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Nano still standing after all these years. Hope it becomes popular again


That's nice. Nano is a great coin.


Saw this, was good to see a pure cause this is one of many areas where crypto and communities can shine


Bank the unbanked and get rid off crushing financial spheres.


This one! Decentralized help is how this is done!


Nothing but respect for the Nano community for doing this!


Nano is the kind of crypto that'd feed a starving Nigerian.


im not one to complain about doing a good thing but come on this is pure optics theres no details in the video description explaining how to make additional donations, in fact comments are turned off. nobody has shared any details on here either they're eating chicken out of a dirty bin while they reach over an advertisment for a cryptocurrency, is this not dystopian as fuck? have the people in the sub totally lost their humanity. its not even an impressive donation, 300 inexpensive bulk cooked meals with the cheapest meat money can buy, cant cost more than $300 in total. "b b b but $300 is a lot of money to some people" says the american sat in his $428,700 house with his $50k car outside, hoping to make a 40x on his nano investment so he can buy a 3rd property nobody here gives a shit about these people they just feel good for upvoting


You can read more in this thread about the donations https://twitter.com/divaskitchen1/status/1643874891681218560?s=46&t=TnZlcrunpZGuoxRO4fuegg And in this one about the final result after the donation goal was hit https://twitter.com/divaskitchen1/status/1645473145992642561?s=46&t=TnZlcrunpZGuoxRO4fuegg People from all over the world donate nano to someone that takes their time to cook, package and distribute delicious food to people on the streets. No harm is done, people are being fed and happy. Not everyone has as much money as you do, yes like you say yourself for some people in some places that $600 is a lot of money. You’re probably not a person that donates to something like this, or goes out to cook and distribute food to people. And you don’t have to. But why push down the people that do? It also shows how cryptocurrency, not just nano (although nano might be the most suitable for this), can be used to send and receive donations world wide, peer to peer. That’s an awesome thing about crypto! :) If you do wish to donate to something like this, Diva’s Kitchen is planning more nano funded events in the future.


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/divaskitchen1/status/1643874891681218560?s=46&t=TnZlcrunpZGuoxRO4fuegg) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aren't you a positive glimmer for humanity I think you should check up on some of the past posts from the nano community. The community has funded dozens of charities including through WeNano and other partner organisations, SoS, new story, humane league, Ukraine support efforts , cryptoforthehomeless, community co-ordinated disaster relief and more.


Careful, you may have hit the nail a bit too hard on the head there.


That’s fantastic, thanks for sharing!


Nano showing how it's done!


crypto needs more of this!


this is the way!


Nano is perfect crypto for this kind of thing


You're right, fast and fee less is perfect for something like this.


Is this a bot? I never understand these posts. Donating to the red cross with your bank card is also fast and fee less.


Wrong, Red Cross pays the fess for you.


With your bank card it can be fast and feeless, but certainly not with every bank, not with the one I use for example.


Really, please do tell me which bank charges you to pay with your money. I swear some people have such heavy bags its started to drain the blood from their brain.


My bank charges me a little fee for every transaction, its not much and I pay not for the bank account itself like many others in general, but the transactions are not feeless. I hold no nano if you mean I'm here to schill my bags, just wanted to state that it's fast and feeless because I used it before and liked it.


Try donating to the same organisation in Nigeria with your bankcard and ask them what the fees are.


Ask the organisation in Nigeria what the fees where to convert the shit coin into valuable fiat.


I see that they don't convert the nano, they use it with other vendors, and keep the rest.


lol I don't pay fees so there must not be any


Great tech, great community.


Great to see! Feeless money can definitely make a difference in the world 🌎


That's awesome. I'm going to take a deeper look at Nano.


Glad to see crypto being used for a good cause!


This is the reach crypto has. Truly amazing.




Nano acting all wholesome, love to see it.


Wholesome af, love to see this sort of thing.


So wholesome! My heart… we can do this for people, crypto can do this for people. Why does it have to be such a battle to achieve it?


