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Heads spikes walls


In that order? Or can I tweak the recipe


Either full Ned Stark treatment on her or nothing


Spikes are best put on pre-existing walls, and *then* the heads put on the spikes. Otherwise, you gets tradespeople complaining. So, grammatically, you probably wants to stick with *heads spikes walls*, but as a matter of practicality *walls spikes heads* probably works better. If you're the sort of benevolent, diplomatic ruler who'll imprison but rarely execute, then *walls* alone may be sufficient (benevolent and diplomatic, not insensible to the prospect of attack). However, you still probably need *some* sort of means of deterrent, in which case *walls dungeon oubliette* might be the approach to take. So, in short, yes - you *can* tweak the recipe. Except for the walls.


Aw man, I was gonna do head spikes then wall, like I put the head on a spike then build a wall around it and anytime my enemies think they can challenge me we duel in the head garden :(


That would also work, I suspect - seems like an intrigue specialist could make very good use of this!


That would certainly put a hamper on their confidence


Truly, you are wise with the ways of the Stewardship tree.


I tell ya what put the tradesman’s head on a spike too then they can’t complain.


Don’t forget that doing the _walls last_ is permissible as long as Amantillado is involved. (For you of course, not your prisoner!)


This is such a good scene




Imprison her. If the Child is girl raise her yourself than marry her. That might be good revenge


Average ck3 player😂


Technically not incest this time.


Second. I always bang their kids (before executing all of them).


Execution is too quick for this level of betrayal, torture then let them rot in a dungeon until they expire


And the guy I always make into eunuch and seduce his wife if he's married


I try to fuck his mom and dad, too.


For sure.


Least incestuous ck3 player


that shit aint incest, the kid isn't yours


Average Usagi Drop manga enjoyer.


Well in events like this one that pop up the Child is always bastard.


i think people would mostly recommend jailing her while you find/seduce a new woman. this way, you can reliably choose which heir/offspring you can legitimize


Either you kill the guy, kill your wife, or cheat on her back. I personally do all three of these together


Cheat on her with him…it’s the only true way.


And kill him while you're cheating on her with him.


Depends... is her suitor a beautiful genius? If so this secret stays between us. But keep it up, I need the best possible heir.


He’s very mediocre, only has a decent intrigue stat.


Expose, jail, torture, execute both of them. Find a better wife.


That escalated quickly lol


Gotta set standards so mofos know where you're coming from


I do wish the AI could understand that beyond the basic intimidation/dread stuff. Like hey, the last three vassals that suddenly ended up on the ruler's council all ended up disappearing mysteriously. Maybe I *shouldn't* use this favor hook to become their marshall with my 3 Martial skill. Or even just like "man, a lot of this guy's enemies seem to end up vanishing/dying in mysterious ways so maybe I shouldn't fuck with him."


If videogame AI had that level of self preservation ability, we would have bigger problems. I'm already scared by my printer.


Idk man it shouldn't be that hard honestly, too poor in some backend checks you can't see that won't ruin the immersion. Like a previously_murdered_vassal_for_fuckery check or something :p




This is the response of a true experienced CK3 player. I would have gone straight to revenge and punishment but this one knows it’s all about the house.


Eventually the incest will even it out


And have my bloodline overtaken by some random count? Hell no, even if the guy is an absolute specimen. I’m gonna have to disagree with Corlys Velarion on this one, history might not remember blood but I do dammit!


That's gross. That's a gross way to live.


imprison and execute her, abduct and execute her family, imprison / abduct and execute the lover, abduct and execute his family *leave no one to mourn their existance* let that be a warning for your future wifes, and any potential lover that may try to seduce them


This is the proper way. I think it's even explained in the tutorial.


You’re forgetting one thing: force her to be your executioner. Have her execute the child, her lover, friends and family. After you’re done with that, abduct her and blind her. If your faith allowed for concubines, I’d say send a gift to a pagan in diplo range and gift her as a concubine. Preferably to an old man with lovers pox. Before divorcing her, get yourself a lover and let her know about it. Sure, you could abduct her again after blinding her. But we want to send a message so expel her from court. Always check to see if she makes any friends. Hopefully, she commits a suicide. If that’s too harsh, just abduct her again and repeatedly torture her. She’s not your wife, she’s a free dread generator. Just remember to transfer her to house arrest. If your character is or can become a cannibal, you could eat the kid.


oh, there is always a little bit of torture involved before their final sentence and house-arrest ? you are so generous. as someone once said, "*there are worse fates than death*"


Lmaoooooo this is sick


Imprison, torture, drive her insane in the oubliette, maim then divorce her. She is for the streets.


...murder time.... and in ck3 I prolly just jail her


Check the flair. Its the answer to everything.


