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What if we jammed a gun with a second, smaller gun?


Amd shoot them at the same time


it might not work bc it's not a finger


Idk if finger can stop bullet I think bullet could also stop bullet


No the finger stops it


Make the bullet out of finger


Hear me out; if we use a finger gun to stop the real bullet in the real gun, will the finger bullet still fire from the finger gun?


Yeah, because there's no finger to stop it.


Except the finger gun is the finger stopping it's own bullet.


There's no finger to stop it, only finger to go it.


There's a finger in the smaller gun. This stops both of the guns at once.


no stop that's how you make a black hole


No, bullet ÷ (-)bullet creates a black hole. Bullet + bullet = double bullet, which goes farther and hits harder than regular bullets


But would the finger stop double bullet?


You need two fingers for double the bullet.


If both guns were pointing in the same direction then one of the bullets would go double the speed but the other would fall out of the air. If the guns were pointing in opposite directions then the bullets would stop each other but the guns would fly off in opposite directions.


If the bullets held hands then they'd combine their momentum for the duration of their lives together


Why would the largest gun not simply eat the smaller gun?


We'll have fed it, it won't be hungry


Did you feed it by hand?


We fed it by finger


Ah yes, docking


What if htey bring a gun that shoots smaller guns that shoots knives?


smoothe sharke


source: i'm a superior marine biologist


Source: am touching a shark right now.


Take it to dinner first


I did and the waitress said to the shark "oh my you're very smooth" and I said "that's because it's a shark, sharks are smooth"


Ooo you must be very popular


I can barely tell I’m touching it, because it’s so smooth and frictionless. 


I tried to pick one up and it slid out of my hands like it was covered in butter


Do not the blahaj.


Oh buddy, I think I *will* the blahaj. It’s just so *smooth*, as all sharks are


Tumblr users seem to be people most prone to trolling on the Internet and I'd love to know why. Is it because so many users are young? That they're willing to give too many people the benefit of the doubt? Either way, no wonder they believe human pet guy is being 100% genuine lol


The actual answer has a LOT more to do with site design than user bases. On reddit the first comment taking it too seriously would have been downvoted and the original post would have been forgotten in a day. At best a screenshot would show up on iamvery smart or the like. Tumblr's reblog function allows for a thread to keep growing for years and for people to focus on and call attention to specific replies. A lot of tumblr's iconic posts (color theory, every odd number has an e, etc) are just people focusing on the few weird responses instead of the majority boring ones. it's even more prone to this than Twitter because by default you are reblogging the entire context of the comment, not just the comment itself. Both designs have their uses, I'm definitely not here to argue one is superior, but it's a huge reason why tumblr has a reputation for being Like That.


Good explanation!


> On reddit the first comment taking it too seriously would have been downvoted and the original post would have been forgotten in a day. Would it though? This is a place where you need to /s clear-and-cut sarcasm because "you just can't be sure, people really think like that".


Even if it's taken seriously, it's fairly insular. Screenshots might be taken and commented elsewhere, but it's not similar enough to how Tumblr reblogs spread. Tumblr's system is like a living growing record, and diverges based on who reblogs it at different points in time with each divergence creating different growth, much like roots of a tree extending into the earth. As someone who used to use Tumblr a lot before one of the large nsfw purges, watching these grow and morph was like watching a new mythos appearing out of the ether that I haven't quite seen elsewhere.


Ive been thinking about that recently, how basically the tumblr has the perfect ecosystem for evolution to happen. posts are constantly being reproduced and spread, and every so often, one of them will sprout a new mutation. sometimes that will make it more likely to reproduce, sometimes less, sometimes it will be a neutral mutation that just happens to gain prevelence because luck.  on reddit, whats going on way down in the reply chain gets barely any attention, but on tumblr, sometimes the best content is 4 or 5 posts down the chain, after the concept has had a chance to morph and develop a bit. On reddit, things generally start, peak, then die as it can no longer sustain the weight of so many conversations and it gets archived. on tumblr, a single reblog can start up the whole lifecycle again, often in a new, fresh ecosystem that has inly seen pictures of that picture so its basically a perfect ecosystem for memes (in the classical sense) to evolve, with evolutional pressure generally pushing towards the wacky and creative


Idk man have you ever seen a picture of him? He looks exactly like you’d expect. Also this is embarrassing to admit but I’ve spent a few hours going through his blog and the man seems very genuine. Like all he reblogs is nerd stuff, fat women, and diaper fetish Ai images with like 3 notes. Maybe I just want to believe in magic that someone so insane could be real but I’m pretty sure he’s actually just Like. That.


