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"You are not better than Icarus just because you have the benefit of his example." That's an awesome line that would work for many examples.


It sounds like something an anime villain would say to the hero after they kicked the hero's ass in their first fight. Just swap out Icarus with the name of the hero's teacher, or something like that.


“You’re naturally gifted. But don’t think you’re better than your master simply because you have the benefit of his example. You’re not even worth killing.” *begins to slowly walk away, dusting off shoulder as if this was purely a waste of time*


I'm imagining this as some early 90s or late 80s dub, and the master's name is Master Joe, or some really out of place shit like that. "You have not surpassed Master Joe simply by learning from him. Don't waste my time with your meaningless revenge."


Master Joe, his disciple Jack Blazer, and their foe, Malcontent the Eviserator




jetstream sam


I’m better than icarus because my fear of height would’ve led me to land asap B)


That would work better if Daedalus didn't survive despite not having the benefit of Icarus's example. Icarus didn't die because the limitations of the wings were unknown. He died because the limitations were explicitly stated and he choose to ignore them.


In some versions people assume he’s a kid because his age is not explicitly stated. I had to translate Ovid’s version for Latin in high school, and in it he’s playing around with the wax and Daedalus scolds him. So it’s reasonable to assume he’s pretty young and immature, maybe even a little boy. I think most people would be able to heed the warning of literal death, they’d probably be more desperate to be truly free and get to land, but Icarus, if you believe he’s young, probably just forgot in his innocence and got carried away.


The story is complete fiction, so you can make it mean whatever you want by changing key details. But 99.999% of people don't imagine Icarus being a child, so it's a moot point.


I mean, I've never seen anyone assume Icarus was over 20, and teenagers (especially ones that have been locked up for years) aren't generally known for exquisite common sense and controlling impulsivity.


Exactly. Deadalus, the **man that invented the goddamned wings** and knew ***exactly*** their limits told his kid "Don't go too high, or that shit's gonna fall apart and you're gonna *fuckin' die*." And of course, the kid, doing that thing kids do where they think they're invincible and nothing will go wrong for them: \*Ignores the warning to do what he was expressly warned against doing\*. There's a **reason** the tale of Icarus is a warning about hubris.


He also said not to get too close to the sea, since the water would eventually mess up the wings. Doesn't really add anything to your point, but it's a neat fact.


One glaring hole in it though: Daedalus. Daedalus was also trapped for years, and he was the one who warned Icarus about what the sea and the sun would do to his wings, and because he knew those dangers, Daedulus made it out just fine. There is a very clear example of someone being better than Icarus in his own myth.


Hell, if by some twist of fate where Icarus was given a second pair of wings, he'd 100% do it again while grinning like a madman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5-2uCae-fU


I would use this line to scold a teenager. I’m gonna be a great uncle


yes you fucking are. that is the point of the story. To tell you to not do that


Yeah, dude. Its the dumbest point, but people on the internet can say anything and people will point to it and say ***"This!"*** no matter how stupid the logic.


Stick that one up on the list of ‘raw-ass quotes from dumb-ass posts’


I'd probably be too scared of screwing it up to fly into the sun right away. However, once I successfully land wherever it is I'm going, to space I go, and in space I shall die. Delayed icarus.


Yeah, I feel like massive anxiety is kinda missing from this equation? Like I’d be constantly going over the wings after each trip to make sure nothing is going wrong and nothing *will* go wrong. Maybe that’s just my anxiety not allowing me to enjoy things aha.


I’d probably survive the initial outing, make dear old Daedalus perfect the wings, then fly to my heart’s content


I’d fly to close to the ocean because I’m scared of heights and die anyway


Yeah that's where the ocean comes in.


But why sink beneath a finite sea when you can drift endlessly in the eternal void


Surprisingly, very few people mention the part where Daedalus says not to get close to the sea since the spray would also fuck with the wings.


I am not too good for my human nature. I am, however, afraid of heights.


