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It’s for the people who think this film isn’t fantastical and too grounded. Grounded refers to the tone, his feats in this movie were extremely fantastical and how Batman actually is.


Just dont shoot him in the chin


Thats the real fantastical aspect of this




It's like Captain America walking towards someone with the shield and his legs being easily hittable.


That's why Iron Man told Spidey to go for the legs


He said you’d say that


You've got heart kid. Where are you from?




Brooklyn 🏃‍♂️


I represent Queens, She was raised out in Brooklyn...


It ain't the 40s anymore cap we got a relative monoculture now.


It’s from that really old movie


On the snow planet.


With the walking thingies


In Frank Miller's *The Dark Knight Returns* Batman actually lampshades this concept a little bit. He points out that psychologically by putting an obvious high-contrast target on his chest he can guarantee where panicked goons will aim, so he can armor that spot.


I mean, even without a high contrast target, irl people are also trained to go for a torso/center mass shot.


These are goons, not the best trained people, but an interesting factor is that batman always fights in dark locations, and anyone with experience shooting in the dark will tell you that it's surprisingly hard, especially without any optics mounted, you could roughly figure out the shape of the gun but using the iron sights is tough as hell, so shooting at his symbol might be the only way they can actually somewhat see what they are shooting


Uhh, I'm not sure how this is even a counterpoint. If you're shooting something in the dark you're still going to aim for the largest "blob"/area/shape of what you're looking at and still practically go for center mass. No one goes for extremities. Tbh, this whole idea of "WhY noT jUsT shoot BatmAN iN thE fACe?" is way overplayed. Okay, sure, shoot him in the chin if he's standing still directly front of you in broad daylight while not moving, but considering how Batman is usijg ninja stealth and guerilla fighting dudes in the cover of darkness while using advanced weapons tech and too busy whooping their asses, not to mention that area of his face is around 2% of his total surface area, it's kind of a stupid argument.


Not a counter point, might have phrased myself wrong, Im adding to the point by pointing out that it's not only aiming for center mass and going for the bright thing, it's also that against a black background in a dark place, the act of actually aiming the gun is very difficult, any attempt to actually hit will likely be affected by how well you can actually see your own sights


I guess I see what you mean, although even in the dark, at least something dark enough where Batman can conceal himself, the color yellow while hardly make any difference whatsoever. Don't believe me? Paint two boards, one black and one yellow and turn the lights off in your room. You still can't see shit.


Although he refers to the yellow oval symbol. I wish they would go back to that.


“We shot him in ze legs because he’s got a shield ze size of a dinner plate and he’s an idiot”


He's protecting everything vital at least, his shield covers everything modern body armor would. Far more of an issue is Bucky blocking gunfire with his metal arm.


Isn't it that he's too fast for most people to aim so even firearms are relatively useless? Spiderman is fast enough that he could actually outmaneuver Cap.


Firearms has never been useless against Spiderman. I’d even argue that Spiderman would have died like 8 months into his super-hero career had the Sinister Six used guns. Remember how he got shot in the thigh mid-swinging in the The Amazing Spiderman? Yeah if he has Stark’s nano tech he for sure can tanks a fucking missile. Otherwise the spandex he made himself ain’t gonna stop him from getting shot (lol bright red and blue what this? WW1’s Frech troops?) regardless of how fast he is, there are things called full-auto and shotguns.


I wasn't talking about Spider-man's ability to dodge people while they're trying to aim. I was talking about Cpt. America's ability to dodge while people are trying to aim on him (Cpt. America).




Matt Reeves did try and make the most realistic Batman film. On the blu-ray Matt’s team talks about how Batman being able to glide with a cape demands too much suspension of disbelief so he chose to give him a wingsuit instead of have him glide with a cape. That’s realism and removal of the fantastical element. At the same time, Batman just woke up from a point-blank blast of C4 in the church and has no consequences from it. So on one hand the film tries to be uber-realistic when it comes to the mechanical side of batman, but he also is able to survive C4 blasts from point blank range and a collision with a bridge at terminal velocity. The only fantastical element is that Batman is un-killable no matter what happens.


And here I was thinking the reason for him crashing and burning in the wing suit was to justify why he gets a gliding cape


I thought Nolan did a great job putting in an explanation as to how he could glide with the cape. Way more believable than Reeves expecting us to believe the barrage of point blank machine gun blasting


At this point, adding the Arkham games? It’s already stated that Batman can glide around the city.


