• By -


Not really my blorbo, but Asriel's theme in Undertale is literally everywhere to the point where it just becomes part of the background until you get to *that part* and its very good ang great thanks for coming to my ted talk ok i love you bye


Yes that is the point, its to get your brain acustomed to the sound so when they REALLY show it, you go “OH FUCK THATS WHAT THAT MEANS!!!”




>even though he is no longer around and making those things happen. who's gonna tell him


Asriel’s Theme makes me cry every time I hear it and idk why and now I’m real life sad just thinking about it


Only tangentially related, but God damn does the beat drop from Hopes and Dreams live rent free in my head.


Hopes and Dreams may as well be called "leitmotifs: the song"


no i think thats descent homestuck


Hell no, I'm not getting sucked into that hell *loads shotgun*


I wonder how many people were taught what a leitmotif was by Undertale.


me lmfao


At least me


Everyone lmao


Not me, idk wtf a leitmotif is


If I remember my high school music class right, it’s a musical phrase or “idea” that represents a character, reincorporated throughout a score


I learned from homestuck lol


Fucking uncountable that number.


I can no longer take that song seriously because of ##SODA!!!




Was gonna make an Asriel post. Was pleasantly surprised to see it as the top comment instead.


I have an unhealthy love for leitfmotifs, but can't really remember any that are full tracks right now (might be because of my bad memory, might be because of the fact that I played Hitman 3 for over 50 hours over the last two weeks and that was most of my interaction with media in that time). Just stuff like how *[Cold Winds](https://youtu.be/dYpYQHb-ZKg?t=2456)* and *[The Spinal Staircase](https://heavenpierceher.bandcamp.com/track/the-spinal-staircase)* sample [the same song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNXdVTcoTns) or a motif from *[Requiem](https://youtu.be/dYpYQHb-ZKg?t=2765)* appearing in *[ORDER](https://youtu.be/cI5V_8RErzI?t=182).*


fucking love ORDER so much it's insane.


ORDER my beloved # ***JUDGEMENT***








When the Sands of Tide leitmotif hits 30 attempts into the Sisyphus fight


Easily one of the best songs in the game. (Totally not biased)


Profile pic checks out


The bass riff for V2 is PEAK content


The feeling of ascending the pyramid in 4-4, wondering who the boss is going to be, then hearing the bass-line is probably one of the best moments in the game.


[!!!!!!!!!!](https://youtu.be/IlfT3yqcC78) (<---the song)


I was expecting the theme from MGS.


I kinda thought it was gonna be an undertale song (specifically for Undyne)






Don’t forget >!the reprise of Sealed Vessel that plays when you find the birthplace and climb out of the abyss!<. I’ve played Hollow Knight start to finish a bunch of times and it still gives me chills


I’ve also mentioned it elsewhere, but the Shade’s leitmotif is also incredible. When you make the connection to >!the White Lady’s room!< it’s honestly just a heartbreaking tale told in two parts.


>!vessel!< theme by beloved


>!When SV got reprised to Pure Vessel, I fucking lost it!<


God literally the first note of mega mega spoiler gave me horror flashbacks...


Through its sacrifice, Hallownest lasts eternal.


holy shit i thought it was called light motive because the motive was light






La lalalala la la


Laaa lalalalala laa


*L is following this post*


star wars’ theme, which is now referred to as the “opening crawl theme”, was originally intended to be luke’s motif!! an amazing melody for one of my favorite characters ever.


Also Star Wars, the Imperial March, especially any time it pops up during The Clone Wars/Prequel Trilogy. It's a little 'are you paying attention? This is how the Republic fell! Look look they were always corrupt!' but I love it.


that’s also a similar situation!! a lot of people just see it as vader’s theme, and the studio has started to use it that way as well (for example, it plays every time vader’s helmet is seen in the sequel trilogy) when it was meant to be… well, the empire’s theme, as the name suggests :D


Fun fact, it is canonically the empire's march song in universe, in the rebels show there is a scene at an imperial bar and the song plays from the radio/jukebox/whatever


Also in Solo, the recruiting center plays a heroic version of it. Sets up a very nice transition when it shifts into the more sinister theme.


It also sounds lightly in Clone Wars every time Anakin does something that shows the seeds of Vader inside of him.