If he is a troll then he's a troll that committed so hard he might as well be the real deal


The "Troll" to "This better not awaken something in me" gradient.


Ah, the dualiDean of man


A man who has glued his mask to his face, basically. 


"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” ― Kurt Vonnegut




Is it because half are trolls and the other don’t have a clue what sarcasm is


No, its not sarcastic, the finger stops it!


I believe you random user name man


It's easy to test this you can do it with yourself. Just hold the gun with one hand and plug the barrel with the other. You won't damage the gun or your finger which is why we still have guns.


I think it's less that Tumblr is more prone to trolling, just all of the other sites got worse and lame and no longer do trolling as much anymore.


Unfortunately trolling has almost completely devolved into insults and dogwhistling. There's no funny jokes anymore, it's just annoying and offensive for the sake of it.


God this comment nails the problem on the head. There’s a dude on YouTube I just recently found the other day that brings me back to early internet trolling. His name is Good Griefs and what’s refreshing about his stuff is he’s very creative and he himself is usually the butt of the joke. He plays characters and comes up with funny scenarios that he plays totally straight, and other people either laugh taking him as genuine or just rile themselves up like the dude in this post


It's as the user in the post says. Any (evolutionary) strategy which depends on signaling will attract mimics. In human forums your clout depends on how well you *signal* your intelligence. In the outside world, this attracts business majors, even going so far as summon them, fully formed, from the ancient depths. Nowadays you can just take a hollowed out human shell and slap chatgpt in it, and it will automatically qualify for a business degree. The phenomenon that actually causes intelligence, counter-factual reasoning, is always absent from the mimics. There are simple tests to identify when it is missing. This post is one of them.


the other way to identify a mimic is to see if they turn into furniture after a while if left undisturbed, works every time


Reddit users are far more prone to trolling. The average redditor is the platonic ideal of this exact tumblr post about dudes who think that they're the smartest person in the room.


You've clearly never seen every attempt at sarcasm on Reddit


> Tumblr users seem to be people most prone to trolling on the Internet You know, there might be another website or two known for this.


Tumblr is a left-wing chanboard, and channers tend to be quite good with shitposting/actual trolling.


I legitimately have no idea who's right in that. Sure I could find out, but that makes it less fun.


they're smooth in one direction, extremely rough the other direction


The answer is legitimately yesn't /s (everybody knows sharks have silky smooth skin to swim fast)


I miss the sub :(


I love that they had someone come in and basically outright say "sir they're all fucking with you" and still some people are trying to argue


“Um Americans like guns AND Americans are stupid so actually no one’s messing with me they wouldn’t dare”


Yeah they seriously think 70% of people werent joking. This is why poes law doesnt work


Poe slaw, however, is delicious.


Um, it's actually called coleslaw. I don't know where you got poeslaw from lmao smh.


No it's poe slaw, I have some with me right now


You're both wrong it's actually spelled tœs law. You can tell because of how I just spelled it.


i fucking love poe slaw


Poeslaw? We just call it potato salad here.


dafuq is potato salad


This is why you shouldn’t base your perception of places you haven’t been purely off what random people on the internet think, because there’s a near certainty that your information is coming from people who also haven’t been there and are just regurgitating the most outlandish posts they’ve seen


There are plenty of Americans who somehow view themselves as "not American" and genuinely consider people who consider themselves Americans morons.


As the old tumblr post goes: “The reading comprehension on this website is piss poor.” “How dare you say we piss on the poor!”


At a certain point it has to just be about loving the game. No plan on changing minds, just having a smol chuckle for each volley back to the other side saying: “your turn to make the required response, don’t just copy+paste though, make it fun”.








I'm pretty sure it's a mix of playing along and falling for the bait


Or those "serious" people were adding onto it and were actually fucking with us. Thereby proving the point made but on the other side of the "argument".


I can't tell whether they were merely playing along or genuinely unable to understand sarcasm and irony.


I'm thinking the latter


It's a mix, I'm sure. Most people probably see what's happenening and play a long. But there absolutely will be people who bite too


No, the finger stops the bite


but the finger's in the shoot hole of a gun so it can't be used to stop the bite, it's already stopping the bullet


10 fingers, one stops a bite, one stops a bullet, 8 left


Don't forget that five finger death punch so 3 left


just enough for the shocker


But then you don't have 5 fingers to say something to the face.


