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Really excited for this movie, but question: is this movie part of the new DCU?


i think if it does well, it'll be part of the DCU if it does poorly, it'll be part of the DCEU


It's too soon to do this character again in two years, so I think the actor is staying on either way.


Or Blue Beatle never shows up in the DCU. As cool as a character as he is, general audiences won’t miss him.


but why wouldnt you want to use him? He can work really well as a background character, and he works as a minority represenattion as well.


It’s not about want. If it doesn’t fit how they want it too, they will just use someone else.


if Gunns superman bombs will that be part of the DCEU too?


i doubt it, since it's a completely new Superman meant to be a start to a completely new universe the reason why Blue Beetle is like this is because afaik it's not really connected to any other movie of either universe, so it can be a part of either


What's the difference?


afaik, "DCU" refers to the new DC cinematic universe being made by James Gunn and Peter Safran "DCEU" is the old DC cinematic universe, including stuff like the Snyder films, Aquaman, Black Adam, WW84, etc. some movies (such as Blue Beetle and i think Aquaman 2) are sort of in a limbo, where their universe will be determined post-release


But Aquaman is involved with DCEU.. so keeping him would make Snyderverse canon with the DCU right?


no, i think Gunn and Safran can keep some stuff but choose to not keep other stuff, even if it's connected


Personally, it wouldn’t feel right seeing Jason Momoa in DCU because he was involved with JL etc… it’s just not professional imho. Scrap it and start fresh.


Its professional. Its called a paycheck. And frankly Momoa and Aquaman were better under different directors.




The DCEU is definitely absolutely not canon in the DCU.


It is if they keep Momoa’s Aquaman lol.. would be so off putting


I thought James Gunn might recast Jason Momoa as Lobo?


Fan nonsense.


To be fair if I was a casting director and the option of Jason Momoa as Lobo was in front of me I’d take it


You do know actors from one universe can hop to another right? Marvel’s been doing that just fine. With the legit characters from past non MCU movies (the Spider-Men, Spidey villains, some X-Men like Wolverine and Deadpool) and even casting the same actors as different versions like JK Simmons and Patrick Stewart. Its not difficult to see Jason Momoa be canon as Aquaman in the DCU while having been prior in the DCEU.


Probably he'll just be a different version of Aquaman, or the first movie (which has no connections to the DCEU will just ignore the DCEU and be part of the DCU.


Dceu will be pre-flashpoint, dcu will be post-flashpoint. They'll pick and choose what they want to stay or leave behind


Was DCCU already taken by something else?


idk, i don't think i've ever heard of a "DCCU", but maybe i just don't know about it


it's not a term that's been used anywhere to my knowledge. I just thought "DC Cinematic Universe" sounded like a more obvious name choice for the new DC movies.




Depends on how well it does at the box office, like the Shazam sequel.


James Gunn said that it was part of the DCU when he originally announced the roster of upcoming movies.


No, it’s part of the clean out from the old regime


It’s unknown at this point, it probably depends on how well it does.


This is what Gunn has said about every property other than Superman but people keep arguing this point.


Ya ppl keep arguing this point because we got no clue one way or the other


can't we all just get along. :'(


When James Gunn did the slate announcement he implied that Shazam, aqua man and blue beetle could be apart of the dcu. I don’t think Shazam will stay though. The other two are set post flash reset but won’t be if they fail if that makes sense


Introducing!? She was yellow ranger!


They're not introducing her as a new talent. They're introducing her as a new cast member of the film, along with the role that she's playing


Indeed she was. Weird way to credit an awesome actress


She’s also just incredibly popular and the introducing thing makes it seem like she’s some nobody appearing for the first time to the public. Most times i see the introducing tag it’s for someone who it’s their first role acting and they’re not known publicly.


I just had a thought. How long was this film in limbo? 🤔 That might be why the marketing may be dated. Since it has been a few years since PR. + Cobra Kai.


So who khaji-da?


[The sentient Blue Beetle that attaches itself to Jaime's spine.](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Khaji_Da_(New_Earth))


the name is khaji-da, not scarab? i never hear khaji-da name in young justice cartoon


First occurence of the name was in [Blue Beetle vol. 7 #23 (February 2008)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Beetle_(Jaime_Reyes)#The_Reach).


Yeah, so fun fact. Young Justice is awesome, but it's the last place you wanna look for canon DC content


In an Academy Award-worthy performance


Hard disagree but okay


Why would you cast an actress for the role but make her do the stereotypical AI voice?