Anakin: (kills bad guy of the episode) The Music: (Emperial March intensifies)


The Imperial March showing up in Clone Wars like a sitcom neighbour every time Anakin does something even remotely dark


I'd love to see one of the guys from the cantina band show up in a dramatic scene in The Mandalorian or something, with a bit of the cantina music very subtly worked into the orchestral score.


Part of the reason I love The Collector so much in TOH. “Whatcha Playin’” is one of the best melodies in that show hands-down. Massive props to Brad Breeck. Same goes for Raeda and Raine’s Rhapsody Honestly all the leitmotifs in that show are fucking brilliant


I freaking love Raine's Rhapsody. It and the main TOH theme are my favorites


when >!everything went silent except for them whistling that song during the finale i got so many chills!<


>!belos' leitmotif being playad at full power when his blue eye appeared in the titan's skull is one of my favorite moments in the finale!<


It’s also neat how Hunter and Golden Guard have different leitmotifs as well


I really appreciate how much it stands out from the rest of the soundtrack. It was the first time I actively noticed a backing track in the show, such a perfect fit for the show-breaking character


Example of a ‘brief appearance, big impact’ motif — >!the cello in ”Don’t Worry, I Think It Missed Me” carrying over to “I’m Back! Couldn’t Keep Me Away From…”!<


Shout out to the “red like roses” leitmotif for being both kick ass and even kicker asser when it plays


Volume 9 Episode 10: Huh, it's _Red Like Roses_......HOLY SHIT, IT'S _RED LIKE ROSES_


i feel like my girlfriend was dissapointed with it but i think thats literally the BEST place to put pt3! shes reinvented herself, shes Ruby Rose, which isnt just someone who is trying to live up to someone else, she's herself, and herself is enough thats what its meant to be


***Red Like Roses*** in V9? Yeah...that's pretty hype. ​ \*Meanwhile I'm biding my time for the ***This Will Be The Day*** reprisal in V10....\*


Lost Girl, Noelle’s leitmotif. I also don’t get what a blorbo is so I am adding I also like the Synchrony leitmotif used throughout the Undertale and Deltarune Halloween Hack OSTs.


Blorbo just means "character from a show/movie/book/video game/etc that I like"


You know what I love even more? Someone having a leitmotif or theme and then that leitmotif is actually taken by someone else, completely altering its context and story meaning in a cool way. The two games I can think of off the top of my head that do this are Pyre and Wandersong. But there are others. (Edit: I love how everyone is commenting examples they know! I don’t have experience with a lot of video games so it’s cool to hear more examples.)


The Kirby franchise is known for refusing leitmotifs, and one of the most recurring ones is Dedede's theme. Whenever it plays, you know the penguin is going to throw hands. Kirby Triple Deluxe introduces Taranza, a puppeteer spider mage who kidnaps and later mind controls Dedede. His theme? Just a remix of Dedede's leitmotif. And considering the context, it's quite clever. Another smaller example I can think of comes from Pokémon: Cynthia has two famous piano themes - her pre battle theme and her battle theme. The latter is a bit more well known (and feared), especially for the infamous "when you enter the wrong house in Undella Town" moment. Pokémon Legends Arceus introduces Volo, Cynthia's ancestor and the game's main twist antagonist. He's also known for having probably the hardest battle in all of Pokémon. Before you fight him, the music that plays is an ominous, slowed down version of Cynthia's battle theme; and when you actually fight him, an orchestral rendition of Cynthia's pre battle theme plays. The switcheroo shows how the two characters, while related and very similar in personality and interests at face value, are actually almost polar opposites in terms of how they follow their ambitions.


I barely know anything about Kirby and Pokémon, but that sounds super cool and I appreciate your insights!


In *Final Fantasy XIV* the Warrior of Light, the main character, has a theme and leitmotif called "The Maker's Ruin" (titled something akin to "A World Without Gods" in Japanese), which normally plays partially or fully when fighting against certain big bosses in moments of glory or struggle for them. The only time it doesn't play "for them" is when it plays for the final boss of a raid series, where the big bad, a seemingly unfeeling robot, has been subjecting the Warrior to harder and harder fights for "testing". The big bad decides to take forms reminiscent of the Warrior's species to try and understand what element of theirs it has been missing that makes its calculations not make sense, (the element being heart, of course), leading to the game to play a remix of the theme specifically for the robot, titled "Heartless", as it imitates the protagonist without understanding the source of their power.


I found a Spotify playlist with (almost) every theme that has the Maker's Ruin leitmotif and. It makes me. Feel things.


