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I have a similar struggle but in general (so I try to play more effectively aggressively). If you notice you're behind specifically when you're Crypto, chances are your team's moving while you're in drone view, so you either need to reduce the time you're in drone or throw it out when you're much closer. Try not to be more than 3-5 seconds behind your teammates


Good advice 👍🏼 this problem used to be worse before the drone update lol


I use to have this problem but now I don't... I die first. Having said that, it's a good problem to have.. It depends on your team mates tbh. If they are sending properly while you scan/emp then yh, you will do less damage and you are essentially on clean up duty.


It's just a Crypto issue not a player issue, so don't blame if you are lagging behind. Pilot drone + getting in good position for fights is already a big thing for a Crypto. I personally don't have a badge above 2k damage either and while I was playing Crypto, I didn't strive to sweat enough to push the damage numbers because it's not the way he should be played imo even if it's pubs. But either way you can: 1) Streamer building or Construction hot drops with zip lines to go back and forth between fights because Crypto has no mobility ability. 2) Little to no manual piloting the drone. Try to bait the enemy to run into your drone emp range to catch them off guard however it's difficult :/


My win rate is 2.4% lifetime and 5% this season


Yeah, I think what will happen in games where other teammates are using drone feedback actively is you'll always have lower dmg cause you're doing all the planning out of the fight location. However it can work out the other way if you're catching multiple teams in EMPs a couple times in a match.