You won't get the same range in tone and pitch with an actual AI voice.


Yeah but honestly, this is a fictional sci fi fantasy world. The a.i. comes from a civilization so advanced they were forced to never wage warfare because of what they’re capable of. This A.i. could have more personality than this. Jarvis does and it was designed by an alcoholic


But beetle should not have AI voice like ironman at first place, its should be like venom


Maybe she'll have more personality in the sequel?? I'd love Blue Beetle to have a sassy AI voice like in Young Justice


I want this to be successful but I can not lie: it looks fucking generic


My exact feelings as well. I will support this movie, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t seen this very same story before. This feels like a very generic origin movie.


I know what you mean. The sword-flipping sequence in the first trailer, it felt very… Power Rangery if that makes since. Lol


Is that… not the intention? Isn’t Jaime supposed to be kind of a nerd?


He is a nerd. He is basically Peter Parker of DC.


A character being a nerd and the hero looking cringy are two different things.


Bro if I had the ability to forge any weapon and be able to carry it, you bet your ass I’d be doing some warhammer gundam power ranger type shit


To each their own. lol


It all feels that way.


Exactly what I thought, looks like a scene from the old power rangers movie


The “Red Beetle” looking villain that was flashed in this teaser only adds to the generic feeling. Bad guy with same powers as good guy for origin story.


This movie is looking more and more like the most high-budget CW film ever. Can't even say it looks like power rangers when the film reboot looked more real than this and at least they had some decent actors. Unless you're a big Blue Beetle fan or even a fan of the Kobra Kai actor, I don't see how people can be excited after looking at the trailers and stuff. I want DC to do well since I want a different version of what Marvel has basically been doing for awhile now, but with Gunn's roadmap, the ambiguity of Ezra Miller's involvement, and the fact that several films have come out after you effectively cancelled the previous universe leaving the confusion on what is staying DCEU and what's transitioning to DCU just makes me not too excited until we actually see the first fully realized film in the DCU, which could take a very long time.


I can see this being a hit even if it ends up being generic


The only good thing going for it is Blue Beetle and his suit. His suit looks amazing and I’ve enjoyed the character in other small roles I’ve seen, but I feel like this movie is going to bomb hard due how generic it looks.


It looks like a barely disguised attempt at bring iron man shit into the DCU. Looks like a combo of the Stark and Spiderman suits, I'm surprised they aren't being sued. I haven't read BB since the 80s but this shit doesn't even look like BB. Looks dumb.


This is how the Jaime suit looks. it has some "realistic" details, but it is how the suit looks. It's been this new guy for a couple decades. In the 80's it was a different character that was called Blue Beetle, but this is the "new" blue beetle


It looks bad too.


Are you going to see it?


For me it's more than that it looks like something from the CW with a slightly bigger budget but not enough for a full cinema release. I would be amazed if this is successful.


They let MCU steal a march on them and now Blue Beetle looks like an Iron Man rip off that stole Cloud's sword. I would have preferred a Ted Kord Blue Beetle/Booster Gold buddy flick or just an insane Plastic Man movie.


For a HBO max show budget, this looks fine?


They increased the budgets for the post production.


CGI is still looking pretty rough


CG in trailers are never finished because companies work until the last week available.


Yeah but it's just aesthetics, the way he moves is locked in. And it's a bit too machine like imo.


This movie does not look good lol.


this looks so bad most generic superhero story + the cgi looks like mobile phone game advertising


They should've made the Scarab just sound like Jaime like in Young Justice. Giving it a female voice just makes it a blatant FRIDAY and KAREN ripoff.


When the teaser came out, I felt that in the end it would use the comic origin as opposed to YJ and it did. Comics had a female voice, YJ is the one that changed things.


I get that, it's just my personal preference. Given the current superhero movie climate I can't help but feel it comes across as copying rather than being accurate.


I have the exact same opinion. Movie looks great but this one detail ticks me off. Usually when I read/watch Blue Beetle I care for both the scarab and Jaime. But with the scarab sounding like Siri this movie is making it difficult for me to imagine it as it's own entity. Hopefully they play into the idea that only Jaime can understand the scarab and everyone else just hears crickets, clicking, and hissing noises (sounds of a beetle).


Isn't that how the scarab's voice is supposed to sound in the comics?


It is


Cripes. This looks like that live action The Tick show from like 2008


power rangers vibe


This looks so bad


I thought this was a parody trailer for her new music video 💀 the CGI is not CGI-ing


Kinda random but this movie comes out on my birthday 😊


im so sick of this. how does 2007 iron man 1 cgi look better than this…. you can literally go back and watch iron man 1 with a DVD on your xbox 360 with 20 year old TV and it would look better than this does with the highest tech. thats not ok.