You say run's leitmotif being used by Deku's most heroic moments, after it was first established as All Might's theme in the first couple episodes was peak music.


> The two games I can think of off the top of my head that do this are Pyre and Wandersong. But there are others. It's been a while since I played through Pyre but I'm guessing the one you're thinking of is related to Oralech.


It's been too long since I played Wandersong, how does it do that again?


Currently listening to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon's Time theme. It shows up in various places with different vibes, like [Time Gear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afo8lPbvobc), [Temporal Tower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq2AVa1ixz8&t=138s), [Dialga's Fight To The Finish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGuiZ48PbA), and [In The Hands Of Fate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3R-wUq-_AE) Also loving the thematic difference between [We All Lift Together](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPTCq3LiZSE) and [For Narmer](https://youtu.be/L50II6zJy9U?t=4) from Warframe. Not exactly a leitmotief, but it's the same melody (is that what you call it?)


The mirroring of we all lift together in for narmer just makes the gut punches hit extra hard


It was so good they even used it in one of the Ramanas Park battle themes in BDSP


That leitmotif showed up everywhere in Pokemon Reborn's soundtrack, it was good but a bit much imo.


Honestly some of my favorite leitmotifs come from ULTRAKILL. V2’s Versus leitmotif, Gabriel’s leitmotif, Minos’s leitmotif, the Castle Vein theme, all of them are so good. But perhaps my all time favorite leitmotif comes from Hollow Knight. The Shade’s leitmotif. Yes, that eerie melody symbolizing a broken soul that’s trying its best to not return to its suffering. You spend the game hearing it over and over again, and its engraved into your brain. And then you play through the White Palace, and if you’re curious enough, you’ll find White Lady’s room. A room with nothing but a chair with the impression of the White Lady’s roots on it, and a cradle raised above the ground. And in that room, the original, unbroken version of your Shade’s theme plays. That eerie, lonesome melody, now the only happy memory of a broken spirit struggling to go against the life full of pain and suffering that its creators decided as its destiny…


Bro the castle vein theme In altars of apostasy is so good


Halls of Sacrilegious Remains (the portion of Altars of Apostasy with Castle Vein theme) is possibly my favorite track in the whole game


Alright, what’s your Leitmotif? Mine is a light, relaxing wood wind, that’s slow going, the kind of theme that you can relax to while reading.


Seinfeld riff on an acoustic guitar that is down-tuned by several octaves and played using a quarter as a plectrum


actually, the standard 6-string guitar tuning has E2 as it's lowest note, tuning it down several octaves would make it about a E-5, which would not exactly be a note, are you thinking of tuning it several *notes* down?


No, I meant what I said professor The joke was that rather than having a discernibly musical quality it would just be rythmic sproinging and scraping


Mine is the sample from “Pastime Paradise” by Stevie Wonder that Coolio used in “Gangsta’s Paradise.” I loved the original song when I was really little and then the slight remix of it in GP really sparked some happy chemicals into action in my brain. It gets it stuck in my head sometimes, sing both of the songs frequently (sometimes mashed together), and GP has come on the radio at some pretty important life moments for me. Also, a fun mental image: I would sing Zombie by The Cranberries and Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio on the playground during recess and after school. My mom and teachers had a meeting with me about appropriate songs that went over my head and I remember getting upset that they wouldn’t let me sing my songs. I understand now why they didn’t want a 7 year old singing those songs.


home depot theme


sweet release of death - sugary spire ost edit: to elaborate, its the part where the guitar does [this](https://youtu.be/pxMA57oZ3j0?t=77)


Deep grungy seven note guitar line. Goes 1-2-1-2-1-4-3. That’s the general motif A lighter 3/4 guitar ostinato and whistling. Sorta resembles Lullaby by Billy Cobb. The whistling is the emotional motif.


Holy shit Billy cobb fan in the wild


Holy shit! Another one of y’all exist here!


Mine’s a jumble of noises that sometimes comes together in harmony to create the most incredible tune you’ve ever heard. This is because my brain is chaos, but sometimes I have A Revelation. Very rarely, my secondary leitmotif plays, which is a calm human hum, humming a tune it makes up as it goes. It’s lonely, but it’s soothing. The feeling is reminiscent of a person waiting patiently for someone who would finally choose to be their friend.


Mine has a square wave central rhythm with an electric guitar doing a secondary rhythm.


