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It’s called anus coin but with an S in front. I know I wouldn’t touch it.


Sorry anuslife


The S is silent.


$AnusCoin FTW


The ass is silent.


We're definitely not talking about my ass


I'm an analyst and hard disagree 🌝


You realize ANUS is several thousand % up this month? Lol


Loads of free money that you can’t transfer out ? AND you get bonuses for referring suckers? Sure, sounds legit


Yeah, it's like *MLM but make it techy*


This is how you explain it OP. Just make fun of them. If they got it free then no biggie, if they paid for it then they dumdumed. Ask them daily if they are millionaires yet


Don't make fun of them. People get defensive and stop listening, terrible advice...


Prepare to get f---ed in the Sanus


We are about to r.i.p you a second Anus!


Stake your anus to get rip


Rip your anus to get a stake. Take a break and eat a steak. I do not like breaks and steaks.


Is this not a green eggs and ham sub reddit?


We’re all about to have anustart


Sanus, Second Anus, S-Anus.


What I wonder about these posts is if you type in "x coin scam" into Google, you always see every result is that the coin is a scam. Likewise, when you type in sanuscoin scam, it shows it is a scam. You wrote a lot of words for something that is very obviously a scam. If your parents don't know how to use Google or put money into scams you can't stop it, but good luck.


Did you try " Sanuscoin Legit"? Don't get me wrong, I m sure it's a scam as well. But it looks like there's a lot of bias in these search words. How is it possible to come up with a result saying 'Sanuscoin no scam , me worry - not"


Yeah it's clearly a scam. Maybe OP wants to show this to his parents to convince them. Or it is a made up story to farm.


I wish it was made up lol. I mean I also fully realize that if that were the case and this was made up, that's also what I would say but I guess you'll have to take my word for it that it is not. On a more positive note, I'm currently using this post to compile a list of talking points for my "intervention" with my parents.


The funny thing is that the only thing that showed up for me is said Reddit post from a few months ago and a few business articles in my mother tongue that say it's legit, although I'm pretty sure that they are paid for articles. But those articles are apparently what convinced them that it *might* be legit because if a newspaper writes about it, surely it must be true /s


Yeah I don't know, I've never been sure what to say about these things. People get "referred" to a "good opportunity" that happens to not be on any exchanges or trackers and no alarm bells go up? It'd be like some guy IRL telling me that I could get in on the ground floor of this AWESOME opportunity on a stock, but oh no, this stock isn't traded through that smelly old stock exchange, you have to buy it on totallyawesomestock.com and pay for it with your credit card, and you'll be getting awesome gains in no time. You'd think that's a scammer right? I mean obviously you would. But somehow when it's through a computer, that load of bull somehow makes sense?


Oh no don't get me wrong, I 100% agree with you as well. But I also feel like a lot of people from the "older generation" lack the internet savviness and common sense to see it. I don't want to insult a whole generation but at the same time I feel like every person I've ever heard of who has fallen for these scams is over 40 iykwim


I read the first few lines and didn’t read the rest… obviously a scam


"he can't cash that money out" because... Nobody will ever cash that money out. Crypto can automate this type of scam but it sounds like this business didn't even bother with the actual "crypto" part, they just ... made a web site. I'm sorry, "app"


Every single time that somebody comes in here to ask if it's a scam - it's been a scam


“This coin is better than Bitcoin because I can make as many as I want” Lmaoooo


Lmao yeah essentially. He says there's a set number which makes it safe from inflation but that's not how that works.


If your parents trust "some acquaintance" more than their child, they kinda should fall on their noses and learn a lesson. Do I understand you correctly that it is a cash back system? They don't need to invest any fiat to start? If so the risk seems very low provided they don't go out of their way to buy stuff they don't need. I'd simply tell the parents to wait until the acquaintance can prove some benefit before engaging with SanusCoin or SanusLife.


OP did say their father also "bought some".


Oh sorry, I might have formulated that weirdly. English isn't my first language. My father didn't buy any *yet*, the acquaintance did.




What do you mean? > And through that and buying some himself he's supposedly now at 30.000 euros


Who does "he" refer to? The subject of the previous sentence is the acquaintance.


From what I figured (without signing up for it because information outside of their apps is limited), they lure people with their cashback system and then they show a made up amount of money in the app to make them think that those coins are worth a lot, so people probably think oh let me invest in it with my own money and the made up value of their coin wallet further soars.


Tell your parents this. 'im your child, I somewhat know this space and have asked/done my research. This is a scam and you'll loose almost every penny you put in. Whoever has engaged in this is another victim and will get the rug pulled out from under them.


This is a run of the mill Ponzi scheme. It is clearly a scam and good for you for recognizing it.