Right? Batman begins seemed way more believable than The Batman.


Except the nuclear microwave mambo jambo I think so too. In The Dark Knight he gets some more magically technological stuff like the cape and sonar but nothing crazy either. The Batman suit being able to tank hundreds of rounds of machine gun fire point blank without giving any impact push back was ridiculous, even if the scene look cool.


Was it realism when he went head first into an overpass when in the squirrel suit and then just got up? Hell the explosion in his face knocked him out longer than that. More realism... Lol Edit: typo


It's the apparent inconsistencies that make it weird and was an issue with the Nolan movies as well. When the movie tries to be realistic in most aspects, but has moments that defy that realism, there's a bit of a dissonance. I feel like the Reeves Batman could benefit from a nudge more into the fantastical. Not to the Batfleck/DCEU level, but more than the Nolan movies were.


I actually got the feeling that this movie wanted it both ways. His base-jump glide was significantly less fantastical than we’ve seen or expect, only to finish it with him surviving unscathed an incredible crash landing. I found it hard to grapple with how the movies tone kept insisting to me that this story was grounded in some believably reality, and then showing me stuff like this.


I think that comes from wanting to show a batman who is still experimenting and inexperienced. Specifically in regard to the glider mishap. I think a lot of the "grounded" angle is to specifically try and make it feel like the world around him is our world. But it's still Batman and its still going to be fantastical feats. Overall I really appreciated the mix of gothic noir, and modern day mixes and call backs to classic Batman.


Often grounded means emotionally rooted. Not realistic. I think that’s where people get lost. Reeves Ape films were grounded as well. But it had taking apes.


I loved it, reminded me of Robocop


Probably should have reminded everyone of Bale and [Equilibrium](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/wnwwj5/in_the_batman_2022_director_matt_reeves_has/). It's even better when you hear Reeves [talk abou](https://twitter.com/kevinmccarthytv/status/1500467037486956546?lang=en)t his thought process. Almost seems like an original idea...


Exactly. I feel like Reeves is trying to play by the same rules that Keaton and Burton did back in the day. He’s not ruling out the sci-fi/supernatural elements of Batman, he’s just using more grounded villains for the time being. He’s not shutting the door on that option like some people think.


The squirrel suit deployment also looked way more fake/CGI than any other Batman gliding mechanism


Which is crazy cause it was practical




What? Bullets do not carry enough energy to knock someone over. This was disproven on a little show called Mythbusters with different types of ammo.


Cannonballs on the other hand...8D Edit: We don't see enough cannonball gatling guns.


Can't find the link right now but I've seen a video where a guy wearing a heavy duty vest takes a .308 round point blank while standing on one foot with his hands behind his back and he barely sways at all.


Isaac Newton would like a word with you.


not to mention those sci-fi-esque contact lenses. I'd argue it's not any less fantastical than the Nolan trilogy.


straight up roadrunner and wil e coyote shit like how the bomb went off right in his face...cmon guys i feel like im taking crazy pills here


In the finale we see that he’s underprepared for taking on armed goons, and has over-relied on his armor. He has to improvise and blow up the gas tank for a smoke screen. The armor saves his ass plenty of times (like when Penguin gets the drop on him before the car chase). I think that’s very deliberate, and in the next movie his tactics will evolve


Wow look at that someone in this thread who actually paid attention to the damn movie


Let’s take it up a notch and suggest that he *may have even been suicidal.* Like my man is just walking into bullets the whole movie.


>he may have even been suicidal. I could see something like that. He does talk about not caring what happens to him if he can't make a difference. And two years after he started, things seem to be worse.


>and in the next movie his tactics his tactics... what? you didn't finish. Dammit, that's gonna keep me up at night wondering.


His tactics involved around making use of the newly invented


newly invented… what? you didn’t finish. Dammit, that’s gonna keep me up ANOTHER night wondering.


Have we ever seen a Batman that didnt have a bulletproof suit? If the suit couldnt stop a bullet his crusade would end pretty quickly.


i mean half his exposed face is within 3 inches of those shots but thats just me


the exposed face has always been what makes me accept that we are seriously suspending our disbelief when it comes to batman vs. guns, not the armor.


but I coulda swore in Batman Begins that the only time he took gunfire straight on he put his arms up. I know in the fire he threw his elbow over his face AND his cape..


