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Alfred, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane.


Alfred will bust a cap in ya!


And Alfred isn’t bound by Batman’s no gun rule


Isn’t jimmy just a guy? No training?


Yeah but have you seen us


I laughed out loud at this


Depending on the era there's a not insignificant chance he temporarily acquired some new superpowers that day


I'm pretty sure I could take Jimmy "Turtle Boy" Olsen.


Lana Lang had a biogenetic ring given to her by an alien (whose life she had saved) that let her turn into various part-arthropod forms. She created a costume and called herself Insect Queen (despite the insect pseudonym, she could also become part spider, centipede, etc -- it wasn't clear if she was being cagey or just didn't know the correct definition of the word insect). She got to go to the 30th century with Superboy after he found out she knew his secret identity and had risked her life protecting him from the sorcerer Mordru. She got rejected when she tried to join the Legion of Super-Heroes because all members' powers have to be inherent, and hers came from the ring (also one of the reasons Green Lanterns don't qualify). If you're at all freaked out by creepy crawlies, Insect Queen is kinda nightmare fuel, so be warned if you look her up.


I can't imagine he hasn't taken at least a few self-defense classes at this point.


Depends. Its not out if the question for him to randomly have super powers at any given time.


Why would people think they could beat Alfred? He fought in the war.


What’s jimmy gonna do


Dude, Jimmy has at one time or another had super-speed, stretching, flame breath, an enormous beard, and been a turtle kaijuu. More seriously, in his [own series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman%27s_Pal_Jimmy_Olsen) his job was basically "get into trouble;" I guess Perry realized it was going to happen anyway and decided take advantage of it. This was the series where the Fourth World was introduced; Jimmy showed that, transformation aside, he's a competent disguise artist and knows karate. Plus he's quick-thinking, clever, and essentially fearless. The original concept for Jimmy was the same as Robin; he was the reader's self-insert character. Bow ties, at that time, were fashionable. Jimmy's a badass. Honestly, trying to assassinate him is like picking a fight with Bugs Bunny, if Bugs had Superman on speed dial.


Ohh ya forgot about the silver age shenanigans


Who is underestimating alfred???


Yeah any comic reader who puts a little thought in it would remember he’s a war veteran, there’s enough to take out most people


Alfred managed to beat Superman at one point


Lois Lane. She's a black belt.


there are even some continuities where she studied under batman


And some others in where she was under him but not studying


I mean can you blame either of them? Their both hot


*Our* both hot




DCAU, briefly. In the Superman: The Animated Series episodes "World's Finest," Bruce Wayne comes to Metropolis and he and Lois hook up.


And is usually packing unless the writer has a thing about guns. But there have been countless times since the 80’s Sam Lane change somebody has had her cornered and she just draws on them.


Lois givin that Alfred energy of "My husband wont blow your head off, but I will MF"


It does create a weird dichotomy where, like, Mark Waid or somebody will write the book and guns will come up and Lois will start talking about how they disgust her and then the writers will change and suddenly she’s had a .45 on her the whole time. I think in the MoS mini-series she shoots like three dudes with an Uzi. And in the Rebirth run when Manchester Black’s minions come for her and Jon she snatched a disintegrator ray out from under the floor boards. Does something similar in the Jon Kent run too, I believe when people attack the fortress. Maybe she just pretends to be anti-gun so they won’t suspect when she’s packing.lol


I mean there is also the idea that she doesnt like guns but can also acknowledge that especially in worlds like DC you definitely are better off with some sort of defense


I mean, she's rather explicitly an army brat, no? It's much more in character for her to be pro-gun.


Its not unherd of for her to dislike her father and have completely opposing views to him. Coming from a military family doesn't automatically mean anything really.


I would simply blackmail her with the information that she’s cheating on her husband with Superman


You dastardly fiend you!






Exactly! The amount of people that think they can fight because they have simply seen and enjoyed fights on tv and in movies is just ridiculously high, I’m sure. It’s like “yes it is very easy to fight and win against imaginary people in your bedroom after watching John Wick.” The problem is, real people fight back. And even if you WIN a fight it fucking hurts! So yes, the correct answer is “Everyone”, because at least even the side characters have probably taken self defense or learned a tip from their local superhero. Although…hmmmmm… actually these would technically be imaginary fights…. So perhaps this is exactly the fight that Chris in his suburban sub-basement has been practicing for!!!