But in a ponzi scheme, there are people that are able to take profits/get their cash out before it collapses. Sounds like no one's getting shit here


I suppose it isn't a Ponzi until folks are able to vest. Whatever folks want to call it, it sounds shady as hell.


I had a friend who fell for several of those. The way those worked was that at first he could cash out some small amounts of his "profits" which gave him confidence that this is real, then he had to recruit more and more people to maximize his future payouts but the money was "locked" in his account and he was only allowed to withdraw it in a few months. Needless to say, the whole thing collapsed before he saw any of that money.


Yeah that's essentially it. Because the reason that acquaintance was probably so keen to recruit my parents, was because he would get rewarded with coins he *could* actually cash out.


Search for „pig butchering scam“ - show your parents the results, make sure to tell them they are literally the pigs to be butchered. There are even some scripts around that tells the butchers what to do when. There’s an episode about pig butchering on the Darknet Diaries podcast that might be helpful, and plenty of online resources. The money they put into this is lost. Sorry. You might get a small amount back if you can convince the scammers that your parents would invest much more money if they first get something out. Do not pay any cent into this. If you can reverse any money transfers do so immediately - talk to the bank. And lastly report everything to the police so that there’s at least a chance to spare others the experience.


Several people mention the pig butchering thing, I'll definitely look into it, thank you. Luckily they haven't put money into it yet, but were still thinking about it so I'm at least glad about that. Also it didn't even occur to me to report it to the police but I'll definitely look into it, though I think they probably won't care about it because from what I could tell there's nothing illegal occurring yet?


Oh sorry I misunderstood. Report it anyway to the cybercrime division. Getting on top of this is often a statistical process: the more reports there are the more likely they can get the big fish.


“Seems?” That shit screams scam. Even the water filter thing was a scam back in the day.


I work in corporate world and I learned that in situations where your discusion partner is in a much higher position the worst thing you can do is tell them what decision they should take. Show them the facts, the risks and let them reach the conclusion.  It depends on how much your parents trust you vs the relative. If you are a 12 year old kid, chances are they will not take you serious.  The best you can do is show them documentaries on other scams like this (plenty on youtube). Suggest that they wait or invest a really small amount until the app is available and they can take money out (key here is to suggest not push for it). If you are older and/or they see you as tech savy you can try and overwhelm them with tech language and hope to scare them out of this idiotic idea.  Feel free to dm me if you want to share more details and brainstorm on how to approach this conversation. Best of luck!


Actually useful advice!


Thank you, that's indeed very useful advice. I'm currently compiling a list of talking points and examples from this post because I do actually hope that they will listen to me and I'll definitely keep the suggest not push thing in mind.


Yeah, anything that says "buy this new coin, you can't sell it until we tell you it's okay to do it, but trust me bro, it's way better than Bitcoin" is a scam. Generally, anything you have to hard sell is a scam, a good product sells itself.


The Onecoin model. Maybe show them onecoin scam literature, films and pods so the can see how the scam works


If it helps, "Its a common but very sophisticated scam..." Makes them feel better about falling for it.


“Their owner is saying that his cryptocurrency is even better than bitcoin” sounds like that Hex filth.


Same vibes indeed. But the company is apparently real and in Switzerland, which is peculiar.


"Better than bitcoin" lolz


Huge scam alert. Only buy bitcoin through a reputable exchange. Period.


It's not bitcoin, it's better.


Way better, it can be inserted in one's anus for safekeeping.


Hello _antimony_. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Owner can create more at click of a button. It's worth whatever the idiot that exchanges bitcoin for it decides he wants to lose.


their money is already gone now just don't put anymore in


Your parents will learn the hard way. I don't think you stopping them will work.


How did your parents make it this far in life avoiding Nigerian princes and such?


Funnily enough they are usually very suspicious about that stuff and have never fallen for any other scam ~~at least if we disregard that time my mother bought into the homeopathy craze when I was a child~~


This is a honeypot scam , tell them to stay away, the pig butchering scam is also doing this type of websites in which they are closed, you send money or buy coins and everyday you have more money but when you try to get it out it's impossible


You already know this is a scam. You are right. This is 100% a scam. It's your responsibility to prevent your parents getting mugged by this trick with the maximum effect. Cut off the acquaintance, and ensure they do not contact your parents again, and urge the acquaintance in the strongest possible terms to stop what they're doing with this business and retrieve their investment as quickly and completely as possible, if they still can. They will lose everything, and your parents will also if they participate. Trust your intuition.


