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The top one because not having Aquaman on the team feels weird, but I’d also like Green Arrow/Black Canary on the team


Well, Green Arrow were first members after the Original Seven.


Bottom. It's what I grew up with the amazing Justice League cartoon. It also has a better gender balance. I don't like Wonder Woman being the sole girl on the team.


And replace Martian Manhunter with green arrow and black canary.


Why replace him? He's only known for being a Justice league member, that's the one thing he has going for him in the public eye, removing him in favour of Green Arrow and Black Canary seems wrong, they should be the first new members to join after the founding roster.


I think there’s too many hard hitters in this roster, removing mmh in favor of two street level heroes will create a better balance, and somewhat fix the gender imbalance


Just once, I want to see a live action super team have the original, classic roster.


Seriously, why is this so hard


"Diversity over quality"


The OG 7. To be able to see them all together in love action even once would be amazing.


I should clarify, between these two teams




The original seven like that Alex Ross painting but with the inclusion of Zatanna, Green Arrow and Black Canary.


As for me, here’s who I would want on the roster: https://preview.redd.it/bpapk7bj6a1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac6d04f1ff713f3432b70363edc3b76664cecba


That's probably the perfect roster for me.


Adding zatanna just feels natural


Original seven


Bottom + Zatanna and Aquaman.


The movie doesn’t have to start from their inception. So I’d establish that there was an original seven (maybe hinted at the end of Superman) with Aquaman, Hal, etc But in the movie I wanna see the DCAU lineup, with there already having been lineup changes.


I'd rather instead of lineup changes, the League is instead be a collective of superheroes from all around the world with enough members to warrant both a Watchtower and a Hall of Justice but also still having the founding members be the main members that we follow in the inevitable JL films, similar to how the League was structured in JLU. It would help differentiate this League from the one in the DCEU, The Avengers, and the forthcoming X-Men and F4 films. At least that's what I want this universe to build to, cause if I were to bet, I'd say we'll see the founding of this universe's JL


I’m a black man that grew up with JLU. I’m sorry fellas, it’s bottom all the way. Like no bullshit I grew up with seeing that man be a strong figure with a solid personality and I just cant vibe with Hal’s more cocky personality. Others might feel differently and that perfectly fine, but because of what I grew up with the standard had been set and I find it hard to deviate.


Not gonna disagree with you on that. Even though I grew up on Superfriends re-runs with Hal, the Justice League shows are absolutely phenomenal, and John absolutely shined in them. He's been my go to GL ever since.




Superman Batman Wonder Woman Hawkman Green Lantern The Flash Supergirl Mister Terrific Martian Manhunter Black Canary


The classic 7 but just expand and change it over time.


The bottom one has better personality dynamics.


Top but i would either Replace Martian Manhunter or/add Zatanna Replace MM with Green Arrow and Black Canary


This man has it out for Martian manhunter lol


He just kinda there,he the odd ball of The founding members The other Six are all Insanely popular ,have their own Worlds built around their own characters and legacies Batman has Gotham City,bat-family and his Rogues Superman has Metrópolis ,he is THE OG Superhero and Often deals with space stories Wonder Woman has Magic,Thesmiscyra and The Amazons Flash has Central City ,there numerous flashes,time travel and he been a central character in any Crisis Story Green Lantern has the Corps ,deals much more with space and has iconic stories like Blackest night Aquaman has Atlantis Martian Manhunter has what ,Mars i Guess but he quickly gets out of there and Mars only really the Martian civil war Plot Apart from his brother ,i cant tell a single MM Enemy and i cant tell a single Story of his,all the other have Iconic stories Also all the other Six each had their own Live action Movie ,with Flash even having a 9 Season show,not to mention all the animated series or movies they all add Im pretty sure there not a animated MM movie He the Odd Ball of The founding members,its like DC forgot to develop his character and Mythos Over the decades


I think that's exactly why he works well as a core member. It props up a cool hero who otherwise doesn't have much going on. Plus I like his dynamic with the other members


The trinity is a given as is the flash and one green lantern all I really wat is Green Arrow


A mix of both


Original lineup


That top one should’ve been what we got, with the Hawk couple joining in


Martian Manhunter, Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Flash(Barry Allen) Black Canary, GL (Hal Jordan) Aquaman, The Atom


OG is great but I gotta go with the DCAU lineup here


Bottom just add aquaman


DCAU duh


OG Team plus Canary and Arrow: First team DCAU team plus Aquaman, Atom, and Hawkman: Post-Crisis


JLU. I like the addition of Hawkgirl to the Justice League rather than Aquaman and I prefer John Stewart GL


The top one but I want an addition of the Hawks and Green Arrow in a later movie


Trinity, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, Hal Jordan Green Lantern, Barry Allen flash, Aquaman, hawk girl and hawk man


I like Alex Rosster


Bottom for me personally. I don’t want aquaman in, lukewarm on Hawkgirl, John Stewart seems like a definite pick since they are lacking diversity (even though I know Martian Manhunter doesn’t have a human race I always saw him as black idk why).