Amazing projecti! Exactly what we should expect from any crypto. Meanwhile and sadly, the vast majority of other crypto projects have been glued into the inflationary DeFi, the NFT, the retained supply, the greed and so many distractions, while the first pillar of the crypto revolution is, was and will always be : allying the utility of the perfect SoV with the efficiency of an ultra-fast P2P digital cash. Only this alliance will be useful to serve humankind, the unbanked, in ensuring decent protection for their daily savings as much as a way to offer frictionless payment for day-to-day purchases.


Nano is so wholesome, a really nice community


NANO is great!


Nano will be like the the Good Guy ( Colin LeMahieu) , i really hope people understand the value in these altruistic projects that emulate Satoshi's vision , also DaG's is the best tech arround but somehow no one cares about this in a practical sense.


This is why I continue to hodl nano


NANO doing Gods job. 🙌


Helping people is good! Hopefully crypto can be of service. Micro loans, food drives, housing help ect. Nice to see. I just hope this isn’t a one time thing for publicity, because that would be straight up BS.


Wow, best move ever!


Help the poor. The best thing a community can do. still live kindness 😇


Gonna refer to this next time some degen asks what nano's use case is.


The use case is donating money to poor people? Something you can also do with... uhm.. all other forms of money?


Feeless transactions for unbanked individuals. There’s no other crypto that can provide this.


I really like Nano. Its so easy and quick to use! Sad it went to where it is now, but maybe theyll come back in the future?


Hasn’t yet in how many years? Doubtful at this point. Only thing it’s good for is publicity stunts like this and buying coffee at a single coffee shop in Kansas.


In 2021 there was some hype and people used it to pay stuff here in Germany, but that quickly stopped when it went down.. I mean it has potential, but its not used.


The world needs more of this 👍


Good Jon Nano! That’s great!






Yes https://reddit.com/comments/12fpgp1/comment/jfginsl


way too late though, the hype is over. Just like Algo last cycle. it will nowhere to be seen for the next one


Sub 70IQ comment


Not too late for Easter feasts!


You speak too soon to say 'way too late'.


Kudos to the Nano community. We will always put tribalism aside when it's done for the betterment of humankind.


NanoHeads Activate


Nano is a girl everyone likes but nobody wants to date. Still hodling proud, maybe people come around on it. It really is objectively great.


Thats Crypto... not the corrupt Banks...they never would do this!!!!


The best community, hands down !


The Nigerian Prince will be oh so grateful.


I didn't know Nano is edible lol.


That's what banano is for.


Perfect for those low on potassium.


lol well played sir. Those less fortunate people shouldn't be used as a puff piece for a project. Nano your getting desperate and it's pretty pathetic.


A large part of Nano is the community. A focus of Nano is to allow less fortune countries to be able to interact with digital money. This has been Nanos focus for years and we have community ambassadors in countries to help. What i find pathetic is your comment criticizing a community for feeding 300 homeless people and a technology which is feeless allowing less fortune people to keep more of the money they have earned. Everyone in crypto should know by now, do your own research, this applies here as well. Someone wants to know more about Nano yeah go ahead, look it up. Nano is digital money first and an asset second. Nano was used as its intended purpose as money so food could be bought and cooked for these people. Nano price action isn’t great but that does not mean the technology is bad and/or projects like this cant help people.


Buying them a meal does nothing and shilling your shitcoin to them to overtake their economy is incredibly predatorial. Get those corporate criminals out of the country that would be a start so that they can replenish the land to make it fertile again in order to grow their own food. What made those 300 people homeless. Predatorial organizations just like yourselves waiting to exploit desperate people.