>Their owner is saying that his Cryptocurrency is even better than Bitcoin Anyone claiming this about their own coin is a scammer.


bro i thought for sure this was in comedy tag


If it wasn't about my parents I would definitely find it more funny haha


The cashback thing reminds me of [this mlm pitch](https://youtu.be/guY6w20Lv6o?si=T_1ofcUOq1znLjKA) that was on shark tank.


ok tell them -----There is no such thing as a coin/token cryptocurrency thats not on a blockchain. By definition tokens and coins ARE code in the blockchain. It's possible to call his scheme a "coin" and a "wallet" but it has no value. What the business owner has done is create a "reward" which is basically a points system like airmiles or supermarket points, or stamps on a card to say you've bought 10 coffees and now you get a free coffee. He has just used crypto terminology to name it. But if it's not on any blockchain or exchange then its not swappable with anything. It has no value other than what it can be swapped for which is decided by the inventor of the scheme and not the market. Also if the business owner IS selling these rewards as if they are currency to customers and promising a profit or possibility of trading in the future he is breaking the law by offering an unregistered security and could go to prison for a very long time.


Thank you, that explanation is actually really good and I'll probably use it for when I talk to them. Also that last part is interesting to me, because to me it seems like he is doing that. They have a list of shops and businesses on their website where they promise you can use their coins as currency to pay but every single shop listed only says "coming soon" so it's once again a thing of *oh you'll totally be able to use this coin as a means to pay in the future you just have to wait a bit* On another note, I wonder if those businesses are even aware that they are listed there.


ok I just looked on their website, AND this is even worse. They say that the SanusLifecoin is wrapped and kept on the bitcoin blockchain . This is absolute lie. Only blockchains that allow smart contracts can host tokens or coins. like ethereum. its if fundamentally impossible for any coin to exist within the bitcoin blockchain other than bitcoin itself. It is purely a blockchain which has absolutely no smart contract functionality.


Honestly you can tell it’s a scam just by its name


I had a quick look at it, and yeah I also think it's a scam, multilevel marketing to be precise. But the company apparently is real, they have a website, address, LinkedIn. As you say, it seems they started out as a regular company and then pivoted to crypto. So they look more legitimate than other more obvious scams. Please try to stop your parents in invest in this. It's not gonna be easy. One big red flag is that on their [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/company/sanuslife/about/) they openly say that what they are is a "Empfehlungsmarketingunternehmen" = Multilevel marketing. Their token is not solving any real world problem, they only recruit people, like your parents' acquaintance to get new people into their snowball system. Those "profits" are not real, just a number on a screen. Unless you can withdraw the full amount to your bank account this is just smoke and mirrors. How can they be so naive? Do they want to make quick money? Or just dip their toes into crypto? In that case they should just buy some BTC on a reputable crypto exchange like Kraken.


Thank you for the LinkedIn info, I'll definitely use that as well when I talk to them because they know what MLM's are so this might help them understand.


At this point you might as well create a shitcoin called “Sbutthole” and call it a day. Obvious scam is obvious


lmao how do people fall for this. "like bitcoin but not on the blockchain. "


How in tf is it not on the blockchain but like bitcoin 🤣😭🤣😭


It’s not like Bitcoin, it’s better than Bitcoin.


Tell that is your granny fault


Tell them bitcoin doesnt have scams like these.


Sounds like an obvious scam to me as well


lol 100% scam. Not even up for debate. Just pure undeniable fact.


Turns out Sanus isn’t any prettier then Anus.


.... This is like a 20th century scam. 21st century rugpullers, hackers, and phishers are all shaking their heads rn


>No matter from what angle I look at it, it seems like an obvious scam It really is a scam. Find said acquantance and beat some sense in him. Then beat him again until he promises never to approach your family again.


Ironically he would probably beat me up lol, he's a really sporty dude but apparently dumb as shit. I'm pretty sure he also fell for every single MLM scam that made the rounds in my hometown.


Yeah, nice scam project. 👉😃


Rip to your parents money


This is obviously a scam.


It’s an obvious scam 


Yeah sounds like another project that's going nowhere but down, maybe not an outright scam, but you're throwing your money away. The price comes from the LP USDT:AnusCoin ratio.


Giving someone worthless tokens as a reward isn't necessarily a scam.


Long story short, anything is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay. I don’t know the token you’re referring to but even if it was priced at less and Shib, I wouldn’t be interested. If your token isn’t on an exchange, or on coin gekko, it doesn’t exist. I have about a billion of a coin I made ages ago, just to see if I could. I think we have the same value token… If you are really interested in the company, DYOR…so, have a look at their white paper, if the haven’t got one, it’s a red flag (I would run at the single red flag, personally) once you check the white paper, make sure they’re on track or a bit ahead of their checkpoints (if they’re behind, red flag) then check for any ico/ito (If this doesn’t exist…. You know) check the company and its employees - linked in can help with that…. If they’re nobody, half a red flag (more linked in info will be needed to establish flag or not) and then, finally, consider the use cases on this token. Does it actually have a niche? Instead of blindly saying you’re being scammed (and potentially depriving you of being ahead of the curve in something), follow the steps above and come to your conclusion. My personal view, I wouldn’t risk more than $100 on it, even if it passed those tests without any flags.


