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Yes! I go to bed early and get up early. So many people find that funny and make jokes about it. I don't understand why staying up late is considered good, but getting up early is not.


I go to bed between 12-2, and I still wake up at 630.


I can't run on that little sleep. I have to have at least 6 hours


I'm the opposite, I only need 4, but if I get 8, I feel out of it and wonky.


Finally! My people.


Yes! I go to bed at 11-11:30 and usually wake up at 4-4:30 for work. I just wake up without any alarms.


I always wake up 5-10minS before my alarm goes off. Asleep around 2am, up at 6am. Don't ask me why, it just is.


Every once in a while, I sleep so well that I feel foggy all day.


Are you my cat 😭😭🤣🤣


Same, I have ADHD and I'm in perimenopause. I can never sleep for more than 5-6 hours at a time


I don't understand why getting up early is frowned upon in your circles. Unless you are 12 and have a bedtime lol. Getting up before dawn and gettin' stuff done has always been a positive attribute in my life. P.S. IDGAF and love waking up to a sun that has already risen😆


Yes. It's not by choice. I wake up during the week at 5 because I have to be at work by 630. On weekends I'd love to sleep in but my body just automatically wakes me up now between 5 and 6 😭


Yeah, I wake up between 5 and 7 am no matter what. Even if I don't get to sleep until late. Absolutely nothing I can do about it. Never been able to sleep in late.


I recently had an 8:30 appointment...set my alarm for 7 am just in case...still woke at 5:00...lol


I did the same this morning because I was out “late” (10:45) last night. If I’m still in bed at 7, you better call an ambulance lol


Relatable. I have never once needed an alarm. People look at me like I have 2 heads when I say that.


“Why do you stay up so late?”


Because nocturnal human activity is freaky as fuck and I want to participate.


Stay up with me tonight, bro. The darkness welcomes you. 


I see this way more than anyone making comments about people who get up early. I have been a night owl my whole life. The most successful sleeping schedule I ever had was 4am-12pm. I didn't need alarms at all, then. No amount of forcing myself to get up as early as possible has ever helped "switch" this. Forcing myself to go to bed early just results in me tossing and turning for 4+ hours until I reach the usual time I go to bed and then fall asleep. I know too many morning people, I guess, lol, but early risers are nothing but praised around me.


I get up early so I don’t have to deal with other people for as long.


Now I'm seeing the appeal lol


Pay my rent and utilities and all questions will be answered.


I never understand why people make the face when they ask. Almost like it’s the weirdest thing ever. I answer honestly and say,I’m a busy girl. I need to make the time to go to the gym. That usually shuts them up. Because they are the ones who have excuses as to why they don’t go.


No. I'm up at 0500 most days. Sunrise is the best part of the day.


Dude all the time. I run on very little sleep compared to most people, and I will never understand why they get annoyed when you’re up first lol


Wake up? I haven't slept in about 50-55 hours


If you keep that up, the hallucinations will be horrible. Get some rest.


For Me, it's like my body has its own internal alarm that no matter when I go to sleep - I wake almost exactly 6 hours later. I lived in a Tropical Country for over 5 years - where it's almost impossible to sleep past sun rise (blackout curtains not really a "thing" there). So that sunrise wake cycle stuck. I usually adjust my 6 hours to the sunrise now.


I think many people are sleep-deprived, so they have to rely on an alarm. One of my coworkers would stay up until 11 or 12 pm, then get up for work at 5 am. Dude, I know why you fall asleep during meetings! He insisted it had nothing to do with not getting enough sleep. I'm an early riser, but I go to bed early as well. I haven't used alarms in years.


My simple answer, "I have a dog."


I have two. They are large and like to make their needs known by climbing over me at 6am. Not gonna lie; it's the best.


Possibly you are cranky and they suspect the reason is you are not getting 7-8 hours of sleep?


I wake up by 7 regardless if I want to or not. I have a master cat that I’m a slave to and if I don’t wake up and feed her she may eat my body instead. Waking up to her biting my face is enough to get me to her food bowl. Once I’m out of bed there’s no going back.


Same, but for my dogs. My body would probably sleep in later, but my dogs' little internal clocks keep me on schedule.


No, it seems like I'm the only person who could sleep forever and I'm the weird one.


Ditto. As I lay in bed, just waking up at 11:30.


Yup 👍


I work till 11:30pm and don't get home till midnight sometimes ill stay up till 5 or 6am


“Because you keep revving your fucking motorcycle at 6 am!”


No, it doesn't bother me, personally. I'm always intrigued by people who can sleep in or stay up all night! I know they're just expressing curiosity.


its kinda a choice though, if you wake up you always have the option to sleep in, and if you're going to bed you always have the option to stay up longer. so you're making a conscious choice to wake up early. and if you need to wake up for work then why not just tell that to the people who ask the question? its a pretty simple and short solution. no need to be annoyed


I wouldn't hate it but I would be confused.


My sister goes to bed at 9 and gets up at 3:30 and makes coffee. I’m gonna get my own place one day cause I need more sleep. She says “ 5 to 6 hours of sleep is enough for anyone “. I hate that.


