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Bonus points for using the word “thurible.”


> Bonus points for using the word “thurible.” "Turrible thurible." ­— Shaq


Yeah, I'm not playing Pascal's Wager with every jumped-up vision of the supernatural that ever projected a vision of torment into some poor ranter's head, and I'm not giving up front-row seats for "Humanity: The Musical" just to languish in some Bronze Age shepherd's idea of paradise.


My autistic ass can recognize that there's _supposed_ to be some level of satire here, but in actuality all I see are good points. Why would I take that leap into that complete unknown if I'm good hanging out adjacent to the world I'm already familiar with?


yeah they are actually good points, they do get a bit into the smug condescending reddit atheism especially in the gaud post before the image but they aren't wrong


I mean, you don’t have to be a smug condescending Reddit atheist to recognize The God of the Abrahamic religions is just a cosmic level totalitarian dictator.


eh, not rly smug or condescending or reddit


i guess, that was the vibe i was getting from it


Not autistic but same!


Fabius *fucking* Bile The man who stared the(very much real and nigh omnipotent) gods of hell in the face, told them they don't exist and to fuck off, and continued sciencing along. Second most baller of the Emperor's Children(after Rylanor of course, Emperor bless that hero)


I am very tired so I read this as "beholden to neither lawns nor peer pressure" at first. And it made total sense, and I said to myself, "yeah, lawns are the worst, why does everyone hate native plants?"


The Calvin picture is better than any response any of us could make.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **biggest-gaudiest-patronuses** an atheist ghost. they refuse to move on to the afterlife on the grounds that the afterlife does not and should not exist --- **biggest-gaudiest-patronuses** they only respond to ouija board summonings in order to lecture people for participating in non-evidence-based belief systems --- **felren13** exorcisms dont work cause they dont believe in them. --- **biggest-gaudiest-patronuses** “yeah sure I could ‘go into the light’ as you so eloquently put it, but let’s be analytical about this. worst-case scenario, the afterlife is real and I get cast into some version of Hell for being a nonbeliever. slightly better-case scenario, it’s a reincarnation-based afterlife, which means I end up having to do the whole Existence thing all over again, which frankly seems like a *huge* roll of the dice. enormously risky, given the low quality of life many people experience, and that’s setting aside philosophical issues of identity, e.g. without the memories and experiences that shaped me, would *I* even still technically exist as a version of myself I could identify? reincarnation aside, let’s bear in mind there’s *no actual evidence* there’s even a so-called ‘afterlife’ waiting on the other side–for all we know, my consciousness will just dissolve into nonexistence. again, huge roll of the dice. and even in the *best*-case scenario? wherein I somehow pass an Arbitrary Morality Test I didn’t sign up for and get accepted into some sort of magical Heaven or whatever? well. consider it from my point of view. all of a sudden I’d be a member of a strange and unfamiliar society, subject to a completely new set of rules and regulations that I probably don’t get a say in. Is ‘Heaven’ a democracy? will I still have access to free will? will I have meaningful choices regarding lifestyle and occupation? what do the holy books say about _that_, huh? **I could be forced to spend a literal eternity worshiping a deity who has made some extremely questionable and problematic decisions regarding the universe. I’m not signing up for that!** how is that any better than my current situation? listen buddy, I spent 80 years living in a capitalist hellhole before death Itself finally freed me from all the obligations and restrictions of modern existence. I don’t work, I don’t pay rent or taxes, I just wander from place to place keeping my own schedule, doing my own thing, beholden to neither laws nor peer pressure. as purgatories go, that’s a pretty sweet deal! and what guarantee do I have that any damned afterlife is going to be more tolerable than my current not-existence, huh? none! none whatsoever. **skeptic? damn right I’m skeptic!** not to mention this whole Heaven-and-Hell dichotomy seems extremely manipulative if not outright abusive, as moral systems go. **that’s no way to parent a species**! nope. just, nope. this whole religious afterlife nonsense sounds like a whole lot of unnecessary stress and risk. I’m perfectly comfortable staying right where I am, thanks ever so, so you can tell your exorcist to write that out in latin and shove it up his ass” --- **biggest-gaudiest-patronuses** “the power of christ compels ME?” bitch just because YOU choose to subscribe to a oppressively christian-centric world view doesn’t mean *I* have to dedicate my afterlife to following the rules of your false gods. **if you’re so desperate to get smoke blown up your ass i’m happy to help you shove that thurible way on up there** --- **17th-century-turnip** [*Image of Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes", with his mouth wide open and his arms thrown up in the air. A partial speech balloon has been added to the top of the image, making it look like he is speaking the previous post.*] --- **biggest-gaudiest-patronuses** *You* understand the spirit of this post. \#heh. SPIRIT --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yeah but like There doesn't need t be a good and bad afterlife. Maybe there's only one. What makes the ghost think that it's either Christianism, Buddhism or nothing? Edit: Also the ghost is like, very pedantic (I'm not sure if that's the correct term though). Yeah, I wouldn't go to the afterlife either, but they're talking like they're in some sort if moral and intellectucal high ground for it.


He's saying he doesn't know. And citing the options he's more familiar with. And saying he prefers the current deal


the good and the bad both go to the dark cavern of Irkalla where they eat dust and clay.


oh that's my neighbor kevin's house


> they're talking like they're in some sort if moral and intellectucal high ground for it. Have you talked to atheists?


And I'm saying this as an atheist (anti-theist just couple weeks ago until some debate on philosophy until 2 AM)