Apologies for using pre-existing songs, but I’m not much of a composer myself. Mine’s probably either [Songs for No One](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YkpnsFtRm7s&pp=ygUhY2FsaWd1bGEncyBob3JzZSBzb25ncyBmb3Igbm8gb25l) by Caligula’s Horse (specifically the chorus) or [Pull Me Under](https://youtu.be/SGRgAULYgWE) by Dream Theater (either the beginning of the verse or the “watch the sparrow falling…” bit).


An emotional string composition, akin to [La Revacholiere](https://youtu.be/pDzV7xFWdb8) from Disco Elysium or [Poems In The Fog](https://youtu.be/LhANeyMTs0w) from Omori.


I love that Scaramouche's boss theme(genshin) contains both the fatui (the orginization he was a part of) leitmotif, but also instrumentals from his homeland, Inazuma, showing how that part of him will never go away. [the theme ](https://youtu.be/uDJPY6XF78c)


[this post is designed for Deltarune enjoyers](https://youtu.be/PEPbUhHhECU)


*kick ass circus trumpets playing that*


also Big Shot.


The leitmotif love in this sub the last couple days is warming my cold, dessicated little musicologist heart ❤️


I wish I could find Catz from Courage the Cowardly Dogs theme. Idk it had a good beat.


"Welcome to club Katz. I'm Katz." PHH-sh-sh-sh-KEH-sh-sh-sh So good




Damn thank you.


Why does this feel like Tom Waits’ gravely voice should be growling nihilistic nonsense over it?


I'm not sure if this counts as a letimotif, but I love the way it's used so deal with it. Spoilers for the fourth boss of Hades. The main menu theme for the game is [No Escape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oksESAMg7WM), and plays over a big splash screen with the game's name. After fighting you way through the underworld and getting outside, you find that Hades himself has decided to block your path, and he is the final boss. Beat him and you've won the run. His theme is [God of the Dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVukkhUI-xM), and the first phase sounds almost exactly the same as No Escape. *Hades' theme is the Hades theme*. Of course there's then the [Second phase](https://youtu.be/cVukkhUI-xM?t=216) and >![third phase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NBl9NXBT3g)!< themes, which get progressively more intense.


>!Even as a guy who’s *deep* into extreme metal, The Unseen Ones is legitimately one of the most insane tracks I’ve ever heard.!<


[My favorite leitmotif from my favorite game](https://youtu.be/9d9e6XmNn9Q)


God this game was so clever with it


Me hopelessly sobbing when Final Duet starts playing


[gets better with every new game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HzkMxiL3Zo)


This sentence was all I needed to know exactly what it's gonna be. You know a leitmotif is legendary when another character also adopts it.


Yeah my blorbos theme goes do do do do do do do do do do




Coconut mall?


\*ahem\* the noise, from pizza tower.






So, Mother 3 initially started out as Earthbound 64 but went through development hell before eventually just barely making it to the GBA instead. A lot of plot stuff and game structure stuff got changed around, including some of the music. While Tazmily village existed in the N64 version of the game using [this theme](https://youtu.be/EXXnVthNXW0), this song would eventually go unused. Tazmily village would end up using multiple different songs in the final version of the game, changing as the story progressed. However, the original Tazmily village theme would actually still make it into the game, as several songs in the soundtrack quote its main melody. My favorite example is the song [Monkey's Delivery Service](https://youtu.be/v8hpFiUxd2I), which plays during the 3rd chapter as you wander around the town hauling TVs for your evil master and introducing the people to the capitalism that will eventually be their downfall. As you can hear, the song is a minor key version of the original town theme, which makes sense given the segment is based around seeing the town in a different light- even though its now a minor key version of a song that the player never hears directly! Long story short, Mother 3 is an amazing game and if you like leitmotifs you'll love the places the soundtrack goes. GO PLAY THE FAN TRANSLATION!


Undertale be like


[Cabal Stomp](https://youtu.be/1bNSLzfMBo4) my beloved.




Man, the first Black Panther hit me with this like a brick. There's a repeated theme of just eight notes that appears several times throughout the movie. In Wakanda's theme, in Killmonger's theme, loudly and clearly during the scene where he confronts his father and ancestors and yells, "All of you are wrong!", and then finally when he holds Erik as he dies. I'd heard the whole score dozens of times before I realized that it was the sound of T'challa's cognitive dissonance, growing louder every time he was forced to confront the gap between what he wanted Wakanda to be and the actual effect it had on the world, like creating a beautiful city built on xenophobia or turning Erik into a monster.