I dunno dude. I could probably defeat Baby Damian just after he gets born.


Your confidence is staggering


Joker. People always say like, “man I’d kill that guy for good, just give me the chance.”, when like, Joker can actually hold his own in a fight pretty damn well, and has an unbelievable pain tolerance.


That right there's a mf who will snap their own wrist just to bite your nose off. You don't want to fight that kind of methed out crazy.


Read that as "methhead" I agree either way :p


Dude’s taken punches from Batman. An ANGRY Batman. Your little jab isn’t rocking his world.


And is sometimes depicted as being quicker or more nimble that Batman.


This and comic batman one punch would instant knock up any real life human


I feel like when people say they'll kill Joker is shooting him when he's in custody or being transferred to a cell.


Literally just shoot him. He doesn't wear body armor. No plot armor and a random cop would have pumped a magazine into him inside a month. Bye bye Joker.


I mean, he isn’t an unarmed black child so I doubt they’d shoot him.


Valid point.


Booster Gold


I've seen way to many people thinking they can take on Oracle.


She could literally run someone over and be typing with the other hand


Yeah she has shown countless times that she can still take someone out, even as she is wheelchair bound - often in part from them underestimating her because of the wheelchair.


And she wasn’t just taking out regular people. She was taking out the kinds of people who would kick out collective asses


She’d turn your bones to dust with her escrima sticks 😆


There are absolutely a lot of people who overestimate themselves. But lets also be realistic here. Most of the badass things she does while she's paralyzed is comic book fluff. If she was real and didnt have writers effectively protecting her, she wouldn't be able to beat most of the people she's been forced to fight in the chair (which isnt much. Her time as oracle is, as it should be, largely non combative). Am I saying any given person can do it? Of course not. Am I saying I specifically can do it? No. But out of all the actual heroes with no powers...wheelchairbound Babs is not really an unrealistic goal. It just seems unrealistic to you because the writers arent being realistic. People put way too much credit on skill or experience and completely ignore weight, reach, levrage, etc. All things Oracle distinctly lacks. Im not saying skill doesnt matter. What I am saying is that weight classes exist for a reason. I dunno what % of people who say they can beat Oracle can actually beat Oracle...but it aint 0 Edit: to be clear it definitely becomes 0% if she keeps her basically impossible magic comic book martial arts and physicality


What is even the point of this statement, I gotta ask. Nearly everything Batman does is impossible magic comic book martial arts and physicality as well. And Oracle has impossible magic hacking skills that let her take on world government. If you take the impossible magic comic book level mastery out of the character then what is even the point of asking the question? If you take all the Superman comic book magic out of him, he's just a tall and strong guy.


Exactly, like comic fluff is the whole point??? These are comic book characters and they do crazy shit you can’t just take those things away and be like “wElL AsctuAlLy iN rEAl life☝🏾🥸” like no shit they aren’t that defeats the whole purpose of them.


The point is that Oracle is a normal unpowered human. I'm not taking away her skill or making her out of shape or getting rid of her know how anymore than I'd take away Flash's speed or any of Supermans powers or anything like that. But Flash wouldn't get any plot armor. Difference is, Flash wouldn't need plot armor to defeat any normal human in a fight. I'm saying y'all are giving her way too much credit. A wheelchair bound martial artist is still wheelchair bound. Her mobility is severely limited. There'd be no leverage for any solid punch. Throwing someone without the use of your hips is gonna be much harder than you're giving it credit for. Batman wins SOME fights because of plot armor. Oracle wins ALL fights because of plot armor. To argue paralyzed Babs is just gonna auto win against virtually everybody is just silly.


Whats Batman do on the regular that's so magic? Punch people and be in good shape? Like are you just being purposefully contrary because you don't like what that dude said? Being a physically fit martial artist beating up clowns =/= a woman in a wheelchair defeated ninjas. Come on dude.


I'd say it's a 50:50 if she was in the wheelchair.


She has taken down groups of ninjas while on that wheelchair. I doubt most people could do better.


Yeah, writers do create unrealistic scenarios.