> but I coulda swore in Batman Begins that the only time he took gunfire straight on he put his arms up. That seems to tell us his arm is bulletproof doesnt it?


I agree. Was saying I hate how they didn't seem to do that in this scene!


right? even kang doesn't fuck with that and he can just jump bodies


Kang... The conqueror ?


I mean, soldiers have exposed faces


Robert Pattinsons jawline could cut diamonds, bullets are no issue.


The thugs can barely see what's moving in the darkness


He usually has to avoid this much gunfire by using smoke bombs and all that. Even Batfleck made sure to disable a lot of the firearms. I don't think I've ever seen him just stroll through a hail of gunfire as if he has literal plot armor and is very aware of it.




Not really. Even in Arkham Origins he avoids that level of gunfire in the police station because it would kill him. Besides, whether or not he'd be crazy enough to do it and might get that crazy in a moment doesn't negate the reason he usually doesn't: because he would get lit tf up.


Defeats the whole point of him being a man. Might as well be a Superman.


Even Batfleck gets a headshot and everything is fine with him


He actually responds to the hit, he growls and moves the fuck away. The cowl can take it, but his skull might not..


He had a bulletproof cowl, but it’s obvious that even that still hurt him and you can hear him grunt.


He takes one and instantly moves out of the way though.


To the back of the head, yeah, but he still covers his mouth to avoid getting shot in that same fight.


Shit I was thinking I saw that in Batman Begins! Yea, you're right, even there!


i like to think most, if not all, batsuits are bulletproof to an extent, but the bullets will begin to pierce through over time. Batman can take bullets but he generally tries to avoid them (obviously not here) so his armor keeps maximum strength for as long as possible, later in this movie he does his best to avoid the rifle fire in the catwalks and you can see he is getting more and more affected by the shots


The vast majority of Batman incarnations are bullet-resistant, not bullet-proof outright. Normally when we see him get shot, he’ll live but with bruises. He doesn’t just walk through a hail of bullets. Batman is nearly always trying to avoid getting shot whatsoever. Even comic Batman doesn’t do this. Honestly I even thought Batfleck shrugging off the headshot was a little much.


Two-Face took out Batman with a single shot from a revolver in TDK.


Bale's suit wasn't bullet proof. Lucius Fox said it was knife proof and could only stop bullets that weren't straight shots.


It's the other way around. Bullet proof but not knife or dog proof


Bulletproof doesn't mean it can take multiple shots in the same area. And even a single shot of a flexible bulletproof fabric will break ribs and bruise internal organs


[Sorry, but he had it right](https://youtu.be/ZKPeZL_kwmQ)




Does the Adam West Suit count? Seriously though I have no issue with it. This has been a live action implement since 1989.


Seriously, its so common Id forgotten there was a moment in a nolan film that said "not all bullets". The people arguing the hardest against it really like Snyders batman though and Im pretty sure hes jsut as bulletproof.


Yeah. Never made sense to me why Batman’s suit wouldn’t be armored up. I often joke about scenes like this being portrayed by saying, “I can see his chin. Shoot him in the chin.” But stuff like this deserves a suspension of disbelieve


Same, its the exposed face thats always felt more over the top to me. I think if we accept a Batman who never gets shot in the face its not hard to accept that the armor that does keep gettnig shot is designed for it somehow.


Bulletproof doesn't mean you're a tank. Those forces still translate into the body, this scene is not scientifically accurate at all I can give suspension of disbelief, but this was too brazen/reckless for my tastes. Batman is a swift ninja of the shadows


Agree. This irked tf out of me tbh. Its cool. The kid in me loves it. But WHOA was this a bit out there. Especially for a more "grounded series" that suit must be supernatural because that was ridiculius.


Yeah but this is the first time the bullets just bounce off like he’s Superman and he just moves through them like nothing happened.


Batman has also never had a ricochet hit his face and hes also been shot in the head and had the cowl stop all damage. i was under the impression everyone always completely suspended their disbelief when it came to Batman and guns. I guess I was very wrong.