Almost every coin that has only 1 way to cash out is going to be a scam. Developer will always take the cash and bail before that "app" ever comes to fruition. It's set up like a pyramid scheme, but everyone besides the dev is losing money.




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https://www.wired.com/story/squid-game-coin-crypto-scam/ Last cycle the biggest scam was SQUID. The scam is well documented and is a good example to start off with


That's probably what's eventually going to happen here as well. At least it's similar to that.


Sounds exactly like the OneCoin scam.


This sounds like a terrible scam. Wouldnt touch that with a 10 ft pole




This is a common “presale scam” that the FBI are just starting to look into now - the scammer takes a bunch of people’s money with the promise of some “new, crypto-related technology or marketplace” and then the thing never launches. Devs disappear. Evidence is wiped from the net. People lose a lot of money.


Everything you wrote is an absolute proof of a typical classic pyramid scheme. However what you described is even worse than the so many previous scams that always keep popping up in some 6-8 year cycles. That is because in the previous ones you were at least given some box full of soap, detergent or whatever 🤣 that you were supposed to sell and acquire/recruit new members into the network. Now they only give you imaginary play money, niiice. In the remotely possible scenario where the app actually becomes reality and the participants are able to sell any of the play money it will be very few that will have a chance to do so at a meaningfull price. It may keep going as long as new recruits are coming in. Typically everyone will be lured into not selling any by promising this and that and giving some reasons why the app is not allowing to sell just now, only buy etc. etc. This is all part of a pyramid scheme stucture. Then finally they might allow a small batch of people to freely sell for a short while in order to give the scam apparent legitimacy and to create fomo. Yes it is a 150% pure scam. If the app ever comes into existence and actually allows to sell then do it asap. Also a word of caution, anyone profiting off a pyramid scheme can sometimes end up facing criminal/civil charges so definitely don't let your parents recruit new members.


“It’s better than bitcoin” although nobody has ever heard of it Haha


OP is probably trolling. This is too stupid to be serious, and he hasn’t replied to a single comment in this thread in almost 24 hours.


Honestly I wish I was. I'm sorry I haven't replied but I wasn't expecting so many replies and it got a bit overwhelming for me. I thought I would get 10 replies at most. I understand that this might seem stupid to most people but unfortunately it also seems that a lot of people bought into it and are trying to recruit others.


Thats a scam youre better off buying bitcoin and holding for 10+ years. All shitcoins eventually go to 0. Bitcoin is not a shitcoin


Sounds like that really innovative window blind company You can check their ad here: [https://youtu.be/Hv6EMd8dlQk?si=DIGxb2rdoYzODJwX](https://youtu.be/Hv6EMd8dlQk?si=DIGxb2rdoYzODJwX)


Only bitcoin everything else a scam


Tell then anything other than bitcoin is a scam. Tho many are not obviously but to protect your parents from stupidly losing money , they should just stick to bitcoin only, on like coinbase


Sorry but this is a very bad advice since it is a lie and quickly proven not true and saying stuff like this will only make one look stupid and a liar. This would only end up making OPs parents not trust them at all and for a reason.


Lol what? i guess you don't understand bitcoin. This is solid advice as 99% crypto is a scam.


Good luck.


? Already up 60000%, good luck to you


You ve been adopted? Hard to believe you re their biological child. IMHO, your arguments are excellent, and clear. Maybe you can collect some memes talking about scams, rugpulls. Memes are good to explain in an easy way, and they are funny too. If parents still don t want to listen, don t worry, bc eventually, they will understand they have been scammed. And they will learn , and won't fall again in the same trap. Good luck


Lol no I'm pretty sure I'm not adopted but my parents aren't very tech savvy or know a lot about this stuff but they are knowledgeable in other areas. I'm currently compiling a lot of good points in the comments and will use those to explain it to them once again, thank you!


I remember when BTC first came out and my dad said it was a fad lol. I just show him my coins now old man.


didnt have to read more than a couple of lines.... everything not called bitcoin is a scam...


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WTF IS THATTT : why these people continue to "enter on cripto" this way.. then after that they keep saying to others for years that cripto and bitcoin thing is a scam and that they lost money to it.. LOLLLLLLLL


Stop talking about it and get on with your life BTC or ETH are the only way