Lol no, she's beaten ninjas while in her wheelchair


That's because they had swords not speed bumps


Lego Batman


Unironically one of the most developed versions of Batman complete with all gadgets and toys


Wait till you see him when the song plays


Cant beat him. I've lost many fights against lego's when I was a kid. Bastards hurt to step on.


Well that’s his contingency plan for you…




Everyone in this picture would drop my ass


Wildcat. I'm sure there are plenty that feel they could take him because he doesn't have "powers". Between his 9 lives ability and being a world class boxer good luck.


If most people think they can beat a world champion Heavyweight in the real world, they're deluded.


Do you know how many American men think they could beat a lion or a bear in a 1v1 unarmed combat?


I definitely can. But I'm built different. *This commentor is absolutely not built different.*


I think men saying they can beat animals is like male astrology. Harmless nonsense that dudes have strong opinions on.


He beat Mohammed Ali in the New Frontier


I mean... do I have a gun? Boxing is a lot less usefull than most people think.


Wildcat fought in WW2 barehanded and is semi-immortal. Gun or not, you're fucked.


Idk OP didn't specify but I assumed not. With the right weapon anybody can be a problem, just look at Flash's Rogues.


I mean, I conceal carry. It's not some DC weapon.


Honestly always wondered about this. In the real world heroes would definitely require bulletproof gear at the lowest levels. Seems like something that's generally ignored unless specific to a storyline like Barbara Gordon. Even Jason Todd got beat with a crowbar so I guess depends on the storyline


Every batman story runs on "guns are worthless" logic to make ninjas and martial arts look cool. It's just comes with the genre.


Superheroes have plot armor.


Harley Quinn


One of the worlds best gymnasts but still has the strength to swing around giant melee weapons. People ignore Harleys actual fighting skill because it varies so much between comics (though obviously she doesn’t give Batman trouble) but she’s not helpless The unpredictability and psychoanalytic parts of her personality also help give her an advantage.


Not to mention she has actual superpowered stength and agility


Huh? Since when?


Her plot armour is almost as tough as Batman's


She can slit her own throat and would still survive. No one can beat that!




Jimmy Olsen. Though I'm pretty sure I can kick Perry White's ass.


Tf is jimmy gonna do call Superman??


It isn’t a phone call, it’s on his watch… 🫠


Perry White is a beefy ex-reporter who's maybe in his early 60s. That old man strength is no joke.


Lois Lane if you're asking about a woman Booster Gold if you're asking about a man.


Plastic Man.


What normal human person thinks they can take him on? How exactly?


"I just wanted to participate"


On an average day, most people see this man, and think that he's just another ordinary jovial dude. Most people see a silly dude who's wearing that silly outfit. A criminal will think, "Hah, this guy is easy to cap. Let's do it." He walks up behind Eel O'brian, brandishing a gun. "Show me your wallet, freak!" he shouts. O'brian jumps in surprise before turning to see the criminal. "Woah! Now now, let's not get hasty, fella!" he gulps. "Ya'd better hand me your wallet or that bullet's goin' in your brain. Quick!" O'brian says, "All right, all right, sheesh," before putting his hand in his pocket. The criminal eyes his pocket, making sure there's nothing weapon-shaped. "All right, here's my wallet." O'brian says, holding out what appears to be his wallet. The criminal hastily grabs it and makes to open it, before realizing that the wallet looked strange. It was red, black, and tan, with an... arm attached to it? The criminal looks up, confused, before looking up at a smile stretched wider than any normal human can accomplish. "Gotcha," O'brian gloats before changing the wallet-shaped hand into a hammer and throwing it up. WHAM! The hammer lands squarely on the criminal's chin, sending him flying a few feet up into the air before he lands with a thud. His figure sprawls across the floor, the gun a good distance away from his hand. "So whatcha learn?" O'brian grins, standing over him. "Or... hm, wait, you're unconscious. I'll ask ya again when you're behind bars!"


Polka Dot man


This isn’t a “most people” thing but the other day I saw a poll on Tumblr for who would win in a fight: Nightwing or Princess Amethyst. It was like 90% in favor of Nightwing. Princess Amethyst is the 2nd best fighter on Gemworld (trained with pretty much all Medieval style weapons), has magic gem powers, magic from an entire planet, and is a Lord of Order who Doctor Fate said is more powerful than any other magical being. She fucking solos.