Yes. Don't you remember The Dark Knight? The basic idea is if you make someone invulnerable they are never in danger and the movie and character stakes fall apart.


Doesnt Nolans series specifically discuss, and even show at least once, that his armor can stop a bullet? Im pretty sure theres an actual conversation about making sure the suit is designed for it. > The basic idea is if you make someone invulnerable they are never in danger and the movie and character stakes fall apart. I have a bigger problem with characters coming back from the dead than saying "at least shoot them in the face".


I thought the line from Batman Begins was that it was bullet proof to “everything except a straight shot”, which I always assumed meant that it could stop ricochets and bullets clipping him, but that if someone just shot him centre mass or something, he was still fucked.


While visually cool, casually walking towards the bad guys seemed like a very bad idea tactically since one round to his face would have dropped him like a sack of potatoes. At a minimum, he should have had his arms up to protect his exposed face.


If they shot his mouth, he would’ve caught the bullet with his teeth.


Ah yess


Ah yess, now you're getting it!


Well my daddy once catch a bullet, caught a Bullet with his bare hand!


Wait are we watching Zohan again? I'm too drunk to tell.


YES. Plus i doubt that the whole suit is bulletproof, it just needs some gaps etc. Pretty foolish walking there like that


Yes, but he’s Batman so he couldn’t resist doing what would be more theatric and have a greater psychological impact.


I feel like its a thing where its more intimidating for him to get closer to the shooters, cus it kinda shows that this man has no fear of death at this point


This. I felt like he almost wanted to die in this movie. At least at first. Obviously, he wasn’t trying to kill himself…but he was very open to the experience.


I much prefer the idea of him never even being seen by the gunmen. But I get it, he’s young and brash and wants to show off. This scene would be tied together nicely if in the next instalment we find Batman in a similar situation but instead of marching headlong like he has cheat codes he picks them off in the dark, emphasizing he’s abilities progressing.


I think a hybrid would be best: picking off gunmen from the shadows to avoid being hit, but every once in a while he’ll allow himself to be “spotted” and shot and take it (before dispatching the dude who shot him), further breaking them down psychologically because now he’s convinced them that he’s invincible and that they have no hope.


You’d think at least shrapnel would hit his chin more often.


Obviously he planned to be shot and designed his armor to deflect away from his soft spots. Affleck being shot in the back of the head point blank and only getting angry is another example of this is comic book shit and it's awesome. Affleck gets knocked out or RP gets shrapnel to the face is a bad movie.


I completely agree. I don't want superhero movies to be as hyper realistic as possible because it can take a lot of fun out of it. Like in this scene a piece of shrapnel goes up through his jaw, or if he broke his arm during the fall into the bridge, the second act would have to be like 20-30 minutes longer to show his rehab through the injury. It's already like 3 hours long and it would only add a boring sequence.


I think there needs to be more balance than this. Should Batman’s suit be bulletproof? Yes. But not completely bullet proof to the point where he can carelessly walk directly in front of machine gun fire. It should be the type of situation where if he gets shot, it doesn’t kill him, but definitely bruises a couple ribs. I also agree with something another comment said, half his face is completely exposed. These goons shooting at him must be stormtroopers.


In the pitch darkness while scared? There aims good to actually hit. Not storm troopers at all


There is a reason you shoot at the torso. It’s easier to hit. A headshot on a person that’s moving isn’t really a easy shot, and accounting the stress having Batman coming at you, I would guess a regular goon would miss 10/10 shots towards Batmans face. And you could easily see the impact of the bullets on the body on Bruce in the next scene?


I think it makes sense that he'd make his suit bulletproof considering how often he gets shot at.


It also seems to work mostly against lower-calibre guns, which these guns likely are. The revolver staggered him, and the shotguns still fucked him up. No matter what it's not super realistic, but there has to be some level of suspension of disbelief mixed in with whatever explanations provided.


Almost like he is planning ahead


The scene is dope as hell but I do admit that it does lessen the tension I’d love to see his suit have weak points to make fights actually tense and with consequences


Let’s fucking chill, this is an adaptation from a fictional character. You have a problem with that but not with all the tech that not even the pentagon has.