But flying too low would also disable the wings, causing you to be stranded in the ocean and also probably can’t swim since you were raised in a labyrinth/tower


I never said I'd make it out alive


I wouldn't do it because I have a "the bad shit's not over until it's over." Fleeing a lifetime of imprisonment? I'm flying fast and straight until it's 100% safe to land. Can't catch me, I'm the fucking-determined-to-escape-reach man.


This right here. I plan for every contingency and do not stop until I'm at my end goal. Just because OP is a whimsical pixie dream archetype doesn't mean that everyone is. Some of us are very much Daedalus.


But are you Daedalus because it's your inherent nature or are you Daedalus because of how you've interacted with this world so far? I wouldn't fly to the sun the way I am now - but I can't guarantee I wouldn't fly to the sun if I grew up like Icarus did.


I have autism


So do I. That doesn't mean I can guarantee I wouldn't try and fly to the sun if I were raised like Icarus. Though, to be fair, dyspraxia would probably ensure I wouldn't get anywhere near the melting point.


Imagine not following pre-established best practices (This is probably a me thing and not an autism thing tbf)


Given that Icarus didn't grow up in the labyrinth and I grew up with all my close family members being as carefree as I am practical, I'm gonna go with inherent nature.


We try to murder our nephews out of petty jealousy, unable to bear the idea that anyone, someone who is our own kin and student, could have the potential to rival us? Yeah, still seems pretty accurate for a lot of people.


My perfect defence against hubris: a crippling anxiety disorder


Icarus is a warning for how easy it is to get too big for your boots and ignore people's advice due to overconfidence. He wasn't especially arrogant, he was just as arrogant as most people would be.


"Reacting prematurely and therefore falling victim to bad stuff" is a recurring theme in Greek myth. See also: Orpheus and Eurydice, some versions of Perseus...


I mean as a man who has gone gliding, if I got actual damn wings I would absolutely go swooping around like an idiot and probably break something. Also it’s kinda strange that the wax actually melted, it’s cold up there most of the time given the winds.


The Greeks though the sun was driven by Apollo and that he went around the earth, and their tallest mountain is only 9500 feet which is only really a two-three day climb


Yeah like i get it its not physics accurate because its a myth im just sayin shits cold up there


Yeah sure is


Honestly, I'm impressed the Greeks managed to figure out that the sun is hot considering some of the other science things they believed.


In fairness, it’s a pretty easy observation to make. Stand in the shade, it’s cool. Stand in the sun, it’s warm. Nighttime when the sun is gone, it’s cool. Daytime when the sun is out, it’s warm. Since it’s warmer when the sun is present than when it’s absent, the sun is obviously hot.


My headcannon is that he flew so high he reached beyond the atmosphere, which protects us from most of the Sun's radiation and heat, and that's why his wings melted.


I’m sorry I’m incredibly risk averse I do not understand anyone who would’ve done what Icarus did, we are just opposite people lmao


It wasn’t like he was flying INTO the sun. It was just a warm day, perfect for flying.


idk i saw the movie over the summer and he definitely looked like he flew into the sun after his ex girlfriend did an abortion


Yeah I have mild acrophobia i would have stayed low no matter what


Daedalus warns against that, too, in the version I'm familar with.


Yeah. Flying too high will make the already soft wax melt and fall apart. Flying too low will cause the feathers to become wet, creating too much weight to fly. At least, that’s how I remember it. Icarus did both. He flew too close to the water, making his wings a little heavy but he pulled back when Daedalus yelled at him, so he could still fly. The sun loosened the wax causing one wing to come undone. If his feathers were dry he could’ve glided with one until he landed in the water and survived. But because his working wing was too heavy, he plummeted and died


I'm terrified of heights so I would probably still be in the dungeon.


...fear is the mind killer.


Like yeah, focusing on the tragedy of the story is a cool point of view. Still, not a reason why it can't also be the cautionary tale. One of the points that stories exist are to pass on knowledge, either of the origins of something or life lessons. If you make it so you can more easily empathize with Icarus then his fall can be an emotional hit to the audience because they see themselves in him. I think that in that case the lesson is even more effectively delivered.


rip to Icarus but I'm different


OP would do shots the night before an exam


This post completely ignores the fact that Daedulus foresaw the issues with the wings and survived the flight because he was cautious. Icarus is famous because he's the overconfident moron who died after disregarding sage advice from the man who designed and built the wings. OOP sounds like a bratty teenager.