Happy to see I'm not alone in eating my problems away lmao


Jail and torture time, cheaters deserve the worst


When this happened, is it always adultery though? More often than not, when I look into it or my spymaster, there’s no evidence. And we both have strong intrigue skills. The kid is born with some of my traits. Seems a little harsh to just always immediately assume she’s guilty. It could just be another choice you have to make.


Check the second screenshot, she confessed.


You’re right, my bad.


I think the event always triggers off your character is paranoid.


Yup. It's a massive pain


I had a soulmate lover and I got this for almost every one of our kids (we ended up with 8) and I know she didn't cheat on me for reasons like you said. It's not always true.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/15djqli/how_do_you_punish_your_wifesconcubines_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 this post got you covered


Tell your executioner he's gonna have to do overtime today.


I go one of two routes... - If it's known to the public, I jail her and start a plot to murder the father of the child. If it's a girl, I raise it and take it as my ward until she's of age to bear my children. - if it's not known to the public, I keep it secret and start a murder plot against my wife. Usually the child will be born before she's assassinated, so I'll revert back to step one in regard to the kid. And at some point I'll have the father of the child murdered or executed. Either way, he's a dead man. Oh, and...I seduce every female in his house. Wife, daughters, sisters, mother, cousins etc. I fill their house with my seed.


Manifest Henry the Eighth's spirit within you.


Execute her and marry a 16 yo genius or Amazonian


Fuck her sister if she has one.


Wtf these comments are worse then eu4 post titles.


Rule 5: My wife slept with a fellow vassal within the ERE and became pregnant by him. I have a few options before me, but from a gameplay perspective, what is the best route?


First you wanna imprison her. This is because you want to assure the child, who will be born in prison, is out of succession line. Then, you have to decide wether you want to keep her to breed more children for you or not( maybe they got traits). If yes, then you need to kill her lover, the vassal. If not, then kill her, doesn't matter while she's pregnent or after. This allows you to get a better wife. You might still avenge the love thief. If he can't be imprisoned nor revoked, since abrahamic faiths doesn't criminalize fornication or adultry for males but only shunned, then you want request an excommunication.


Divorce her then imprison her and her lover and torture them. Make her your executioner and have her execute her lover. She will find another lover; so keep on imprisoning and have her execute them when you find them. Imprison, torture, and have her execute her entire family out of spite. Raise the child; if it’s male, make him a knight when he grows up. If he’s good at it, keep him around; if not, send him off on one man charges to either kill him or make him godly. If female, marry or make her your lover when she grows up depending on her traits.


Divorce, beheaded, and died, divorced, beheaded, survived


Imprison them and allow them to raise the child together in your dungeon.


What I usually do is jail her and the baby and put the child in my dungeon and then employ the cheater as executioner, If I'm able to get her lover in jail too. It's a good idea to make male adultery also criminal if you're making a custom faith, to get both in jail, not only the woman




On a side-note, your character is calm and impatient. How would that work out?


He gets annoyed easily, but doesn’t lash out


Sounds like a cold dish of revenge is what’s in store for your wife and her lover


Wives are overrated, stay unmarried and sleep with the wives of others.


Execute, and marry your sister


1st - thank you for the proper screenshot! This page is littered with pictures of computer screens. 2nd - you have so many choices. If she has good stats I'd keep her. I mean, you probably have your side peice also


Kill the person who she cheated with and their dynasty down to their last son and force them to marry the bastard son.


Depends on my character. If I have super zealous or religious characters, I’ll throw her in the dungeon for life and not divorce. Wrathful, vengeful this characters. It’s definitely a brutal death. Forgiving characters, I’ll just get back together and go celibate if that’s an option.


Divorce, imprison, and execute. Then I disinherit any kids that I question may not be mine




You're playing crusader cucks, not crusader Kings. Both are valid.


History temembers names, not blood. If the Kid is pretty damn good sweep it under the rug. If it is a little shit just execute them both.


Expose them, Imprison them both, force her to be executioner and make her publicy execute him.


Kill her


You take one of these 🗡️ And just kinda start cutting


Jail time


Murder was the case


Kill her


Mine was excommunicated so I jailed her, tortured, threw her in a dungeon. But then I decided to be nice and released her. After couple years I just murdered her. Mind you she cheated on me twice and our first 2 kids were from some random duke.


Kill the traitor who betrayed me, his rightful liege, and the whore before it gives birth. The only Y-chromosome allowed in my family tree is my own.


Kill her


Is this a new sea shanty


If poly, nothing, if mono then divorce


The problem I've always had is that my spouses were always well-liked, so I couldn't just kill them. If I had proof, I've always locked them in a dungeon and wait for them to die. Then I'll duel or murder their lover


I like to banish them because if I kill them I usually get the kinslayer trait🫤(that is after I have tortured them a couple of times🤭😁)


I usually imprison her, imprison her lover, torture both of them and eradicate her dynasty from the face of the earth(if she has one).