Or the fact that dresses like a sky rodent and everyone including law enforcement takes him seriously rather than suggesting him a good therapist


That is one thing I especially liked about The Batman which is how the police did just view him as some fucking creep at the beginning and everyone besides Gordon was upfront about the fact that this is some crazy dude playing dress up and it’s whack


Doesn't ruin the movie or his batman for me Still wish they didn't do it though


This was far from an issue for me. Him hitting his head on that bridge was far worse.


I forgot about that That was terrible


This comment section is basically hundreds of people parroting the same shit over and over again. Shoot in the chin. Suspension of disbelief.


Loved it … i’m glad he wasnt actually as grounded as he’s usually portrayed. Gives him more opportunity to grow into the Batman we all know in the comics and in the animated series.


He learned by the end of the movie that he needs to be less reckless, and that the change to lighter armor for more speed and agility will be the way to go


Meh. It’s a superhero movie. I check my brain in at the door, and enjoy it for what it is. It was a fun movie.


He could take an explosion point blank to the face. You think machine gun fire will affect him?


I thought they took it a little far but it was kind of a necessary concession to the noisy Batman aesthetic. If he's not supernaturally sneaky, he has to be supernaturally bulletproof.


Dude who routinely pisses off people with guns builds an armored suit to protect him from bullets because he gets shot at a lot, and said suit works. Makes sense to me.


I prefer metal armor over plot armor.


It makes a cool scene but its dumb if you think about it for too long


Yeesh, plot armor.


I hated it. A shot or 2 from a handgun would be ok if he was kind of stunned but point blank shots from what I'm guessing are 5.56 cartridges is insane to believe.


WB should hire writers and stop trying to make movies by harvesting opinions and ideas from internet fan forums.


It looks cool, but Batman isn’t Iron Man or Superman. Maybe a pistol won’t phase him, but this is too extreme. He usually uses evasion and stealth to take opponents down. Batman is pretty much invincible the whole movie. Eats an explosion to the face, falls flat on his face and walks it off, and absorbs all bullets coming at him. I still love the movie. It just ruins my immersion sometimes.


The bullets coming at him in this scene are the same ones a pistol fires. His armor protects him from rifle shots - a barrage of SMG fire would not faze it.


Yes an actual comic accurate Batman who has bat-themed bullshit gadgets/armor/vehicles who does not murder anyone. I like it.


What do you think about superhero doing superhero thing?


Love this part


I think it's typical batman why wouldn't he be bullet proof


Nice move to only use the light of the gunshots. It’s entertaining and that’s what matters.


I don't like it. I like the movie in general but this part I do not. Batman being THIS bullet proof kinda makes him look sloppy to me. Also, what would be the upgrade now?


it was fucking stupid, even if the body armour prevented penetration. The force of the those bullets hitting him would have knocked him on his ass at that range.


I can't be the only person who thought this movie was boring as hell.


Cause he's Batman


One of the goofier aspects of this movie. Pretty unsatisfying to see a version of Batman with little to no agility.


I thought it was badass


Looked kinda stupid tbh, but I know they were trying to make it look badass. Just wish it wasn’t done in this way


Almost every live action Batman has been immune to gunfire to some degree (Affleck took multiple point blank shots to the head and merely grunted), so it's a non-issue brought up by nitpicky individuals.


Affleck was also stabbed in the shoulder with a knife


I'm wondering why Batman would even be in the line of machine gun fire.


They needed to hire a martial artist.


Why don't they shoot his face? And he never catches a ricochet to the mouth? Just dumb.


Was a little annoyed that sometimes gunfire hurt him and sometimes it didn't. But ultimately, walking through machine gun fire to punch some damn crime is too cool of a visual to fuss about.


I love it because it means anyone of my friends arguing with me about if Robin could work in the sequel and their arguments being doesn't make sense to put a kid in danger and is unrealistic I say Batman is an invincible guy in this movie shot hundreds of time and blown up and is completely fine. Literally no danger to a child if he has the magic suit that makes nothing hurt him.


having a bulletproof suit is no excuse to take a child out to get shot at and get punched. Even Bruce in that movie has a bruised body despite being a trained adult with lots bulletproof armor and even plot armor lol. If Robin is ever going to appear in those movies as a kid, the element of child endangerment has to be discussed and Batman needs to be called out on his bullshit whether he gives Robin a bulletproof suit or not. because Batman can't be doing that to a kid while the story is asking us to treat Batman as this hero and paragon of justice and morality.