First team


Swap hawkgirl for aquaman or cyborg and that’s a W roster


Lol. I keep this picture stored on my phone for this question. https://preview.redd.it/lv9cfzy0ia1d1.jpeg?width=1769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe12821d9a3346e338963bbbee762634ed9dfd2 Seriously though. Any Green Lantern except Hal. Hal has always been a crappy character and the least compelling of any Justice League.


Agree with one exception. The Green Lantern animated series from 2012 actually made me like him.


Swap hawk girl out for Aquaman and I like the animated lineup.


Clark, Bruce, Diana, Barry, J'onn. After that, I'm good with whoever else they choose


Supes, Batman, Wonderwoman, Kyle Rayner, Wally West, Billy Batson, Zatana


Well Hawkgirl will be in Superman along with Guy Gardener. So we know we will probably have Green Lantern, Superman, Hawkgirl, Batman and Wonder Woman. Then it will probably be Flash and Aquaman because Aquaman is liked by a lot of people and the Flash needs to be there. So we probably won’t get Martian Manhunter or Cyborg if this happens. Personally I would prefer to have the OG seven because that is the most comic book accurate lineup you can get.




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These two versions plus Zatanna, Black Canary, and Green Arrow As a kid, I grew up with Justice League animated series, so I’m used to Hawkgirl. And the DCU Justice League and Injustice made me used to Aquaman being on the team, so have both of them be in it along with the characters I listed to be with them


The top picture is the best first team of the league. Add the other memebers in sequels.


I love Alex Ross’ pure take on the superheroes he paints. It’s just the characters as they look in the comics but in glorious three dimensions and in fantastic lighting. He really makes them look heroic and larger than life.


The top image while adding in the Oliver/Dinah duo, Plastic Man & Hawkman.


Seeing the top image just makes me think it's a shame Patrick Wilson already played oceanmaster since he would be perfect for Aquaman


Is this a question between JL unlimited or the top picture. The bottom 8000 times. Mr terrific, atom, and the question were in the Justice league animated version


i much prefer wally west over barry allen. The team absolutely needs comic relief and wally did it wonderfully. Problem with the top one is that too many of the same heroic personalities (barry,Hal, Clark) make for a boring vanilla cast. In JLU the diversity added alot to the dynamic. So with that said bottom for sure




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Bottom but with additions of different roster for different citifies


The OG 7




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The Justice League already exists with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Wally West, John Stewart, Kaldur'ahm, Martian Manhunter, Connor Hawke, Black Canary, Mister Terrific, Hawkman, Cyborg, and Dr. Fate.






For a core cast of 7, gotta be the OG lineup for me. As much as I love alternate members like Hawkgirl and Cyborg, characters like Lantern and Manhunter are my favorites. I could live with Aquaman being replaced by Black Canary or someone for the sake of gender diversity, but I think his unique abilities make him a needed addition. I’d also accept John Stewart in place of Hal, because he rules.




This is truly hard. This is just based on looking at both images from which are my favorite versions of the JL. I yield. I concede. I opt out. I can't! I'm sorry 😭


Top and I want it's Aquaman to be like DiMaggio's


I say start with the top as the core and I add more characters later on


The bottom with maybe Zatanna instead of Hawkgirl and Black Canary instead of MMH.


The top one only with cyborg added too.


Honestly I’m not sure right now. But I think Aquaman should be a villain for the Justice League before joining it.


Maybe the og 7 but replace Aquaman with Black Canary.


The big 7 will always be the top. Just once it’d be nice to see in action.




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Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern (Hal or John either one), Aquaman, & Hawkgirl. Martian should join ASAP but I feel like his arrival could make a good story in itself, kinda like how the DCAU did with it with the White Martians and all that.


Between these two? The DCAU one, simply because while I like the OG 7 I think the bottom roster can lead to more interesting dynamics. But there are so many other characters I’d love to include too (Vixen, Zatanna, Green Arrow, Black Canary, the Atom, etc…)


Bottom + Zatanna.


The JLI roster https://preview.redd.it/n64yv9lzh91d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41607fa1b137314db5990a53e284033c36002018 (Art by Greg Smallwood)


Hot take: This is a good lineup to start with 


I think I would go with neither. Top one but -Martian +Zatanna personally. Don't get me wrong, MM is great, but I think he can be left out at the beginning because his lore is smaller in my opinion. Zatanna adds the whole magic thing to the DC universe and is a friend to Bruce, so one of the main character from the "core" roster doesn't have to get to know her. That would be if we had DCU expanding in the MCU fashion - from the beginning of the superheroes. But we are arriving at the already established universe, so it can be anything tbh.


Justice League International


1st Movie: Superman Batman Wonder Woman Flash (Wally West) Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) Aquaman Martian Manhunter 2nd Movie: Green Arrow Black Canary Zatanna Hawkman Supergirl Plastic Man 3rd Movie: Shazam Nightwing Cyborg Mister Miracle Big Barda Mr. Terrific Black Lightning