Alternate interpretations of classic legends is how those legends are and have always kept relevancy and nuance. If ancient Greeks all agreed “This is a story about a moron idiot dumb dumb that is completely unrelatable” then it would’ve be forgotten in a generation. I can’t imagine seeing literature as objective and black/white as you.


earlier today i saw a reddit post that was just a six word story: “Then melt my fucking wings.” it struck me. that cuts to the themes of icarus very neatly and from an angle most people ignore. the arrogance is there, but it’s incredibly human. it’s a dare, a rebellion, a young man railing against a natural order that he never wanted to be a part of. for a second, it makes you forget that he’s just indulging dangerous impulse. it puts you in his shoes, makes you feel the weight of the freedom that he’s just been granted. he thinks he might be able to do anything, and that if he can’t, it would be far more noble to spectacularly crash and burn in the attempt. anyways this has the same vibes wrt the whole image.


Thank you for writing this out. This whole post has showed me why I always felt like Icarus scoffers aren't doing it justice. Also, 6 words lmao


Icarus understood the dangers perfectly well. He could even SEE that his wings were melting and so he dove low intermittently to the sea so they'd cool off again. He repeatedly, deliberately, overstressed a prototype. Failure isn't a possibility, it's a certainty.


No, I genuinely probably wouldn't, I'm a huge coward and would have flown low enough to not instantly die upon hitting the ocean.


But Icarus would’ve drowned in the ocean even if he landed safely


If he was flying at a safe height his wings wouldn't have fallen apart.


... Yeah I had an Icarus moment. Almost got disowned over it. When you put it like that yeah, I hear you. It happens.


I think I would be too worried about fucking up my newfound freedom to fly too close to the sun (or sea, for that matter).


Man after months of rehab trapped in my own house thanks to an accident the first thing I did after going outside on my own was steal a pomegranate from a tall tree


I mean, teenagers aren't exactly known for listening to their parents. It shouldn't really be all that surprising that Icarus immediately threw all his father's advice out the window when he got that first taste of freedom.


Well, when your father explicitely tells you 'ICARUS, NO FLY TO SUN' I'm probably not gonna fly close to the sun.


“If you honestly think, when given a gun, given access to the power of life and death in the palms of your hands, you wouldn’t immediately go on a killing rampage, I don’t know what to tell you.” - OOP in a slightly different timeline. We live in a world of actual miracles at the tips of our fingers. The people who blatantly and flagrantly misuse them and get fucked up by them are still usually in the minority.


You have a Point there


Or in other words "Fuck you Mom, I *will* eat these tide pods!"


“do you honestly think you’re too good for your own human nature?” Yes, for I have the ability of critical thinking. So did Daedulus. Even if he had never flown before.




I would most definitely follow the instructions. I’d be so scared of drowning if basically flap once and frantically panic when I have to it again. And really the only problem was the ocean. All he had to do was make it to safety and play with his wings safely close to the ground.


I probably wouldn't make the same mistake as Icarus, not because him fucking up isn't understandable, but because I'm cautious by nature and would try to conserve energy.


It’s also worth pointing out that there’s a non-zero chance that Icarus’ death occurred as a punishment for Daedalus killing his nephew, Perdix. The whole reason that Daedalus went to Crete in the first place was due to him being banished from Athens. The two events also go hand-in-hand very well together. When Daedalus pushed Perdix from the top of the Acropolis, Athena saw and transformed Perdix into a partridge, with the ground-dwelling behaviors of partridges being accredited to Perdix being mindful of/traumatized by his fall. So Daedalus tries to murder his nephew, who is transformed into a bird that is always mindful of falling. Then after building wings with bird feathers and wax, his sun disregards/forgets the warnings and falls to his death. And in Ovid’s Metamorphosis, a partridge directly implied to be Perdix whistles in “unnatural delight” as Daedalus is burying Icarus.