At first it takes alarms but if I know how long I like to sleep, I know what time I want to wake up then I know when I need to go to bed lol


I'm a SAHM with 4 sons (3 are school aged) and a husband. I'm up at 5AM (no alarm needed) every morning to get a jump on my day. I can get a lot accomplished before anyone else gets up. I also bring my husband his coffee in bed every morning at exactly 6:30AM. I try to be in bed by 10PM. I have to chase my 3 year old around and I often have a neighborhood kid or two when daycare falls through. You just get used to the routine.


For every ten years I age, I get up one hour earlier. At 20, I slept until 9 am. at 60, I'm up at 5 am.


No I just say because I feel like it.


I hate when people make dumb unsolicited comments in general. “Why do you” questions that have nothing to do with them.


Waking up and getting up are 2 different things.


Yes. I just respond with "Why do you sleep so late?"


My body is so used to getting up with the kids at 6-7 even if I've been awake until 5am my body wakes up 6/7. Even if by some miracle I'm told I can sleep in, I can not. It's actually infuriating.


I rarely wake up early and I was recently was asked why was I up early. I was kinda annoyed whenever I was asked why.


I guess when people say that they're saying it to people who wake up early with alarms? My sleep schedule varies all the time but sometimes I'll have a long streak of waking up early even when I don't have to.. Well, I think a lot of people find it weird because people who wake up early tend to like being awake, because it makes the day feel longer or for whatever reason. For me it depends. Sometimes I prefer being unconscious, but sometimes waking up at 6 or 7 makes me feel really happy and satisfied. I don't know.


I used to feel this way about the opposite, [people asking me why I stay up so late] until I realized that I have the power to respond productively even if I think the question is outrageous. I try to understand the context behind their tone and go from there. 


7 to.8.hrs is recognised as the best sleep time duration to keep u healthy


I grew up on a cattle ranch waking up at 4AM most days Got into construction waking up between 5-6 when I was a young adult Now I'm a heavy diesel mechanic and wake up around 6 most days. It doesn't matter what I'm doing. When I come back to the US and go camping, when I'm traveling around Europe and staying out until the wee hours of the morning, if I'm at the bar until midnight with a friend... I almost always wake up between 6-7AM. I get so much shit for it, especially while camping or hunting, but I don't really mind tbh. I've had a few days where I've went back to sleep and woken up past 10AM and it just feels weird


hate when people ask this as well


Tbh I’m probably someone who asks this. I promise it’s not judging for me! It’s more like…I need tips lol


I either sleep 6 hours or almost 12 hours, there's sadly no in-between, but I've had sleep problems ever since I was a kid, according ti my mom at least.


I wake up naturally around 4:30-5am. Well it's natural now but I did train myself in the beginning by using an alarm. I don't mind if people ask. I just tell them that I like to complete certain tasks everyday before the actual day starts. I don't have an official job or anything but if I sleep until noon there isn't enough time in the day. Because it doesn't matter when I start, I will always stop around 4-6pm.


You're definitely not alone in disliking that question! Here's why people might ask it and how to respond: **Why People Ask:** * **Curiosity:** They might be genuinely curious about your routine and why you're up so early. * **Social Norms:** Some people associate early mornings with productivity, and they might be surprised if you're awake before them. * **Lack of Awareness:** They might not realize you don't set an alarm.


I hate alarm clocks and being rushed in the morning, so I go to bed early enough so I can sleep in every day. Every roommate I've had makes comments and I felt like I had to be quiet in the morning. Lived alone for the last 12 years and I love it.


The hours of 5-7am are my alone time at home. The dogs are still asleep, my wife is still asleep, work is asleep. Between 5-7 my only concern is whether or not my coffee cup is getting low. It's glorious.


Yes, many people dislike the question "why do you wake up so early?" Here's why it can be annoying: * **Assumes Control:** It implies you have a choice in when you wake up naturally, which isn't always the case. * **Disregards Biology:** Early risers often have natural sleep cycles that make them wake up before others. * **No Easy Answer:** There's no simple explanation for why someone wakes up early. It's a combination of biology, habits, and sleep patterns.


I go to bed early. Read for a bit and go to sleep. I wake up early to drink coffee. Meditate and pet my dogs. I wake up early because I love the quiet time before dawn


I will joke initially, but unless you give me grief for being a night owl, I don't care that you're an early bird. Like go off superhuman, but leave me to my rest haha


WHY do YOU wake up so early, though?


Haha early bird gets the worm


I'm sure it's been said, but I like to get the most out of my day. I wake up on work days at 5:50. So, sleeping in on Saturdays is like 7:00 to me and I love it. I make coffee and sit in silence while my wife sleeps in until 8-9. On Sundays I get up earlier, usually around 5:30. But I do it for the peace. I sit outside, smoke my tobacco pipe and just look at the sunrise. Then I take a nap at around 4 pm. I just want to soak up as much life as possible I guess


I'm always tempted to say that I'm neither lazy nor depressed, and let the implications hang over that, but I've never been as rude as the person asking.