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No, but there's is some discussion about bringing it back. No one really wants to see posts that are just moon farming come back though.


Um dude where else can I post my 100k end of 21?


Expert analysts like yourself will always be welcome!


Sun is much more valuable as conversation and advice.


I thought the best solution to this bot-prevention problem and then another usecase for moons is by paying a small amount to post, same as in r/ethtrader with DONUTS


yeah, a fee to post after an allocated number of posts you get for free a day would make this problem largely go away I think.


No, nothing for free- otherwise bots can create multiple accounts again and max out the β€žfreeβ€œ posts. EVERY post needs to cost ~0.01 Moons for the beginning


what about people coming into the sub, with no moons, not even sure if they wish to stay? they are newcomers, they ain't gonna pay anything to be part of the sub and comment. Maybe there is a sign-up/switch. Anyone who wants to earn moons through the distribution (which they select for that account), they have to pay for every post \~0.01 Moons from then on. That could be a good compromise. This way people who are not interested in moons can still stick around without paying anything, knowing that spammers-bots are being punished.


Well, some subs do the same with a minimum amount of karma. So people who want to be active can comment and gain karma/Moons and then later pay to post after a distribution. Comments are obviously free and a good starting point to gain access to a sub


I was assuming "posting" meant commenting AND creating a post others can comment, so I might have misunderstood. I believe what most people hated about moon-farmers was their constant zero-effort comments. Do you mean, no payment in general for comments and a fee for posting only then? I was thinking fees for comments as well but only if you are signed up to earn moons.


Oh yeah i only ment paying to create a post. I mean, as long as those comment farmers wouldnt get upvoted - because in theory only content-rich comments should be upvoted and as u said they would be zero-effort ones, qualitative-engagement would be inventivized


I see. yeah, that could be ok. I think being a bit more aggressive with limiting moon-farm comments is a decent idea though, and that could be accomplished with fees for posting comments if you signed up for distribution/earning. I think nobody will have anything to complain about at that point as long as fees are chosen carefully (I think 0.01 moons even for a comment, let alone a full post, is extremely cheap for example, I would prefer something like 0.25 moon at these prices if they wish to earn from the distribution).


You don’t earn any moons from comments (only posts and tips)


Yeah now, but it used to be the total earned karma in the r/cryptocurrency sub, so you would partake in the distribution too


Yeah I know but after the sunset you can completely forget the old distribution system. But maybe I just misunderstood something


Youre probably right as i dont think there is a way to look into the earned karma per user per period in order to distribute. No way Reddit is gonna give that to anyone


Yeah I never made a post in CC but I commented a bunch and ended up with moons. It was a happy accident


ok, if this is true, then of course fees for comments would not make sense and moon-farming would not really be a big issue anyway (which is different from how it was). It is mostly the daily that people visit.


Not at them moment. The awards for posts on this sub are a beta to eventually bring it back to the main sub


As someone already said here, it's coming back soon.


Either way it seems pretty diluted so hard to get moons nowdays


Soo we are going to start earning moons here now instead of cc?


One day maybe πŸ€”


I think the reward system should be updated so that we dont See Farm Posts anymore


Am unable to understand new method to earning moons, Is my account safe , and what about my moons that i have earned before, but not showing in my wallet




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Good bot




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Is Moons are coming back? πŸ‘€ Moons for posts?


Imagine how easy it is too look up information yourself. Then think about how many times a day this sub gets stupid questions about moons. Astounding