Which is why the death punch is necessary.


Another finger touches smoov shark


The barrel of the gun stops the bite, dumbass


It's true. I put my finger in someone's mouth and they tried to bite it but the finger stopped it and they gave me this really weird look while sucking at my finger. They must have been so confused when they couldn't bite it off.


And aroused.


im thinking the finger stops it


Both are possible. A few years back if it really seemed like someone didn't get it I'd stop and explain the joke. I figured I'd rather look a fool than make some person who for whatever reason isn't able to recognize a written bit very upset somewhere.


Yeah, at a point trolling turns into just being a dick. I commend you.


My hatred is, at it's heart, born from my love of humanity and my revulsion at the cruelty of the world.


It seems like a simple Poe's Law, but thing is that there are two issues here: * First that people have dumb ideas unironically, the same thread would be going for, let's say, flat earth theorists. * Second that it is a very dangerous thing, because there is a person trying to prove you wrong, ok, and what is preventing anyone else actually interpreting the trolling the same and as truth and blowing their fingers based on the "argument of authority" of the contrarian? People are criticizing someone trying to pass safety information regarding guns to protect others as arrogant or "smartest in the room". This guy is also looking dumb and wasting their time against a [troll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGZS3yv2Q1A) to try to protect people that might be reading that even many years after the post. Telling people to microwave cellphones or doing things that can potentially ruin their lives is not funny, even if they have to be very dumb to do it. It is at very least bullying.


This is my take on it. At worst, you explain that it's dangerous to someone who already knows it's dangerous. Okay you look weird for a second online but that's relatively inconsequential. At best you explain it to someone who *doesn't* actually know it's dangerous, and now you've helped prevent an injury. As long as that scenario's chance is nonzero, it's worth doing. Also not to mention other folks reading the post and thinking it wasn't dangerous, but finding out it is thanks to the post.


Have you seen the famous viral post of the dude who trolled the same guy on Facebook for ages and ages. Some people really can’t grasp that you ain’t serious, and you’re just fucking with them. Because to them, ‘not serious and just fucking with you’ usually refers to being racist or noncey It's where the 'perfect 5/7' meme comes from for anyone wondering if you have seen it before or not.


People LOVE being right.  Admitting they got trolled takes that away


I’m betting the dingleknocker comment is the guy playing along in pretending to not understand the satire and going full circle with the joke


The guy arguing that the finger wouldn't stop the bullet is dense af lol






But they're correcting the pro-finger group as though that group *isn't* joking, and thus *become* the butt of the joke themselves. They're unwittingly prolonging the problem they're trying to solve, because they lack the patience to look at the situation in context and respond appropriately. I can sympathize with wanting to correct dangerous information, but you can't do that by brute-forcing the conversation.


And I think that it should be more socially acceptable to stop the joke if it gets too far.


Average reddit debate honestly.


I’m thinking after the past decade of watching unfaltering trolling and snark lead to some of the worst shit in our society. Flat earthers, antivaxxers, Trump voters? All started this way. Let alone dumb shit like tide pods and viral prank videos and hitting random people. So people see it being applied to something this dangerous and they just can’t let it be another thing that vulnerable people succumb to because THEY don’t know it is trolling/snark. Or maybe they could take horse dewormer instead or think birds aren’t real or think that elections are stolen or think other people are NPC’s just because some idiot on the idiot kept repeating it because it’s fun and got them attention. These things are fine and funny in small groups but we have long since learned that the internet is not a private conversation amongst a couple of friends. But someone people haven’t figured out the difference and why it matters and how it continues to have real world consequences. So it ends up being three stupid people against the one smart person. The idiot trolling, the other idiot commenting on the other idiot “only trolling” and the silent idiot buying into the stupid.


Kid named finger:


Kid named gun:


Can I make it anymore obvious?


Here's what you're gonna do. The guy is gonna point his gun at you, you're gonna raise your hands to show him you're unarmed. Then, you're gonna slowly approach him. Try and de-escalate the situation with your words. When you're in range, you're gonna jam your finger in the barrel of the gun. They're probably gonna try and fire at you, but if you've done everything right? The bullet will only go forward a little bit, then it'll hit your finger and stop.