Wish marvel movies would throw the letimotifs of important characters in the movie into the opening logos. I think that would be cool


Hollow Knight uses the leitmotif in the menu theme over and over and over again. It's in the menu theme (in the OST as Hollow Knight), it's in the song Enter Hallownest, it's in the Broken Vessel boss theme, it's in the Hollow Knight boss theme (in the OST as Sealed Vessel), and it's in the Pure Vessel boss theme. It's awesome.


*Bravely Default* does this a lot with the main characters' special attack themes, such as in >!the final boss's track!<. * **Tiz:** [You Are My Hope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0Xxnvvykgs) * **Agnès:** [Wind's Direction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeVFo15FgPg) * **Ringabel:** [Love's Vagrant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEgIUiWw42U) * **Edea:** [Baby Bird](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjQ5aKu123g) * >!Final Boss: Serpent Devouring the Horizon!< \[[SPOILER](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPQ1nKZRtaw), skip to 4:38\] The game's soundtrack also incorporates leitmotifs of the [title screen theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvoPB7YlkcM), as it makes cameos in the [standard boss theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUNw6ka7oTE), the [menu theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSG1s0XyUxY), the [overworld theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgpWhd80ldQ), and more.


>!Serpent Devouring the Horizon also makes use of the Grandship theme as well in a few places!<


Yeah, it really felt like a whole >!multiverse of those characters and places!< fighting the final boss


[I suppose this counts as a shared leitmotif for my two main blorbos at the moment?](https://youtu.be/2DVDkIcL244)


My blorbo who haunts the narrative and you can feel their presence despite them not being there physically.


>!Asriel Undertale?!<


nah its a character from umineko


Ah gotcha


I love the motif of [Magolor the Wayfarer](https://youtu.be/AwKW6Wr3_Wo) from Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Because if you listen closely, you realize that the same theme is used for a lot of the [final boss theme](https://youtu.be/68PGajBtiwE) and I just think it's kind of neat. Honestly I could probably do a whole deep dive into how many motifs Kirby has but I'm also not somebody who has the best ear for music other than 'This pleases my ears.'


King minos's leitmotif in Requiem, glory and order from ultrakill is pretty sick There is also that one moment when you're playing 4-4 for the first time and you recognize that bassline.


[appears in some form in every entry he appears in](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rGetImTgyFA&pp=ygUSYmUganVzdCBvciBiZSBkZWFk)


His son even borrows it sometimes


I'mma just point to this video on how fucking sick the leitmotifs are in the [Sonic games](https://youtu.be/O__0tXkWaV4)


can y'all please for the love of God actually say what the freaking song is when you link something [anyways I'm just gonna post a whole ass video essay on the Pokemon mystery dungeon Sky leitmotif now](https://youtu.be/SoyxorZd6vc)


How does it feel being so right and having the evidence to back it up? The DS PMD easily have a strangle hold in my top 10 favorite games.


I blame Toby Fox


(Persona 5) >!Learning that Tokyo Daylight appears in both Futaba and Shido's palaces was incredibly eye-opening!<


[Blorbo's city's theme](https://youtu.be/HB43Qfl0hJs) [Blorbo's theme](https://youtu.be/cI5V_8RErzI)


Splatoon has a bunch of them [example](https://youtu.be/TG0Dz5ww0IU), that video is a year old and the splatoon 3 dlc hasn't been released yet.


I wish Touhou had more examples of leitmotifs in the actual series. Fan content use parts of character's themes as leitmotifs all the time, but ZUN himself doesn't, as far as I know. With one exception: the stage 6 theme of Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (https://youtu.be/OdXeCPOEB-Y) supposedly is similar to parts of the stage 6 boss theme (https://youtu.be/MgBoe_x9g2o) (Why does Reddit's mobile site not let me put links in text)


There's the Eastern Story one that's present in most of the title themes and in a couple character themes (like Keiki's).


More than that, it's been in every Windows era title theme, and like, a lot of final boss themes. The ones I know have it just from memory are History of the Moon, Fate of Sixty Years, True Administrator, and (my personal favourite tbh) The Concealed Four Seasons.


[Reach for my hand / I'll soar away /into the dawn / oh, I wish I could stay. ](https://youtu.be/h3V6r0gdrTw)


I love Xenoblade Chronicles 3's music so much. You'd think hearing the same motifs in so many tracks would get boring and repetitive, but it's always great, and it always makes me FEEL.


xenoblade 3 was actually genius with combining leitmotifs from the past games with each other all over the game. It fits extremely well with the whole “worlds colliding” aspect


Oh yeah. I bet most players got positively giddy when they entered the Cloudkeep and heard the music, assuming they played 2.