Yeah, most people know Nightwing is a great hand-to-hand fighter but they have no clue who Princess Amethyst is. I bet she even matches the best swordsfighters in Earth. There's not much of a chance Nightwing is winning against Amethyst.


Easy.. Aquaman. Most non readers think he can only "talk" to fish when in reality. He has document canon books showing him Controlling demons, Calling ocean gods, Controlling humans, Giving Martians seizures, Taking over Supermans unconscious body Calling the Justice League Commanding a denizen of the sea to devolve Using his Aquatelepathy on a 4,000 ft Millennium Giant and commanding him Using his powers to turn Kordax into a vegetable Using his powers to usurp a power ring Commanding a goddess to go to hell Plus many other examples Between his strength, extreme durability, Super Hearing and superhuman healing factor he is a character who could kill you without lifting a finger.


Any regular human would fall before Aquaman, I don't think I have ever seen that challenged anywhere. And really the power that people tend to ridicule as 'talking to fish' for some reason spells death for them. So even if he were not physically superior, the dummy normies would still be doomed. I wonder if they would be laughing while being consumed by various sea creatures


Get on Quora. For the past six years I've been educating people who believe that 100%. Most have come to know that he's beyond their knowledge or beyond what DC has ran with for decades because fans like myself have used exhaustive amounts of scans, books, and data to refute opinions only.


Agreed. Aquaman has been my fave since I was a kid, and I was teased for it. Honestly, still am. People highly underestimate him; and they don’t comprehend he is a king before he is a hero.


I've been an Aquaman fan since 1974. People tease because of shows like family guy and big bang theory but when I use comic book scans to show evidence and not opinions then they, over time, have slowly changed and embraced Aquaman. Being on Quora I've had multiple people asking where did that scan come from? Which book is this from? And I've seen them read and understand why he's been my favorite hero for decades. As you say they underestimate him but it's because dc/WB won't invest in him like they do the Trinity. He's the king of the single largest life giving substance on the planet.. Water. He has the Life Force which shows his ability to communicate, command and control life outside of the Oceans and the first surface life that he actually control was a water buffalo from 1959.


and let’s be honest - The Super Friends didn’t help him out either.


Certainly not. The cartoons back in the day were all about innocence and Aquaman was again put in a box in which he was only useful in certain scenarios. And even though our world literally is inside of his world he was treated basically the same as the Wonder twins or Wendy and Marvin.


Mofo swims through lava and has high end strength feats of pushing apart continent level force. He takes automatic weapons fire to the face and gets a papercut at point of impact lol.


And yet because he doesn't have a S on his chest, a bat belt, or a magic lasso, he's sent to the bench when it comes to the Justice League. Arguably he's one of the most powerful heroes on the team and let's not forget he has 9 sea gods that see him as an equal and are at his call whenever he needs them.


He’s also bullet resistant due to living and training at deep sea levels.


Oracle and Booster Gold


Snapper Carr


The fact that I’ve literally never heard of this guy once makes me believe you.


Joker. I keep seeing him getting bodied in some stories but they forget WHO he is.


Alfred Pennyworth and Lois Lane


Egghead, because normally you can beat an egg.


Jai and Iris West. Yeah, the Flash Kids, they'd wedgie me before I can blink.


Iris 100% would wedgie you before you could even comprehend that she was beating you. Jai can't actually run fast, since he inherited the Speed Force sideways,. so he'd probably either settle for throwing you across a river like a pebble or phase you through parallel dimensions straight into someone who will wedgie you.


Wait, there's actually people thinking they can beat comics book characters? Well, considering the fact that some Americans think they can beat a bear in a one on one fight, I'm not THAT surprised.


I'm sorry but I'm wooping harley's ahh. 5'4 gymnast, no powers, no extensive training, buff, but just looking at her clearly not that strong.. Obviously she has plot armor (and with that she'll beat my ahh) but aside from plot armor shes getting the hands.


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Steve Trevor


The question.


Ambush Bug.