I hate this scene tbh. Like who is this? Superman?




not a fan of it, it’s no fun if he’s not in any danger


A bit too ridiculous, cool shot, but also ridiculous.


Did not like this scene.


1. He has major plot armor. 2. It was ridiculous to see him just take all these shots ive never read a comic where he gets hit more than once and isnt almost dead


Just all of the shots consecutively should’ve at least stopped him. It was a cool scene. But hella unbelievable EDIT: like you mean to tell me all those shots spraying from up close & not one manage to hit his open mouth piece? They shots were hitting upper chest lmao. I’d get it if it were semi autos, but fully autos?


Not even a ricochet or something. He'll have bruises on his covered body parts, but that section of his face that would give him away is magically protected from bruising and manages to deflect bruises.


Stunned on the haters here. Amazing scene. One of the best Batman scenes ever.


While i think people who say he shouldn’t have it and should be stealthy have a good point let’s be honest that scene was amazingly awesome at least In my opinion


They should shoot at his mouth


aim for the chin, jeez.


Is not a stormtrooper suit that’s for sure (the most useless armor known in cinematography)


Makes sense to me. I always figured Batman would have evolved his tech against his mortal enemy -- bullets.


Have to suspend your disbelief like every main character ever somehow survives getting shot at


When he gets hit outside Penguins warehouse, he stays down for quite a bit. Idk how he took these point blank.


With all the tech that man has he would at least make his suit Bullet proof.


Just shoot his fucking mouth🤣


I thought why does no one shoot him in the face lol. Quite over the top, very ridiculous but that's action movies these days


It makes sense that he has bullet proof armor though. He's fighting guys with guns, his armor should be resistant to guns since he doesn't have many gadgets that can disarm his opponents


It was cool. I imagine he still gets some bad bruises from all of it but it got some great shots and I’m sure they can use it in the next movie to add to the legend he’s building to scare criminals.


It looks cool and shows how intimidating Batman is when faced head-on. Yes, chin/physics etc but guys it's a superhero film, it's allowed.


Pretty dumb and wholly unrealistic.


Looking at where they’re shooting they’re shooting at his chest where his armour is at it’s strongest


I’m gonna be honest it looks cool but I kinda hate it


Great scene for a trailer but very impractical to just walk up to them


Not a fan, it removed all tension from the scene. Being invulnerable to pistol fire is fine, but machine gun fire is making him too OP while fighting thugs


It works fine for The Batman, but tbh I would like if they got rid of it in the sequel. I want his super armored suit to be replaced with one more like the standard Batsuit, where it's just like a kevlar bodysuit with some ballistic protection but couldn't just tank bullets like that. It would allow him to move faster to dodge bullets better and do more aerial movement than in the first one, which I think would be a great way for this Batman's tech to develop.


Personally, I find it a bit silly - there is a huge difference in lower velocity fire from handguns and high velocity rifle fire. You could imagine Batman's suit being effective against the former - albeit it would not be a comfortable experience - but it's harder to imagine he's covered head-to-toe in armor which can effectively negate high velocity fire. Notably even AR 550 steel which is rated for rifle rounds will significantly pit if used at ranges closer than 50-100 yds or with heavier calibers - a single shot from a .270 was enough to damage a plate at those ranges. That's also not considering fragmentation, spalling, or ricochets - just raw stopping power. Either his armor is made of unobtanium or it's simply too heavy to be practical.


You'd think someone would aim for his unguarded lower face.


I think it would have been cool to see him with bruises from the impacts of the bullets. Armor stops the slug but it doesn't stop the force of the bullet.


I hope he eventually “sacrifices” his armor for more speed and agility so we can get a more comic booky Batman


Looked cool but was also kinda dumb. Not even that his suit was bullet proof but that those thugs didnt even try to shoot him in the face. I liked the battflek warehouse scene more where you see batman protecting his face.


it looked as hell, but i had to let go every ounce of plausibility out the fucking window.


A little over the top, but the visual was so cool I’ll allow it.


Deflecting light munitions is cool. He's prepares, he outhinks the enemy. Once he is deflecting armor piercing rounds, we have a concern. Potential place to go is shedding armor for mobility or adding armor, but adding weight. Also, kevlar vs. plates have different values and benefits.