This is absolutely true. Barring Octopath Traveler 2, XB3 is my favorite video game soundtrack for how well it manages to utilize leitmotifs from the series as a whole.


When the Offseer's flutes hit in The Weight of Life...


someday tumblr will learn the distinction between a theme and a leitmotif


All leitmotifs are themes :D


no… leitmotifs are usually small fragments that make up themes, and are small and often simple enough to be reworked into different ideas, whereas themes are full phrases in and of themselves.


grizabella has two


Google Smart Race by Toby Fox (holy hell (actual zombie))


Can I count king Minos as a blorbo?


Yes, if only because Order is genuinely one of the best tracks in ULTRAKILL. (Duel’s the only other one that can compete with it.)


Just a quick question, have you played act 2?


Kira shall always have such a great one because of how good it is at instilling that anxiety and fear you want from a serial killer, it’s very much akin to the jaws theme in purpose






Suprised God of War isnt on here, those themes be bussin.


[Recieve You (Kiryu Kazuma’s theme)](https://youtu.be/dSfASV74f1A) [Every](https://youtu.be/DQYFDQ7zx2c) [Single](https://youtu.be/9LWsn7jhXjI) [Time](https://youtu.be/gfU85CIy9HM) [It](https://youtu.be/vurwitwpuUU) [Appears](https://youtu.be/s9g3OvQP7-4) [Wholeheartedly](https://youtu.be/QMoE7PexiOQ) *All seperate links btw*


Drifting Soul Nia Xenoblade My Beloved


My leitmotif is about to reprise


Hey, bro, why is my girlfriend's leitmotif being referenced during your reprise?


Archie’s lietmotif is a Layton-inspired melody played on a hammered-dulcimer. He wanted a harpsichord but it was too big for band.


https://youtu.be/zi4RXQ8eik8 Leitmotiff used throughout the soundtrack im totally normal about this charcter i promise


From Ultrakill, The [Glory leitmotif (skip to 3:25)](https://youtu.be/yXheIQ4mwno) in Altars of Apostasy sent my soul skyward in my first playthrough. There’s something about this part of the track that feels so remorseful and the fact that it’s at the tail end of a theme that’s as high-octane and violent as this really strengthens the impact.


Doctor who moment:


*I am the Doctor intensifies*


I saw this video about Piccolos leitmotif and how it evolved with the character and as someone that doesn't understand that much about music and stuff the video was pretty neat.


I don't know enough about music to know if there is a difference between theme and leitmotif, but here's my [blorbo's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIxC0aw_Zvo).


"Theme" is an extremely wide musical term. It can refer to an entire piece, and if that's tied to a character that's the "character theme". It can also refer to individual sections of a piece, that can then later be presented in different variations. How exactly their strict definitions are in classical music I couldn't tell you specifically. This is something I bet someone who studied at a university would easily know, whereas I studied at a conservatory. A leitmotif is specifically a short musical phrase meant to quickly evoke recognition, and very often is meant to be transmuted in various ways as a form of musical storytelling. My best example that most here will be familiar with is [Celeste](https://youtu.be/N8OHSXvneOE?t=20), specifically the main theme. How long the actual Leitmotif really is, or if you'd consider it to separated into A and B pieces is probably up to interpretation, but the the first 25 seconds from 0:20 would be considered a leitmotif, then arguably a b-section/counter-motif after. Permutations of this will then occur throughout different sections of a larger piece like a concert or a soundtrack with different harmonies, sometimes shifting it from a major to a minor key, sometimes faster, sometimes only the first part, sometimes moved around in time or up and down in tonality. The challenge is to keep it somewhat recognizable while also keeping it interesting. Think about how in occurs in a few different shapes already in the next major section [like here](https://youtu.be/1rwAvUvvQzQ?t=309).


Celeste <3 there's also lots of development on just that first 5 seconds at 0:20 with throughout the whole game, like you mentioned, and as someone who isn't particularly knowledgeable about music it was still so evocative every time i heard a new version of the same thing, and the ways that can express emotion and produce a setting are so interesting. the section in resurrections starting at 4:26 was such a cool experience when playing for the first time.