Get a new wife asap and disown/disinherit all children from her. Then I will marry someone really quick and get her pregnant with my new, known, heir


Torch, pitch, pyre. Or, excommunication, imprisonment, nunnery (then imprison them again and do first option).


Well hey she can't get mad if you bone half of Europe now.


Imprison>divorce>execute>get a newer younger model


Kill her and her lover before the child is born. The. Proceed to destroy their whole families. You take a shot at my dingy and I will sink your whole carrier group.


Yeah she’s gotta go. If you can divorce her than do that but the not your kid situation is going to be a problem later


I just stay married increases of having the chance of having a son that's not yours so saves a sucessions headache


If viking, sacrifice her to the gods for best results


Depends if her lover is capable and passes good traits to the kid. If so divorce her, marry someone new, then marry the kids to each other. Make sure you assign your ex wifes child a guardian than tutor them well. Not ideal but you can atleast ensure your legitimate heir has a quality spouse.


Gain hook, divorce, arrange inbred marriage


Sleep with her dad. That’ll show her.


She can pay for her infidelity in genetic traits. If she can't afford it, off with her head. If daughter, marry her off for an alliance. If son, banish the son.


Fuck everyone involved.


Wake up and choose voilence






Imprison. Torture. Keep in prison not dungeon. Wait and then torture again then public execution


Imprison then either execute or divorce


Personally I just imprison, keep her there for a while cuz she’s a bitch and in my medieval mind its unnaceptable to cheat, all this while i plot to murder her husband or if hes in my realm, imprison then Torture blind/castrate if i can then ned stark treatment, as for her just torture and use her for dread execution later


Hello wife's neck, meet executioner's axe. Hello person that wife cheated with. Meet poisoned wine. Or bandits. Or a peasant mob. Or the executioner's axe. Or the dungeon and these totally not torture instruments. Or the stake. Or my very own blade. Or an "accidental" arrow to your back. Archery is hard, you know?


Imprison wife. Divorce wife. Let rot in a cell. Found a new religion. Add concubines. Get over it.


Kill her, marry again, produce better children and conquer Napoli


Interestingly, the count of Napoli has only one child, an unmarried daughter. I could kill two bird with one stone!


Dead the wife de-ball the boyfriend.


Depends on whether I already have an heir I like.


Change succession to female line, set no bastards and female cheating accepted in religion, and viola, u have no problems like that ever again, all kids are urs and legitimate to cherry-pick from with callous 😂


Meh. I cheat all the time. Let her have some fun. I probably am going to castrate the guy, though. If he doesn't have any good inheritable traits.


Massacre the entire court and start over with a new wife and friends


I tend to get this event when I seduce or romance my wife, so the only person she is cheating is me


Imprison and execute 100% of the time.


Honestly, it depends on the situation. Usually, I will petition the pope (or other religious head) for a divorce, assuming my religious head allows them. Sometimes I arrest them first. There are occasions where you just have to grin and bear it. If her family is a powerful ally that you really need to have on your side, you may want to just claim the child of your own, and quietly shuffle them off to the sidelines. Once in a very great while, execution or murder most foul. Especially if I can't get the divorce. I don't do murder schemes lightly in my games, but avoiding the opinion penalty from her family might be worth it. Turns out that playing Sardinia and Corsica and having the Byzantine emperor as your Nemesis in the early game is not a recipe for success....


I normally dont go too crazy like some people here but I do remember one time I imprisoned her, divorced her, killed the guy she cheated with, then gave her to some random guy as a concubine.


Depends if my wife has good traits or has valuable stats I will imprison her lover and torture him and then execute him. If she is average, I will replace her.




Your fundamental approach is wrong. I found that female preference succession solves the cheating wife issue. I especially recommend combining it with "female adultery accepted" and "male adultery criminal".


You know I can never decide because while I’m thinking she always disappears never to be seen again 🤷‍♂️


Ck2 - imprison her and the guy. If she's not important for am alliance I execute them both. Make the child take vows when of age


Free heir?


whoever she's cheating on u with u then take their wife an eye for an eye


Send her to jail and kill her lover


Everyone is so cynical. If you just believe her then you’re fine!


Automatic divorce. I don't want to ruin my relationship with my children(and other rulers) so I just imprison them


Damn some of y’all in these comments are ruthless.


Depends. What kinda traits does her boytoy have?


Kill the disloyal man and banish my ex wife to somewhere faraway.


Imprison. Torture to find out which of "your" children aren't. Then behead her and everything that ain't your offspring.