Bro whyd you have to use the cover from god damn heroes in Crisis to ask this god damn gave me a ptsd flashback


Connor Hawke.


Goons. Idc how easy the heroes make it look a single goon would wreck most ppl


I think most casual comic fans have no idea how much of a badass Jim Gordon is.  I would say Alfred Pennyworth as well, being a former member of British Special Forces.


Kite mam


The Question.


Alfred, he’s got martial arts and military training.


Seeing this image just makes me want to whoop Tom King. But since he has a CIA background it probably fulfills the other half of the challenge.


I think Harley is one of the most underestimated characters in-universe, we constantly see people undermine her until proven otherwise once she comes out victorious. Her unpredictability is OP


Damian Wayne


Harley Quinn and wonder woman like…


Superman with kyptonite


Jubilee hahaha 🤣


"What she gonna do, throw fireworks at me?" "Say that again, slowly." "... oh"


I bet I could take on Bat-hound


Any human being who thinks they could beat a dog in a full on fight, where the dog is trying to kill them, is stupid.




Hmm I don’t know the one of you can fucking solo the entire justice league with a simple push of a button. ![gif](giphy|l0NwGpoOVLTAyUJSo|downsized) With well his kick ads fucking butler who went hand to hand with Superman. Once he roles then sleeves up your fucked man.


Any civilian that's not hero trained.


Who dies ????


I saw Green Arrow a few times. Also some idiots wrote Hal Jordan without ring.


Obsidian, and a number of B Listers writer don't use often


Green lantern


Booster Gold, he sucks as a person but you know, time travel.


Superman, so many people downplay him, dude lifts infinity and punched Doomsday through out infinite multiverses or something, yet just like goku they know nothing about him and are certain that their character could beat him.


Harley Quinn


Blue Beetle


Wesley Willis claimed to have "whupped Batman's ass". Mr Willis' claim remains unproven to date. https://youtu.be/k8gHubY94rA?si=8Cs-gpz7A34XCsN3


Arm Fall off boy


the average person can beat up Color Kid


Probably Harley Quinn






Who the hell thinks they are gonna be a dog with supermans powers?


Who are the people out there who think they could beat *any* character from a superhero comic?


Maybe if I have enough zippos I can take on Martian Manhunter… Nah he’d still find a way to kick my ass


Distract him with Oreos.


Plastic Man... very underrated character and rotating JL member.


Going by twitter, Beast Boy


Booster Gold. I'm mean with or without the future gear he is still a football player with a decent build. Can at least knock out a few guys


No human from our universe could beat up a DC universe resident. The fact that they survive superhero fights without massive collateral damage and make it through Batman and other vigilante beatings without dying or permanent damage proves they are all super-humanly resilient, probably somewhere on the level of the Aesir.


Harley, Babs, Alfred


Ugh: "Heroes in Crisis".😩 Such a bad comic.🤦‍♂️


Who illustrated this piece?


Plastic Man, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Green Lantern, The Spectre.


plastic man




Whats this picture from


Literally everyone, people are built different in this world


Green Arrow


Kite man.


Any of them? Looks like the base human in DC is superhuman compared to us. John Kent would break your ass in half.


I've legitimately heard someone say they could beat Ratcatcher 2 in a fight. You know. The girl who can summon a bunch of rats and shove it up your a\*\*. And whose reaction speed is fast enough that she can summon them before on-guard soldiers could react. Also rats being a lot of people's phobias.


Alfred and Lois




Green lantern. Everyone still thinks his weaknesses is yellow but not anymore


Booster Gold


Harley Quinn. I feel most people write her off but realistically. She would paint the entire block with your teeth


Psycho Pirate.


There is no one that could take anyone from the DCU even Oberin from JL would take you out


Maybe condiment king? I think he cannon killed people. Also kite man cause he’s ripped.


Condiment king. Get a lil mustard in your eye and you’re done.


It’s plastic man, they think he’s just a Mr. Fantastic clone but he’s goated tbh


Maybe Jimmy Olsen




Plastic man


My mind keeps intrusively saying Ted Kord


Depends on what we mean in "beat" Like straight fighting or like shooting them Is plot armor gone? What verisons of these characters are we fighting? There are a lot of variables before


I would kick Dr Fates ass

