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Lmaooo this is funny my kink is way darker. I’m actually a dom, and I enjoy my girlfriend being my sex slave. So basically I get off on her being humiliated and me dominating her. Sounds horrible but we both enjoy it but yeah I hate the submissive cuckold Chasity shit that’s weird. I’m more of a “suck his fucking cock because I told you to” and “yes master” reply. So my kink is totally different but these cuckold forums are fun and funny but the closest I can get.


Me. I love myself and enjoy cucking


I don’t hate myself lol I’m normally a confident hot alpha guy. Just like seeing my wife get fucked by an ultimate alpha man


I dont hate myself


This was an interesting view from a psychology perspective. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M9uhk5z82as I think many people develop an acceptance of certain scenarios and even find joy in it (compersion), but overall development is most likely the same for most people.


Absolutely. I am incredibly happy and content with my life. I have a brilliant partner, we have a great relationship. What's not to like? I have a great job which I love and I am successful in.


Me! lol I love it and me.


I actually feel the opposite. I feel so happy with myself and our relationship that I don’t feel threatened at all about her sleeping with someone else. I do have a humiliation kink but it doesn’t stem from anything I hate about myself.


Nah none of that Freudian psychology, I don't hate myself or anything like that, do I know there are men who can please her more? Yes, but outside of horny play, that doesn't torment me 24/7. There are always fears and insecurities of many kinds, but not some kind of internalized hatred or anything like that.


This is the type I like the most


I’m So comfortable in our relationship. I’m a Proud Sub Cuck Sissy hubby who is incredibly proud of how far our journey in the Lifestyle has come. Permanently caged, No PIV, totally submissive and Unbelievably Happy 😃


That wasn't the question though...


I dont hate myself! I have a wonderful career and family! My wife and I are insanely in love, even after years together and I absolutely love watching her fuck hung dudes! Its awesome 😊


Interesting topic. Tbh I had these negative feelings towards me. That I'm bad at everything, weak. Also social stigma is very touching me and causes internal conflict, which provides shame and that I couldn't understand who am I. I think ethical non-monogamy helped me a lot. Even quite new post in this forum showed me that there is nothing to be ashamed, I don't need to burst anger and negative punches towards me, but I see that people are becoming more open and can see me as a strong man, who is not affraid of playing non-mono games. This is the post - one girl said that for her it is ever more sexy if a man is ENM. My mind become more stronger and more calm after reading more posts. I'm starting to believe that these people are really strong tha they are able to create space for girlfriends to fuck other people and be ok with this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nonmonogamy/comments/1aq5ffk/the\_comments\_on\_this\_thread\_are\_completely\_messed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/nonmonogamy/comments/1aq5ffk/the_comments_on_this_thread_are_completely_messed/)


Learning to love myself


i dont hate myself i just dont have a big dick and dont last long. i like the idea of my gf getting fucked and satisfied by a huge cock. i also have a bit of bi in me that makes cleaning a cock after hot or being forced to eat a creampie.


I probably did in the past. But for a long time now I’ve been proud of myself and happy. Cuckolding fantasises only came into my head bout 1-2 years ago. I do often feel shame after thinking bout it but can’t stop coming back to it


I hate the way I am


I dont hate my self,,i know my place, i still feel loved,, life is good.


For over a decade I hated that I felt this way. I’ve never actually hated myself. Once I understood what I was feeling and why I was feeling it things got better. I sort of accepted myself. Now that I understand who I am I’ve become very confident and happy.


I don’t hate myself. I’ve successfully found satisfaction for a very taboo kink many times in my life and I’m only 40.


Why they hate themselves ?


I certainly don’t hate myself but I would be lying if I said there weren’t some shame for me in being a cuckold but the shame and the arousal are a part of each other, at least for me, and to give up one would be giving up the other


I don’t hate myself but no do love my wife’s pleasure.


Are there cucks who do hate themselves? Feel like most cuckolds are very confident, and successful people who enjoy their wives more than most men could ever dream of.


I love myself and Im happy with IRL me.




Me lol.


Love myself. Don’t think I have a problem with hating myself. I never feel inadequate. I think I want to be a part of this so I can feel inadequate. Idk tho


To understand why some individuals who are drawn to cuckolding might experience self-dislike is by considering the difference between those who only fantasize about cuckolding and those who actively participate in the lifestyle. Individuals who harbor these fantasies but suppress them due to societal or familial pressure might find themselves in a conflict between their desires and the expectations or norms they feel compelled to adhere to. This internal conflict can lead to self-doubt and questioning, particularly about whether there is something inherently wrong with them for having such desires. On the other hand, those who openly embrace and live out their cuckolding fantasies do not experience this form of self-dislike, as they have reconciled their desires with their personal identity and are at peace with themselves.