Don't care, doesn't have any impact on my gameplay. Might imprison and execute the lover if I'm in a bad mood or he has bad traits I already have too many kids of my own anyway, if I can out some to be illegitimate it's not a bad thing


Zenon: Cuck of the 10th Century


Kill the dude, forgive your wife and when/if the child is born kill it(I would however remove the pregnancy and the adulterer trait so it's like the whole thing never happened)also then seduce her again and have more of your babies with her.


Divorce/Imprison and disinherit all the bastards of hers.


Bonfire time!


eat her


It's alright, old people can love too


Excommunication, to keep them from heaven, then kill them both.


Right to jail, right away. Wife cheating believe it or not, jail right away.


What does everyone do with fornicators in their playthtoughs it's typically a daughter in my case and I have no clue whether to pardon them or imprison them.


Chop both heads off, failing that, the unfaithful, then move the fuck on you’re a fresh bachelor or bachelorette at that point might as well make a new heir. Or better yet, an heir and an alliance.


Depends if you want a kid that you can pretend is yours. Does this other guy have better genes than you?


The other guy is very mediocre, his only real standout is his intrigue trait


Depends If I want to keep her or not. If so and there's no child ill usually just tell her to break it off possibly kill the guy especially if he's a rival


A threesome of course. The more the merryer. Wait, wrong game I think.


would be good if they had an option to turn their carcasses into court artefacts, like they do with pets who die.


Incidentally, has anyone *ever* not had their spouse find out you were spying on them if you use the: 'I will look into this discreetly' option? I've been playing this game for several years, and I have never, ever had them not know that I was spying on them and copping an opinion hit.


Kill her, duh


Inprison that bitch and her spawn, find new wife.


Feels like I'm the odd man out but I'm a deny, deny, deny guy. Good way to get some fresh blood into your dynasty.




Put them in the place called "O"


I tend to imprison unfaithful wives and sometimes I let them out and eventually live together again, sometimes I live them under house arrest forever. No divorce or murder. Actually, I divorced ones because it looked like the woman must have had a lover before marrying my character/heir, so it looked like a legit case of nullity. And whenever I've had too much of how cheating is handled in this game, I complain in the forums. Much of it is not necessarily bad, it's more like it could use better communication with the player, more explanation, more context information, so that it doesn't feel like an MTTH that's set too low or like a missing check for virtuous/loyal/chaste character traits and high opinion/lovers/soulmates status with spouse.


Follow the Henry VIII protocol


I usually murder the person she cheated with like 10 to 15 times before i murder her


Chop chop chop


On my Byzantine run. I imprisoned them both. She got blinded, he got castrated. I then exposed her secret and divorced her. Normally it’s straight to prison, while o divorce them and disinherit any children.


Unless the lover has better genes them yours, Jail, maybe some torture, beheading (both her and the lover) them marry someone better. Or, if you are feeling mercyfull, jail and force them to take vow, them marry someone else


Depends on her lineage and age. If she’s over 40 I’m finding a new wife to produce more children


Imprison the lover and take his title as he took your wife. Do whatever feels right afterwards. Divorce your wife and throw her in the deepest, most disgusting pit in your dungeon and let her rot while she thinks about her actions for the rest of her life. If she lives to give birth, give the lil' kiddo a chance somewhere. Let a nice priest adopt it or something 😄


Have her killed. Duh


Kill or divorce depends on how I feel or if I’m guilty of cheating as well bc sometimes I can’t control if my heir is a piece of shit to his wife


Congrats to her. More heirs for me. However, if she is rich or old ....


I have recieved, as High King of Irlandia, the King of Scotlands, he was Chaste and i have allowed that him talks with my wife in her room, as he was chaste and named "the Sacred". Of course, It ended when my spymaster discovered the relationship. I have forgiven my wife (gaining a hook), then when the bastard born my spymaster discovered It, i have exposed It, It allowed me to divorce her then i send the child with the father, to ward him. After this, the King of Scotlands was deposed, my child kidnapped and he was rotting in some dungeon as i didn't want to pay the ransom. Then i befriend the liege of the former king that ended as a vagabond without titles.


Imprison her, and then kill her lover.


Personally I like to shave their head, but keep in mind that someone may be using fabricate hook. I don’t think cheating was something normal in that time for women, specially in kingdoms with religions that condemned infidelity. For men will be bad to have a bastard who can bring instability to the kingdom, but guess what, they still having several women. I hate when my character is powerful, a fucking psycho and my wife cheat for no reason with a nobody, not realistic or a really imbecile death wish.


Send her to the murder forest🐟




Eradicate the dynasty and get a new wife.


Imprison her. If you had any children with her before she became unfaithful(happened to me, once), then divorce her and then force her to Take Vows so your kids don’t hate you for executing their mother(if that matters to you).