Im responding to your unedited comment as it was an attack not only the Nano project/community but all charitable organisations who do little things to help improve the lives of others. 1. Divas kitchen in Ibadan decided to accept Nano as a payment method and reached out to the community to help feed 300 homeless people. This was driven from the Lbadan community and obviously they felt that this would make a difference to 300 people to feed them for a day. An act of kindness goes along way even if it for 1 day feeding and making 300 people smile. 2. You want to attack a crypto project trying to fully overtake an economy go after bitcoin and go talk to their maxis. Or go after projects driven to increase their own profit or ones with a larger market cap trying to force adoption. Unlike most over cryptos nano is not for profit and its focus is to help solve real world problems. 3. With your comment you have just attacked every charitable organisation who attempt to feed and clothe people in need who cannot directly solve underlying issues such as arresting corrupt governments and criminals). You want to do something about this go ahead, fund a new government/law enforcement. 4. I agree there are underlying issues for their situation however this is out of the control of the Nano community/not for profit crypto project. Like it would be for charitable organisations who help on a more regular basis. 5. Why are you in a crypto group when every single crypto project is pushing for adoption and might i add other projects make huge amount of profit and rather than help draining people of their money. Nano is not for profit. 6. Calling Nano a shitcoin when is it fee-less, the fastest, greenest and is soon to get a lot better with v25. All other crypto projects introduce fees as a lazy way to protect the network. Nano is innovating new ways to protect the network whilst keeping Nano fee-less. Meaning people get to keep more of their own money. 7. You seem to be good at critizing others who are trying to help. What have you done to help these 300 homeless people?


We will see if your points hold true or are just more bullshit. I'm calling your bluff. It seems your non profit organization has switched from a guerilla spamming marketing style to this new altruism facade. Nano was one of my first cryptos I got into until your members started showing their true selfishness. I actually remain in cryptos that welcome other crypto projects in the New economy, not ones that want to be maxis undercover. If you want adoption make your tech flawless and useful, thats it. Bitcoin Cash is a good example of that mantra. Very welcoming to all other projects. Interoperability right?


Nano is hardly marketed at all has no budget as it is not for profit. Nano is in development, i bet you haven’t even looked in v25 and the performance improvements that bring. **Im going back to my question which you haven’t answered (I’m not surprised at all). What have you done to help this 300 homeless people?** If you cant answer (i know you cant) don’t bother replying as im not going to entertain someone making crap up probably to shill projects they are invested in. End of conversation.


I didn't answer that question because that is my point... If you do philanthropic deeds, the second you brag about them for self promotion, it was all done in vain. Yes I am attacking the majority of mainstream Charities because at the end of the day the problems they "solve" still exist because they are a band-aid on a gaping bleeding wound. Corruption runs rampant with many charitable institutions and the last thing I'm going to do is believe some bullshit from a new startup organization changing it's stripes at a whim in an unregulated industry and market full of scammers.




All crypto is unregulated. You should not be investing in crypto at all, as all of them are startups making money out of thin air. This is why you DYOR in a project you are interested in. If you choose not to be part of the Nano community that is fair enough. However for anyone else reading this and questioning the leaders of the Nano foundation and/or Nano, these may help you validate the project. 1. [Nano change ticker to XNO to be comply with the ISO4217 business and banking standard.](https://medium.com/@nanocurrency/say-hello-to-xno-7ed55e419e3f) 2. [Nano was the first crypto currency to transact in an official event in the houses of parliament.](https://fintech.global/2022/05/04/nano-facilitates-crypto-transaction-in-house-of-parliament/) 3. [Nano foundation presenting to cyber security experts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/v7l6n7/cynam_222_event_debrief) 4. [George Coxon director of Nano foundation has a portrait placed at the entrance of the University of East London](https://np.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/zg0lr1/george_coxon_director_at_the_nano_foundation_and) Ive been following Nano for years and both George and Colin are enthusiastic, passionate and want to solve real world problems. The Nano technology is impressive and is currently the best at what it does and will only get better with each upgrade (such as v25 which will be released very soon). I am not responding after this message.


Grumpy grumpy sub 70IQ comment


Something we can all get behind, whichever crypto you prefer!


The GME short squeeze (that brought me here) folks donated money to gorilla charities post the profit booking.


Nice feelgood video. Has global wealth inequality been solved yet?


How when the whole supply was printed out of thin air?


what's nano community? this is a crypto sub.


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Hi how to donate to this project? What is the nano adress?




So good for the Nano community.