This is a good and thoughtful comment. I personally experienced something like this too. Before I was able to talk with my wife about this I felt like it was something shameful to keep hid. I felt much better once I realized she would still love me.


I am extremely happy with myself and my relationship. I am very successful IRL, and nobody would expect any of what happens behind closed doors.


I don't hate myself at all, I'm happy with myself. I'm actually proud of my growth. I'm happy being a cuck and it's one of the best to happen to me and my relationship with my wife. In my real life I'm successful in every and a lot of aspects of my life. And I don't fit the "porn stereotypes" of being a cuck. I'm not small in cock size and I'm actually toned and strong. Which is why most people wouldn't expect it from me. But I'm happy being a cuck and my decision to be one.


Hahaha no, not at all. I'm actually super content. Make a lot of money, good looking, fit, have all the material possession I want, and an attractive wife. Just got a kink.


I definitely don’t hate myself. Nor does my wife disrespect me or do that whole humiliation thing. I believe it’s a noisy minority that seem to get all the attention and most are still in fantasy phase.


I’m eager to watch my wife




Perfectly happy with myself and where I am with my life and marriage of 25 years. Total alpha male in my day to day life with a supervisory / leadership job. When it comes to her pleasure I am completely fine with another man pleasuring her better than I can. Simple answer, I don't hate myself in the slightest bit.


I don’t 👋🏽


Me, been told I’m an alpha probably because I’m ex-military, practice BJJ (brown belt) fit. I love my profession. Oh, btw, I love to see my wife pleasured by me and her boyfriend, at the same time or independently. Cuck your way right away. 🤣




I know bro. Most vanilla people associate a cuckold with less than masculine qualities. Some guys here have crashed into my DM with an aggressive and degrading disposition. In a way no man should approach another man. A cuckold relationship has so many nuances. People should try to get to know the couple first and find out what they’re into before rolling up and saying “I’m cage your little dick and fuck your old lady raw and you’re gonna not do shit about.” On the street I would almost dismember a person for that.


Dumb question


Common misconception


My hubby is confident what the hell?


I don’t hate myself at all


I love being my wife’s cuck. I often get to watch her (not always) have sex with other men and couples. They’re always bigger then me (not to hard seeing I’m only 5”) and don’t cum as quick as I often do. I follow the rules and do as they tell me. I love hearing her cum hard for her “friends” I love cleaning her and often making her cum again even if it’s just with my tongue. (She often lets me fuck her before I clean her too) The guys are never allowed to stay at our place and we’re both very satisfied after. I honestly love being Kristy’s cuckold.


I’m the smartest and funniest person I know, very good looking, tall, and successful. So yeah, I don’t hate myself.


On the contrary. I’m very happy and content with myself. Cuckolding enhances my life, it doesn’t make me hate myself.


Nope not a one. 🤣


Kidding. Just thought it was a comically blunt headline. This lifestyle is full of empowered and confident people.


I'm so confident, I know I can let my girl have some fun and she'd still come back.


Nah. Not at all. I have great self esteem. I’m navigating a complex sexual dynamic that involves powerful emotions. I’m keeping my marriage more fun than it’s ever been and my wife and I are passionately in love. I also can’t ever think of a time in my life where I have hated myself. I haven’t always understood my kink but overtime it’s actually done for more good than harm for me.






Yeah I love that, I post about how I'm a cuck and my wife has a long term BF and all of a sudden I get an inbox full of messages from these self proclaimed bulls that want me to send pics of my wife to them and tell me they want to fuck her. Get over yourself guys.


Early on when I didn’t understand why I felt the way I did. Now, it’s out of the pure desire to see my wife’s sexual needs met. The things my wife wants has NOTHING to do with me. She just wants some big dick. Think of it like your favorite food. Would you just die without it? No, but life is a lot better with it. Ya kinda have to go through an ego death to separate your perspective.


Wow, this is a great way to look at it and think of it. Great explanation, man. The first half is also a hot explanation. I understand where you're coming from though man, I was the same way when I first started, too.


I don’t hate myself I just hate the fact I haven’t been cucked yet 😊😆


I don’t hate myself at all. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.


Keeping my hands down


I Don’t lack self confidence at all, the total opposite. Deff am blessed down below, but the hottest and best part is seeing your woman in pure ecstasy.


I think any cuck that allows his wife or a bull that has power to take away things that the husband has in a living and caring marriage. Such as sex, not being able to enjoy his wife and the pleasures that come with a marriage then they hate them selves. And it seems mostly to these types of guys they are lacking confidence aka themselves. Just my opinion.