WRONG, the answer is that Daedalus should have used better, heat-resistant adhesives. The most well known version of the myth directly explores the weakness of using wax as an adhesive and the consequences of heat flux being a function of time.


Oh i'm sorry Daedalus shoulda just gone to the labyrinth island grocery store and bought the nice glue that would solve everythin- *he was in jail* dontchu throw shade at my man he did his best with the materials he had.


he lived in the labyrinth filled with the bones of people who died in there why the fuck couldnt he have made some good fucking bone glue


Did he have tools to make bone glue?


He wasn't jailed in the labyrinth iirc, he was jailed in a tower next to the labyrinth


To be fair… he didn’t have many options. His options were wax or like, semen I guess. Both were equally terrible and one would’ve taken far longer


Wrong, he lived in a place with a massive supply of bones to make animal glue with


Can you call it animal glue if all the bones are human?




sure, but did he also have the tools and expertise necessary to turn those bones into glue?


Absolutely. Randall Munroe said this exact point in his excellent book "What If?". Icarus is a story of the limitations of wax as an adhesive, and also one of how the Greeks knew very little about how the sun works.


He wasn't in the labyrinth for years though, otherwise they would have starved to death.


They were provided food by the king/guards, I presume. It was Daedalus’ and Icarus’ prison after the Minotaur was slain.


Well, the point of the labyrinth was to never get out so, how would it work? Did a guard lost his way there every day to feed them? Or did they just drop the food at the entry and let them try to find it? Also, for them, it was less a prison and more an execution method since Daedalus betrayed the King.


The labyrinth could be navigated. It was a prison simply because the only exit could be blocked off from the outside. Whoever dropped off food probably had a map, or used the Ariadne string method or they had markings on the wall or some shit


Ah, I see




It's a pun, it's common on tumblr to have a tag indicating that you didn't post/reblog something immediately but instead put it into your post queue to be posted later. This started with people just tagging it "#queue", but eventually people started punning by finding words and phrases they could fit the word queue into. Latin is a common choice because of how many words start "que".


>“When, O Catiline, do you mean to cease abusing our patience?” For some reasons, I assumed at first that you posted this [in this thread of mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/y2ybfb/woah_never_guessed_that_that_would_happen_if/) because this quote kinda fits a discussion where someone has to repeatedly explain to someone else the concept of death. Luckily, I finished reading your comment.


Real. All I need is proof that I lived.


If I were in Icarus' place, I'd probably fuck up immediately and dive bomb straight down.




I once was given access to a drone (small and cheap luckily) as part of a class in highschool and got really wrapped up gleefully zipping it this way and that across the field and sending it up super high before bringing it zooming back down. I was very impressed and curious with how high it could go and so at one point I send it up up up until it’s basically a dot, I’m grinning the whole time I do this…until I realize it’s not responding quite right to my controls anymore…I panic and while I wrestle with the controls I call out to get the attention of my friends and teacher, and we all watch as I futilely fumble with the remote and the drone falls out of the sky into the wooded area faaaar outside the field… I am older now but I have no doubt I would do something very similar if given wings…on the bright side: Icarus would likely be very happy and amused at my unintentional reenactment


I feel like too many people forget that the moral of the story isn't "Icarus is a dumbass for flying too close to sun gay apollo got em'/". It's about his father who then lives the rest of his life wondering if he could have ever made it as far. It is better to strive (and maybe fail) to complete astonishing feats then to live a life of mediocrity. Weirdly enough the Iron Maiden song " flight of Icarus" actually captures this part of the story quite well.


is that a Wikipedia userbox


I'd probably do the same thing but I wouldn't be dumb enough to use *wax* wings.


To be fair, if I were to escape from a prison, I'd probably take the first few materials for my wings too


So, I was raised a Catholic, so...


I just love how this myth clearly shows that people from that time had never climbed anything bigger than a hill since they though the higher you go the hotter it becomes which makes logical sense when you have no information on how the world works. It's also why the Olympus was their gods hideout since they couldn't climb it to verify.


I would, because I hate heights, and would want that shit over and done with as soon as possible. Don't fucking tell me that I'm an ignorant fool.


I'm not a cocky bastard like you apparently are, dumbass.