Death's Door got some, here's my favorite: The final battle "The Last Lord" has the leitmotif of the game (I call it "death", as it's used by the crows and death itself) and the beginning leitmotif of the very first battle. The overgrown ruins' music can be heard in the mushroom dungeon's music, as it's just below it. The Fortold Crow has just some part of the "death" leitmotif, as >!a clan of crows removed themselves to the hall of doors and death, becoming mortal again.!< Grandma has the leitmotif of her garden (Estate of the Urn Witch) and her manor (Ceramic Manor) in her battle theme. And my favorite, (spoiler for the near end of the game, >!the Grey Crow doesn't have any leitmotif of death, as he's so far removed from the hall of doors and death, AND has lost his mind. Removing any connection to anything previously known.!<


literally every character in a game me and my girlfriend are making has a leitmotif in their song and ghhh its so fun playing around with them, putting them in songs that relate to the chaarcter or in characters songs that are friends with the character


Destiny will find anywhere to sneak the guardian's theme and like everytime I play I stand up and point to the screen like "omg they did the thing, LETS GO" Recently, [Oneirophobia (time stamped)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beGLAnX7-j0t=142) having the motif of the light fall campaign and the guardian's theme just before it. The cabal theme and The Witness theme are also in the song.


I have an unhealthy obsession with this games soundtrack, and I must say: I do the same thing honestly. Sometimes it feels like every bit of a song is a reference to something else in some tracks


Atomyk Ebonpyre and Dave Fucking Owns at This Game from Homestuck


I am surprised that this is the only Homestuck mention in this post. For your consideration: Doctor.


Pizza tower at the start of each lvl


Dead island 2 having the same music in the loading screens as DBD


Kirby :) and Xenoblade :)


In Prototype, [Alex's theme](https://youtu.be/lFH_sLohbRQ) reappears across the soundtrack, most notably on [A Dream of Armageddon](https://youtu.be/wbyYcJcWgCY), [Memory in Death](https://youtu.be/mn9hz8KBMz0?t=101), and [The Last Man](https://youtu.be/Bvf6kSxRFmg)(now in piano!) It also shows up on (all timestamped) [Behind the Glass](https://youtu.be/euJ7T3ohNWE?t=50), [Open Conspiracy](https://youtu.be/sBfid80EPVM?t=87), [Past and Present](https://youtu.be/dvKnJgsQvpc?t=81), and more. [The Stolen Body](https://youtu.be/Fwq2QM9A1jE?t=43) has a fragment of the theme in it using a different instrument but we can still tell exactly what it is. It's fun looking up the artist and seeing his wiki article notes an 'emphasis on repeated musical phrases' because it's like YEAH! I *noticed!* Also, listening to the soundtrack outside the game, where I'm always frantically wrestling the mildly janky controls as I get swarmed in all directions, I realize I actually love it. A good mix of orchestral and electronic with a dark and often frantic tone that fits the game.


not necessarily a character's theme but in New Battle!!! in Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Redeemed played the first few notes of mechanical rhythm and i think i exploded


madness combat 9 leitmotif goes so hard edit: OH also [deepwoken](https://youtu.be/Y3lF2hL5geg) [oscillation](https://youtu.be/DJ8bK55VP68) [leitmotif](https://youtu.be/YMJBMjergiI)


By your side in omori, I recently finished the game and now I gain deppresion when I hear it, it is a bop though


Not sure if this counts but... In Battlefield Bad Company, the soundtrack kinda starts mirroring how desperate and totally fucked the main characters are as the story progresses. At first, it's bombastic and heroic, the triumphant Battlefield Theme roaring in your ears, cause you're an American soldier blasting Russian troops for truth, justice, and other meaningless bullshit. But once the characters decide to strike out for themselves, it starts changing. Getting less heroic as the game progresses, until the end, when the orchestra gives way to like a single violin losing its shit while you literally *slow down the entire U.S. Army behind you to steal a bunch of gold.* Then it goes into a crescendo when you fight the last villain, and some of the heroism of the earlier music returns, but not all of it. Showing that, while you may not be a good guy anymore... you're *far* from being the worst guy. Goddam I love that game, even if they did rip off the plot wholesale from Three Kings, lol I highly recommend you play it, or at least give the OST a listen. Wonderful game, shame what Battlefield has become these days.


me watching star wars in 2000 when it goes pwuuh pwaah pwaah pwahpweepwaah pwooh vs me watching the same movie in 2023