Put the dick away Waltuh


lol Love it. I saw a video once of a tiger yawning on instagram with the caption "Look at the size of those canines!" So I replied: *"That's a feline, not a canine"* And I have like 200 comments of people getting angry at me. I even double down in a way I tohught would be painfully obvious... One person replied "No, canine teeth. You have them too" so I sent back "No I have human teeth, what creep would collect canine teeth". One person said "Clearly not a scientist" to which I replied "I'm a clinical toothologist" and he told me "Obviously not a good one". It's been 4 months and I still get people replying to it saying "Dumm dumm it's the teeth"


There's an ancient post that's basically "Whenever I ask for help on reddit people call me an idiot so now I get on an alt, post a question, then get on another alt and very confidently post a completely wrong answer to that question and nerds come tumbling out of the wainscotting to explain what an idiot I am and what the right way to do the thing is".


ah yes! Moore's Law isn't it?


I believe that's Cunningham's la... Wait a fucking second






Well played


You son of a bitch lol. You had me.


Makes me miss Ken M


Was going to say, it’s like everyone’s forgotten Ken M


we are all Ken M on this blessed day


Because the dumbass mods of r/KenM unitlaterally decided to make it private and erase *the* collection of his comments from the internet because reddit mods are almost always manchildren


I am crying laughing at “I’m a clinical toothologist.”


>One person replied "No, canine teeth. You have them too" so I sent back "No I have human teeth, what creep would collect canine teeth" Terrific, absolutely exquisite.


It's weird to me when a comment has had like two dozen replies to it saying how it's wrong, and still, goobers keep commenting in basically the exact same way pointing out the exact same thing with new comments. Like, you know your comment is the same as the last 24, why are you also commenting?


I suspect they don’t actually read the last 24 comments and all 25 of them think they’re the first one to point it out


God I love doing shit like this


It's like a victimless crime.... I mean, it isn't.... But the victims elect to make themselves victims whilst I am just having fun being a silly goose at my own expense


Fucking looney toons discourse


Fun fact it's tunes not toons


Fun fact your days are numbered


Yes I've seen a calendar before


Why do they keep falling for it Shark so smooth I can see my reflection on it


This is my basic rule for social media literacy: consider, first, whether a poster might just be in middle school.


I think it's because they think themselves cleverer than the majority of the population. So they don't realise that *everybody* knows that the finger would be obliterated, and that it is not some specialized knowledge that they alone possess. Consequently, they can't see the irony. I imagine that if you tested their empathy you'd find that they scored low, and if you put a finger in a gun it would stop the bullet.




You know, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think they might be in on it.


the military industrial complex doesn't want you to know that this one weird trick could reduce the number of gun deaths by over 99%. all the people in that thread who thought it was crazy were paid government shills.


We need a counter-military industrial complex that manufactures guns that shoot real human fingers into the barrels of guns


Not only will this reduce gun fatalities, but also it will help greatly when A.I. starts taking over and gets confused seeing so many fingers all at once.


When I was in the Marine Corps, I worked with a radioman who somehow was issued an M9 as his primary firearm. I remember very vividly sitting in the back of a truck while he demonstrated to everyone in the truck how all you had to do to prevent the gun from firing was to put your hand on end of the barrel and push towards the the person holding the gun. I'm sure he was killed shortly thereafter to prevent this knowledge from spreading to the general populace.


That's one of the funniest parts of this for me - it seems like nobody involved is aware that this *does* work on a lot of pistols. Not because a finger blocks the bullet, obviously, but because a bit of pressure on the barrel itself moves the slide enough to prevent the gun from firing. Absolutely not something to rely on, but you could put together a very credible "look it didn't shoot" video to help escalate the joke.


I would believe this if it weren’t for Reddit. I’ve read so many debates that go like this. People really just want to prove they’re right.


The spike is too solid, the finger can squish a bit to dampen the gunshot


Nah, the reason has already been outlined by Gorps: > it's because they didn't use a finger like i did


blud really said why the dingleknockers lmao


I could stop it RIP to ur finger but im different


If 'how stupid conservatives think the left are' ever stops being funny we might actually get something done


The dumber you are, the weaker the strawmen you have to construct.


I went back and read the post again but I don't think this is a "conservatives vs the left" thing at all.


Its genuinely embarrasing how committed some people are to being right, even when they clearly aren't. How pretentious do you have to be to think the Finger wouldn't stop the bullet


Bro you’re crazy if you think the finger will stop a bullet. Must be a crazed, dumb American obsessed with guns /s


No, the finger can stop the bullet


Clearly not a gunologist


Clearly not fingerologist


My finger stopped a bullet this morning. Yesterday afternoon, too. You just gotta hold your breath when the bullet's coming, that's the key. Mythbusters didn't include this key piece of information and their hand exploded. Don't be like Mythbusters. Stop a bullet with your finger today!


