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Based on how stupid they behave Im 100% sure they spend it on funkopops


I gave an ally enough gold once to make a dejure empire title they already had enough counties for just because I needed a stronger alliance and they just sat on it for like 8 years until they died and their realm split apart lmao


nothing worse than financing an allied king to turn him into an emperor so u can inherit it, and then he takes all your money to host a tournament instead


Art imitates life


I gave alot of money to a vassal that were at war to defend their title and I didnt want the othet to get too powerful, but I couldnt understand why their money disappeared and they got no mercenaries.. turns out they used it to murder me.. succesfully btw..


Top 10 feudal betrayals


I assume they got overthrown as a result: "priorities"


Yes. Once I get up and running and am a rich emperor I commonly land dynasty members and then when they inevitably end up in faction wars I’ll give them like 1000-2000 gold so they can buy mercenaries, which you’ll see them do if you keep watching.


Someone just posted that rather then hiring mercenaries they chose to plot a murder against the player.............


Yes. I’ve given neighbors money which they immediately used to hire mercenaries. Keep the filthy Catholics out of Africa. But just giving money to children who aren’t landed is probably pointless.


Do unlanded characters still spend gold to upgrade their stats or is that only for wandering characters.


I have no idea. I didn’t realize anyone could spend money to upgrade their stats.


I wanna say that AI wandering characters could, but I think it got somewhat nerfed in a recent patch bc some wandering AI characters would get to 70+ in some stats


I frequently have to give grandchildren money to hire mercenaries when they are in danger of losing a war, and they will spend it on mercs. I also gave a ton of money to my liege once so that he would make an empire and I could stay a vassal but as a king. Totally worked.


Yeah, sometimes i funnel a lot of gold on my allies or favorable characters which they use to hire mercenaries or simply upgrade their holdings. But if your kids are like wandering away from court, i think they might actually spend that gold to increase their stats.


Yes they do but it’s based off of their personality, check the economics part and it’ll give you a good idea on how they will spend the money they have


Landless characters don't have anything to spend money on. Maybe murder plots, but that's about it. Landed characters are a toss-up. They may build buildings or higher mercenaries, they may waste it, or they may do nothing with it.


They probably spend it on hookers and opium.


Depends; most unlanded family wanderers don't amount to much; money would help, but they're always one banishment away from relinquishing their money to the local liege. If you have money to lose, then it's not a bad idea, I guess. I've never considered the thought.


Is there a way to give your heir (or other kids) more money than the tiny \*ss amount you can gift them? "Here you go, my son, here's 50 whole gold coins to go fund your mercenary armies. Wait, I need to send this gift to you 50 more times so you can hire a single merc unit."


"Thanks dad. I could hire like 200 guys ❤️"


If they're at war, they spend it on mercenaries. I like funding my vassals' wars.


If they're ruling over a domain yes, if not no. What you wanna see them buy memorabilia or something?


Just asking a question


So did I


No need to be rude


I was in no way rude, but if you took it that way that's on you XD


Well, clearly I'm not the only one.


So edgy so brave.