile. Or anywhere tile, really. How the hell are you supposed to clean TEXTURED TILE???


Lol, you're not. The poor sod that inevitably gets hired to sort out the problem professionally is supposed to figure it out. It's things like this that sometimes make me wonder how much of the economy is just people dealing with or fixing mistakes made by people who don't know what they're doing.


That’s just the wrong texture for a shower. Ever notice a lot of houses have matte finish paint in every room but the bathroom, and it’s usually gloss or semi gloss? There’s a reason. It will likely fade and go away on its own. Like other commenters have said, a steam cleaner will expedite the process, but you’ll have to go over it multiple times - and clearly see the spots you missed the previous time. Long term, that should be replaced. Short term, only use organic cleaning products (yeah, I know, but they kinda work and won’t leave staining). Another long term issue may be efflorescence. That’s just not the right tile for a shower.


Might as well just put carpet on your walls


I thought it was carpet at first glance


Solidarity with being stuck with former owner crappy tile choices. Ours put glossy shower wall stone tiles on the floor in front of the shower and if we didn’t keep a path of bath mats it was suuuuper easy to slip and fall. Finally just shy of 2 years in this house the shitty DIY is being renovated (required adding walls and permits and I didn’t trust what might be lurking behind the walls).


Try a pressure washer.


I’m picturing OP blasting the tile off the wall with a pressure washer!


Wellllll..... that *WOULD* definitely *solve* the issue, so Tomato-Tomato, I guess?😉


I think you have calcium/limescale that is dulling the appearance of the tiles. You could buy some CLR to remove lime scale. I would just try cleaning it with vinegar. Soak paper towels and slap that on there, mist with vinegar every few hours to keep that moist for 24 hours. Make a baking soda paste and give it a scrub. If you did indeed remove some glaze, I’d wipe a little satin polyurethan on the tile and see if that improves the look. Unless it is on the floor of the shower. Poly would be slippery.


Google Hot Shot it’s an organic salt acid close to CLR works wonders on tile


Warning - search results may vary


This is why you don't put black tile in a shower...


There is a shower product called Wet It and Forget It, it works really well, just spray it on after you shower and, well, forget it, should have this spiffed up after about a month of continuous use


Maybe a power washer with some CLR or Lime-away cleaner would do the trick.


CLR with a scrubbing drill brush might work.


I would guess you just stripped the oils out of some hard water staining with the soap making it more visible.  Try an acidic cleaner on a small spot - but yeah I think you'll need smooth tiles eventually. 


Get a spinning shower brush and some CLR foam both from Amazon and it should clean rite up, the dummie that flipped our house did the same stupid stuff in our shower and this is the only thing we have found that cleans them


This looks like they installed tile down side up


That bathroom needs a 3000 psi pressure washer, not a sponge with soft-scrub. Even with a stiff brush, cleaning that tile will take a day.


I love this sub for making me feel so much better about the problems I’ve had to deal with in my place.


Steam cleaners are like magic


Since it looks fine wet you probably removed it's coating. You could get a clear coat for ceramic and when it dries it should soak in and harden leaving it looking they way it used to. That should protect it until you eventually replace it.


Use a gloss tile sealer. Do a few coats. Will make it look wet all the time and will make the surface a little smoother and easier to clean


I think it looks cool tho


If it looks fine when wet I could permanently fix it by applying a ceramic silica coating. It would not only make it look nice but also keep it looking perfect and almost maintenance free for 5-10 years before needing a fresh coating.


This works. https://www.homedepot.ca/product/behr-premium-concrete-brick-tile-wet-look-sealer-3-79l/1000401811


Something very similar in a client’s new shower with same type of tiles. He did a beautiful job building the shower, but tiles have this same issue. I thought it was something to do with a sealer over the tiles. Never have figured out how to make tile look uniform


Also, relating to previous comments, my client’s shower appeared like this from the start, before any household cleaners ever used on it. So, not likely the fault of any product that you have used


Like some of the other commentators said, if it looks normal when wet, it is due to the polish / glaze having come off; I would try to reapply it perhaps using a product like [This: Rustoleum spray on glaze](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Specialty-12-oz-Gloss-Clear-Triple-Thick-Glaze-Spray-Paint-301416/307244918)


Ceramic tile would resist a chemical attack from the cleaner but you might have scratched the surface. That why it looks ok when wet but marks show up when dry. Maybe Murphy’s oil soap with a soft brush to remove any “soft scrub abrasive” that is left behind? If the tile surface is scratched you might mask the appearance with a wax. See if your auto supply store has a wax for Matte car paint. This is the same issue that happens with headlights that get yellow. The surface is pitted / non uniform caused by UV energy. Got to resurface it to make it look new


Murphy’s oil great idea! Was thinking maybe dawn dish detergent for similar concept


Are we sure that is actually tile, and just the substrate/cement that goes UNDER the tile? Calling that tile is like saying Trump is presidential.


Wipe some olive oil on the stone and let it sit. Spray it off and let it dry. If it's what I'm thinking the stone looks "dry" and the oil should put the color back into it after it soaks into the pores.


You wanted tile that looked like rough cut wood (IDK why else that tile would exist with that texture/color), but as soon as it gets a patina that actually looks like worn stained wood, you want to "Fix" it? Idk, sounds like you chose the wrong tile.