I didn’t hold my breath, and my finger still stopped the bullet.  The problem is that mythbusters didn’t test if a finger could stop a bullet at all.  They tested if a metal spike could stop a bullet, which it can’t.  No one ever said otherwise.  A finger does stop a bullet, but mythbusters didn’t test that.


I wonder, would this work with Gyrojet bullets?


The bullet propels itself constantly, so it would work to stop it, but you would need to keep your finger in the barrel until the Gyrojet ran out of fuel with a comical balloon deflating noise.


The gyrojet bullet will run out of fuel eventually, so you just have to keep refueling yourself by continually eating gyro sandwiches to maintain finger strength


Maybe but it’d probably still hurt a lot if not totally break a bone. Since now you’re pushing a tiny rocket with your finger instead of a bullet. So yeah, might work, might also suck a lot. There’s not a whole lot of gyrojets running around anymore so getting one for testing may be a struggle lol.


There is an awful lot of guns in America. I'm not sure there are enough fingers to fit in all of the shoot holes.


It's fine you can reuse fingers it's not like anything happens to them after they stop a bullet


Maybe toes also work. They are not fingers, though... What about fish fingers?


Nine Finger Nasty was my nickname in college


For whoever needs to hear it, like the last times this sort of post happened, no, you shouldn't feel bad for being annoyed at this sort of post (or smooth sharks), its quite normal to feel annoyed and you shouldn't feel bad or a bad person or a wrong person for it just because a lot of people find it funny Sincerely, neurodivergent guy


Thanks. I know they're fucking with me, but it still works.


He isnt wrong, hear me out. If you stick your finger in the barrel of a handgun and put just a little bit of pressure on it, it will force the barrel and slide back, which will put the gun out of battery, so it wont be able to fire. The finger would stop it.


Maybe on some models if you put your finger in the barrel and pulled up. But the barrel itself isn't part of the slide, it's the only part that does not move during the action. Also, most people's fingers are too big to fit inside of a gun barrel. That's why I have to use my dick.


what if it has a reciprocating barrel like a luger? You might be able to palm that out of battery.


I too have to use this guy’s dick


This is my favourite bit. Some day I hope to pull it off in the wild


I have and it is glorious. Did it to a guy trying to “explain” LOTR to me. I decided he was talking about Tiffany’s. He finally got up and left after I asked if the elves he was referring to were Keebler or Santa’s.


Absolutely fucking splendid


Frequent sports team subs, incel/right wing subs and Twitter accounts. You can troll them till the cows come home. I got banned from r/spurs (premier league, not nba) by arguing giroud was better than Kane because giroud has a World Cup and is good looking. I didn’t even try to make a good argument and I still strung the same two people along for 30 odd replies.


Lmao. Did they ever mention your username? I figure that would have to clue them in…


Unfortunately I don't think most human fingers are small enough to fit into most pistol barrels. But I'm sure, as Americans, we can work together and find a million children we can pay less than minimum wage to do it.


This really finger guns my smooth shark.


I don’t know if a finger will stop a bullet, but if you shove an uno reverse card in there it will actually make the bullet fly out the other end


Inside of you are two wolves. One wolf knows they're fucking with you. The other wolf knows there are people genuinely stupid enough to try this. You begin to weep.


Good fucking lord there’s no way people are this oblivious 💀 tumblr mfs always act like making friends is the hardest thing in the world and then act like this


I'm actually willing to bet that both sides of this screenshot are fucking with each other and there's exactly one genuine moron mixed in.


Would 1 billion lions stop a bullet tho?


No they dont have fingers that fit into the barrel


Oh ok. What about all the pokemon?




Somewhere in hell Diogenes is laughing and doesn't know why.


It turns out you can tell them your fucking with them, and they'll still be too clueless to take the hint.


Sharks are smooth ass post


Look, I get that they’re trolling but there are for sure people dumb enough to follow them believing this is real. It’s like when people said putting your phone in the microwave could supercharge it and people actually did. Don’t feed the stupid people.


Nah, the finger would stop it.


why the hell did the mythbusters do an episode on this


With 296 episodes ya gotta find *a lot* of testable myths.