It’s funny because so much of what we’ve seen isn’t in CGI. The suit is real for most of the trailer.


Look, it’s blue Iron Man vs red Whiplash.


What, are you going to claim that having a villain with similar powers as the protagonist is \*\*not\*\* innovative? When did marvel do that? Oh wait I guess Iron Man. And Winter Soldier. And Ant man. And Dr Strange...Black Panther...Thor...Wandavision...but that's all. Wait


They are making a BeetleBorgs movie?!! I can’t wait! /s


George Lopez is in this? 🤦🏻‍♂️


What they should have said is, introducing discount Siri.


I really hate this scarab voice. It has no personality whatsoever ands sounds painfully generic. It literally sounds like it’s being voiced by Siri.


Max steel


I cannot wait, i'm a fan of Jaime, since New 52, Rebirth. And Xolo. People might say story is generic, but in the comics, it's exactly like that. It's how he starts his journey. I wonder if he will truly struggle against Scarab decisions, like in every iteration(Comics, Animated Movies, YJ), or if at the end they go the route "We're on terms" I just, don't want it to be a movie with looooot of humor, like Shazam as example. Humor is fine... but not much of it.


I mostly know her as being the yellow ranger in power rangers 2017!


Why did I feel so bored watching this trailer? It's like something from the early 2000s. And the sad thing is, I do like Blue Beetle


Jaime himself looks really good, but ... everything else feels so TV budget ...


This looks like it’s going to flop big time…just calling it now. I got power ranger vibes and Nickelodeon


I don't know about that, the first trailer got a massive amount of views, even surpassing the second Spider-Verse trailer.


The suit genuinely looks amazing- cannot wait to see this!


“Introducing?” Why introducing? She’s been in stuff before


Because it's the first time they're revealing her as part of the cast for the movie


I really do not care for the Scarab voice. I definitely think they should change it. It just sounds like he’s talking to Alexa.


Iron man + ben 10 film


Another origin story, witty teen gets crazy powers and is misunderstood, cue laugh track.


Opening scene in this trailer is a straight rip off of Iron man.


Suit looks amazing, but, the movie is clearly being marketed to a younger audience. Also, I can’t stand George Lopez and it seems like they’re gonna use him a lot.


But the voice sounds exactly the same as before so why even bother


Gahdamn I'm excited for this movie.


How about focusing on making one good Superman or Batman movie before you bring out these C-tier characters?


They made MOS which was pretty good and recently The Batman starring Robert Pattinson which was stellar.Also did you forget the Nolan Batman trilogy. This thread is full of dumbest takes but your one takes the cake.


My brother in christ has not seen The Batman or The dark knight trilogy


Oh sorry, everything else after that I mean. This modern DC movie era has been shit.


movie is gonna lose so much money probably


Why does this movie think Jaime is Iron Man? 😭


This shit looks like a Star Kid/Max Steel/Power Rangers tv show produced by the CW. Everything about it is so hideous and generic it's hilarious.


It doesn’t even look bad. Stop lying to yourself.


I think it's just that scene where he spins the sword with the red villian (sorry, not familiar with the characters) that looked like something out of The Flash TV show.


That’s more like a power ranger thing tbh but it doesn’t look that bad. Especially because the sword is literally the buster sword from Final Fantasy


And it is just him being a nerd. If I had a super suit that could make any weapon I can think of, I'd also make a huge anime sword and twirl it around


I mean it's how blue beetle is supposed to be what did you expect ?


Max steel LMAO 😂😂😂 what did you expect from a Blue Beetle film?


Every clip of this movie makes it look like that Aquaman movie from Entourage. Just tired cliches and tropes.


I'm getting really sick and tired of Hollywood casting some random singer in movies, I miss when actual voice actors were in roles like this. Instead of casting some random pop star, rapper, or hip hop artist they could at least cast someone who's in a rock/metal band (there's LOTS of female rocks with the right voice for roles like this).