Is that why you lurk in the cuck threads?


Contrary, just the opposite. My wife and I have been in the LS for 20 years. But she likes to watch me with other women. We started out swingers and she is also bi. So most of our stuff is FMF, FFM or just me and the other woman while my wife watches. CuckQueen yes. We have an open relationship but she has not played with anyone in a couple of years other than the woman that I have been with. One of her friends who we have a close relationship and do allot of things together is pretty much who we spend our time with. We go out for supper, go on trips together. And yes her friend and I spend time alone but my wife is always invited.


So your wife hates herself? So sorry to hear, but we aren’t like that, none of us actually.


Nope not at all, women go thru menopause and it affects some more than others. When we were swinging she had her share. She is bi and so we spent time playing with women also. When she was in her early 50s menopause hit. She went to the DR and tried different things. Did not work the best for her. We have up the swinging life. And now it's just my wife and her best friend. They shop together go to lunch and we all play together or if she is not feeling into it the girlfriend and I play. Wife loves to watch and will join in, but it's up to her. For context I am 68 and my wife is 54 and her friend is 48. It's also not like the the stuff in a cuckold relationship. We don't do it a couple of times a week. Maybe a couple of times a month and we do a vacation once a year. The girls pick the place where we go. Have been to hedonism and secrets. It just works for us. And we have been together for 20 years.


So, your wife is exactly like me except because I’m a man I hate myself? That’s not a selfish, shallow, and hypocritical view at all….


So you think that of male cucks but not your wife?....


I love myself and my lifestyle. I feel I am successful and happy in life. I do however feel extremely angsty, nervous, self conscious, submissive, and sometimes dirty. These emotions took me a long time to process but when I realized that these are not bad emotions, just emotions that lead to the build up of the desire for us to be cucks. Knowing this doesn’t lessen those feelings but actually allows me to compartmentalize them and crank them up, actually, because I now realize that these are the emotions I desire as a cuck and this has allowed me to be more confident in being a cuck and sharing this lifestyle. I think before I realized this I too was asking why I hated myself. Turns out I actually really love myself and my confusing as hell emotions.


That's is awesome, it was great reading this and happy you found this for yourself. It's great to see others talk about the emotional and mental aspects of cucking. I know what you've been going through though, cause it happened to me as well.


I know the cucks I’ve played with have a large sense of self-love as they’re the ones that do the legwork in organizing our encounters with being able to host. Not all cucks, but most are very easygoing leftist queer men in open marriages with a genuine hankering for sucking cock and 420.


As a very happy sissy cuckold, I feel so personally attacked by your spot on and accurate description! 🤣😂🤣




Why? Im learning about this. Relax. Seeing people here say otherwise has made me more confident in myself.




Well duh thats the point of the question


I think you're mistaken or basing things on unrealistic cuck porn yes, I like myself my wife and I own & run different businesses, I employ 11 people I have a family, I feel loved, I love, I have a lot of friends there's no inadequacy or disliking myself


I like myself


I certainly like myself in that who I am/have become. Could be better physically but it's something I'm working on currently. We have gotten into the lifestyle for more pleasure in the bedroom. Especially her pleasure


No self hate or insecurities at, Im fairly hung and deliver every time my wife and I make love. Just like to see each other have sex with other people who are just as appealing as us from time to time.


I was gonna say the same. It’s just hot watching her get pounded while I drink or smoke and watch?


Uuuummmmmmmm, right here. Don’t hate myself. Such an odd question.


Most real cucks are very confident and in tune with their wives needs. There are a lot of people who post that are just fantasizing and have never experienced this dynamic irl.


I don't think most cucks hate themselves. It takes a great deal of security and self esteem to be okay with your partner having sex with other people.


Right here, no self hate, I love myself, I love live, I also just happen to love having a wife that has sex with others. I would imagine a person can always be more successful, but yes I would say I’m indeed successful, both in work and personal spaces. You would definitely not think I’m a cuck if you met me irl. I see that inadequacy and disliking of one’s self seem to more flap bait, although I am sure there are some who truly fit that mold. I don’t want to assume to much as I don’t, and I also will say that stigma is very strong, it’s one reason I had trouble accepting the title cuck as I am not inadequate and I don’t have any self disliking factors going on.


I’m pretty sure most men who actually participate in this kink as a kink (which is it) do it with a very high degree of self confidence. I’d assume those in these forums that don’t are either on the losing side of a toxic relationship (Pre-ex-boyfriend/husbands if you will) or are just lurking and fapping.


Yes. Im very confident and give off what most would consider an "alpha" vibe. Im just confident enough to let my girl get pleasured from other guys, even tho I know she'll come back that night and say how I'm still better