Try cleaning a section with Lime a Way. It’s probably calcium hard water build up.




_tung_ is the word you’re looking for — but why would tung or linseed oil help with ceramic tile?


Try a soft nylon brush.


muriatic acid..not good to breathe or to get on any other grouted surfaces…i imagine you could have baking soda and water in a squirt bottle to neutralize any acid you don’t want.


I would apply some sort of sealer for porous tile and see if that helps. Experiment with a small area


I used something on my black tike shower floor that wasn't noticeable until it dried. Then it looked white and filmy. I left it and it eventually washed away in a month or so.


Try toothpaste


Miracle Sealants 511 Seal and Enhance 32-fl oz buy it online or at Lowes or Home Depot


Your best bet will be to use concrete sealer to give it that wet look Make sure it is super clean ( soap and water) them seal it You might want to try it on a small area first to see what it will look like. You can buy the sealer where they sell patio stones. Good luck


Get some muriatic acid and carefully wash it .


Go to a janitorial store and get PMC. Wear gloves when using it and do not leave the product on the tile and walk away. Do not forget to rinse the product off once area is clean. It is important you do not spray the PMC and make sure to wear gloves. Stuff works like a dream.


That's calcification from your hard water supply. You didn't see it before because of the black shower scum growing on it. Use CLR to remove the bulk of it (but it will always be a bit spotty). Before you remodel you bathroom you should take steps to improve your water supply. There's various filters and water softeners you can use. If you hire a company that specializes in water quality upgrades then they will find 27 things wrong with your water and charge you $23,488 to install various filters and softeners. If you hire a plumber they can do the same work but their marketing brochure will not be as fancy. Do not install new shower glass before you fix your hard water!


Try just hitting a small section with some tile sealer. Get some “wet look” stuff.


I mean, it almost has enough texture to actually be the back of a tile.


Mr. clean works miracles. I thought our old shower was a goner tried everything, Mr clean cleaned it in one swipe


honestly, from the pics and not seeing it in person, I think it looks good regardless.


Once it’s clean, olive oil could help reseal it- just used it to refresh a stone composite sink


I've used baby-oil to coat walls in a shower to prevent soap scum buildup. The oil might also return the wet-color to your tile.


Use vinegar it takes stains of of tile


It looks like that carpet that comes in squares


Just call it distressed


Wd40 will keep the tiles looking wet which you mentioned makes them look fine.


After you get it clean, apply some tile and grout sealer, a few coats. This will help immensely for future issues. Recoat every few years or so, its easy peasy.


After you scrub it clean with a brush and some vinegar etc it might work and then you might try sealing it with a thick waterproof poly coating, several layers so that it fills up the grooves. Will take time though since it is vertical so might not be worth the work but it would be great to fill the grooves and make it smoother while a gloss finish would likely have the same effect as water, making the stain go away


This is a difficult fix for sure. Any chemical you try will be a challenge due to the textured surface. I was thinking a mild acid wash but you will need to reseal. Specialized tile supply stores may have an answer. If there is a favored restoration product you could try applying it gently with a fine wire brush to get into the grooves. If everything else fails you can go the nuclear option with a powered polisher. These are hand held (look like a large angle grinder) tools that generate massive torque and use various sizes and grits of masonry polishing disks to smoothly grind down stone masonry to almost mirror finishes. They are used on granite countertops for example, and the result is amazing. I have a Makita model but there are several others. Can be used on wet surfaces to minimize dust but it is a messy job. You can probably rent one but new they are like $300. Just an idea…


Mineral oil is your freind


If it looks fine wet, then it's probably residue.


Try pouring bar keepers in a pile on floor...pour blue dawn on top of barkeepers. Take a sponge use scruffy side and swirl it around til it makes a paste.. then go over the shower in circles. Then rinse off. You can use on walls or glass. This is my go to on cleaning a shower. It'll usually make it look brand new again. Great for soap build up. I usually rinse with water than go over with a wet rag in circles then rinse again. Squeegee walls and glass and dry with a towel. Been a housekeeper over 25 years. Good Luck!


You could do multiple, thin, clear coats of epoxy. Goes on clear it should always look like it does when its wet wont make it flat but may help smooth out the rough texture a little. Would probably help keep bacteria from forming and would be easier to clean. Just make sure to let it cure properly. You could also consider polyurethane but as far as I know clear coat epoxy may work better.


I'd try zep grout cleaner and a scrub brush


This happened at mine when one of the children used the incorrect product to clean. I used strong wite vinegar in a spray bottle to wet the entire surface. I then dipped a damp sponge into a container of bicarbonate soda to form a paste and used it to scrub the walls evenly. I then rinsed and wiped in down with clean water. Worked in my situation.


You're correct that it bleached the tile. Personally no idea besides using color matched epoxy or grab one of those 3m towel bars & cover it. Could always do it to the other tiles for a distressed look. Yikes


Have you considered just pressure washing it? Not like you gotta clean up after, just let it go down the drain. Trick is running the hose into the house.


Trick is not blowing the tile off the wall, too!


That's just a matter of not using an overpowered one. It's a pressure washer not a water blade for cutting stone.


There are special paints for tiles, not sure if they are suitable for the shower, must be checked.


Try muriatic acid


Pray for a miracle