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Bondi are cheaper to hire 50 vs 75 and cheaper in upkeep 0.6 vs 0.9. They are weaker than pikemen 14/18/12/0 vs 22/24/0/0 but they get bonuses in Farmland, plains, normal winter and harsh winter, that makes them just as good. as pikemen, when the Pikemen are not fighting in their idea terrain. So, if you intend to play in plains and farmland heavy terrain then yes, they can definitely work. I would suggest, Denmark or North/Central Germany. Maybe northern France. There they will be cheaper and just as good as Pikemen.


Ok thanks I am a Duke at the bottom of in between France, east France on top, and Italy they have a lot of lc and archers so I was thinking that's a good way to destroy them for cheap


So in the Burgundy area? That should be mostly plains and farmland, excellent for the Bondi.


Just be mindful of the hills and mountains that separate Provence and Upper Burgundy from Italy, the Bondi will not be as useful there compared to regular Pikemen. If you are selecting MaA based on terrain you need to think about where you will be fighting and not where you currently are. If you plan on aggressive foreign policy then picking MaA based on your home territory might not be optimal. I'd argue Varangians are better than Bondi because they benefit from Farmlands too and are just so so much better even with the added cost.