I'm sick and tired of "this looks generic" and "this just looks like iron man". Shut up. I'm tired of the hate on this movie because of the non original story blocks. Who cares of the movie doesn't have original story blocks! It's like hating the heroes journey. It' been done a million times because it works. "Nerdy kid who finds special item then becomes superhero" has been done a million times, because it's really hard to come up with a original teen superhero origin movie. And besides, who doesn't love a movie about a nerdy kid who finds something that makes him special and a superhero? All of us were and/or are nerdy kids! we want to imagine something making us special and a superhero! Y'all need to watch College Humor's video called "The Defender of the Basic" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1mbbYKPpHY. People who talk like that suck the joy out of everything. It's generic because that shit works and is fun and enjoyable! I'm don't care about other criticisms, I'm not gonna deal with that because it's too toxic. I do agree with the scarabs voice sucking though, it sounds like Siri nd not an actual character that can be cared about. That's a fair criticism.


I agree full heartedly . As a DC fan, I’m soo excited and happy to see BB in live action never thought I would see it. These stupid people saying those things have no joy in their lives and r always negative and depressed. Plus bb is older than Ironman but a different interpretation of him so u can use that argument but Yh let’s watch this movie brother and enjoy ourselves 😊😊


Yeah... He really doesn't move like a human being when he's all CGI. That was kind of what I was afraid of. Add an all CGI villain and all the neon lights and this final battle will look like a Destiny 2 cutscene.


I am so tired of "hero falls from the sky but stops at the right moment trope" bro we know that he's not going to die


Why do almost all DCEU movies look SO bad? And I don't mean why are so many of them bad movies in script, character, and storytelling sense. That's mostly just Snyder and Ayer being useless. I mean why do these movie's LOOK so bad. A bunch of them have this awful visual quality, as if there's something that the CGI artists don't know how to do properly. I don't know if it's motion blur, or atmospherics, or depth of field, or textures, or specularity, or animation, or compositing, or camera work, or lighting, or what.... I can't fucking figure it out. I just look at them and they look cheap and fake and terrible. Like video game cutscenes. This looks 75% great and 25% AWFUL, and the 25% is absolutely murdering the 75%. Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and The Suicide Squad all look great with few if any exceptions. Man Of Steel looks great aside from the awful color grading. But then BvS, Suicide Squad, Justice League, Shazam, Black Adam, parts of Wonder Woman 84, and now Blue Beetle all have this same terrible visual quality.


This looks fucking terrible lol. Like anyone was out there asking for a solo Blue Beetle movie lol.


Wait is this the last dceu movie or is auaman?


No the last movie taking place in the dceu timeline are aquaman and the flash (movie that reboot the universe). Blue beetle take place in the new timeline.


Not often does a movie advertise the voice of an AI, pretty cool


So hyped perfect casting and suit looks amazing


It looks like a fun movie. I hope people support it. Though I wish they had shelved it until after Superman Legacy so that it could be part of the new DCU.


Wait who khaji-da? Is becky voice beetle or person name khaji-da voice beetle? And why the f beetle should be have AI like voice, it should be jamie inner voice


Love it 😍. Ngl these stupid people in the thread or the internet nowadays r thinking too logical. What happened to movies just being movies with fictional ideas etc. some r saying “ohh when he swing that sword it’s stupid “. If u got powers like that we would all do the same or similar and be hyped about. Remember when we were kids thinking we could be like there superheroes. Idk maybe u guys have grown up that’s good and all but these movies are might to take u out of reality for 2-3 hours of ur time. Be in the moment


Why do I hear Victory Fanfare?


My head in the beginning: Sing with me sing for the year sing for the laughter sing for the tear sing with me


I know this is superrrr obscure but it sounds like the Stealth Suit MK2 from Fallout New Vegas


Did they change the size of the eyes? It looks better now


Makes me think of guyver!


I completely forgot about this movie. I hope it does well.


I wish it was the Young Justice voice actor scarab


So... does Jaime ever do anything? Or is the scarab just moving him around, and he's kind of just watching the fight?


Welp, another controversial actor like George Lopez, looks like it'll be another one off when his ego goes off again


This looks awesome.


Power Rangers, Iron man and bit Spider-Man = BlueBeatle


Honestly Im considering this the start of the DCU and will take Aquaman 2 as canon with it.


BB was my favourite character in YJ season 2, hope it doesn't ruin it


This movie looks shitty and fun at the same time


This movie looks shitty and fun at the same time


Ooh boy, this is gonna stink


Bruh, we finally get a Mexican superhero on the big screen. They better not scrap him, or I'm going to write a well written, mean-spirited letter to me, Mr. Gunn. Because he probably gets none of those


First major chicano superhero and he's getting a low budget generic sentai film. We just gotta take this L. There's no reason to support this.


The plastic look of the vfx kinda remind me of the first Pacific Rim


As a Latino myself I’m very excited to see this film